History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 642: : Hidden kill! Shen Lang and then Jiang away! (Seeking a monthly pass)

Is this sinking?

Shen Lang was awkward, and then carefully looked at her face, her eyes, her temperament.

This is the incomparable sinking of her once baby? Is this the time he often held his arms in his childhood? Feed melon seeds to her to eat?

it is true? Still fake?

Shen Lang can't see any flaws at all. It really can't be seen a little. The gentleness and kindness that penetrates into the bones seems to be impossible to cover up.

When I saw the appearance of Shen Lang, Shen Yu also made a mistake.

The fake Xu Wei couldn't help but sigh slowly: "No. 121935, what are you doing here? There is no mission here."

The two people really know each other, and they are the same kind of people. They are all ancient humans.

It turned out that this person is No. 121,935, but Xu Wei does not know that the person is dead, and Shen Lang has become his appearance.

And this name is very strange, this group of ancient new humans actually have no name, but completely code.

There are a total of 300,000 new humans in the past. Is that the higher the ranking, the stronger the strength?

Shen Lang played this person in the ranking of more than 120,000, just about the average.

Shen Lang pointed to Zhu Hongxue: "Give him to me, I will take it away."

Xu Xudao said: "No. 121935, please remember your identity and remember your mission. Your mission is to find all the rebel positions outside. The task of arresting Zhu Hongxue has nothing to do with you. In your capacity, Unable to complete this task."

She still did not recognize the fact that this ancient envoy was fake, but only severely warned him.

Jiang Yan has been staring at Shen Lang and wants to find something, as if he has not found it.

Shen Lang said faintly: "Give me the red snow."

False Xu Yan's face changed, this is not normal. At this time, the Jiang Empire is extremely strict. Every ancient human number determines all authority. It is completely insurmountable. Those with the highest ranking are ranked lower. People have absolute command rights.

Suddenly, this fake Xu Yan stepped back and took out the ancient sword, cold channel: "Please show your number."

Shen Lang's eyes flashed, and it was easy to show the number of 121,935 in the pupil.

He is very strong now and can pretend to be everything.

False Xu Wei is even more wrong. What happened? This man dared to defy her orders.

"Take him, grab the emperor, dissect the anatomy, and see where the problem is." Xu Xuan coldly said: "Get it."

Suddenly, more than a dozen ancient humans rushed to Shen Lang.


Everyone's weapon releases a powerful current.

Just like countless lightnings, hit the whole body of Shen Lang.

However... these currents hit the Shenlang and there was no reaction at all.

Instead... he was swallowed up by him.

Shen Lang himself was shocked, his body, so... against the sky? It’s terrible!

Then, Shen Lang suddenly raised his hand.

"Oh..." The lightning that had just been swallowed slammed out.

Suddenly the three ancient human warriors flew out directly and lost their mobility in a short time.

But another dozen people still rushed over.


Shen Lang launched several energy vortices in succession.

Suddenly, more than a dozen ancient human bodies smashed most of the time and then flew far away.

This energy whirlpool is really arrogant, and it is much stronger than before.

But... After these ancient human warriors flew out, their bodies were clearly crushed, and they should have died.

But there is no death, and the body that has been crushed has gradually condensed and resumed growth.

I... I am!

Shen Lang is also shocked by this, is the ancient human being so arrogant? Is the ancient human being transformed by Jiang away so strong?

The energy vortex of Shen Lang has been much stronger than before. At that time, he won the singer and he was killed by a stroke. Now he can't kill an ancient human warrior, and it is still the most common kind.

That means, just an ancient human warrior, Wu Gongxiu is far more than the victory at that time?

This... This is too exaggerated, it is terrible.

You know, there are a total of 300,000 such ancient new humans under the shackles of Jiang. How can this be played?

Next, Shen Lang constantly released the energy vortex, but each time it can only defeat these ancient human warriors.

Even if they are crushed, they can still be restored.

In this way, more than a dozen ancient human warriors are constantly approaching, surrounded by Shen Lang.

Xu Wei looked at Shen Lang and then left with Zhu Hongxue and Jiang Yan.

"Take him, cut his mind, bring back to the emperor to dissect, see what happened, why did he betray my order?" Xu Xuan ordered.

"Yes!" These ancient new human warriors immediately changed the way of fighting.

They used the most primitive approach and collided.

But... is a terrible collision, the whole body instantly becomes transparent, and then accelerates madly, like an energy cannonball, slamming into the sinking waves.


More than a dozen ancient human warriors surrounded the waves, and lightning strikes and bombards.

Everyone hits 30 times per second, which means that the waves are subject to five hundred impacts per second.

And each time this impact is equivalent to a super energy bomb.

It is totally unimaginable that these ancient human attacks were so strange.

Shen Lang’s body was hit by madness and there was a violent bang.

It really seems like a myriad of bombs detonated.

"Booming and banging..."

Almost in the blink of an eye, a huge cliff a few hundred meters high is in the shock wave caused by this impact.

The Shen Lang was also dizzy by this impact explosion.

But the most important thing is that he was trapped and trapped by the crazy impact of these dozens of ancient humans.

The energy vortex is not working, too late.

These ancient human warriors are almost immortal, and they are hitting too fast.

However, in this kind of impact, Shen Lang can see their own body, but also burned in an inch and an inch.

At this time, Xu Xuan fled with Zhu Hongxue and Jiang Yan, and it was getting farther and farther.

No, you must change this passive situation immediately.

How should these ancient new humans be eliminated? Just now, the fake Xu Wei said, cut off his brain and brought it back to the Imperial College for research.

Now Shen Lang will find a way to cut off the heads of these people.

But how to cut it off?

When Shen Lang was hit, he quickly realized the inside of his brain.

To some extent, Shen Lang’s current body is also zero. Everything must be self-conscious, develop by himself, and all attacks can be done.

Shen Lang’s brain was running fast. At that time, he wore the ancient king’s ring and, with the heart of the dragon, was able to hold all the ancient weapons and equipment, even including the dragon’s regret.

Now his mental strength is much stronger than before, can he fix these ancient new humans.

Shen Lang’s brain quickly formed a mental energy equation.

After a few minutes!

A powerful spiritual equation that bursts out of the body.

The surrounding air is slightly oscillating.

Just like a small bomb exploded.

In an instant, more than a dozen ancient new human warriors were fixed and motionless.

Next, Shen Lang’s sword is like electricity.


In an instant, all the heads of more than a dozen ancient human warriors were smashed down.

This is not counting, directly cut the head and remove the brain inside.

Sure enough, as Shen Lang expected, their brains were no longer the brains of normal people, but were wrapped in a crystal of soul energy by Hell Crystal.

In the same year, Jiang Xiu separated their souls from the body, and then wrapped them in **** crystals, hitting the spacecraft and launching into space, avoiding the ancient deaths.

After returning to this world, he used the sentiment of the senior dragon to shape the body of energy for this group of ancient humans.

You don't need the ancient armor, because the energy of every ancient human being is already very powerful, not only invulnerable. Even the energy vortex can withstand, and it can be quickly repaired by breaking it. It is completely immortal. It is too bad.

At this time, the souls of these **** crystals are still alive, as long as they enter the dome, as long as they are inside the energy, they can recover immediately.

Jiang Li actually did this, at least to a certain extent, he really transformed humans more powerful.

This newcomer category goes to Mars, even if you go to Venus, Saturn, Jupiter can live. Therefore, such a new human being, it is appropriate to go to interstellar colonization.

And it is very difficult to completely eliminate these ancient human souls, because the crystals of **** are completely protected, it is an extremely strong and soft energy body, and it is impossible to be destroyed by anything.

The Queen of Darkness is so powerful that she condenses herself into a light spot, and when it hits at the speed of light, it hits a hole in the crystal of hell.

At least Shen Lang can't get a hole in the **** crystal even if he has a hole, so he can't really kill any ancient human soul.

Shen Lang holds more than a dozen ancient human souls in his hands, squeezing them fiercely, and instantly condenses into a bead-like thing.

what is this? Hell soul beads?

The swell of the year was really ignorant and fearless. He even put the Hell Soul on the sword of the dragon, and then thought that the Ji's dragon released the energy vortex.

As everyone knows, this is the most terrible thing in the world.

Next, Shen Lang smashed the soul of Hell in his arms and rushed away in the direction of the fake Xu Wei.


At this time, the fake Xu Wei has taken Jiang Yan and Zhu Hongxue to ride on the ultrasonic flying beast and fly directly into the sky.

Shen Lang immediately rushed to the west side of the Duke of Xuanwu, and rode another flying beast to catch up. This is a flying beast of the Tianya Haige.

"Who are you? Who are you?" Xu Wei shouted: "You can beat more than a dozen new humans. This is impossible. Who are you?"

Shen Lang instinctively wants to release the energy vortex and directly destroy the ultrasonic energy beast in front, but he still can't bear it.

Because every time he sees an ultrasonic flying beast, he will think of Dachao, the fierce and cute thing.


Shen Lang suddenly released the spiritual energy.

In an instant, the ultrasonic flying beast flying in front was directly fixed in the air, completely motionless and fell directly.

Xu Xuan immediately grabbed Zhu Hongxue, grabbed Jiang Yan and jumped directly. When he was one meter away from the ground, the body released a strong cushioning force and gradually landed.

In the next second, the fake Xu Wei will put the ancient sword on the pink neck of Jiang Yan's neck, and scream toward the cold wave: "You don't come over, otherwise I will kill her immediately."

The fake Xu Yan hand slightly used force, Jiang Yan Princess's pink neck immediately appeared a red blood.

Before the ancient human wounds were damaged, there was no bleeding, and the Princess Jiang Yan had blood flowing out.

"Who are you? Who are you? What happened to you?" Xu Xu said: "Any ancient human being can not defy the command of the upper peak, even if it is broken, it will not defy. Who are you?"

In the world structure of Jiang Li, it is absolutely hierarchical, the shape of the absolute pyramid, the superior is bigger than the sky, even if it is broken, the ancient humans will not defy the superiors, this is the suppression from the depths of the will.

They are not robots, but from the degree of obedience, they are exactly the same as robots.

Shen Lang slowly walked over.

Xu Xuan Li said: "You don't come over, otherwise I will kill her immediately! You have to save the red snow, this woman is the daughter of Shen Lang, the princess of the Dagan Empire, a hundred times more noble than Zhu Hongxue, if I kill him You can't afford the responsibility."

"Who are you? The Dagan Empire cannot rebel against any ancient human being. Who are you?" Xu Xuan’s voice is sharp. From this point of view, these ancient humans are not robots, they also have their own emotions and beliefs. They believe in Jiang Li, and firmly believe that their race is the most perfect. Under the leadership of Jiang Lixia, they can afford the task of saving the world.

But now there is an ancient human betrayal, she feels very subversive.

Shen Lang slightly raised his head.

In an instant, the fake Xu Wei was fixed.

The level of this fake Xu Wei is still not high enough. Although she is the body of energy, she still does not exceed the principle of the ancient armor. There is still a core of energy. Her heart is a small energy core that provides the power of the whole body.

Shen Lang came to her and took out the ancient blade, the blade that could release tens of thousands of degrees Celsius and slammed into the chest of fake Xu.

But... I couldn’t stab.

The body of this energy is too strong, the level of this fake Xu Wei is much higher than the dozens of ancient humans just now, and the ancient war blade can not be opened.

Next, Shen Lang brewed the energy vortex, and began to shrink and ensure that its power is strong enough.

The energy vortex of the last three meters in diameter was reduced to only ten centimeters in diameter, and it was pointed at the chest position of the fake Xu Wei.


In an instant, Xu Xu’s body was directly penetrated, and a hole of ten centimeters in diameter appeared in the heart.

Her energy heart also flew straight out, dropped to the ground, intact, and still beating.

Shen Lang walked over and picked up this energy heart. It turned out to be soft, and it used the golden liquid, which was dragon blood.

This is actually the heart of the dragon, and it is the heart of the dragon after the upgrade. It turned out to be just a device. Now it has become a heart prosthesis, crystal clear and exudes a blue luster. The energy vortex that Shen Lang was so strong can not hurt this energy heart, it is too powerful.

Jiang Li is really... too strong.

The heart of the dragon was made by him, and now even the heart of energy is created, and the dragon blood is used as the driving force.

too terrifying.

Shen Lang once again came to the face of fake Xu Wei, she has completely changed back to her own appearance, and is still a beautiful ancient woman.

Despite losing the energy heart, this fake Xu Wei is still alive, but the body can no longer move, and even the mouth can not move, but still can communicate with the spirit.

"What is your number?" asked Shen Lang.

The fake Xu Wei did not respond, but after a while, her eyes showed a line of numbers: "19999."

No, she went to 19999.

Shen Lang slashed her neck with a tens of thousands of degrees Celsius sword, but she couldn't cut it at all. Her neck was so tough, it was amazing.

Therefore, Shen Lang can only use the energy vortex again, and it is a condensed energy vortex, and suddenly cut her head down.

Directly cut the head of the skull, take out his brain and condense into the Hell Soul.

At this time, Princess Jiang Yan softly said: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Shen Lang did not answer him.

Princess Jiang Yan said: "Is your father sent by you? You are the empire of the Dagan Empire, right?"

Shen Lang still did not answer him, but came to the front of Zhu Hongxue, his fingers gently released a current, a spiritual force, hitting his heart and brain.

In an instant, I wish Red Snow has recovered.

He stood up and looked at the body of Xu Xuan on the ground intricately.

For a while, he said: "Actually, my martial arts are more than them."

When he said this sentence, his tone was full of unwillingness. His martial arts were cultivated by himself. It is obviously stronger than these ancient humans, but the other side seems to be open and hanging, whether it is physical or spiritual.

"His Royal Highness, let's go." Zhu Hongxue turned to Jiang.

Then he turned and looked at Shen Lang: "This lord, although you saved us, but I am very sorry, I received the order to bring the Princess to the bright land and return to our own empire. In order to protect us The land of light, protecting our empire, I can't take you."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang is very strange.

The empire of Jiang Li has been strong enough to make people suffocate, and the bright land of the commander of Tianya Haige should be weaker than the Jiang Empire. Jiang can crush the destruction of the land with a finger.

However, now that twenty-nine years have passed, this bright land has survived and is already under the banner of the Great Emperor.

Why is this? How does the land of light survive in the claws of Ginger?

And looking at their equipment, watching their rebel army, it seems very lonely.

According to Shen Lang’s speculation, the bright land of Tianya Haige should be in the vast desert, and countless people have explored the vast desert before, and all failed.

Is there a special energy here, so it protects the Tianya Haige, not destroyed by the empire.

In fact, it is even more magical than this.

Ginger from the Empire sent countless people into the desert, even the very powerful ancient human warriors, and countless strategic air forces.

But... the **** is that you can’t find out where this bright place is.

Almost every inch of the ground has been turned over, completely without seeing the land of light, completely without seeing the end of the world, is the endless desert, tens of thousands of miles of desert.

And the vast desert here is beyond the claws of the empire, outside the claws of Hell Crystal, not his home.

So decades have passed.

This land of light is like a magical place that is completely invisible.

You know that it is there, but you can never find it there, and you are even less able to enter.

So even though Jiang is a powerful multiplier from the Empire, he has not found the entrance to the land of light. On the contrary, the land of light continued to send warriors to the territory of Jiang from the empire, to carry out various sabotage and rescue operations, and to establish various positions.

At this time, Shen Lang saved Zhu Hongxue, but Zhu Hongxue still did not dare to bring Shen Lang into the bright land.

Because Jiang is in the glory of the empire in order to penetrate into the land of light, it is completely useless, it is hard to prevent.

Then, how does Red Snow decide that this Princess Jiang Yan is not pretending to be an ancient human being, because Tianya Haige has its own set of systematic judgments.

Ancient humans are even more like changes, but they are totally different from real humans. The body of energy and the body of flesh and blood, after all, are still different. It took almost a decade for Tianya Haige to dissect the energy of thousands of ancient humans, and this has found a way to distinguish.

This method of distinction is completely top secret, and only a few high-level executives can master it.

I wish the red snow has been checked. In front of me, this Princess Jiang Yan is the flesh and blood of human beings, not the body of energy.

"His Royal Highness, let's go." Zhu Hongxue said.

Princess Jiang Yan looked at Shen Lang, and Shen Lang looked at her.

Now Shen Lang can probably distinguish the energy of the ancient human beings, what is the difference between the flesh and blood of normal human beings.

Very very subtle difference, but the band released is still different.

Another point is that when he releases a band, the penetration of the body of energy and the body of flesh and blood is different.

The Princess Jiang Yan in front of me is indeed the body of flesh and blood, and there is a big difference between the body of energy of fake Xu Wei.

After a long while, Princess Jiang Yan suddenly shouted: "Dad!"

The voice was tempted, trembling, and looking forward to it. The words were completely shocked.

On the other side, Zhu Hongxue was completely shocked, and looked at Shen Lang unbelievably.

This...this is impossible. How did Shen Lang’s majesty become this look?

This is totally impossible. I wish Red Snow is not recognized at all.

"Dad..." Princess Jiang Yan slammed into the arms of Shen Lang and cried: "I know it is you, I know it must be you."

This... this is bizarre.

Shen Lang did not reveal any flaws. How did Jiang Yan recognize it?

"This is a feeling, a very mysterious feeling." Princess Jiang Yan shivered: "Whenever I dream, I often see Dad, the feeling of trembling, the feeling of trembling, I am too familiar. No matter what you change What we look like, we can recognize it, my sister told us that she said that everyone has their own different energy field, she taught us to feel, to go to the energy position of all relatives such as father, mother, etc. It is an emotional resonance, and the big devil does not know this because he has no emotion."

Jiang Yan said it makes a lot of sense.

At least this moment, Shen Lang really felt emotional resonance, and the feeling of hugging the baby girl when he was a child came immediately.

This... this is really a sinking baby.

Shen Lang suddenly held her in her arms and desperately sniffed her breath.

Baby girl, his baby daughter.

But... Shen Lang still feels wrong.

Feel a very dangerous and dangerous atmosphere.


Jiang Yan’s eyes turned blue and then released an endless spiritual attack.


Shen Lang’s brain was blank for a moment, as if a spiritual nuclear bomb exploded in his mind, and the whole person flew straight out.

I wished the red snow to stay, and then immediately reacted, and violently pulled the sword toward the Princess Jiang Yan.

Because he knows that Princess Jiang’s martial arts is very general, almost no, how can there be a strong attack power?

However, when there is still one meter away from Jiang Yan, the body of Zhu Hongxue will be fixed in an instant, and it will not move.

Princess Jiang Yan’s fingers, erected and erected, set a wish for red snow.

"Shen Lang Majesty, I am like you, the strength of the hands, but there is a strong spirit." Jiang Yan Princess went to the front of Shen Lang, said: "You know, why me There is no flaw in the body, it is completely human flesh and blood? Why can I sense that you are a father? It should be true that emotional resonance is true, and emotional fluctuations are also true. Even this body is the body of Princess Jiang Yan, that is Your daughter."

It turns out that it is no wonder that Shen Lang and Zhu Hongxue are completely invisible, and this Jiang Yan is completely human.

"Your empire is more and more sneaky. We have been recognized by you in ancient times, but it has been recognized by you, so there is no way, we can only play that one, and win." This Princess Jiang Yan Road: "You can rest assured that your daughter's soul is still alive, only her soul is alive, so you will have emotional resonance when you see it. Only her soul can only huddle in a corner of the brain. I can't control this body, and my soul completely dominates this brain and body. Introduce myself, my name is Jiang Yan, and it is also the ancient Jiang's royal woman."

Jiang Yandao: "You have finally appeared after the smashing of the waves, it is really a waste of time to break through the iron shoes."

And it is at this time.

The dark clouds of the sky began to condense, and the snow began to sweep.

Then, the dark clouds in the sky have become a huge face, covering the entire sky, tens of miles.

That is... the face of Jiang Li!

"My son, the squad of the Dagan Empire, for twenty-nine years, I finally saw you again."


Note: The next chapter is updated around 12 o'clock. It really needs a monthly pass. Please enlighten me and raise my hand. Give me a hand, thank you!

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