History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 647: : Shen Lang Jiang is away from the game of Wang! (Seeking a monthly pass)

This scene is indeed full of ritual feelings.

As the sun sets, two black spots suddenly appear on the sun light that is about to fall, and it looks a bit like a sunspot.

After a while, the two black spots are getting closer and closer, and the two figures are getting bigger and bigger.

However, they still can't see their faces, only the vague outlines.

Princess Ning Han said: "Your Majesty, my teacher is back, and I am coming back with another person."

Her eyes looked at Shen Lang, as if asking, is the drama you said started?

Shen Lang nodded.

Princess Ning Han said: "Do I need to pick them up?"

Shen Langdao: "So far, this place is still only you can come in?"

Ning Han princess nodded: "Yes, in the eyes of everyone else, we can't see our desert city completely, only the boundless yellow sand, even the teacher is no exception. Would you like me to meet them? If you need to, I will go now. If you don't agree, I will wait a few days."

Shen Lang was silent for a long time, said: "Go now."

Princess Ning Han said: "Are you sure?"

Shen Langdao: "I am sure."

"Yes." Princess Ning Han went out, then rode a special mount and flew toward the west sky to meet left and another stranger.

Soon she disappeared into the field of vision.

Next, Shen Lang has been looking at the horizon.

The sun soon fell, and the night began to fall.

However, the entire Mojing City has been lit up, especially the Wangtian Totem, which has released a warm and bright light that illuminates the entire city.

This is amazing, this light is not as dazzling as the sun, but it is brighter than the moon.

In such a distant era, this ancient city-state completely solved the problem of night lighting.

The people in Mojing City are still busy working and training.

The life of Mojing is very regular and rigorous.

The children’s daily study time and nighttime sleep time are completely stipulated.

Adults are no exception, sleeping at 11 o'clock every night, not one minute late, nor one minute earlier.

No one is allowed to be an exception.

It is said that this kind of rigid life will be too monotonous, but in this desperate time, the well-defined life is conducive to the survival of the entire group.

Some people have prescribed what you should do every hour, but it is not easy to be embarrassed.

Although many people do the work and do things that are meaningless, there are things that are more important than anything else.

Shen Lang waited for a long time.

Because Ning Han brought people in, they needed to go through a hundred thousand turns of energy tunnels, and they couldn’t get in a little bit of mistake.

So it seems that the straight line is very close, but it is very difficult to get into the space barrier of the desert city, so it takes a long time.

Shen Lang has been waiting quietly.

My daughter has fallen asleep and is very sweet.

I wish Red Snow to come behind Shen Lang: "His Majesty, what will happen next?"

Shen Langdao: "Very interesting things."

I wish Hong Xuedao: "Is it dangerous?"

Shen Langdao: "Not dangerous, but very subversive."

I wish Red Snow for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, I will always stand on your side."

And it is at this time.

Suddenly, the three black shadows suddenly appeared in the field of vision, as if they had rushed into the bright vision of Mojing from the darkness outside.

Even at this distance, it can be seen clearly.

These three people are the Princess Ning Han, the left singer, and one person is actually... Shen Lang!

Yes, it is Shen Lang.

It is 100% consistent with the previous appearance.

I wished that Hong Xue had only glanced at him, and suddenly he was shocked, his eyes slammed, as if he couldn’t believe it in front of him.

He looked at the swell of the waves for a while, and looked at the swells on the side, his eyes fascinated, and the whole person seemed to be confused.

But soon, his eyes became firm.

"I am still saying that, I will always believe in you." Zhu Hongxue said.

Ning Han, Zuo Ci, and the Shen Lang landed on the Mojing Square.

After a while, the entire desert was boiling, and countless people poured out.

All the civil and military officials, all the warriors, all the survivors, and hundreds of thousands of people bravely came forward and bowed down to Shen Lang: "Long live the Emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Great Emperor, long live, long live!"

Hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison and their voices shook.

Excited and excited at all.

These hundreds of thousands of people were stunned on the ground, shouting again and again, and finally they couldn’t make a sound, fell to the ground, and couldn’t get up again.

For twenty-nine years, the entire high-level Tianya Haige told them innumerable times that Shen Lang’s majesty did not die. Shen Lang’s majesty would return to the emperor one day and save the world, leading everyone to defeat the dark empire, until then all People can return to their homeland, and by that time the whole world will be restored to light.

The repetition of lies will become truth in 10,000 times, not to mention that Shen Lang has created countless miracles, and before the dramatic changes in the world, he has indeed defeated the Emperor of the Great Yan and became the Lord of the East.

For more than two decades, similar words have been repeated tens of thousands of times.

Hundreds of thousands of people worship every day, like gods. Because of being in darkness and despair, they are especially eager to save the stars, so the halo of Shenlang is growing in their hearts every day.

This kind of halo enhancement effect lasted for more than twenty years, so Shen Lang is not a human being in their minds, but is almost God, omnipotent, and pinned all their hopes and beliefs.

This method is certainly not right, but there is no way to left the word, relying on the power of the Tianya Haige, it is never possible to defeat the dark empire, and the most crucial thing is... The energy of the ancient totem of Mojing has not been supported for a long time.

Nowadays, Shen Lang appears in front of these hundreds of thousands of people. It really seems like a long night, and a sun rises.

How can you not be excited, how can you not cry?

Even if I wish red snow, even including Shen Lang myself, I was strongly infected and completely horrified.

Hundreds of thousands of people have poured out all their worship and hope. This spirit is too strong, and Shen Lang can really feel the burning.

I wish the red snow trembles: "Your Majesty, this... This is why you are not willing to restore your true face immediately, see hundreds of thousands of people in Jingjing?"

Shen Lang nodded: "Yes."

I wish Red Snow immediately kneel down and bow down: "His holy light, long live down!"

If Shen Lang regained his true face early in the morning and went to see hundreds of thousands of people in Mojing, then he would certainly be worshipped, admired and cheered by hundreds of thousands of people.

But... at night, this fake swell wave is coming again, and it is brought by the left singer, what will happen?

Hundreds of thousands of people will see two waves?

what does this mean?

There must be one person who is fake, and even two people are fake.

The confidence of hundreds of thousands of people has completely collapsed.

They are now in the most fanatical, but also the most vulnerable moments.

Because all the auras of Shen Lang were added by the left singer and others, Shen Lang has not proved himself in front of these people.

So once this group of people has doubts in their hearts, the heart will basically collapse and it will be difficult to save.

To say a more direct statement, the hundreds of thousands of people in Mojing are now somewhat mentally ill-like, completely brainwashed, and unwilling to wake up in self-fantasy.

If there are two waves, it is to shred their dreams directly.

Therefore, if Shen Lang appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of people in advance, then the game between him and Jiang Li has not really started, it is over, and it has already lost.

A desert of confidence collapsed, no longer any effect.

This grand meeting lasted for several hours.

The worship and cheers of hundreds of thousands of people in Mojing continued for several hours.

Everyone shouted indefinitely, long lived my emperor, shouting long live the emperor, shouting long lived.

Until the sound was hoarse, the voice was exhausted.

Until eleven o'clock!

The left singer, the temporary prime minister of the Dagan Empire, ordered everyone to return to the room to rest, not to be one minute late.

At 6 o'clock tomorrow, wake up on time and continue to work and struggle for a new day.

In the eyes of countless reluctance, hundreds of thousands of people have generally faded and returned to their rooms.

Of course, tonight is definitely no sleep, because excited as if the blood is burning and boiling.


The light of the ancient totems is extinguished on time.

The entire desert city fell into the dark.

I wish Hong Xuedao: "Your Majesty, what should I do next?"

Shen Langdao: "Don't worry, I said that the good drama will soon start, and it will start at our home."

At this point, Princess Shen Shen has woken up, standing in the darkness and looking at the dark waves, softly said: "Dad, I will follow you later, okay?"

Shen Langdao: "No, you can sleep at home."

Princess Shen said: "I appeared with my father, maybe useful."

Shen Langdao: "You don't have to be a baby. Today's big drama is not just about two me. The kung fu is outside the poem. Remember the time twenty years ago?"

Princess Shen Yan said: "Remember, no matter what happened outside, our Paradise Manor is still happy and calm, as if nothing happened."

Shen Langdao: "So, you can continue to sleep."

"Okay." Princess Shen Shen returned to her room again, squatting into the bed, closing her eyes and sleeping.

And Shen Lang and Zhu Hongxue, still standing quietly waiting in the dark.

About half an hour later, Princess Ning Han came in.

She first spoke directly, but quickly took it back and lowered her voice: "Please come with me."

Because she was sleeping in the room, she instinctively heard the sound.

Should I say that Princess Ning Han has changed?

Before she was indifferent, she almost regarded the whole world as an ant, and even her own brother, Ning Zheng, didn't care.

However, at this time she did not shout again, and it was directly expressionless.

Shen Lang and Zhu Hongxue followed Ning Han, riding a flying beast and flew toward the palace.

In the air, I wish Red Snow whispered: "Ning Han, you have to remember your position, this is the real smashing of our side."

Princess Ning Han did not say anything.


After a while, Shen Lang, Ning Han, Zhu Hongxue three people landed in the palace.

One to one copy of the Dagan Palace, Shen Lang can not imagine, how much manpower and material resources used by Tianya Haige, only to copy the entire Grand Palace in just a few years.

However, Shen Lang understands this behavior very well, still because of the sense of ritual.

In the raging tide city, Shen Lang became the emperor of the Great Emperor. There was no royal palace at all, no court, not even the upper dynasty.

But no one doubts his status, because he has unquestionable legitimacy and does not need to use the palace to prove himself.

Just like those top tycoons, they don’t need to wear luxury watches at all, nor do they need to wear brand-name clothes. How come they feel comfortable.

On the contrary, ordinary rich people basically need the decoration of luxury goods.

In order to maintain the confidence of all people, Zuo Ci must pursue this sense of ritual, so he built the Dagan Palace one by one.

The price paid is to make everyone believe that one day the waves will return. Otherwise, you will set up a tent directly, and then tell hundreds of thousands of people that this is the Dagan Palace. Shenlang will definitely return one day, and everyone can't believe it.

During the day, the Dagan Palace was densely packed with hundreds of civil and military officials and thousands of gold armored warriors.

At this time, the night is quiet, and the entire Grand Palace is almost empty.

Shen Lang three people walked into the hall.

Almost just stepping in, the door to the hall has been closed.

The hall is still dark, and the lights are not lit!

The left singer has ordered that no one should be near within one kilometer.

It is absolutely impossible to let people know what is going on inside, let alone the people of Mojing know that there are two waves, so that the people are ups and downs.

Everything must be done in secret.


After the three people came in, the left singer said: "Tomorrow will continue tomorrow, because the emperor has returned, this morning must be carried out on time, can not be postponed for one second. So we only have six hours, two The emperor’s majesty, you must find out the fake one. You must not have an accident tomorrow, and there must be no leakage of everything that happened this evening, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.”

"There can only be one emperor in the world, and the emperor is the smashing of the waves. Remember that it is not Jiang Lang, but Shen Lang!"

"Do you hear it clearly?"

The voice of the left singer is very excited and very tired.

Everyone whispered: "Listen clearly."

"So ignite." Zuo whispered.

The candlelight of the main hall was lit, illuminating the darkness.

There are only a few people in the entire hall.

Zuo Ci, Zhu Hongxue, Ning Han, Zhu Xi, Zhu Hongping, Zhu Ning, Zhang Zhao, Shen Lang, another Shen Lang.

This time, the person who came to participate in the ruling was not to say that the higher the status, the more qualified, and at least the two Tianya Haige University students who were the vice-presidents of Shangshutai were not there because they did not Shen Lang has been in contact.

"Two lords, please stand in the candlelight."

Shen Lang and another Shen Lang, respectively, stand under the candlelight, let everyone see the face.

The eyes of seven people fell on two faces.

If you talk about your face and body, it's really easy to tell.

The face of Shen Lang has changed and his body has changed.

The other fake wave, the face and the body are exactly the same as the previous Shenlang. It really belongs to the level of knowing the burnt ash.

If you only rely on looks and body, Shen Lang will be eliminated directly.

Zuo Kee said: "There are at least one of the two squats. The one on the left is brought to you by the red snow. The one on the right is brought by me. Zhu Hongxue is the one found in the original Xuanwu City in Vietnam. I was in the middle of the desert, and I found the one in the west of the desert."

"Now look at the appearance and body, temperament, spirit, gaze, you carry out preliminary ... feelings." Zuo Qu Ge's main words are very precise, using the feelings of speaking, not judgment.

Zhu Hongxue said directly: "There is no doubt that this one is the real squatting on the left. Although his face has changed and his body has changed, his communication with the Dark Emperor, I can see clearly, how can he eliminate it? The process of the ancient human Jiangyan, I can see clearly."

Zuo Kee said: "I wish you a lot of contact with Shen Lang. Please tell us what you think."

For a long time, I have not seen him for more than 30 years. The battle of Tianyue City ended. After I was jailed, I was forgotten.

I haven't seen it for more than 30 years. He is really old. Shen Lang seems to have seen another Zhu Hong, although the father and son are different.

I wish you a few steps forward and bow to the two.

Then I felt that I was not respectful enough and fell down directly, but did not squat to anyone, but faced the two men.

"First of all, the sinner wishes, thank you for your grace."

"My Emperor, Long Live, Long Live, Long Live!"

I wish this sentence is from the heart of the lungs, because Shen Lang defeated the Emperor of the Great Yan, did not kill the full moon, or even deprived of the title of Zhu, this represents the Eastern Dynasty still recognize the Zhu family clan Identity, did not expel them from the wall of Eastern civilization.

"Next, the sinner will come to meticulously identify, please forgive sins." Zhu Yu once again beheaded, then trembled and got up.

He first came to Shen Lang, carefully looked at his eyes and felt his breath, the whole process lasted for a few minutes.

Then he went to the other side of the wave and carefully identified it, and the time was a little shorter.

Then, after the recognition of Zhu Xi, it seems more painful.

"The prime minister, the lower official... the lower official... can't tell!"

I wish you can't tell the difference. This is actually a great trust for Shen Lang. Because Shen Lang's face and body have completely changed, he still can't tell.

Next, Zhang Zhao came to identify.

"The prime minister, the lower official... I don't know what to say." Zhang Zhaodao.

Left left: "Whatever you say, speak freely."

Zhang Zhaodao: "In fact, I have very little contact with Shen Lang. I basically only saw him from a distance, so I only have a deep memory of his eyes and face. So this one, and the memory of my memory. It’s exactly the same. The one on the left doesn’t feel a bit similar, even...even the temperament is gone.”

What kind of temperament? That person is lazy, watching people in the world are stupid temperament.

Left left: "So you want to say that the left side of the sun is fake, is the right side true?"

Zhang Zhaodao: "Not so, because I feel that after so many changes, the temperament of Shen Lang will change."

Left left: "Then you support the left side of the smashing saga is true?"

Zhang Zhaodao: "But, Shen Lang’s majesty is like a man of God. Maybe he will not change. He will always be the temperament. Even if he turns upside down, he will not move. Because he said a word, there is no hate in the world, not forgetting the heart. ""

Then, Zhang Zhaoxuan said: "Please forgive the incompetent officials, can not tell which one is the real Shen Lang."

Next, I wish the red screen to identify and fail.

I wished that Lie had come to identify and failed.

However, Shen Lang was more glanced at the wish of the lemon, I thought she would not be old, still like the youth cardamom.

But she still changed a lot after all, and she has changed from a girl to a mature and beautiful middle-aged woman.

Her temperament has undergone great changes. The original wish of the lemon, because of the reading of books, seems arrogant, pretending. Although it is deliberately calmly expressed at all times, it is actually full of superiority that cannot be hidden.

At this time, Zhu Ning is really warm and elegant like jade.

I wish the lemon seriously looked at the two waves.

"I can't tell."

Zuo Quege said: "Ning Han, what do you think?"

Princess Ning Han looked at Shen Lang for a long time, and looked at another long wave: "The right side is exactly the same as Shen Lang, and there are still a few miracles left by the years, no matter the traces on the face. It’s still a spiritual trace, it’s very real.”

Left left: "Do you think that the right side of the wave is true?"

Princess Ning Han said: "I don't judge."

The identification of the first stage is over.


Left to resign: "The next step, the daring, please let the two kneel look at each other for a few minutes!"

This link is actually very powerful, because the real Shenlang has a strong self-confidence, and after all, it is the Oriental Emperor, should be able to overwhelm the fake waves in the momentum.

Shen Lang turned and faked the waves and turned, and the two men looked at each other.

At this point, Shen Lang carefully looked at this person and scanned it with x-rays.

First of all, this person is exactly the same as Shen Lang, and the skeleton is almost exactly the same.

Expression, temperament, gaze, look, momentum...

It is completely 100% of the waves.

Moreover, he is not an ancient human being, but a true human flesh and blood.

The most important thing is... he has not been won.

Shen Lang did not find the energy of any **** crystal in his brain.

This is strange, it is interesting.

Who is this fake wave in front of me?

Shen Lang could not help but think of the substitute mirror.

The mirror is using life and soul to interpret the sinking waves. When the first public appearance, although exactly the same, there is still a situation of over-fire.

When the second public appearance, it was in the dry capital, it was completely easy, and completely deceived both Zongzhu and Winguang.

His progress is totally amazing.

Is this interesting?

Who is he? Is it a mirror? At that time, Shen Lang had ordered that Vulcanism be taken away from the mirror.

Because of the dramatic changes in the Arctic, the mirror can no longer be in the Eastern world, because he and Shen Lang are exactly the same.

When Shen Lang and his eyes were on, his eyes and spirit were not flawed.

The momentum of the tribe is down.

It’s really more than a wave of sinking waves.

And when he looked at the dark waves, he still said something with his eyes.

"I won't let your plot succeed."

Instead of talking about it, it uses the eyes, and it is said separately and Shen Lang, without the meaning of letting others know.

This feeling is very strange, he is fighting, must uncover the conspiracy of Shen Lang.

As if in his spiritual cognition, he is really sinking, and the waves are fake.

It is this kind of spiritual cognition that makes his momentum completely invincible.


Zhu Hongxue said: "The real smashing of the waves, has already realized a very high energy. He used to have the power of the chicken, and he killed the whirlpool of energy..."

However, I have not waited until I wish the red snow.

The fake sinking wave directly raised his head and waved the sword of the dragon, releasing the energy vortex.

This picture is exactly the same as the situation where the Shen Lang spikes and wins.

The ancient king ring, the dragon heart, the dragon sword, he has all.

A complete set, all complete.

As we all know, these ancient equipment is the symbol of Shen Lang.

Instead, the real sinking waves are empty and nothing is equipped.

Of course, he can release the energy vortex out of thin air, but it will be even more suspicion. If you are so strong, is it a substitute for Jiang?

"The squatting mounts are super-sports, leaving the waves before the Arctic drastic change, first returning to the anger city, and then we are taken to Mojing." Zhu Hongxue said: "Maybe the super-beautiful beast is more acute than human beings." More intuitive."

The left word nodded.

A moment later, an ultrasonic flying beast was brought in, which was the mount of Shen Lang.

After it came in, he first looked at Shen Lang and then looked at the fake wave on the right.

Then, the super-short wave directly toward the right rushed over, rubbing him with a huge head, making a sorrowful sound, and its big eyes still looking at the left side of the waves.

The fake sinking wave on the right gently strokes the head of Dachao.

"Old man, long time gone, you...has changed." The fake sighed, the voice filled with infinite emotions.

Even Dachao feels that the Shenlang on the right is true.

The fake Shen Lang looked at Shen Lang and said one word: "I said, I will never let your conspiracy succeed, you pretender."

Shen Lang eyes a glimpse.

He felt that the game was very, very fun at the moment.

This game is too interesting.

This fake wave is really truer than him in any way.

The appearance of the body is the appearance of Shen Lang, and there is the heart of the dragon, the sword of the dragon, the ancient king ring, even Dachao recognize him.

So it seems that Shen Lang seems to lose completely!

Shen Lang’s gaze removed from the face of the fake wave, and left to the left to say: “You, I have a way to directly judge who is true and who is false?”

When this was said, everyone looked at him.

Shen Lang laughed and said: "You, everything else can be fake. And when the Arctic drastic changes, I also lost the heart of the dragon, the sword of the dragon, the ancient king ring. But one thing is impossible to impersonate, that is wisdom The real Shenlang has unparalleled wisdom, the arithmetic problems that are hard to calculate, and the arithmetic problems that hundreds of college students can't complete in a few years. Shenlang only needs to be completed in a flash."

When the words came out, everyone nodded and admitted.

Indeed, others can imitate, but wisdom can't imitate it.

Shen Langdao: "Left singer, you should remember the conversation between us. When I was separated, I gave you an arithmetic question, but I didn't give the answer. The arithmetic question is very simple, how to prove that 1+1 is equal to 2 Of course, its derivative proposition is that any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers. This is an unsolved problem. As a substitute, he can't have this and will only prove this question."

"So, who can solve this problem to the maximum, it proves who is really sinking, right?"

Zuo’s resignation thought for a while: “Shen Lang’s sorrow did talk to me about this incident at that time. Did it prevent the emergence of today’s situation? That’s really a **** man!”


Note: Sorry, it’s twenty minutes late! I want to support the monthly ticket, I am doing my best and writing more exciting!

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