History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 652: : Let me end! Shen Lang Jiang left the war! (Seeking a monthly ticket)

Some people were completely shocked at the place, and Shen Lang really passed everyone.

There is only one person here, a little bit known, that is, Princess Ning Han, although Shen Lang has never said anything, but he still vaguely guessed, have to say that women's intuition is really keen.

Moreover, Ning Han Princess did not give any reminder to the left-speaking cabinet owner from beginning to end.

But even so, when this pretender was really exposed, Ning Han was still shocked and hit.

Even the teachers in the world are betrayed. Who else can't betray?

This is the idol of Ning Han. She and her father Ning Yuanxian are not close to each other. They completely regard the left resignation as a biological father.

Shen Lang looks at your **** of the soul, and at this time the shadow wall control center has been completely calm.

Most of the things just done are a scene played by Shen Lang and this wall control center.

Shen Lang looked at the left words.

The left word slightly raised his head and straightened up, still as if he wanted to prove himself.

But after all, he still squatted and picked up his neck.

Shen Lang looked at him for a long time, did not make a sound, really did not know where to start.

In fact, Shen Lang suspected that he left his words at the beginning, because the fake waves were too real. He is still using the land of life and soul to interpret the sinking waves, it really seems to be trying to beat Shen Lang.

However, when Shen Lang staged the sentiment of the dragon and obtained the authority of the entire Jingjing Energy Control Center, the entire fake wave was relieved and then gave up all resistance.

Therefore, Shen Lang suddenly guessed that this fake wave should be a mirror, because it is true that the Shenlang is true, so the mirror is relieved, and the self-destruction is used to prove the Shenlang.

He was not taken away from the mirror, nor was it changed by ancient humans. He is the real mirror, 100% mirror.

The reason why he did not have any flaws is that he is even more prosperous. And the key is that he fights with conviction. In his mind, the sinking waves are fake. It is the pretender of Jiang’s sentiment, just to deprive the power of the desert, so he has to fight to stop the waves.

Since Shen Lang’s majesty has not come back, my mirror will appear temporarily, and it will unite the hearts of the people. In short, the final pure land of the Dagan Empire must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

It is this belief that is held, so the mirror does not show any flaws, let alone others can not recognize it, and even Shen Lang can not find his traces.

This person's performance realm has been very, very high, but when Shen Lang saw him, he felt that there might be such a day.

Since the mirror is not a pretender, the probability of the left word is very high, because the fake wave is brought in by him.

However, Shen Lang also examined the spirit of the left-handed remarks, and was not taken away. It was not changed by the ancient humans. He was 100% left to the lord, and he had no crystals of **** in his body.

This is good news and bad news.

The bad news is because the left words may have been brainwashed by Jiang.

The good news is that the time left to resign is definitely confusing, and it will not be cool and wise before.

But Shen Lang must quickly expose him, because the Hell of the Dragon on the sword of the dragon is gone.

Although the energy of the Hell Soul is much smaller, and the soul inside is very complicated, there are not only the thousands of priests of Vulcanism, but also the souls of many Miss Medusa royal sisters, but they can also pollute the shadow wall energy control. The center is just not as powerful.

Therefore, it is not a good means to pollute the Jingjing Energy Control Center.

On the contrary, this **** soul of Shenlang wrist has a powerful crystal of hell, which has dozens of souls of ancient humans. This is the best weapon for invading the energy control center.

Therefore, he must create an opportunity for the pretender to get his own Hell Soul, otherwise he will use the Hell of the Dragon Sword to pollute the Mojing Control Center.

Then the **** crystal, the **** soul beads once entered the shadow wall energy control center, the result is not fatal?

Yes, very deadly.

Because the **** crystal is too terrible, devour everything and spread everything. And there are more than a dozen souls of ancient humans, they will try their best to expand, spread, and swallow.

Therefore, before the waves became fossils, Shen Lang injected his soul into the soul of hell.

Therefore, the person who controls the soul of **** at this time is Shen Lang.

After the local prisoner's bead was thrown into the shadow wall control center, the bizarre effect was created and it was entirely acting.

The flaws of the defense system, the hidden space of the space, the intrusion of cold air, the yellow sand sweeping, all kinds of things, are the sensing effects created by the energy control center.

All of this is only for one goal, and the snake is out of the hole.

As a result, he succeeded. The left-handed pretender was quoted.

Of course, after successfully scolding this pretender, there is no such thing as a refreshing feeling, only endless appeal.

The six detached forces left the left and the gang, and he could be regarded as one of the leaders of the human survivors. As a result, he surrendered.

And he didn't surrender for himself. He is ready to commit suicide, and he is very determined.

He is for the future of Tianya Haige, in order to wish the red snow, to surrender for Ning Han to survive.

In the future, Jiang will leave you with a ticket.

This sentence, how sad, how helpless, if this is betrayal, it is also a noble and helpless betrayal.

Left is not afraid of death, he is afraid of his Tianya Haige, his disciples will completely cut off the road.

"Your Majesty, please kill me." Left to slow down.

Everyone looked at the sinking waves and looked at them, but they did not dare to plead.

Because the sins of the left-handed criminals were too great, they betrayed the great empire, betrayed the emperor, and surrendered to their enemies.

Shen Lang holds the sword in his hand and tries to lift it. The crimes committed by the left remarks will surely die.

For a while, the sword of Shen Lang was put down again.

"Left singer, when did you surrender Jiang's departure?" Shen Lang asked.

"I... I don't know." Left said: "Because he doesn't have a time limit, but if you want to ask me when I communicated with Jiang, it was five years ago, I was really desperate. There was an urge to go to the North Pole. I have to go and see what it has become. I have to see if Jiang is strong enough. Even I almost want to launch a death attack on him. But he didn't kill me. It was there, I had a conversation with him."

"Then you will be conquered by him." Shen Langdao.

"No, I kept refuting him at that time, and angryly rebuked him." Zuo Quge said: "But he did not refute me, just quietly narrated. The first ruin of the great memory, the destruction of ancient empire, Even if the over 130 million square kilometers of land were overdrawn and the energy hood was built, the first dramatic change of the sun could not be stopped. The second time the Great Eastern Empire was destroyed, the ancient Eastern Empire was built two hundred years ahead of time, and many cities were built underground to try to hide. At the time, Jiang Xi was not the mainstream. The ancient Jiang, the ancient Ji, the lost empire all tried every means, and wanted to escape the Great Nirvana, but all failed."

Shen Langdao: "What about Bai Yujing? What is Bai Yujing?"

Left left: "White Yujing is a salvation organization formed by the imperial power of the ancient Eastern Empire and all the detached forces. Of course, they finally failed. They had to flee with hundreds of people before the Great Nirvana. Innumerable materials, all kinds of eggs that have been frozen, and fine seeds. After the spacecraft escaped from the safe range, they drifted outside. After many years, they woke up enough, and at this time our planet's ecology gradually recovered. They landed on the ground again and struggled to start the recovery of the new civilization."

It turned out to be the case.

Shen Lang is still very strange. Why is the ancient empire Jiang, the noblest of Ji, how come to this world, that is, the two surnames are noble.

All of this was inherited directly from ancient humans, even the blood.

Shen Langdao: "So why is the civilization of this world developing so slowly?"

Left left: "The salvation forces headed by Bai Yujing believe that the reason why the world will be destroyed is because human beings have too much energy for the world, and they dare to steal fragments of power belonging to the dragon. Out of the dragon, this kind of war behemoth, so it will violate the gods and lead to the destruction of the ancient times. Therefore, Bai Yujing wants to re-develop human civilization, sustainable development, try to suppress the ancient civilization, and hope to get out of a different path. This may be the end of the world, and it will not come again."

It sounds like this idea seems very reasonable.

Even today, the Earth has many such views, even mainstream ones.

The transitional exploitation of human resources by the human race will one day anger the earth and devastating punishment for humanity.

Therefore, under the leadership of Bai Yujing, this world is a comprehensive suppression and blockade attitude towards the ancient nightmare stone civilization. The Great Yan Empire has become the absolute ally of Bai Yujing.

But time can change a bit. When Pandora's box is opened, he can't get back. Once the human empire has tasted a powerful force, it will never go back.

Therefore, first of all, a number of detached forces are gradually developing ancient civilizations and discovering ancient ruins.

Next, Jiang was born out of the world, showing the power, excellence and dazzling of the ancient civilization completely in front of the world, and instantly united and attracted countless people.

Therefore, the whole world ushered in the great recovery of the ancient civilization and the explosion.

At that time, Bai Yujing was completely unable to suppress it. In order to suppress the spread of Hell Crystal, in order to control the dome energy cover, Bai Yujing’s people were almost dead.

It seems that Bai Yujing is very much like a Madonna organization.

"Shen Lang Majesty, Bai Yujing's approach is wrong, and their ideas are also wrong." Left left: "The world's great Nirvana has nothing to do with the development of human civilization. This is the law of the universe, this is the law of the galaxy. When the sun reaches a certain age, it will go to death. When he goes to death, there will be a big outbreak, and it will be madly counterattacked. The theory of Jiang Shi’s High School was almost refuted by all the mainstream. But the truth is often in the minority. Hands."

Shen Langdao: "In a way, I also think that his statement, these times the world's great Nirvana, is due to the sudden breakout of the sun into death. This situation is followed by many times, the last time the sun will be directly The explosion, but because it is still not big enough, it will collapse into a small, small white dwarf. So on the principle of world destruction, I think Jiang is right."

Then Shen Langdao: "Is the fake wave, is the mirror right? He is desperately performing, that is, to protect the desert, because he regards me as a pretender of Jiang's departure?"

The left word nodded and said: "Yes, the only way is that there will be no flaws. However, most people in the heart still want you to be really sullen, because everyone does not want to see one. No change, the only thing that changes, it is in line with everyone’s expectations, everyone will make up for it, you have disappeared for decades, it must be Nirvana, and it must be stronger."

The words on the left are also said to be full of people's hearts. Everyone is eager to see the changes in the waves. Any change is better than nothing.

"Slow the waves, you can do it, kill me." Zuo Xuan once again stretched his neck, now he really does not want to live more than a quarter of an hour.

Death is really a relief for him and an escape.

Although it is to protect Zhu Hongxue and Ning Han, in order to protect everyone in the Tianya Haige, betrayal is betrayal, and the name is lost.

Shen Lang once again raised the big sword and placed it on the neck of Zuo's resignation. He slowly said: "Left resignation, you are not optimistic about me now? Do you think I will fail?"

The left word nodded and said: "You have too many weaknesses, you are too heavy, so you can't beat Jiang away, and you can't save the world. You see, you can't even kill me now, the future. If you need to kill other people, can you kill or kill? If you need to kill millions and tens of millions of people in the future, you can save the world. Can you kill or kill? If you need to kill 100 million people in the future, you can save 100. Ten thousand people, can you kill or kill? You can't do these things, only Jiang can be able to do it without eyes."

Shen Lang sighed: "Left singer, you are right, you are right."

He organized the language road: "On killing and decisive, cold and ruthless, **** is a hundred times more than me. Who can win the last between me and him, it is really very difficult to talk. Who is the right path for me and him? Who can save the world and it is not easy to talk about it."

"Ginger left his mind to think that his path is absolutely correct, and it seems to be correct. And the path I took seems to be so ups and downs, there is almost no clear sense of direction, and there is no accurate goal."

"But there must always be someone else to take another road to salvation. Isn't it? If Jiang's road is not going, there is always another way?"

Shen Lang is completely thinking about where he is at this time.

Zhu Hongxue said: "I am completely convinced that the road under your majesty can be passed through. Your road to salvation is the real road to salvation. Although I don't understand what nuclear fusion is, what is like the sun, then I can defeat the sun."

Shen Langdao: "The road that Jiang and Jiang are leaving for two people is bright and straight. The road he wants to take is to devour all the power and vitality of the entire planet and build an unprecedented spaceship with hundreds of thousands of people. The soul is far from the galaxy, going to the infinite distant galaxies, finding another planet to settle down, the sun there are billions of years of good years, and the planet there is full of life."

"And the road I want to take is the combination of ancient civilization and scientific and technological civilization, and successfully develop a controllable nuclear fusion reaction, so that we can get a steady stream of energy. Next, we will understand the deep-seated causes of the world's Great Nirvana, and understand What is the drastic change before the sun is dying? Can you defend in outer space? This sun is really dying, but it is still a long time away from its complete explosion."

"The path I want to take is to unite all people, gather the wisdom of all people, and develop a strong civilization. Hundreds of millions of people unite as one, unite in one heart, block the crisis of destruction after 90 years, without sacrificing large crowds, and not sacrificing the whole planet. ""

"Ginger is right. When the colonial galaxies are going to be carried out in the future, there will be countless planets in the hands of human civilization. What is the meaning of destroying one area? But this is a paradox, which is like a poor silver egg with only one silver coin, but He feels that he will make a fortune in the future, there will be millions of gold coins, so what is the cost of spending a silver coin in the district? So take this silver coin to drink, and now there is wine drunk today. But tomorrow, there is no food to eat. ”

"Yes, Jiang's salvation goal is very clear. And my strategic route is very vague, even the theory has not yet formed completely, and I can't even see the hope of success. But there must always be someone else to go the other way. Let's go,"

"So I am taking advantage of the big guys, I will make it clear that I have a direction in the future, but I am not sure, and I have to rely on the efforts of millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people, if I want to follow me. Go on, go on. If you don't want to go with me, you can go to Jiang from there and believe that there will be a ticket for you on his spaceship in the future."

This is the case.

I wish Red Snow to squat down and bow down: "The minister is willing to follow his majesty, smashing his bones, going through the fire, and he will not hesitate."

Then Princess Ning Han also squatted down and said: "Chen Chen is willing to follow his majesty, no matter what the future will be, is it broken?"

After a while, a sly figure came in, it was the mirror of Shen Lang's avatar, and smashed toward Shen Lang.

"I, although I don't know what I can do, I am willing to follow my majesty and go to the fire. I will not hesitate."

Everyone can't help but look to him.

It is exactly the same, but also wearing the ancient king ring, the heart of the dragon, holding the sword of the dragon.

"These things are all given to me by the mirror." Left said: "I told him that the dark Jiang Emperor sent a pretender to enter Mojing, to seize the last pure land of the Dagan Empire, so he came with me. Do your best to perform the sigh."

The mirror said: "I don't know why, as long as I have a mind, the energy vortex is released, but I have no ability to organize the energy vortex equation."

This is not difficult, because the heart of the dragon, the sword of the dragon is made by Jiang, he is the real master of this equipment.

At this time, under the leadership of Zhu Hongxue, the ultrasonic flying beast was over.

Then it was instantly forced. In the case of the situation, there are actually two masters.

Then, which one should I pounce on?

The super-instinct has to be thrown into the mirror, because he has the ancient king ring in his hand, and its instinct is identified by that.

But it seems to see that everyone's eyes are not right, so he looks at the waves for a while, and looks at the mirror for a while, giving a sigh of sorrow.

I am just a flying beast. You can't identify yourself, why should you be embarrassed? Do you think that I am smarter than you?

The left resignation once again slammed the first slogan: "Please kill me, and the no one will live in this world again. Please complete your life and finish my life."

Everyone's gaze looked at him again, once again looking at Shen Lang.

Shouldn't it kill?

To be honest, killing a left word does not have much mental pressure on Shen Lang. The relationship between him and Zuo Ci is simply not how close.

Moreover, the left singer made a big mistake, although it did not cause terrible consequences, but the mistake was wrong.

The key question now is that Zuo Shi is almost the most powerful person under Shen Lang, and he is loyal to Shen Lang personally, but he feels that there is no hope in the future.

If he kills him, he will lose another general in the future.

Will the future left to be useful? Moreover, in the swaying authority, it is possible to carry out blood transformation, physical transformation and energy transformation according to this desert energy control center.

The left-handed martial arts is so strong that it is one of the best candidates. And he is already full of mortal heart, and once such a person is transformed, there may be a huge surprise.

After a good time.

"The death penalty can be exempted, the live sin can not escape, and the prison is waiting for the case." Shen Langdao: "At the crucial moment, sacrifice for the Dagan Empire."

Hearing this sentence, the left singer did not rush to rejoice, but it was even more painful.

Then he jerked his head to the ground. Directly using the face to the hard ground, instantly ruined his own appearance, the whole face is **** and fuzzy, and has completely disappeared from the original appearance.

"Chen nowhere to see people, this ... should have died immediately, but his majesty is not allowed to die, then ... Chen will live!"

Shen Langdao: "Zhu Hongxue, will be left prisoner, remember confidentiality, don't leak it."

If this matter is revealed, it will bring a fatal blow to the morale and confidence of hundreds of thousands of survivors in the entire desert.

The mirror said: "I... I can also ruin my face."

Shen Langdao: "Your things will be said next, how did you come to the vast desert, and what happened to the Vulcan religion, I will ask you later. Now you will immediately put the heart of the dragon, the ancient king Take it out and give me the Dragon Sword."

The mirror said: "I tried it, I can't take it completely, so if you need it, please kill me. After a few decades, I can see my majesty again. The mirror is not very happy, no more. And the value of the mirror may have disappeared, even if it dies at this time, it will be more than a few decades."

Can't take it down?

The mirror pulled out the dagger and slammed it toward his ring finger, and completely smashed the finger with the ancient king ring.

As a result, it is not a matter of how to squat, and eventually it is in the air, as if his finger does not exist, as if the ancient king ring above does not exist. But it is obviously there.

"So, in order to prevent me from becoming a scourge, kill me." The mirror smiled at Shen Lang.

At this time, the sword of the dragon in the mirror hand suddenly released an incomparably bright light.


Directly rushed to the sky.

Then, his light and shadow shrouded the mirror, so it looked like a ginger-high body, a mighty and beautiful face.

This... This is another projection of Jiang Li.

From the heart of the dragon, the shadow of the ancient king ring.

"Sudden waves, the pretender is indeed pulled out by you, so the first game between us, you did win." Jiang Liguang's light and shadow.

Shen Langdao: "I may not have won, because you have conquered the left-handed lord spiritually and spiritually, and let him be willing to be your pretender."

Jiang said: "When you win, you win. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say. But... won't necessarily win. Shenlang, this desert, I didn't have it in my eyes, because I left this group. In the hands of people, it is nothing. But now that you are here, everything is different. So even if you pay a huge price, I will destroy your desert."

Shen Langdao: "But the entire defense system of Mojing is still alive. Your army simply can't find where it is, and can't you get it right?"

"Yes, yes, right..." Jiang said: "But you are very clever, you should know that this dragon sword, the heart of the dragon, the moment when the ancient king ring entered the desert, it has become a Coordinates. With one coordinate, there is a target, you can carry out a long-range attack!"

Jiang has just finished saying this, this dragon sword once again burst into the sky, directly shot to the sky.

Jiang left: "Shen Lang, you have seen the repentance of the dragon, then you have seen the repentance of the Hell Crystal Dragon? Next, you will soon see it, I will not give you more than one minute, Ready to meet!"

"This is the first game that you won, but even if there are no pretenders, I am only a little harder to destroy Mojing, but in the end, it is effortless. Before the waves, your opponents always liked it. I will give you a month, two months, or half a year, but I will not give you more than one minute a day, because my time is too precious. If you can't resist me, this is also true. I am not qualified to fight with me, and I am not qualified to take a different path of salvation with me."

As Jiang left, it just fell.

Suddenly, dozens of giant aerial fortresses flew from the sky north of Mojing.

Covering the sky, the sky is vast.




With the order, these giant aerial fortresses slammed.

Hundreds of Hell Crystal Dragon's remorse, whistling from thousands of miles away, shot toward Mojing.

With the energy of destroying the earth and destroying the earth.

Although I can't see the shadow of Mo Jing from the perspective, I can't see it there.

However, Jiang Li has already provided energy coordinates within Mojing.

He really wouldn’t give Shen Lang any more time, just go to war and devastating.


Note: I have an important meeting this afternoon, and I have finished the first chapter. I sincerely ask for the monthly votes of the brothers.

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