History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 658: : You're done! Shen Lang's ultimate nirvana! (Seeking a monthly pass)

The process of the mid-level dragon's sentiment, Shen Lang's memory is still fresh. If you use a word to describe it, it is to survive in the dead.

Although Shen Lang was once again used to describe death and time again, but there has never been a real death.

Whether it is the dragon in the dragon pool or the deep wave in the well inside the pyramid, the death is chasing behind, forcing the Shenlang and the dragon to change, constantly fighting, blending, Nirvana, and finally completing the middle The feeling of the dragon.

So in the mid-level dragon's sentiment, countless times close to death, but never close.

And the soul world of the high-order dragon's sentiment?

All are... death! All are sacrifices.

There is no battle here, no upgrades, no nirvana. The only thing Shen Lang feels is the process of death.

He was turned into a fossil statue by Queen Medusa, and after falling into the Well of Soul, the fossils of the whole body suddenly broke.

His soul seems to stretch out countless tentacles and go deep into the death of everyone.

This soul of the soul, there are countless people's sacrifices.

The sacrifice of three of them constitutes all the energy. The ancient king, the mother of the dragon, the Queen of Medusa.

There is also Gang Yi, and he has brought more than 10,000 people to sacrifice death, it seems that there is no meaning.

Shen Lang seems to have entered hell.

No, Sen Luo Hell should be eerie, but in this soul of the well, it is not terrible.

On the contrary, it is very beautiful.

How to describe this aesthetic? It is like a dying universe.

What gives the beauty of the universe? A myriad of stars, a splendid nebula, and a mysterious black hole.

So Shen Lang is in this soul well, as if he saw a universe area.

Gang Yi, as well as tens of thousands of sacrificers, are countless rivers of stars, densely in the dark air, with little stars.

Then, the eyes disappeared in the eyes of Shen Lang. As if every star on the Milky Way, it is constantly extinguished.

I don't know why. I want to distinguish clearly, but it is so far away, I can't see it.

The ancient king, the mother of the dragon, the Queen of Medusa, it seems to be three huge stars.

The deep waves can be close, you can go deep into it, you can feel the evolution inside.

You can clearly feel the death process of every soul.

This scene is really like the explosion of a star.

Three souls, like three huge stars, shine.

They begin to swell and expand.

This is just the surface, and inside them, the reaction is more intense. The soul of Shen Lang enters the soul of each individual and feels the breath of death.

Every soul has countless photons in each other, and when it dies, it is not a dying, but a bloom.

The reactions that take place inside the soul are more intense than ever before, and the energy released is even more amazing.

Is this about the meaning of returning light?

Every soul formation begins to react violently and violently.

It has expanded ten times, one hundred times and one thousand times.

"Booming and banging..." There was a fierce explosion.

In the blink of an eye, almost all the energy of the soul is released. The last bloom before death, right, is the return of light.


The ancient king of the Ming Dynasty, the mother of the dragon, the three souls of the Queen of Medusa, and the souls of countless sacrifices of Gang, and so on, all exploded.

In the independent space of the entire Soul Well, it is like a completely destroyed universe, and any corner is covered with amazing bright mans.

It is said that this kind of bright mantle only exists for a moment, but in the world of Soul Well, time seems to have been slowed down countless times.

This ray lasted for a long time, and it was many times brighter than the sun. It almost made people think that this kind of light is eternal.

However, even this kind of light is gradually changing. From extremely bright, to brilliant, then to dark, and finally to darkness!

Normally, this process will take no more than a second.

But in the perception of Shen Lang, this process seems to have not ended in a few hours.

Every particle is evolving and is dying.

The soul of more than 10,000 people has turned into countless billions of particles. Every granule is undergoing a fleeting death, and then the death process is slowed down 10,000 times to make Shen Lang see clearly.

Finally... I don’t know how long it has been.

Shen Lang felt the entire endless space around him, and it was completely dark.

Thorough darkness.

Lonely, no margin, no emptiness.

The whole process of death is over and it is over!

The whole process, Shen Lang is only a bystander, can not fight, can not fight.

I can only watch what happens.

Then, the entire space around it was completely silent.

The high-level dragon's sentiment is over?

No, because Shen Lang has not left here, still trapped in this soul well.

What should I do? He must leave the space of the Well of Soul.

This can only be done if the high-level dragon's sentiment is completed.

However, no one has given him any advice, and everything depends on him alone.

Because each person's high-level dragon's sentiment is unique and irreplaceable.

The mid-level dragon's sentiment is like a semi-open game. Because death is chasing behind, in order to survive, it must be strong, continuous, and constantly changing, so there is still a way.

And the high-order dragon's sentiment, no way! Nothing at all.

Even the theme of the high-order dragon's sentiment needs your own understanding, and no one tells you.

Of course, this wave of Shen Lang asked Gang Yi early, what is the theme of the high-end dragon's sentiment?

Gang Yi said that he did not know, and Shen Lang said that it should be a feeling of life and death.

Later, Shen Lang and Queen Medusa also exchanged, she did not give any answer, just said that life and death are irreversible.

So what should I do next?

He still maintains his previous ideas, and the theme of the high-order dragon's sentiment is to realize life and death.

Life and death are irreversible. Death is death. Can you be born again?

Of course it is ok, but the way to regenerate is varied.

Human life spans only a hundred years, but it inherits its own DNA through the way of reproduction, so in a sense, this is also a rebirth.

Every child is a continuation of the life of the parents. Even after the star dies, it can be reborn.

When a star dies, it goes to three states, a white dwarf, a neutron star, and a black hole.

When a star is of a certain mass, its death will erupt into a supernova. The supernova is an unprecedented big bang, and its brightness may exceed hundreds of billions of times the sun.

But a star, no matter which state it enters after death, will release a large amount of hydroquinone at the time of death, then start to accumulate again and begin to squeeze. When these elements reach a certain level, they will once again A fusion reaction occurs.

Then a new star will be born.

Of course, this is just the rule of the stars. So what do you need to do now?

He needs to realize that after these people’s souls have died, what has they gone to?

The ancient kings, the mother of the dragon, and the queens of Medusa are very powerful, so the state after the death of the three souls is definitely different.

After the death of Gang Yi and his more than 10,000 people, it is not the same.

What Shen Lang has to do is to make all the energy changes after they die, and then perform a new arrangement and then complete a rebirth.

This is to subvert life and death, to understand life and death.

This is indeed not a reversal of death, but an alternative rebirth.

In this process, almost any energy equation, whether macro or micro, whether it is spiritual, gravitational, or radiation, can be realized.

This is a very long and incomprehensible process.

Need to consume endless years.

Even Shen Lang did not know how Jiang Li was completed.

But... this high-order dragon's sentiment still does not break away from a principle.

Energy exchange!

The sacrifice of the three giant souls, and the sacrifice of more than 10,000 souls by Gang. All died, and the smoke was gone.

Shen Lang is to understand the energy after their death, reorganize, condense, evolve, and finally re-emerge, and regenerate.

And this rebirth, in fact, is to completely smash all the soul energy of these people, then swallow it as oneself and become part of your powerful soul.

That's right...

The so-called high-order dragon's sentiment is also a kind of engulfing.

It only completely swallows up, completely decomposes other people's souls into particles, various force fields, all kinds of energy, and then rearranges the combination.

This... Is this what Jiang feels? No wonder... he will eventually go to the path of engulfing.

Because in the process of perception, he seems to have discovered the true meaning.

This... Is it necessary to become a Buddha, first become a demon? I am not in hell, who is in hell?

This process is too difficult.

This high-level dragon's sentiment is not only energy science, but also rises to philosophy.

But... Shen Lang has no choice at this time.

These people have already sacrificed. If Shen Lang does not complete the high-level dragon's sentiment, then their sacrifice will be wasted.

As for the future, I will talk about it later.

But... Shen Lang’s mind still remembered what the Queen Medusa said.

You still want to reverse life and death, and bring back those who sacrificed sacrifices for you, and return all that they have paid back? Should you say that you know shame? Or are you naive?

Then she said that death is irreversible. In other words, these dead people can no longer come back? Is it impossible to resurrect?

No, no, don't think about things so far, first complete the high-level dragon's sentiment.

Next, Shen Lang entered the most difficult miles.

This is a hundred times more difficult than the high-order dragon's sentiment, a thousand times, ten thousand times. He needs to start from scratch.

For the sacrificer, death is the end. For Shen Lang, death is just the beginning.

Just as a star dies, it goes into three different states.

After these people die, they will enter different states.

Shen Lang needs one to go to the sentiment, one by one to understand.

After all the thorough understanding, the energy of the death of these people's souls is all arranged and combined.

And this arrangement is not simply ranked because they are constantly changing.

Just like in the universe, the birth of a new star requires incomparable complex conditions, requires precise gravity, and requires precise elements. There is the power of the black hole, where is the power of the dwarf, and so on.

There are countless calculations involved, which are 10,000 times more complicated than the calculations before Shen Lang, and 100 million times the calculation.

Because they are changing all the time, not only do they need to understand their state at this time, but also understand the future state.

It turns out that this is the sentiment of the high-order dragon. It has nothing to do with the dragon. It is entirely a matter of energy and philosophy.

What Shen Lang needs to do is to become the master of this soul well space.

He is going through it hard.

Compared to the high-end dragon's sentiment, the sense of the previous middle dragon is really as simple as the kindergarten's topic.

It is no wonder that Jiang Xie needs to use so many people and sacrifice so many people before completing the high-level dragon's sentiment, because he must have a perfect body and a perfect brain to complete.

The ancient king and the mother of the dragon, using the wreckage and soul of Shen Lang, spent a total of twenty-nine years to upgrade Nirvana, giving the perfect body of Shen Lang, a powerful soul. These are the foundations of the insights of the high-end dragons. Without these, the high-order dragon's sentiment has not yet begun, and you have already vanished, and can't afford it!

Shen Lang learned a little bit, forgot the time and forgot the space.

This process is not about saying that one person is going to complete a problem, but to let a person create a complete world.

In this space, one year has passed.

Ten years have passed.

Countless years have passed.

In this process, Shen Lang forgot everything, and the whole body and mind have invested in the high-level dragons.

Just like a super computer, you can still play games and watch movies before, but now 100% of the resources must be calculated, and even overclocked, completely distracting.

A person, after focusing on a certain thing for too long, becomes numb, and finally like a robot.

Just like Jiang is so away, even Shen Lang does not know whether he should be lost or really find himself.

Because of the sinking waves at this time, it has gradually entered this state. The only goal is the high-level dragon's sentiment, and all the family, love, mission, and all of them are forgotten.

Anyone, when you don't remember, will completely forget. Any emotion, when you don't activate, will die.

The so-called high-order dragon's sentiment is similar to seeking Buddha's way to some extent, cutting everything and pursuing the road.

Shen Lang has always hated this state most, because there is no feeling, no humanity, just like Jiang.


It is changing with each passing day.

At least in the Well of Soul, at least within the soul world of Shen Lang.

How long has it been?

I don’t know at all, in short, it’s endless years.

Finally... Shen Lang understands all the energy in the Well of Soul, and also understands all changes.

Finally, all the new permutations and combinations have been completed.

Next... is another kind of rebirth!

Just like the countless years after the star's death, countless nebula dust, once again condensed, another big bang, the birth of a new star.

In the well of the soul, countless energies are constantly squeezed and collapsed in a new arrangement.

Ninety-eight percent.

Ninety-nine percent!

"Booming and banging..."

Once again, an unprecedented big bang occurred. Then, a brand new soul energy body was born.

It... looks so familiar, it really looks like Jiang’s **** crystal, but there is a slight difference.

Because each person's high-level dragon's sentiment is different.

The ancient king, the mother of the dragon, the soul of the three giants of the Medusa, and the soul of more than 10,000 people, after the complete disappearance of the smoke, after numerous changes in sentiment, reborn into this new soul energy body.

Shen Lang flutters forward and swallows it!

moment! The high-end dragon's sentiment is over.

The soul of Shen Lang seems to have experienced big explosions again and again. Crazy to change, frantically nirvana, frantically upgrade.

Whether it is the ancient king, the mother of the dragon, or the queen of Medusa, the soul energy of any one person is more than a few times more than the sun.

At this time, Shen Lang completely swallowed them up. So how many times is his soul powerful?

How many times is he strong?

Can not estimate!

This is tantamount to Shen Lang alone, swallowing the soul power of more than 10,000 people, and then thoroughly digested and eventually transformed.


In an instant!

This soul of the soul, instantly smouldering.

Then, this ancient robbery temple was smouldering.

Finally, the entire site was ruined.

The entire sea, as if there is a huge sky.

Throughout the sky, there was a strange glow.

It is clear that the bright days of the clear sky are suddenly shrouded in darkness, and there are countless stars in the sky.

This means that there is another peak in the whole world, a strong man who is almost equal to Jiang.

Of course... just for a moment, everything is over.

The light and shadow of Shenlang slowly floated from the sea.

Dacha, who has been waiting for a long time, immediately rushed up, and he will be close to the owner.

But when there were dozens of miles away, it stopped and shivered.

Because the owner has changed! So cold, so numb.

It looks as if it is exactly the same as Jiang.

There is no emotion in his gaze.

This is inevitable. Anyone who has experienced the ravages of the high-level dragon will forget everything.

When you regain your memory, it is like watching a movie. What happened before you is like someone else's story, and you can no longer resonate with emotion.

But if this is the case, the high-end dragon's sentiment is just a second ginger, and what is the objection?

A **** is gone, it has already caused the whole world to be on the verge of destruction. If the two gingers are separated, isn’t it just letting the whole planet be broken?

Da Chao could not help but scream, trying to recall the emotional memory of Shen Lang.

But completely useless.

Next, Dachao began to perform its bizarre yoga.

These movements are done on the body of Princess Ning Han and will be very charming. But it’s ridiculous to do these moves.

However, Shen Lang is still indifferent.

It seems that I have been immersed in the sentiment of the high-end dragon's repentance for a long time.

As for all the emotions before that, all memories, as if they have happened for countless years, are completely indifferent.

Finally, Dachao pulled out a piece of beef from the bag on his back, then held it down with his claws, cut it with sharp wings, and put it into his mouth like a gentleman.

This is the first time that Shen Lang and Dachao met. Before the Arctic drastic change, Dachao and Shen Lang met for the last time.

It is eager to pass this scene and once again awaken the emotional memory of Shen Lang.

However, Shen Lang just looked at him faintly, still no touch.

What is God?

If the sky is old, it will be old.

The nerves have gone through too many things, too many years, all emotions will be wiped out, and eventually it seems like a totem.

Queen Medusa said that from the moment she walked down the altar, the undefeated golden body was already shattered.

When Shen Lang completed the high-level dragon's sentiment, the soul space really experienced endless years, what feelings, and what emotions were numb.

Is this the goal of the ancient king, the mother of the dragon? Is this the goal of the Chaos Prophet?

Create another **** away? What is the point of this?

And it is at this time!

Another thing, slowly rises. Fossil statue, fossil statue of Shen Lang!

In the Antarctic, Queen Medusa turned Shen Lang into a fossil.

After entering the soul of the soul, Shen Lang's soul carries the high-order dragon's sentiment, and his fossil statue is intact.

When the soul of the soul was smouldering, the fossil statue was still intact when the ruins of the ancient ruins were destroyed.

At this time, Shen Lang is just a soul light and shadow, but it is powerful to the extreme, so it seems to be a substantial body.

Just like the crystal of the soul, it is the energy body, but it should also be strong to the extreme. After death, it is reborn when it is transformed, and it seems to be a substance.

This fossil statue is the real body of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang glanced at the fossil statue, and the two sides were almost irresistibly close.

Finally, completely coincident! The soul and light of Shen Lang is injected into the fossil statue.

Once a person is turned into a fossil, it is almost irreversible.

But now Shen Lang has completed the high-level dragon's sentiment, and it is easy to reverse.

Just as Jiang Li turned countless ancient humans into fossils, after the Arctic drastic changes, they were all thawed and became warriors.

With a faint gaze, the fossil state of Shen Lang was over and the original body was restored.

Then endless emotions, endless memories, re-influx into his soul.

All feelings are coming back!


Nostalgia for Mulan, nostalgia for relatives.

There are also pains and regrets about the sacrifices made by the people of Gang, and all of them are back.

Shen Lang has changed back to Shen Lang.

The kind of deep, full of human emotions.

"Da Chao, you... your meat is smashed, you still eat?" Shen Lang snorted.

Big super ecstasy!

The owner is back.

The owner is back.

Just... It’s really scary to death, scared me.

Huh? Did the meat I just ate? broken?

Dacha looked down and saw that the meat had completely rotted, and it was stinking.

But just to recall the emotional memory of Shen Lang, he has already eaten a lot.



Dachao vomited desperately against the sea, but he couldn’t spit it out in his stomach.

Suddenly, looking at the waves in a pitiful way, the master is so powerful now, is it better to get out the rotten meat that I ate?

Shen Langdao: "There is no magical power to waste on this. Anyway, if you eat it in your stomach, you will become awkward sooner or later. It will only be more stinky. Your digestive system is so powerful. This is not a bad thing. But remember Rinse mouth, ultrasonically wash your teeth, so as not to spoil me."

Big and super hard to brush your teeth.

And it is at this time! The dust after the destruction of the ancient robbery temple was still fascinated in the air, gradually becoming a figure, like a mountain, a few kilometers high.

The figure made up of dust is really interesting.

Is it the afterimage of the ancient king?

"Shen Lang!"

"I have seen Ming Wang!" Shen Langdao.

"You finally completed the high-level dragon's sentiment. Although you are not as powerful as Jiang, but at the energy level, at least he is on an equal footing, and there are things, you have, he does not!"

"You have swallowed up three of us, no, it is the power of the soul of more than 10,000 people, and it has been sentimental, Nirvana. So whether it is the mother of the dragon, or me, or all the abilities of the Queen of Medusa, you have all mastered It is."

The last afterimage of the ancient king of Ming Dynasty appeared, is it to say this? Certainly not?

"Shen Lang, what do you think of the high-order dragon's sentiment?"

Shen Lang thought for a while: "Is it a prelude to the ultimate dragon's sentiment?"

"Yes, yes." King of the Ming Dynasty: "The so-called high-order dragon's sentiment, from the ultimate dragon's sentiment, is only a line apart. But across this line, across the sky, it is impossible to cross."

"Shen Lang Majesty, from the insights of the dragons to the high-end dragons, there are countless people offering sacrifices, countless people paving the way for you, but the ultimate dragon's sentiment can only rely on yourself, no one can help you. Everything needs Your own wisdom, determination."

Shen Langdao: "Yes."

King Gu Mingwang said: "Then you are going to fight with Jiang first, and then complete the final dragon's sentiment. Or do you first complete the final dragon's sentiment, and then go to Jiang's decisive battle?"

Shen Langdao: "First battle with Jiang, I can't wait for a moment. There is no hate in the world, don't forget the heart!"

The ancient king Ming sighed softly: "All the roads have you to go. No matter what the result, we have tried our best. Shen Lang, "Farewell!"

Then, the shadow of the ancient king of Ming Dynasty, completely dissipated, no trace.

Since then, whether it is the King of the Ancients, the Mother of the Dragon, or the Queen of Medusa, it has completely disappeared into this world.

Shen Lang took a ritual in the direction of his disappearance.

"Goodbye Ming Wang, the next road, I will go by myself!"

Then Shen Lang Chao Da Chaodao: "Go, go back, we will kill it! I can't wait for a quarter of an hour, I want to kill back to Jingjing, kill the Eastern Empire, kill the North Pole! Save all the loved ones, recapture our empire , kill the **** away."

Then, Shen Lang jumped behind Dachao, left the sea and flew north!


Note: I went to the movie today, so the update is a little late, and I apologize to you! I... can I still ask for a monthly pass? Thanksgiving is zero!

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