History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 680: : Kind teacher wedding! Twenty years later! (Seeking a monthly ticket)

Inside the Paradise Manor, all the family members of Shenlang are gathered together.

This is an unprecedented lineup, including not only his wife, children, father-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, brother Shen Jian, Jin Mucong, Duke Dipose, Princess Hella, Queen Helen, and Queen Ada of Amazon. And the princess of the stubborn slave, the Amazon princess, because of the ice, so despite the past thirty years, she is still a little girl.

This is very good, at least the family has not missed a lot of time.

The family enjoys eating, drinking, talking, laughing and laughing.

Only one person is missing, wife Kim Mulan.

However, Shen Lang has made up his mind. After completing the business here, he will try his best to find his wife and spend a lifetime together.

Even after many days, Shen Lang was accompanying his family.

For a whole month, he has almost nothing to do. He is not accompanying his children to practice martial arts and fishing every day. He is accompanying his wife to paint and walk, or to accompany his elders to play mahjong and play chess.

Enjoy the fun of family.

The political affairs were all handed over to the Shangshutai of the Dagan Empire, and the Prince was Shenye.

Today's Shangshutai lineup is unprecedentedly strong, and Jun Jun, Zuo Ci, Zhang Wei, former Ji Taizi, Shelley and others are among them.

In the Privy Council, it is even more like a cloud.

The cities of the domes in the world are all replacing the core of nuclear power in an orderly manner.

After all the ancient new human beings were exiled, Shen Lang had a shortage of talents in his hands, and with the release of the people associated with him, thousands of talents came out in his hands.

Nowadays, no matter whether it was the Dagan Empire, or the Great Yan Empire, or the Wenchen military commander of the Xilun Empire, all of them are united.

Because next, hundreds of millions of people in the whole world must unite as one, and under the leadership of Shen Lang, they will fight for the mission and save the world.


"This is the worst era, but it is also the best era." The demon stalked in the arms of Shen Lang: "My ideal is to explore the whole world, but now the world has lost the goal of exploration. But Outside the world, there are endless goals waiting for us to explore and discover."

The galleys made by Jiang from his Majesty will not be abandoned, and will not be dismantled because it is already very advanced.

Next, through more than ten years, or even decades of transformation, the spacecraft was replaced with a new power, controllable nuclear fusion power.

Then these ships will fly into space, constantly searching the new world and finding another livable planet.

Of course, the plan to save the planet is still fundamental.

Next, Shen Lang will divide the power of the whole world into two. One is responsible for studying the sun, how to get through the Great Nirvana after 82 years, protect the planet, and calculate the next time of the sun. The big bang finally calculated the death time of the world's sun.

Human civilization, after all, is going out of this solar system and out of the cradle of civilization.

But it must be normal maturity, not to swallow the flesh and blood of the mother to grow.

Scientific development and exploration is the real and reasonable growth.

"Shen Lang, can you give me a little **** crystal, paradise crystal, I want to explore the stars, I want to be the captain of one of the ships, or even the commander of the entire fleet." .

Is this a new business?

Forty years ago, the enemy demon was the pirate leader, the fleet commander.

Now, she has to lead an alternative fleet to explore the starry sky.

This may be her best home. She has dreamed of exploring the unknown world throughout her life.

"Our daughter has grown up, better than my mother." The enemies said: "So, I can safely and boldly travel."

Shen Lang nodded: "Good! But you want to be the commander of the exploration fleet, there are many things to learn."

I really want to learn a lot, such as knowledge about the stars, about gravity, about astronomy, etc., countless.

At present, the world is very partial, and about materials science and dynamics, it is already more advanced than the earth. But with regard to electronics, most of the natural sciences and physical sciences are far behind the earth.

After all, most of the civilizations of this world are inherited from the ancient empire, and even the energy civilization of ancient empire.

And Shen Lang brought them a scientific civilization.

Not only do the enemies want to learn, but all those who are determined to explore the stars and sky must learn. In particular, more than 300,000 ancient newcomers need to learn especially because they are the main force in exploring the stars.

Not only that, but the world's ordinary humans also need to select a large number of elites, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of bachelors, to the Arctic to participate in all-round, system-wide learning.

And the evangelist, of course, is Shen Lang.

He needs to completely decompose the high-order dragon's sentiment, the ultimate dragon's sentiment into energy civilization, nightmare stone civilization, scientific civilization, and then teach the elite of the whole world.

The Enemy is indeed a candidate for the future command of the Fleet's Supreme Commander, because she is brave, just, and full of absolute adventurous spirit.

"From today, you are the entire Marshal of the exploration fleet." Shen Langdao: "I will give you the crystal of heaven, and always protect your body and soul."


Shen Lang rode Shen Yilong, riding Ji Longer and flew toward the east.

Flying over the Xilun Empire, and then going east, east.

Two thousand dragons slammed into the sea at a distance of 13,000 miles from the Xilun Empire.

There are ruins everywhere, and there are ruins everywhere.

Even the seabed here has countless magma. Once Jiang’s rule from the empire did not come here, there is no ice in the sea.

The entire seabed stretches for thousands of miles and is ruined.

The architectural style here is not as gorgeous as the lost empire, and not as primitive as the ancient empire, between the two.

This is the old Beijing of the ancient Medusa Empire, a generation earlier than the lost empire.

The two dragons ran through the ruins of the sea and eventually came to a broken underwater temple.

Then, Shen Lang and his dragon fell into the temple.

The inside is densely covered with Medusa statues.

It is the king of Medusa, and the seven queens of Medusa are here.

All of them have turned into fossil statues.

There are ancient Medusa and ancient Medusa.

In order to survive the Great Nirvana, they also completely separate their bodies and souls.

The soul is hidden in the tomb of the seabed, and the body is hidden inside the old Jinghen Temple.

In fact, countless Medusa royals did so at the time, and more than a few hundred thousand Medusa kings turned themselves into fossils, trying to escape the ancient era.

However, ninety-nine percent failed.

Their underground mausoleum did not escape the Great Nirvana, and the soul flew away. The embarrassing spiritual mother, the Queen of Naru, was fortunate in power. In the ancient Great Nirvana, she was not directly hit by the energy of the sun's dramatic changes. The underground tombs where she was located were all preserved.

Of course, I escaped the ancient deaths of the ancients, but did not escape the drastic changes before.

Therefore, it was only when Naru Queen entered the body of the enemy, so she had two mothers, one who gave birth to her body and one who gave birth to her spiritual soul.

At that time, the body of the Enchantment was still too weak to support the soul of Queen Nalu, so it became weaker and weaker. In the end, even the mental strength was less than one tenth, and the physical combat power was not as good as one percent.

After the war with Sauron, she chose to return the body to the Hermit, and gave the energy beads to her daughter. She returned to the old Beijing with her dying, broken soul, because she has her fossils. statue.

But even so, her soul was so badly damaged that she was less than one in a thousand. Even after entering her own fossil statue, she was just sleeping, and nothing else could be done.

As for turning the fossil statue back to the real body?

It’s even more impossible to do it. Turning fossils requires God’s gaze. It’s already very difficult. Want to change back from the statue to the normal body? It's even harder, requires incredibly harsh conditions, and needs the most powerful caster.

It was only at the level of Queen Medusa that she was able to recover her normal body.

But for the Shen Lang at this time, it is completely unnecessary.

You don't even need to enter the realm of the ultimate dragon's sentiment, you only need the high-level dragon's sentiment.

Queen Naru’s soul is less than one-thousandth of the remaining, but for Shen Lang, it’s enough.

Next, in the realm of high-level dragons, he can continue to fill, and ultimately help Queen Naru's soul to fully recover.

Just one day later!

Shen Lang paid a part of the spiritual cost and helped Queen Naru to fully recover her soul.

Then... released a reversal of the gaze of God.


The embarrassing spiritual mother, Queen Nadu of Medusa recovered one inch and one inch.

From fossils to beautiful bodies.

In an instant...

The entire temple of the sea, as if blooming a brilliant light.

A familiar face is the former Queen of the Witch Empire, but it is much more beautiful.

After all, she was not the complete Queen of Medusa at the time.

But the familiar spirit of the child is exactly the same.

Shen Langhe finally fulfilled his promise, found her mother, and rescued her.

Queen Nalu smiled sweetly, then bowed down to Shen Lang: "Chen Nalu, I saw my Majesty."

Shen Lang reached out and Queen Naru put the hand of Yu Yu in the hands of Shen Lang, and then the money stood up.

"The Queen of the lost empire should be you, but you gave it to Queen Medusa." Shen Langdao.

"Her Majesty's Majesty is an ancient totem, because I can't bear to see the lost empire broken, so I recovered my true body. I admire her very much." Queen Nalu said.

Shen Langdao: "Now the Queen of Medusa has... completely away, you are the only Medusa king. The remaining Medusa royal statues have lost their souls, empty with a fossil body. Today's lost empire, only There are only a hundred thousand pirates left, so the burden of reviving the lost empire falls on you. Your lost empire is very important to the entire civilization because you have a strong spiritual power."

Her Majesty Nalu’s majesty said: “Chen Chen’s purpose!”

Then, Queen Medusa and Shen Lang and Yan returned to the city of Nujing.


The teacher is still fascinating, like a flame.

During the thirty years of being imprisoned, she was also frozen, and her metabolism stopped completely, so she was still young and energetic.

At this point, she was double-eyed and stood in front of the sinking waves.

"I think, you need to give me an account." The teacher said: "White impermanence, you used to ruin my innocence, isn't it happening as anything? Don't think that you are the owner of the whole world, this thing is It can be like this. Of course, I didn’t intend to force you anything, but you’re even stunned by Xu Wei, and you can see that you have no psychological scruples. Since you can be a nephew, you can’t let me go. The hopes of my family can be pinned on me. You don't marry me, who dares to marry me? Do you want to delay my life?"

Originally, Shen Lang really had a huge scruples in his heart, because he felt that there were too many owes to Mulan. Therefore, if you don't want to provoke anyone, you will have to dry the class teacher for a few years.

But now... Shen Lang has made up his mind that after the completion of the matter, he will spend the rest of his life with Mulan, and only accompany her alone for a full life.

Therefore, this kind of scruples is temporarily put down.

Shen Langdao: "The teacher, for the next 30 years, I will spend most of my time in the North Pole, and I will come back at most once a year."

The teacher said: "No problem, just give me a name, so my family can also become a top-ranking giant, with unlimited glory. My parents can't raise me white, I grow so beautiful, my body is so good, can't It is a great loss to bring great glory to the family. Of course, being a royal prince is also a great glory for me. At least no one dares to provoke me. So, give me a name, of course. It is best for a child."

Shen Lang grinned and looked at the woman in front.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't feel bad!" Shen Langdao.

Next, Shen Lang used a very simple and solemn ritual, and he was a teacher.

The family of the family finally got what they wanted.


After five days!

Shen Lang left Nujing and went to the North Pole.

Sitting on the Dark Throne once again, controlling the countless Hell Crystals, spit back the energy swallowed bit by bit.

Next, he spends most of his time sitting on the Dark Throne most of the time.

Not only must we control the return of countless **** crystals, but we also need to control countless ancient warriors to carry out spacecraft transformation.

At the same time, more and more people went north to the Arctic Temple to accept the knowledge transfer of Shen Lang.

This is a much longer process.

The high-level dragon's sentiment, the ultimate dragon's sentiment, after analysis, becomes the knowledge that ordinary people can accept, which requires astronomical information.

Need to study for a few years, ten years, or even decades.

Every year, Shen Lang can only go home for a day to reunite with his loved ones, and the rest of the day will be in the Arctic Dark Throne.

But he is not alone, because the family can continue to go north and come to the North to accompany him.

For example, 幺幺 baby, such as Gregory these two geniuses, but also the demon cher, most of the time in the Arctic Temple, while learning the waves of the high-level dragons, the ultimate dragon's sentiment.

One side is also accompanied by Shen Lang.

In this way, time passes by and year after year.

Time is like water, and time is like a shuttle.

The days that can be forced to force are also passing away.

Twenty years have passed.


Note: If you have a free time tomorrow, there will be two more! It should be finished tomorrow, the latest day after tomorrow! thank you all!

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