History's Strongest Manager

[142] Where the Tails Reach (4)

Iznitas licks his tongue for support.

“But he's got a strong heart. It's amazing to see a kid flying around like that. ”

In the dreadful sight of the beast's flesh, support wandered freely, without a frown. The confused civilians did not like to see this terrible sight.

“Well, you'd be bored with this. ”

“... Tsk. ”

Support has been experimented on in the underground ports and has become accustomed to pain and pain enough, and I've had enough of these disgusting and horrible experiences watching other subjects die. Now, there was no reason to panic about splattering and dropping guts.

It was not a good thing for a child under the age of a few to get used to it. Iznitas empathizes well as he easily gets excited, and he looks at it with pity as if support was pitiful.

Because of her abilities, the only thing she could do was hunt.

“Has anyone come looking for Blueheart yet? ”

“Not yet.”

“If the Aculars had half the force they used to have, they'd rush in right now.... I'm a little worried, to be honest. ”

“Worry about what? ”

“Though we define him as a mutant, in fact, he has to think of himself as a whole new lineage that is completely different from ours. He's not exactly a mutant. ”

Iznitas explained slowly. Kangjundo was staring at Iznitas.

“Mutants combine the living tissue of monsters with human beings. In the process, when you administer a regenerative drug and the balance of decay and regeneration is reached, you become a mutant. ”

“That's right."

“But she is the heart of a monster, the heart of life. It's not like we put in some monster's biological tissue or some cells. ”

As a result, Blueheart was difficult to make, and support was the first and last mutant to survive in the long, near killing of Acula.

“In other words, the level of synthesis is different. If most mutants were to cytosynthesize the body and the number at a ratio of 99: 1, he would synthesize at a ratio of 1: 99. Do you know what that means? ”

“I don't know. ”

“He's more of a monster than a man. ”

Support was a little pretty, but Iznitas' words were meaningful. Support is apparently human, but inside is more monstrous than any other mutant. The heart replaced with a blue heart caused the vital center of support to deteriorate close to the monster, not the human.

Mutants only grow to SSS rank. Only Awakened are able to ascend to the rank of Overrank as human beings, but support has been a completely different mutant.

Soon, it was okay to see that among mutants, the only one who was likely to grow to the Overrank class.

He was still doing a good enough job as an attaché for the team. And the day was growing differently.

Above all, as Iznitas started to stay, his support got better faster. Iznitas explained the unknown mutant's system of force action and helped train. That's why support was able to solve the problems that she felt.

“By the way, do you guarantee that they will continue to work with you? ”

It's not a dependency contract anyway, and we have to be together every season. However, in Iznitas's view, Kang Jun had a lot of affection for the H-1 team. It wasn't so bad for Hunters to leave on good terms with other management during the reentry season.

“We have to keep working. ”

“Trying to catch a weakness? ”

“No, it's because there were so few people in the first place, don't you think our conditions are common? ”

“Hmm…. ”

“Think about it."

Kang Jun started talking to the troubled Iznitas.

“Free hunting tickets to work wherever you want, guaranteed accommodation, full equipment support, and custom equipment crafting for the Majestic artisans, where only one team is going to build a state-of-the-art new dungeon, and where support is concentrated. Hey, this kind of support team in my country is, frankly, better than S rank or worse than Damascus. ”

“... I don't know, it's a little hard to hear. I think the conditions are good... ”

Iznitas nods with a faint expression. Of course, Kang Jun said only good things, but the free hunting rights alone were full of conditions. There was a huge difference between Kangjun and the current hero management when he just joined the company.

And the rest of the team had no complaints. The H-1 team was currently quite satisfied because Kang Jun wasn't rolling too hard, but was careful to rest when he was doing and resting.

Their current location was Busan, and they were on a delegation request from another team.

After completing the mission, they took the hotel in Busan as a lodging. The mission was to take place in the region for the next two days. Seoyoung always instructed me to use the best accommodation in the area when I was out of town.

I worked hard, but it was the consideration of the rumor that I should always care as much as eating and resting. There were three rooms, Gangjun and Support, and Iznitas stayed in one room, Gina, Aran and Ju. Kang Jun was washing from afar and watching TV, and Iznitas and support went in to wash together. Iznitas was a bitch anyway.), Kang Jun didn't care much.

"Hey, you need to wash your hair!" ’

I hate the smell of shampoo! ’

Come on, you! ’


- Wa-dang!

I heard loud noises from the shower room to the outside. Iznitas and support were a pretty good match. Iznitas took good care of the support and the support was a bit strange at first, but soon followed Iznitas well. Just looking at it quietly, it didn't look like anything at all, but it looked just like my older sister and younger sister.

New news continued to come out on TV.

[I've heard that the U.K. takeover operation is going smoothly. The Allied forces have now taken complete control of the southern United Kingdom around the previously constructed Dover Advance Base and have built a small area of damage. The Allied forces have come to an agreement on the London bombing operation. This decision will likely trigger an air raid on London in six days.]

[The Allied forces have announced that the U.K. seizure operations will continue to maintain the occupation policy after a line bombing. This decision is buying up the British revolt, but it has also suggested a significant weakening of the British government's influence within the coalition forces.]

[Jabline, one of the major coalition forces, has announced that even Type C nuclear weapons can be used if needed. Of course, internal repulsion is unlikely to actually be used.]

The new nuclear weapon, CN (Core nuclear), which uses only pure energy explosions with no radiation, was recently developed by Jablin's largest shareholder weapons company. I also made a big advertisement that it was a ‘clean’ weapon that could blow up only what I really wanted to blow up.

The inside of the Jabline that you want to use in the real world is revealed.

After all, the U.K. takeover was a war, and mercenaries like Jabline had no reason to get into that. It was currently equipped with all available Union personnel. The U.K. takeover operation was not a matter of a day or two.

Even if I could take back the whole area, I wouldn't have a choice for a year or two to install wavelength detectors, hunt hidden monsters, and carry out the reconstruction. Since it was an early operation, Union will hunt only the most dangerous monsters.

Neither did Kang predict how the U.K. takeover would end.

“Looks like it's going well. ”

Iznitas came out of the shower, plucking his hair with a towel. Iznitas sits facedown in his bed in his bathrobe. Support came out of the bathroom, looking tired, and went into the other room to lie down.

Iznitas and Kangjun were watching the news without a word. On TV, Jabline explained what type C nuclear bombs were meant to be used.

“The Jablins. Is there any chance he could retaliate? ”

Iznitas was worried about getting caught up in the useless business of assassinating Jablin mercenaries back then. I was fine with it, but the aftermath could come to Hero Management.

“We can't go near it just because it's an issue. They don't even know who we are. ”

He was wearing a mask anyway, and if Jablines were a strong African region, this was Korea. I would not have done too much revenge in a weak place. Iznitas grumbles to see if it bothers him to leave any survivors behind.

“Should I have just killed them all? ”

“What are you doing with regret? If there's a problem, you'll figure it out. ”

A warning shot to Jabline in the name of Union should keep him quiet on his own. Iznitas shook his head with excitement as to the audacity of Gangjun.

“Rather split up and use it as you please? ”

“What makes you say that? ”

When Choi Hyeong-jun smiled excitedly, Iznitas shook his head in disdain. Iznitas wetted his memory briefly, gazing at the night vision unfolding out the window.

“I remember a long time ago, hanging out like this, by the way. We used to hang out together and do homelessness all the time. ”

“Well, there was a time. ”

“I remember Gangjun when he was a footballer. ”

“…… Why are you suddenly bringing that up? ”

Iznitas blinks as if he suddenly has something to make fun of.

“Huh? Remember when you couldn't even look me in the eye? When my face turns red... ”

“I never knew you were a bearded man! ”

It was Kang Jun who disadvantaged me when I brought it up. Iznitas had a relatively longer career, and Kang Jun had been with him since he was a beginner who still knew nothing. Iznitas doesn't stop teasing as if it's funny as Kangjun rarely looks embarrassed.

In fact, even now or in the past, Iznitas had the most beautiful appearance among the members and at that time Kangjun was young.

“It was so cute that I kissed you once and you couldn't sleep that night, right? ”

That was the crystal.

“I'll kill you.”

When Kang Jun went to look for Revolver with a cold expression, Iznitas had a pale complexion.

“Hey! You got to be kidding me! ”

“Shut up! Let's start with a single blow to the head! ”

Kang Jun began to rummage through his backpack, and Iznitas hung on the back of Kang Jun in order to tear it down. Kang Jun pulls the revolver out of his bag.

- Cheers.

“Jee, seriously. Are you really going to shoot me? Huh?”

“I'm going to shoot you just for fun... ”

- Beep, beep, beep.

Suddenly, when something terrible was about to happen, Kang Jun looked inside his bag with a sudden ringing sound.

“…… What is it? ”

The brief tone continues to ring on the tablet PC you put in your bag. Iznitas sighs of relief as Kangjun lowers his revolver. However, because Kang Jun looked quite serious, Iznitas carefully called Kang Jun.

“What's the matter? ”

Kang Jun took out the tablet PC without saying anything and started pounding. Soon, there was a camera screen on the tablet PC. The screen was a surveillance camera set up around the studio by Kangjun.

“What? What's going on? ”

“I've linked the CCTV footage, but if the same guy's been around for a while, he's got a beep. ”

The principle was a little complicated, but eventually, when a suspicious person wandered around the house for a long time, it automatically triggered a beep. Kang Jun has prepared a lot of things by himself for this security part of the site that has been done so far.

Kang Jun turned the CCTV screen and observed the suspicious character's behavior. I looked around the door, window, and so on, pretending not to look.

Iznitas also stared at Kangjun with a firm look.

“Looks like someone's digging behind you. ”

The outfit was a thick jumper with jeans on, and I didn't know who it was.

“I think he's a foreigner.... ”

He was wearing a hat, and concluded that Kang Jun, who checked his face type, was a foreigner.

“Poor picture quality. ”

“There are other cameras. ”

The crude CCTV was actually a faucet, and there were very high quality cameras hidden everywhere by Kangjun. It was a semi-permanent surveillance camera using core batteries. Iznitas was surprised at the other side of the picture, looking at the very clear quality.

“What kind of house does this place have? ”

Iznitas couldn't quite understand how to use a tiny piece of equipment that clearly cost a lot of money to monitor the perimeter of the house. Kang Jun replied briefly.

“I hope this happens. ”

“…… persuasive. ”

Kang Jun's hidden cameras were able to scour the surrounding streets and the back of the building as well as the surrounding studio area in the 30s. Kang Jun captured a suspicious person's face on the screen, and soon zoomed in. The suspicious person's attention was clearly captured. I was wearing a mask, but I could see the eyes.

“The foreigner is right. What is he doing? ”

Gangjun did not know why the stranger had to come near his home. The man stood around a little longer and soon left. Iznitas also stared at Gangjun with a firm look. Naturally, they could not help but question the relationship between the conversation we just had with foreigners.

“Could it be the Jablines? ”

“…… How did you find it? ”

Jabline was often composed of foreigners, and Kangjun could not find any reason for foreigners to spy on his studio.

After all, if there's a connection, it's just Jablines. There was no reason to be trampled on, so Kang Jun did not know how they found a place to stay.

There was nothing I could do right now because I had just been dispatched to Seoul. Of course, Jabline was about to start spying on him on a completely different matter, not because of the visa funding. However, neither Gangjun nor Iznitas could have known that, so he did not understand what was going on.

“Let's just get one thing straight. Someone is digging behind me, a foreigner. I don't know why, and I can't rule out the possibility of a Jabline. ”

“This is a goal. ”

Iznitas sighs, frowning because he didn't think this would happen.

In the end, they were both thieves. Iznitas fell asleep and Kangjun stayed up all night staring at the CCTV screen.

And then...

Around dawn, someone started walking around Gangjun's house. Kang Jun looked at him and said something.

“…… what the hell is this? ”

CCTV showed a picture of a full-time complaint.

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