History's Strongest Manager

[151] To black market (1)

“Perhaps the remnants of Acula are stuck in Jablin. I'm starting to think so. ”

The power of Acula was now a minor force waiting for Union's execution. But they have to work with Jablines as bait. Jabline wasn't just getting paid to kidnap support. I can only explain that they are greedy for their own Blueheart, no matter how much they think about it.

Jabline absorbs the results of centuries of research called Blueheart, and Acula is able to analyze the research achievements that Jablin has been so eager to protect.

Perhaps the mutual interests were aligned.

Union was involved in the collapse of Acula, and anyone at the top of the industry assumed a great deal, and Jabline couldn't have known either.

Jabline's acceptance of Acula is consistent with the idea of opposing Union.

The name Blueheart was not as simple as I thought it would be. Aran and Joo were listening to Kangjun.

“So, this could happen again and again? ”

His eyes tremble as if he were anxious. It was difficult to cope with a large force called the Jablins and an unidentified mutant experimental group for a minor Hunter team. Unlike his fears, Aran grips his teeth.

“I can't forgive those who do that. ”

“Hey, don't you know what a Jabline is? They're not just mercenaries, they're state-level. ”

“What does it matter? ”

Aran shoots at the words of the play.

“Do we have to consider how dangerous they are to call them bastards? ”

“No... I'm not saying that... Wait, why are you mad at me? ”

“You're making weird noises. ”

“I hate them, and I'm pissed! But you think we'll be okay if they come back? ”

“What are you going to do? Are you running away?”

With Aran's straightforward question, he was speechless.

“Well, that's... It's not like that... ”

“Let's not fight amongst ourselves. ”

Gangjun interrupted and dried the snarling.

“I'm not going to let you fight them. ”

Kang Jun said that with a firm expression. Kang Jun was so serious that he couldn't say anything, not even Aran, not even Gina. In this case, I understood Kang Jun greatly. He was too restless. I did not consider what the rest of Acula would do to somehow secure the Blueheart.

However, even if you can make a mistake once, it is not a second time. Kang Jun was not going to go through this mistake anymore.

Kangjun was staring at Iznitas and support sleeping tight together for a long time.

Anger is anger, and reality is reality after all. Gangjun was not the only one who could break into Jablin Headquarters. And now I can't leave people's side. Luckily, a few days later, everyone recovered from their health. Support only walked on new feet without having to rehabilitate separately.

“Hey, don't run! Do you want to break another bone? ”

Iznitas ran screaming and chased the support out of the hospital. Choi and Yeong came to their senses and dragged the van out to meet them. She has also given us an overview of the situation, but she is currently busy with the construction of the shrine.

“Jules, I'll drive. ”

“Oh, do that. ”

Seo-young looked at the support that had been discharged from the driver's seat and swung her cheeks.

“It hurt a lot, didn't it? Oh no, our support... ”

“No, it's okay. I have this much... ”

I felt sorry for expressing the pain that my legs were cut off like this, and I cried. While in the hospital, support has never been seen complaining of pain. Support got into the car, smiling vigorously, and sat on Seoyoung's knees.

Support did not complain of fear or fear, even though it was kidnapped. I was just smiling as if I was satisfied now that I'm like this again.

“Weren't you scared? ”

Assistance in Snow Young's question nodded.

“I was scared.”

But his mouth was smiling.

“It's okay because I'm not scared. ”

It broke everyone's heart in the van. It wasn't much to ask for support. Now, I want it to be like this. I was satisfied not with more money or greater happiness, but with what I am now, and I forgot the horrors and shocks I had just felt.

Seo-young hugged him with support, and with a happy smile, she hugged him.

Seeing that, everyone was feeling unspeakable sadness. And I also felt a hatred for that little boy, Jabline, trying to tear through his flesh and skin.

After returning to the lodge, Iznitas informed Gangjun of the progress.

“I reported it, but frankly, there aren't any people left now. ”

If the rest of Acula is in league with Jabline, he is also the reason for Union's intervention. However, the rest of Union's personnel had been deployed to the UK, so they were currently unable to afford it. And it was a long shot, so I couldn't take it off easy.

“Luzon, who was in charge of the search for residuals, was added to the UK not long ago…. I don't think we can do this right now. ”

“Is that so... ”

In order to influence groups of the size of Jablines, unitemperature must be readily available. Unitemperature was no longer a violent stance.

“I have to get better, too. ”

Iznitas said with a firm expression as if he had made up his mind.

“Those Javelin bastards are out of control. This is unforgivable. ”

If you've teamed up with Acula, a anti-humanitarian massacre, it's not just about kidnapping support. There was no time to use the others, and the only thing free was Iznitas now. Iznitas fully regains his strength and plans to deal with the Jablins himself.

“That's good, too. Let's ask our kids. ”


“With the help of the Constitution this time, I've decided to help you with one of your tasks. ”

It was a clear deal, not a favor from a fickle worker. As soon as it was urgent, Kang Jun had to do what he had received. Without the help of the Constabulary's location tracking and wide-wave detectors, even the paratroopers could not deny that they almost missed support.

“I'm going to be away for a while, so I need you to take care of me. Especially not by yourself. ”

“Got it.”

While Kangjun is away, Iznitas will protect the H-1 team. Apart from the output problem, Kang Jun could rely on protection for Iznitas.

“Is this going to take long? ”

“I don't know, it can be long depending on the situation... I'll try to get this over with as soon as possible. ”

Kang Jun also wanted to quickly get rid of this wretched master gate and go back to my original life. However, Kang Jun's phone was already crying because he had not had much time. The caller, of course, was absent.

“Oh, yes. I'm Kang Joon.”

Kangjun climbs down from the rooftop and Iznitas grips his teeth, looking up at the cold winter sky. Apart from Jabline's troubles, Iznitas couldn't help but inflate doubts about the highest standards.

In Blueheart, the surveillance system installed around the studio, with the possibility of becoming the strongest mutant, the last avatar has already evolved a second ability.

Above all, Choi Jung had some background information about Heming-ryun. You don't need to be just a management employee if you are going to live normally. However, as he knew he would be involved in this, Choi Jun prepared such materials in advance.

What Kang Jun Choi prepared for the future, Iznitas was afraid to imagine it.

Jung Joon has more power than he thought, and there are too many things that Jung Joon prepared for the future.

‘Of course not. I don't think so. ’

Iznitas wanted to think that all this was just a coincidence. Iznitas eventually stopped thinking and convinced himself it was time to protect the support.

In the absence of Gangjun, the H-1 team will rest in their homes protected by Iznitas. The Constitution Department has sufficient evidence that Jabline was involved in the case, but has not publicized it. The incident has been shorted to a vague state, and the South Korean government will issue a strict warning to the Jablin headquarters underwater.

Gangjun was waiting on a side of the road outside of Seoul to keep his promise to Heo Sang-geun. They had to infiltrate the black market to find out what was going on there and if the construction industry was really connected to Blackmarket operations.

Gangjun had as much equipment as he needed. He had arrived at the rendezvous point beforehand. And there was also a face that Kang Jun knew.

“Last time I checked, you two seemed to know each other, and I brought three of you here to see if they were enough to carry out their mission. ”

“This is the first time we've worked together. I'll try not to interfere. ”

Tohoyeon and Gangjun shook hands.

“Are the items I mentioned ready? ”

“Of course.”

He gave some ID to Kang Jun. Fake I.D., a must-have item for this operation, and he also had both a full-time worker and a do-ho-yeon. In addition, the items that Kang Jun ordered were also in the trunk.

The operation will take place with three people, Dohoyeon, Heo Sang-geun and Kang Joon. The car prepared was driven by Doho Yeon, Kang Jun was in the passenger seat and Heo Heo Geun was in the back seat. Doho-yeon knew exactly where to go now and what she had been told about the operation.

“We need to get over the civilian line and into the DMZ. ”

“Isn't that a minefield? ”

“After the Armory Coat went public, it was meaningless. What's the problem with the North and South? ”

‘The problem with monsters....' I swallowed the last word. North Korea's relationship has become virtually meaningless since North Korea's nearly unconditional surrender after its disappearance. Despite the state's boundaries, North Korea has become unable to sustain itself without global support.

Moreover, North Korea's military protection agreements significantly diminished its power. The North's nuclear weapons were long gone, and North Korea's nuclear weapons have already been abandoned by the United States.

The world's military has changed to a defense system to protect the state, not a military system for war. That's why the military first learns and trains monster suppression operations. Therefore, the old DMZ area was also slower than before. Kang Jun opened his mouth while looking at Tohoyeon's military uniform.

“Sir, I have a question. ”

“What is it?”

“Why is the Korean military putting a Camouflage pattern on their armour coats? Well, the Constitution can do that because they hunt people, but even in a regular monster armor, right? ”

The armour coats with digital camouflage patterns were cool in their own way, but worthless to think about. What's the point of disguising yourself in fighting monsters? In fact, Kang Jun saw the protective clothing of several armies, but the giant receptacle protective clothing was important for practicality and not for appearance. Kang Jun wanted to ask me a long question since he met a senior military officer.

“…… do I have to explain to you about munitions, defenses, lobbyists, adhesions, propensity, meaningless budgets and waste generation that have been carried out over this long and long history? Then there's only one answer. I needed a reason to wear camouflage patterns. I didn't need Celia. Besides, I don't want to know and I don't want to get involved. ”

“You're hot.”

I laughed and laughed at Kangjun's cool answer to his abscess. In the end, it was only a cover pattern that increased the unit price per quantity. So if you create a reason to wear a pattern, it doesn't really matter anyway.

“Money's the way to go anyway, since you asked me a question. ”

“Well…. Yes.”

“What's your relationship with Agent Doe? ”

Doho Yeon had no class, and they were usually called "agents." Tohoyeon glanced at Kang Jun as if she didn't think that question would come out. It wasn't a big question.

Heo Heung-ryun was just a playful question of meaning, whether you two were in a relationship. It was a question that Doho-yeon didn't look like she was going anywhere.

But in fact, it was quite large and unbelievable. Hoenn thought that Gangjun would somehow surround him and looked a little nervous, but he was still holding the wheel naturally. Choi Kang Jun rolled his head for a moment. After all, he even found out that he used to be Union.

I also had the help of the Constitution once.

Therefore, Choi Jung needs to appeal that he is competent to the abscess muscle. Literally, the relationship between the Constitution Department and Gibbs and Takes had not been so bad. I didn't want to get involved until I met you, but now that I'm starting to get involved, it's good to actively maintain this relationship.

Circumstances keep changing, and judgments keep changing.

“We first met earlier this year, but if we were in a special relationship, we'd be in an outsider situation. ”


“At that time, when I was lying in the basement, I helped a little. ”

“…… What? ”

“Literally. ”

Kang Jun turned his head to the back seat, looking at his glutes.

“I killed the outsider. ”

The gluteus maximus just dropped a lighted cigarette down his thigh.

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