History's Strongest Manager

[154] Devil Coming to Sodom (1)

The ceiling is not dark because there is a core lamp embedded in the ceiling and a subtle light is sprinkled. Instead of a partial underground facility, he built a giant dome underground and built a building beneath it. The ceiling of the dome has a huge core lamp embedded in it, spreading a subtle light.

Kangjun also had to be surprised at this size. I was also surprised at Heo Hyo-yeon and Heo.

“This size... That's amazing.”

“I don't know, but it's one of the best in the world. Follow me. I'll walk you to your place. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

Kang Jun gave a brief evaluation while looking around.

"The biggest in the world"? There's only one black market on this scale in the world. ’

At this scale, Kangjun has never seen a black market built on this quality. It was not possible to spread the underground soil beneath the mountain and build these massive underground spaces simply because capital was introduced.

‘Even if PPF was mobilized to build the facility.... You're using the Cube Outpost for maintenance. ’

The entire dome was blocked with a cube-based repulsive force field against the risk of collapse. There was no pillar, but using the cube's conceptual power, the dome was like a pillar with an entire empty space.

The black market is the black market in the first place, and it's never been built this big before.

Of course, customers are needed to maintain facilities of this size. Kang Jun seemed to know the reality of this facility just now. The building was not so refined, but it was not enough to say that it was built underground.

“What do you know about using the market? ”

“I am somewhat aware. ”

“All payments are possible with Core, Ethel, Cube and of course, cash. Once you enter, we will not interfere with any facilities. When you leave, you will be escorted by patrolmen as well. ”

At the hotel entrance, the patrolman says so, then returns with his crew. Not many people passed by, but that didn't mean they weren't there. Each of them would have come here with a sinister purpose.

There were only three left, and Heo Heung-ryun and Do-ho-yeon were looking at Gangjun. After serving a few words on his own, he convinced the patrol team to come all the way here thanks to Kang Joon.

“Oh, I don't know what to make of this. ”

“Only that it's great.... ”

“Let's rest today. It's not good to move too fast. ”

They entered the hotel and, of course, the accommodation cost was enormous. Luckily, only the wealthy came, so the room they stayed in was quite large. Gangjun went into the room, looked everywhere and signed OK.

“It looks like there aren't any surveillance devices available. I think we can talk comfortably. ”

The water came out fine, whether it was drawn and used groundwater or not, and the electricity ran fine. There was no decoration, but the comfortable bed and sofa seemed to fit into the really deep ground.

“Let's get you all cleaned up. ”

I didn't want to talk about it like it was full of dirt. Dohoyeon first, then full-time, and Gangjun all gathered in one place after the shower.

“Your help was definitely valid. If I had looked on the surface, I could have just reported nothing and no evidence." ”

“Kang Jun, but he seemed like a real fraud. ”

Tohoyeon was staring at Kangjun as if she couldn't just like him.

“Let's just say I like short notice. ”

Kang Jun smiled.

“But to be honest, I was surprised, too. I've never seen a market this size. ”

“Do you think this scale can be created simply by 'demand'? ”

“Absolutely not. ”

“It's too early, but let's anticipate and act on it. ”

It may reach the North Korean government. Both Kang Jun and Phantom Yoon expected it, and they haven't said anything yet. Until I see it with my own eyes, it is time.

Blackmarket cartel, where is it? To know that, I had to wander the streets of the market. This area is militarily sensitive, and dispatching troops quickly required friction with North Korea.

Positioning is disruptive and political. They decided to take a day off. The black market lights were always on, but the illumination of the core to illuminate the entire dome varied over time. People came and went on the streets, and their purpose was different.

Some of them thought that they wanted to suck up a human corpse and become stronger, so it seemed to give them goosebumps all over.

There's no end to the desire for strength, but the periods of capital that actually make it possible came as much scarier for her.

Leshen's agency planted a bomb in Hunter's head to stop the betrayal.

Somewhere there were those who wanted to eat people and become stronger. And those who think money is the best value have developed a Bloodsurfing machine.

And those criminals created this space, which is illegal and unethical to even breathe and create a city underground. We've only come down a little bit, but on the same ground, in the same space, it's solemn.

I just came down a little bit.

Suddenly, she was scared and disgusted that she had lived in a world like this until now.

“Can't sleep? ”

Choi Jung asked, looking at the dojo in the living room. Heo, Sang Geun fell asleep, and Kang Jun was on his way out for a glass of water.

“Yes... A little bit.”

“Go to bed early. We'll have to go around all day tomorrow. ”

“You must have been to a lot of places like this, right? ”

Kangjun drank a cup of water and stared at Tohoyeon. With the exception of the yellow lights, such as the core, entering the window, the room was dim. Toho-yeon hasn't seen human beings being priced yet. But I felt nauseous just knowing that I might see it. Gangjun knew what it felt like.


When I first met him, I thought he was a manager and a bit unusual to be from Hunter. The second time I met him, he must have been a pretty good manager to build a Hunter team.

The third time I met him, I couldn't believe my eyes. She saves her life once more, thanks to Choi Jun.

He must have gone down to the deepest depths of the world.

“Are you sure you're okay with that? ”

Kang Jun approached Tohoyeon's side and stood side by side. And now he said, looking at the sparse streets of people.

“You should be fine.”

Doho-yeon did not know what that meant. Kang Jun muttered, gazing at the street of crime and the city of sin.

“Hating it, it's exhausting, isn't it? ”

Choi Jung smiled once and went into the room. Tohoyeon felt sorry for Kangjun Choi's smile. I've seen a lot of such sights, so I'm tired of being angry. Tohoyeon looked like a person whose heart was worn out and turned to dust.

The next day, they went out into the streets of the market. The compartment wasn't a good place, but it wasn't dirty. It was the best position in the black market. Each of the buildings had a different use, and there were places to simply convert energy crystals.

Kindly enough, each of the buildings had a huge sign, and there were single-story, hole-in-the-wall stores. In the morning, the market was quite lively to see if the people who were staying somewhere had come out. Secondly, you can call it energetic.

The street they were walking was an arms market.

Unauthorized modification weapons, including ethelsods, armor coats, that forced the output. The people who used the back door were more people, even if not as much as the pottery market.

“This is the most popular weapon range. This is the only place Hunters can come. Corporate customers often go to buy corpses. ”

It was a store for small and medium-sized guests. This black market was where regulars who knew the entrance eventually came in. And those regulars keep secrets to themselves so they don't lose their place of purchase.

Although it is an autonomous black market, keeping it quite well means that the black market is ultimately very important to each user.

Doho-yeon was looking at the equipment greed as if he had been seduced by the items on every table.

“Did you ever buy weapons in a place like this? ”

“Not without it. ”

“Anything useful? I'm nervous..."

“Mod weapons are more useful than self-development weapons if you want to live in a hurry. I like special bullets. And stability is better with firearms than with energy devices. ”

“What about devices?"

“In fact, the device is surprisingly fine. In the end, we have no choice but to battle with skill here. And after all, the device is made entirely by artisans, so it's no different than the original. You don't have a brand price, so you have to make something good to buy it. Of course, you can't have replacement refunds or replacement faults. ”

All that matters is living with it. If I ask for a bargain, the guards will chase me away or remove me without my knowledge. Gangjun pointed to what he found while passing by.

“That, that.... Oh.”

“What's that? ”

“That's an automatic shotgun.”

In Hoenn's words, he replied.

“Do you know what happens when you put a shotgun cell with a core tip in it? ”

“That would be huge.”

The shotgun shell disassembles and the core explodes as soon as all the pieces are hit. There will be an explosion far more powerful than a messy grenade.

“If you hit them closely, they'll kill you, too. You can't even touch it unless it's Knight. ”

Kang Jun suddenly stopped when he said that. Kang Jun muttered, scratching his cheeks as he stared at her.

“I wish I could buy one for Aran.... ”

Kang Jun mutters, staring at the stall. Kangjun was quickly scanning the merchandise on each armory stand. When I entered the department store, Kang Jun, who couldn't look anywhere, was distracted from seeing the weapons.

Choi Jung said as if he was possessed by something.

“Let's do some shopping. ”

Eventually, Kang Jun said so, and his glutes frowned. Of course, it didn't look good just to shop peacefully while we were working on it.

“This is all part of the plan. ”

“? ”

Kang Jun's solemn words made him tilt his head. However, they also decided to do as Kang Jun said, because the role of Kang Jun was great. However, when she saw Kang Jun's eyes, she was afraid.

There was no eye for meat that met the water.

Gangjun arrived at each stall of the market and pointed to one of the items on the shelf. It was an automated shotgun developed by a domestic military company, USAS-12.

“Show me that. ”

“Your young friend has a good eye. ”

The middle-aged man with a grumpy expression turns red at once and pulls his weapon out of the shelf. Heo Sang-gyun and Do-ho-yeon were watching what Kang-jun was doing.

“This is the same shape as the prototype, but it's actually a custom shotgun. I fixed the whole thing. It's made of cube alloy, and it's reliable, and it's thick when you use both core and etheltip. But it's a little heavy. But, what, do the monster-hunters care about the weight of the weapon? All you have to do is destroy the monsters. ”

Kang Jun was listening to the owner's weapon boasting. After listening for a long time, Kang Jun looked at the owner with a fat look.

“I'd like to know the cube content for each part. ”


“The cube content. If you had made new parts, you would have filled out a chart separately, wouldn't you? ”

The more cubes there are, the higher the craftsman will go. In the end, the black market is a fool's place. However, the opposing Pokémon's shorts are not easily crossed.

“This guy yells at me on a bad day, what am I supposed to eat if I show him? Should I let you in on a trade secret? ”

The man stared at Kang Jun with a scary expression, but he also did not shut up.

“From here on out, USAS-12 is sold for guns, but what I need is something special to buy here. ”

Autoshotguns picked by Kangjun because they were weapons produced in Korea were handled by most firearms on this street.

“What's special is that when you buy it, you get 100 rounds of ammunition for each bullet and four special magazines made of core alloy. What do you think?”

“Ah…. Yeah, well, I'll look around. ”

“... Well, be that as it may. ”

Kang Jun left without thinking, and Tohoyeon whispered to Kang Jun as if he was curious.

“Why? Is there a problem? ”

“If you don't make the automatic shotgun right, the shooter dies. Like a firearm explosion. But if you don't show me your ticket and I give you a service, you buy it, and you're a hundred-dollar fraud. That's a tricky one. ”

Gangjun said, 'This place is full of swindlers, too.' I grumbled. Gangjun went through several gun awards, and most of the shops were also not much different from the first ones. The charter cannot be published. Most places couldn't even teach you the cube content. It was probably an irrelevant rate throughout the shooting range here.

Of course, I didn't forget to look at other specially modified rifles and devices as well, not just the automatic shotguns.

Kang Jun dealt in one store, and in one store he only skimmed and passed, but he was gradually noticing that his actions under certain standards were only Kang Jun's. Gun shot rounds by Gangjun took place over the course of three hours.

“Aran would use this... ”

“Well, this is for Joo-yeon. ”

“Gina deserves a little self-defense. ”

“This is for Jules... ”

“I think it's time for reinforcements to learn shooting skills.... ”

Kang Jun muttered, constantly wandering around the gun award.

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