History's Strongest Manager

[156] Devil Coming to Sodom (3)

“I don't go to church, but this is what Sodom and Gomorrah would look like in reality. ”

After returning to the hotel, Heo Sang-gyun said, throwing his cloak away. Tohoyeon ran into the bathroom in fear of returning to her room.

“Woohoo! Woohoo! Huff!”

She barfs like a howl, and she takes off her cape and drinks a cup of cold water. Kang Jun Tae-yeon.

“I shouldn't have left. ”

“I tend to think experience is important, but I don't think it's necessary. It was more than I imagined.”

Despite that, it was the most shocking thing for the phantom muscles because it felt like a landscape of life. Even the sense of immorality and unethical is gone, and they trade a human corpse like life.

I was shocked by the daily life I felt in them. If you say it's somebody's fault, "Why is this? 'It was because of their attitude.

It was a sight like that, without being secretly bargained, traded, and bought the corpse of someone I knew on the stand.

The end of evil will be like this, even the words "evil." As an outsider to this landscape, he was not even angry at this extreme landscape. After keeping her mind off things for a long time, she came out of the bathroom wiping her mouth with a towel.

Her eyes are filled with fury.

“I wanted to bury them all. ”

Most people would think so, and that was a human judgment.

“There's nothing good to be angry about. ”

Kang Jun sat on the couch and stared at Tohoyeon.

“We're here for the root cause, not to destroy it, right? ”

This black market is merely a phenomenon caused by any fundamental cause. Heo Sang-geun also nodded, agreeing with Kang Jun's thoughts.

“This black market is a fruit, and it will grow back. We're here for the root. Don't get excited. Let's just stay calm. ”

“…… Yes. ”

The fruit grows again after a little while. However, if you uproot it, it will not bear fruit again.

“Anger is natural, but let's be careful not to get what we want from it. It's natural for you to be angry. But don't lose your cool. ”

“Yes, Kang Joon. ”

She sat on the couch and covered her face with both hands. It was not because of Gangjun and Heo Heung-ryun that he did not get angry. The world isn't always what it seems. They're here to get the evidence. But just by discovering the existence of this black market, the world will turn upside down.

There were already a lot of things to reveal even when troops were dispatched around here and investigations started.

Their role was to find out where the black market cartel was from and where it led. As Heo Sang-gyun said before, it was an ambassador that could destroy the entire Republic of Korea.

Day and night in the basement didn't matter, but the time came to dinner. They finished a big meal with room service. Tohoyeon had no appetite, but somehow she handed over the food. They continue to examine the detector.

“Let's review the plan. ”

Before they came to the market, they brought their own supplies. In case there was no direct evidence. Kang Jun briefly explained.

“Once inside the vault, attach all the trackers to the crystal box there. and watch the flow of that money. Once we know the tracker's route out of the black market, we can pick up their tails outside, see where their subway is and where it's being transported and stored. This is called Plan A. ”

It was intuitive and clear. Numerous Crystal Boxes will flow to those associated with the Black Market, and if we investigate where the Crystal Box arrived, we will be able to tap into the Black Market's true roots. It could be concentrated in one place or dispersed.

“There's a market safe where there's a top ten, or someone who knows the location. I got the hacking device so you don't have to worry about it... ”

Market managers were not as exposed as the others, and were not known to outsiders where they were. The operation with the Junction Tracker was one of the few ways they could do it, since it was like advertising that someone would come after them.

It's good to keep track of the flow of the crystal box, but if you can eventually capture the market leader, that's also crucial evidence. In the end, this was an evidence fight, so it was better to have a lot of evidence.

“Once you have implemented Plan A, you will determine your next walk. Sneak to the end, or strike hard. In other words, are we slowly and discreetly acquiring evidence? Or get it quick and bold. Either. ”

“If we go in stealth, we have a better chance of securing it. But if you get caught in the middle, you'll give your enemies that much time to escape. Fast, bold methods necessarily trigger collisions in the middle. And we have to move that much faster. This way Demerit will come at the same time as Merritt, using force. In the event of a collision, inevitably all the tremblers in the area will flee. ”

The slow way to go can catch everyone, but if they are found without evidence, they are likely to miss the most important part of the leader.

A fast way to get there is instead of quickly securing the brains, you miss the sandals.

High risk high return or low risk low return. You must select either. How to smash it fiercely, how to slowly choke your breath. There were several things to consider. While Kang Jun and Heo Sang-gyun were thinking about it, Do-ho-yeon opened her mouth.

“I think you should do both. ”

At that, I looked at her as if she meant both Kangjun and Phantom. She took a small communicator out of her backpack and distributed it to Kangjun and the tramps.

“We're not alone. ”

Tohoyeon said with a pretty nasty smile for her.

“Kang Jun and I will work in groups, and you can attack from the moment we are discovered. The structure here shows that there are many secret entrances, but the exits are two to the south and three to the north. Every single passageway merges into one big passageway. ”

Tohoyeon was not just staring at the window yesterday.

“The top brass have a secret passageway, but the street vendors can't have any other passageway. It's a huge market. If our commotion breaks down, you can destroy all the doors in the basement and make sure no one gets out. ”

He is an SS-rank Awakener, and such work was not that difficult.

Once you proceed with Plan A, if you fail to complete your Plan A and are caught in the middle, plan B, where the work in the latter begins to act, immediately. If Plan A is successfully completed, it will continue to be a little more covert in order to capture Plan C, the brain.

The former proceeded fairly quickly, and the latter was likely to be enriched as long as it had to wait for the energy crystals to be released.

“Okay, here's how it goes, but things can change fluidly at any time. I don't live and die on these three plans. Right now, contingency is the most important thing. It is not desirable to be tied to a plan and not be able to act more efficiently. ”

And the plan is not absolute. He emphasized it the most, and the other two nodded their heads.

After reorganizing their plans, they look at the detector and kill time. Soon after, activity was captured.

“You're starting to move. ”

While looking at the detector, Najik said. You don't have to move right now. After the boxes stopped moving, it was enough to go to the gathering place later. They spent time discussing the details of the operation. The black market itself wasn't that big after all.

Two hours later, the crystal box that began to move took time to assemble into one spot. After the movement stopped, Gangjun and Dohoyeon stood up.

“Let's go.”


“I'll contact you if I need anything. ”

“I hope that doesn't happen. Remember, this is a preliminary investigation. Just roughly check the vault location. ”


It's a quarrel, but water spills out when it's too urgent.

They wear cloaks, hoods, and necessities, then leave the room.

The center of the market is where the boxes with the trackers are located. There were no tall buildings in the basement. At best, the four-story, five-story buildings were the tallest, and they were mutual stores that dealt with corporate customers.


“There's another basement down here? ”

“Nothing. ”

The box was in a slightly lower position than here, and Kangjun walked slowly, looking at the detector in his arms in a discreet manner. This place was full of suspicious people, and it was a place of virtue that didn't care much for anyone else. So they went back and forth without much attention.

“Just in case... ”

Their arrival was at the same time as the gathering place of the market guards. Socially speaking, it was like a military facility and, rarely, even a fence was surrounded.

I was not surprised because Gangjun was the place I had a hunch on anyway. The military in this region is concentrated here. So the point is here, too. It was obvious and obvious. I just needed to pinpoint the location of the safe.

However, even if it is the place that I thought it would be, it is not going to be easy. Eventually, all I realized was that the situation was harder.

We need to infiltrate.

The door to the headquarters, of course, was guarded, and most people had no business and did not move around. If there was a concealment shelter, it would be easy, but this was a place where the core lamps were turned on without a night.

If I rushed in and got caught, I had to risk everything and go on an adventure. So the first entry was as cautious as possible. It was easy to break through, but it was almost impossible to infiltrate and win the vault on this nocturnal land. Gangjun and Tohoyeon circled around the building.

The building itself was a three-story building, but combined it was a school, including a dizzy playground. The height of the fence was so high that it could cross.

“Can we get in there and get to the vault underneath without being spotted? ”

Kang Jun felt excited because he knew that it was unrealistic even when he said it, and he knew that it was nonsense.

“What do I do?”

Doho Yeon was frowning, wondering if she could think of any other way to break through. When we look at the problems, we can also think of ways to overcome them. What are their current problems? Gangjun was lost in thought.

1. Darkness cannot be used because of the illuminated core light at all times.

2. Even if it is available, it is likely that you will enter the place where you should not enter because you do not know the structure inside the facility.

3. There are a lot of guards and there are always people inside because of the reinforcements. I don't know the time it takes for my residence to decrease.

If I go in now, it's like running to fight. Then he killed a few of them and became a wizard. There was only one thing that could solve all the factors that Kang Jun reviewed.

“We have to take some risks. ”

“Are you trying to get through? ”

“No, we need an insider. ”

After saying an unimaginable word, she became dumbfounded. If you know what's going on in this market and someone is willing to help them, these three issues will be resolved.

“Insider or judge? ”

“That's all you have to do. ”

The operation swirled, and Kang Jun insisted that an insider should be created.

I asked him to plead, and he was the strongest to overthrow the whole operation from the start.

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