History's Strongest Manager

[164] In the barren winter, the christmas cry louder (2)

Aran tilts his head as if it were absurd. Christmas? There's no day like this for hunters beating monsters to death.

“Do you have anything like that? ”

“There's nothing bad about it, but there's nothing bad about it. ”

He was the Lord of the Night Temple, soon to be the Lord of Society, and they had to take care of these anniversaries. Aran asked why he wanted to do this.

“Anybody got a present for me? ”

“What is he really saying? ”

He shook his head excitedly as if he didn't understand.

“If you give me a gift, I'll give you everything. Just one? ”

Aran suddenly seemed like a great character.

“I didn't see you like that... That's nice.”

At Aran's words, the lead was twinkling in his eyes.

“This isn't good. This is natural. This isn't about people like you who have social problems. ”

In this way, Kang Ju looked like a really good person.

“Anyway, I'm going to the department store tomorrow. Do you want to come? It's no fun going alone. ”

For Christmas, Aran had never received anything like it since he lost his family. So I never gave it to him. Aran realized only then that he had been too careless about these fundamentals. And I didn't want to live without informing her that Gangjun had saved her.


It might be okay to say thank you by handing out a gift. The past, the present, it's a natural way of saying thank you. Aran suddenly looked like an angel.

“Let's go. ”

Aran nods.

December 23rd, the day before Eve.

It is a windless Korea. Crisis exploded, and the president was murdered, and now the black-market and arms exports involving large corporations erupt every day yesterday and another day.

The barren winter, everyone was saying so. Although the weather wears off over time, the voice of anxiety about when this recurring Korean affair will stabilize grew.

It was a dark period, a season of misfortune and a winter of hardship.

But ironically, Carol on the street was ringing louder than ever. The more difficult the economy, the louder Carol resonates and the more crowded the gift market is.

Even in times of misfortune, people don't want to be unhappy even on anniversaries. That's why the speakers on the street were screaming whales that Christmas was coming. Just like someone would be happy.

No one is happy, but everyone listens to the song of happiness.

And I choose a gift to give happiness to someone. I give gifts to someone who says I can still spare this much. After all, a gift in these times might be to give someone a gift while reassuring myself that I'm still okay.

The message of the tree full of streets and Christmas arrivals flashed brightly, and the lamps hanging from the trees emitted a brilliant light.

It was more of a scream. The song that resounded in the excitement was like a scream.

The lead and Aran were on the street together. I wore the lead as much as I could and even wore a new beige longcoat. Aran, on the other hand, was easily dressed in a blouse in jeans.

“Aren't you wearing a coat? ”

Aran tilts her head in her pincup.

“It's weird for you to wear it when you're not cold. ”

The logic of the night made it even more strange that he was dressed in a coat without being cold.

“If you're going to advertise that I'm not cold, why don't you just go around naked? What do you want to bounce? It's not like it's hot to wear. ”

Aran is sure to look cold, but not at all cold. In this regard, the main character was dressed in a coat because he cared about the eyes of others, and Aran did not wear unnecessary clothing because he was a perfect silician.

They were really different people from head to toe.

“I'll do whatever I want. ”

Her performance to the heels felt like a stylish career woman, and Aran felt like a sweet college girl walking out the front door.

“If we were normal people, we'd go to college next year. ”

The cast is dazed, muttering as I see people walking around the street.

“Do you want to go to college? ”

“I'd love to. Wouldn't it be fun to go to Emty's, join the club, and have fun? ”

“No, I think it's very annoying. ”

He likes to hang out, but Aran doesn't like relationships. But he gave Pinzan as if he didn't understand.

“What do you love about your life? Are you having fun beating monsters? ”

“Not much fun. I'm motivated.”

“You know what? Sometimes it creeps me out when I see you. I don't think it's human. ”

How many people live by their beliefs and commitments? Seo Aran was a man who gave up all life except killing monsters, and he didn't seem to even care about that. If I hadn't met Kang Joon, I would have lived a really dry life.

“Have you decided what to live for? ”

“Well…. No.”

She kept checking her phone for notes on what she had planned to buy. It was a picture that determined what to buy for whom.

“Did Kang Joon buy you a present? ”

“Well…. ”

“Kang Joon secretly takes care of things like that. Pretending not to. It's cute sometimes. ”

He giggled at the thought of something.

“The last time I said I wanted to eat meat, I told you to just eat it, because there's no meat. ”

“Did I? I don't remember much. ”

“Yeah, so I just had dinner, and I was asleep in the middle of the night, and I woke up. Apparently, I've been raising them, so they told me to eat them. I made a real pot. So I ate and slept. ”

“Did that happen? ”

Seo Aran's eyes were wide open to wonder if something like that had happened to her that she didn't know about.

“... What, are you trying to eat me? Kang Joon is also my manager. Anyway, I was really moved, honestly, not a little bit. ”

He smiled as if he was thinking of that moment. Somehow, Seo Aran is trembling with her fists closed.

“You…. I thought I told you not to provoke me like that. ”

Aran made it clear not to provoke yourself by using the strongest june. But he snorted at Aran's words.

“What are you, funny? ”

He looked at Aran and smiled.

“Can't I like Kang Joon? ”

Kang Joon is no one's. So it's not right to say that Seo Aran doesn't like it. But Aran had no idea that Kang Ju would be so bold as to look at her with a frown.

“Well, that's... No.... but if not.... Sorry."

“…… who likes it? I mean, can't you just... I'm so fucking excited.”

When Aran slapped Aran on the shoulder, he finally regained consciousness.

“I don't like people being nice to anyone. I like the way you look at me and breathe without me. If I tell you to lick your toes, you'll fall flat and howl... Oh, I'm thrilled to think about it. ”

Suddenly, the ball flickers up to see if he's imagined it. After seeing it, Aran sighed deeply.

It's about you who felt at least briefly threatened by this pervert.

“But isn't it okay to just be nice to the guy who does everything right for me? Oh, this is more exciting... Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, don't hit me outside, bitch! Aah!”

It was the same with the main character, Aran, and their personality.

Shopping was incredibly long, as a result, of course. When I moved to the department store twice and opened up shop, the total time was more than six hours and was one night. In fact, it didn't take Aran more than an hour to buy everything she gave to someone else.

Six hours after Joon bought all the goods, he wasted more time picking out gifts for Aran to give to Kangjun.

“Buy yourself a watch. ”

“I have your watch. ”

“When did he find out about it again? ”

“She wears it in her sleep. ”

“Oh, right. You mean the watch Jules gave you? Why are you staring at me? ”

Kang Ju-yeon opened her mouth as soon as Seo Aran opened her eyes. But I didn't even know why, so I muttered in a gentle voice.

“Actually, I'm good with President Kang Jun. I mean, you two play games sometimes, and it's like we're together. Even though Jules is old, she just looks like she's in her early twenties. If you pretend you're not Kang Joon and wear a watch every day like you said... ”

“Shut up.”


Staring at Aran like he was going to kill her, she clammed her mouth. He was really going to live. Aran is passing by a precious metal store. I didn't have to worry about it because it was a lot of money anyway.

“Is it weird to buy me a ring? ”

“…… you need to learn about human relationships and the culture that comes from them. What kind of idiot buys you a ring? I'm not in love. ”

Seeing Aran muttering, I remembered that she really lacked something from Western Aran. But it was also interesting to see Seo Aran's eyes spinning while picking out presents for someone.

‘I didn't see it that way, but there's a cute corner. ’

“How about gloves? It's winter. ”

“If you untie me, you'll undress me. ”

“You want to buy me something to carry around in the sand? ”

“As much as possible.”

“It's not a dog marking the area.... I'd rather buy you a dog necklace... Okay, I'll take it seriously. ”

After thinking and thinking about it, they decided to use their wallets. While carrying sand, Kangjun was just the right thing to change. It wasn't until Seo Aran picked another wallet in the luxury shop and picked it up from the mountain that the two of them finished shopping.

“I know it's crazy, but you're really buying a gift, and it's weird to walk around like this. ”

They sat down in a café and made each other a drink. Both of them bought enormously, so everyone passing by looked at them as if they had bought so much. Aran was very optimistic about whether Kang Jun would really like this gift. I was rather excited when I saw him like that.

“But you like Kang Joon, right? Oh, this question is pointless now? ”

“… I don't know. ”

“It's even more silly not to be able to answer that, but let me ask you something. ”

He swung his drink with a straw and asked Aran whose face was hanging.

“You're not the type to fall in love with someone at first sight. Why do you look like a cow chicken to anyone? You wanted Templar in the first place, and you talked to your brother, and then you decided to go to night? Kang Joon speaks well, but are you the type of person who can speak well? ”

“…… Why are you picking on me? ”

“It's true. I'm just curious. ”

He asked me with a dazzling glare.

“Why do you like Kang Joon? ”

Seo Aran, who didn't even look at men, couldn't understand why she was doing this because she was so tired. And since Kang Ju came, Seo Aran was relieved when she saw only Kang Joon. Aran lowers her eyes and thinks for a moment.

It's a story no one knows. It's a story no one has told. Seo Aran was not a very confident person.

He and Aran stayed together on the H-1 team. Usually I argue, but in the end, Aran accepts the lead and the lead is open. Aran also knew that he really thought of Aran, even though he made fun of her.

Support is a child, a passing sister. In an equal relationship, he was Aran's first and only friend.

So, Aran thought he might be able to talk.

“Have you heard of the Jecheon incident? ”

“Yeah, I know. There were a lot of people... No way?"

He looked at Aran as if he had noticed something.

“I'm a survivor then. ”

Aran thought it might be a bit of a long story, and slowly organized the words into his mind.

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