History's Strongest Manager

[167] In the barren winter, the christmas cry louder (5)

“He was also angry at that time. There were some people who were trying to do bad things because they had a pretty face, but if they couldn't do it with their strength, they bit someone off and ripped off a finger. ”

Mary was armed with demons and clubs, so much so that a girl who was only six years old would bite off the fingers of someone bigger than her. Maria was the oldest of Kangjun. Whether they were similar at the same age, Kangjun and Maria spent a lot of time together. Unlike Kang Jun, who was a frightened child at the time, Maria was in charge of what she had to say.

The relationship was mainly a form of Maria's defense of Gangjun.

“The Awakened were the first to emerge, and the chaos of the beast was stabilized. Governments are rotting their heads in orphans' hands. Insects who can't produce anything with deceptive words. Since the emergence of the energy weapons for the first time, Hunter Academy has emerged worldwide. We can fight monsters, too. Let's kill monsters and make a fortune. Like this. Of the orphans over the age of 13, there was a policy that guaranteed education at Hunter Academy. Now that Hunter Academy itself is gone, those policies are no longer in effect. In the case of me and Maria, I was too young to go, and I was still in the shelter. ”

The shelter was both a home and a school. They were all orphans and had nothing to rely on in the world. And by the time they reach the age of 13, they will be trained at Hunter Academy until the age of 15. At the age of 16, a group of military hunters in the country will conduct three years of on-site hunting exercises.

It was a total of six years of Hunter training.

And at the age of 19, you come out as a society. A program where the state turns orphans into hunters. It started first in the United States, was benchmarked by South Korea, and is no longer a system as orphans do not occur in bulk.

“The seventh year of the Great Movement, when I was 12 years old. I was in the shelter until then. I didn't really want anything, and everyone at the shelter was like my family. Neither did Maria, nor any of the others. because we were educated together in a shelter, and we did things like live in a dorm together. ”

“There was a time when I had nighttime or mutant skills, so if I had those talents, I fell in. You know, Maria had a gift for the Knights, so she went to the Temple. I went to Hunter Academy. With most of my classmates. ”

Gangjun was not only close to Maria. Since we spent a long time together, friends of the same age really had more family ties than Kangjun. There were a lot of people who didn't want to be hunters, but they had to go through a compulsory training course.

Gangjun was one of those people who didn't want to be a hunter.

“Maria was motivated, but I wasn't. I just... I didn't want to live with the rough stuff. But most of the kids, because their parents died at the hands of monsters, not many of them were as motivated as me. But.... something pretty interesting happened. ”


“At the shelter, I always watch the news before I go to bed, but it wasn't news. This time, a monster did something cruel. Several people died today of a monstrous incident. Gather the kids together and show them after dinner. ”

“To children?”


Mosaics, but when you see a monster running wild, some children pee and cry. Of course, it's child abuse to show videos of such massacres to children who are clearly traumatized.

“And as we show that video, the supervisor of the shelter dispatched from the military brainwashes us out. Monsters are so bad. So cruel. So what do we do? Kill monsters. You become proud hunters, protect your people, be the heroes of your people, and that's how you repay your country for raising you. Swinging ethel sod around in the attic, throwing up heat waves." It is a monument to human victory and a great object to gain man's complete freedom! Everyone kill monsters with one sword! To the future! "I used to be proud to say, Show me that every day. The whole point of the shelter project is to raise us as hunters. We do it from a very young age, so that there are no stragglers. Physical training is hard, so I did this every day. ”

He did not know how to overcome the trauma. However, when children cry and can't even look at it, they see the children shouting and punching when they watch the monster videos, and no Sand imitates them. Gangjun and Maria were young, too, and when they saw the video of monsters coming out of such rage, they raised their blood bands at the width and shouted.

“Well…. And I got suspicious that's all they were trying to do. ”


Kang Jun was not a child who knew how to think critically from childhood. There was just a chance.

“That shelter supervisor tried to rape Maria. And later on, I found out that the director had touched a few other girls. ”

“ ……. ”

“I knew then. You're not so different from monsters or people... They're just trying to use us against their own greed. ”

Aran notices that Kangjun's nuance is a little strange. Not that he raped Mary, but that he tried to rape her, which means he didn't succeed. Kang Jun looked at Aran and pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“Maria was so rebellious that she failed. because he was weak, but he just screamed and bit and yelled. So I managed to get away. ”

“That must have been a shock. Maria... ”

“No, he came to me and he was furious. I was the best friend.... That was a bad thing to say. ”

“? ”

Kang Jun couldn't help but disappear. He still had a clear memory of Mary's words at the time.

“'I'm going to kill that son of a bitch, and I need your help. ’ ”

Mary was twelve years old at the time. Gangjun, too, but Maria wasn't the one crying because she was hurt. Kang Jun tried to stop him from killing him right away.

Kang Jun's words were more plausible.

“If you're going to kill me, I told you to clean it up without any evidence. ”

Gangjun had no intention of keeping the superintendent alive who had touched his friend, and he couldn't let Maria go to jail.

The superintendent was like the owner of a shelter, and Mary could do anything she wanted. Therefore, do not impose any direct sanctions on Mary and do not be insensitive 'do not be nonsense.’ Quietly, he said, and the case was buried.

“It was pretty easy. He wants to eat at the shelter, too, because he's a soldier, so he doesn't leave his battle gear out of his system. Ethel Sword always wore on his waist. The teachers hated being armed, but he was like a king. ”

“At that time, the energy devices were quite unstable and often exploded. It was my opinion to use it, and Maria asked me to do that, so they went into her room while he was sleeping. I made a curtain, I made a rope, I climbed down on the roof, I opened the window of his room, and I tapped the Ethel Sword he was wearing. I loosened the internal cartridge fastening screws slightly and loosened the screws on the side of the adjusting cylinder. ”

“How did you know that? ”

“I also had a practice at the time. You said you had to get used to Ethel Sword and equipment. And then I learned a simple mechanic. Safety education was pretty thorough because it might explode and die if you don't do it right. It was the other way around. ”

“And then what? ”

“I snuck out of the room quietly and climbed up to the roof. If you think about it, you weren't scared then. I can't believe you would do that without a curtain. ”

Kang Jun smiled as if he imagined that moment. After destroying the evidence, Gangjun and Maria slept well as usual. The next day, even during his day-to-day mental education, he activated Ethel Sword. As always, I try to incite the children by swinging Ethel Sword like a command rod.

And, "Look! The great invention of humanity! 'With the words, his Ethel sod burst.

Accident death due to weapon maintenance defects. There were no additional victims. Numerous children were screaming and peeing as they watched.

“Me and Maria are still a little out of sorts. ”

They sat next to each other, high-fiving.

Maria and Choi Chong-jun killed before they could take the beast's head.

It was like a black comedy when the superintendent blew up. Aran felt speechless as she watched Gangjun recount her childhood retaliatory experience. Choi Jun is a person who is hard to think of in the category of normal people.

The curved life made Kangjun and Maria extreme. Of course, not everyone does it in such an environment. However, Maria and Kangjun were the ones who changed in that situation.

I only talked about it when I was very young, but it was quite a while later.

“Oh, my eyes... ”

In heaven, snowflakes were coming down gradually. Gangjun glanced at Aran and said.

“You know this is all a lie, right? ”

“Of course.”

At Gangjun's nuance, Aran nods.

“It's too cold for more lies. ”

Aran was neither afraid nor afraid, even though Kangjun had killed a man in his childhood. The murder was neither justified nor justified.

I just confirmed that Kang Jun had lived a very strange life and was a strange person before or now. Moreover, Aran also knew that there would have been many murders and deaths involved in Gangjun's involvement.

At this moment, Aran knew that the black market incident would result in significant casualties and that there would be a downpour at its core.

Now that Aran was disappointed in such revenge killing, he knew it was pointless to use such a scaffolding on Kangjun. And Aran, above all, almost unconditionally trusted Kangjun, who held his hand.

“I, I.... Manager.”


“I want to say.... There is.”

“Do it.”

Aran flinches like a warm-hearted animal. In fact, Aran was curious about Kangjun's past, but that's what I wanted to say the most. But I couldn't stop talking. Kang Jun is the one who saved himself during the Empire and has always admired you, so he became a knight, and that's why it's good for you.

I wanted to say that, but Aran couldn't help but talk. Kang Jun stared at Aran and smiled. Eventually, Aran brought out a completely irrelevant sound.

“Well, well... D-do you like gifts...? ”

Aran with a red face wanted to bite his tongue after saying that. Aran's gift was a wallet. Kang Jun pulled his wallet out of his arms and smiled.

“I don't buy this stuff very well. It was really necessary. It's not a bad idea to use it now, but it's a hassle to live. Thank you."

“Ahh... Yes, I'm so glad you like it... ”

Aran needs to speak, but her mouth doesn't fall off, so she lowers her head and shakes her fingertips. What if it seems like you're obsessed, but you think like a stalker? I remembered arrogance that I didn't normally do, and I stopped my mouth from opening.

Gangjun got up from his seat.

There's no time like the present, but Aran was ashamed to say it now. However, Kang Jun, who did not know her speed, passed by Aran.

No, no, no.

As you pass by, you put a little hand on Aran's shoulder.

“But Aran raised me safely is the biggest gift for me. ”

“!!!! ”

“Well, it's past twelve. ”

Kang Jun took his hands off Aran's shoulders and stepped into the stairwell.

“Merry Christmas. ”

Kang Jun walked without looking back, and Aran was looking back at Kang Jun with a hammer like he had been hit in the head.

Aran realizes very vividly what it feels like to have her heart set.

On the snowy night of Christmas, there was a bell ringing somewhere. Aran doesn't know if the bell is actually heard or only in her own ears.

However, Christmas was ringing louder than ever before.

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