History's Strongest Manager

[172] A Gift Taken with a Sight (3)

On the outside, Iznitas and the lead were fixing their luggage. Iznitas looks at Gangjun and mutters in ridicule.

“What's wrong with you? You look so unfair. ”

“Shut up, I feel like crying. ”

Kang Jun boarded next to Seoyoung and sighed deeply.

“What's wrong with you? ”

“I knew what it felt like to have my children annoy their parents. No, it's too much, isn't it? Get out of my way. Oh, how could you hurt yourself like that...? ”

Kang Jun muttered with a puzzled expression, and Seo-young smiled as if it was absurd.

“All you need is some strength! ”

Gangjun burst into fury, but it was also true that Gangjun would only get in the way if there was Gangjun in the arrangement of the move of the night. Kang Jun was depressed because he knew it better than anyone else.

“Come to think of it, the only incapacitators here are me and Jules. ”


At Kang Jun's words, Seo-young shrugged.

“I'm a mutant. ”

“Well, yes…. I forgot.”

It turned out that there was only one truly incapable person here.

“I'm lonely.... ”

Kang Jun, the only human, felt lonely.

After finishing the move, Iznitas strikes the rope and robs his hands. It was a strange sight to see a small foreign girl pretending to move her stuff.

“Shouldn't you be cleaning out your warehouse? ”

“That's step by step. ”

“What if someone picks it up? Just do it now. ”

Iznitas knew that the items in Kangjun's warehouse were the most important. If anyone picked it up carelessly, it was a big deal. At the words of Iznitas, Kang Jun gets out of the car and goes deaf. Now I have many eyes to see.

“Hey, if you load the truck with weapons, will the police come or not? ”

“Oh, that. Of course..."

Iznitas realized just then how dangerous it was to move weapons in a ton of trucks.

- Bang, bang!

“Let's go, then! ”

Seo-young knocked on the door and said like a moving center man, and it was quite cute.

Moving things took longer than I thought. There was a lot of stuff to move to Seoyoung's house, and the two of them drove a ton of trucks diligently throughout the day. Any new Kwak Dae-won was contacted and arrived checking the facilities.

It was mainly Gina, Aran, who carried the luggage. I'm not tired, so I lifted it up and moved it. If you use the passing half trans to float things in the air without a ladder and put them into the dungeon, Aran and the main character will be organized inside.

Even in the middle of the cleanup and deployment, Kang Jun was still scolded and expelled. Kang Jun was sighing deeply because he felt like he had fallen out.

“Hey, if you don't have anything else to do, go out for coffee, and don't forget that you're in the middle of nowhere. ”

Unlike always, Iznitas was giving Gangjun a face back this time. As I was popping out, unfortunately, a message arrived.

[Kang Joon, do you have a minute?]

It was a message from Phantom root.

“Is that a shrine? It's huge.”


Upon arriving at the cafe near Sinsaok, Lu Shu was amazed at the large fence site and the sophisticated Shinsaok building inside. Modernly constructed shrine buildings were sophisticated enough to be worthwhile on the surface alone.

I was willing to bow my head to the ninety degrees when I met Seouljun, even though it was Kang Jun who stretched out.

The shrine seemed to have fallen into good shape. However, after his absence, he uttered a horrible word.

“I wish the Constitution had done something like that. ”

“Don't say that in front of the Constitution. ”


“People are going to die down there. ”

The laughter of the mountain disappearing is now reality. The entire Constabulary must be filled with new words, "If you do that, you will go down and paint like a commander right now."

I'm not the commander of the Legion, and I'm also the Commander of the Constabulary who drops flying birds. It was not unrealistic to smash and rebuild a building.

“Aren't you unfulfilled? ”

“It's unfulfilled, but I've seen quite a lot of soldiers. ”

Choi Hyeong-jun laughed. After all, it was not uncommon for a Constitutional Commander like that to come here to meet Kang Jun.

“Congratulations on your extension, by the way. ”

Kim Lee Jeong was elected to the presidency, extending the lifespan of Heo, Sang Geun Heon. Gangjun was celebrating it.

“Never mind. I was going to take a break for a while, but I won't let you." ”

“Aren't you busy? ”

“Actually, I don't have to do major human resources interrogations. The Constabulary didn't roll me alone, and the last time was special. ”

Rather, they run the site directly from the standpoint of paying or doing it. So, except for these official schedules, he could actually play as much as he wanted to. He wore regular clothes, not military uniforms, and he didn't have the stylishness to wear thick jumpers, sneakers, and sneakers.

Gangjun and Heo Sang-geun entered the cafe and drank a drink. He was not of a surrounding nature, and Kang Jun also wanted to get to the point quickly.

“I have to apologize. ”

“What's going on? ”

“The VIP has noticed your intervention. ”

“...... You're not doing your job right. ”

“I'm so sorry. ”

Heo Sang-gyun wanted to respect Kang Jun's privacy, and he was really sorry about that.

“I was going to argue, but if you're serious, I'm nervous. ”

Rather, when he apologized, he scratched his back head to see if Kang Jun was feeling anxious.

“How far do you know? ”

“Your involvement in the last abduction and the black market incident. And that you're not just any hunter. You don't seem to know the other" additions. "If I didn't say it, I'd dig it up, and I thought the things I shouldn't have to reveal would eventually have to get it out of my side. ”

It meant he didn't know anything about the assassination of the president, the money, and Union. Rather, he helped me bury something that was acceptable to him. I didn't think that Kang Joon-do came like this with malicious intent.

“If so…. It doesn't matter to me. Did you come all the way here to tell me? ”

That's the whole point? It was the best question.


He pulled the paperwork out of his backpack.

“What is this? ”

“It's a selection data for emergency action support private businesses. ”

“Urgent assistance.... What?”

“That's not the point, and I'm going to ask you directly. ”

I felt like I could do this to him, and I sighed deeply.

“Would you like a helicopter? ”

Gangjun opened his eyes wide as if it was a thumping sound in his sleep, and he sighed as if he was absurd to say this.

“The VIP wants a helicopter to see if you can't get anything after all the trouble you've been through. I heard there's a helipad in the report, but there's no helicopter. I don't know when I'd recognize it again. ”

Kang Jun saw the helicopter pilot in the photo handed to him and had to open his mouth.

“This, this…. What is this?”

“Jablines ran away. It's a little complicated to deal with, but we confiscated it, and Jabline won't come to Korea. But we don't have handling machinery. We don't have maintenance instructions. It's hard to use and I have no choice but to make fun of it. ”

It's called foreclosure. However, Kang Jun was staring at the picture as if he was shivering.

“Can I take it? Is there a legal problem? ”

“That's why I showed you. ”

He once again showed me the documents of the Emergency Action Support Civilian.

“Helicopter support for private companies and, if we need them, cooperate in urgent assistance. Well, it's like this, but it's actually not blind and it's vague what to do. So I created a written organization for you. ”

“Isn't it illegal? ”

“If someone bites and stretches, it hurts. But you only need to make one or two results. For example, we could send a request for backup, and then we could build up the data that you guys have on the ground. I thought you said it was a free hunting team. We need to get him in the helicopter where we need him, and we need to make sure he has the evidence. Technically, it's not a gift, it's a rental, but it's practically yours. ”

It was to create an organization that only existed in writing to give Kangjun a helicopter. And we can actually go not only in writing, but in fact, it was like giving Hero Management a national level of work.

Register with the Emergency Action Support Civilian and send a helicopter to use when you need it. This was the title. After reviewing the documents, Kangjun thought for a moment and nodded his head.

“I have nothing to lose. ”


Not only was Lee Jeong just trying to give a gift, he also wanted to make a fixed link to Kangjun. It was a 'struggle' called an urgent action support contractor, and Kang Jun took the bait.

However, Kang Jun was not naive enough to not know that either. If you have anything to suck on, you know it.


“ ……. ”

“But this is too much, isn't it? ”

Gangjun and Iznitas, as well as all of Hero Management, were standing on the rooftop with their mouths wide open.

On the very same day, he sent a helicopter full of shit.


Support ran to the helicopter in a panic.

“By the way, who takes a helicopter like that? ”

I burst up a ridiculous laugh.

“When I first heard about it, it seemed like a bit.... It's huge.”

With the newest helicopter with 50 billion new cars in sight, Kangjun was somewhat terrified.

“Hey, who's controlling the important thing? Do you know how to drive a helicopter? ”

“That can't be right. ”

Kang Jun shrugs at Iznitas' question. I took it by mistake, but there was no one I could control. A pilot arrives with a helicopter from the army.

“HRG-34 with state-of-the-art core engine. If the propeller breaks down, the core engines will be able to take off and the fuel will be easy to supply. You don't actually need a hangar, because this model is long enough to be built in Yasse. You're lucky. Running in parallel with the core engine can keep you running during adverse weather conditions. Solo operations are sufficient, and in many ways the system is simplified and not too difficult to control. ”

“Oh, you're a fellow pilot? ”

“No, I was just in charge of the transport. ”

“Yes? Then... ”

“I have work to do. ”

The pilot swoops to the rooftop stairwell without a word from Katabuta.

“Oh, no! Hey!"

However, he did not look back and left, and Kang Jun was staring at the giant helicopter.

“No... What do you want me to do with him? ”

Kang Jun texted Heo Yoon-hyun as if it was ridiculous.

[No, sir, what do you need a helicopter for without a pilot?]

[No VIP instructions so far.]

[You have no idea who's not a soldier...]

Kang Jun tapped his cell phone, and everyone was wondering what a useless helicopter without a pilot would do. The only thing that made me happy was getting in the helicopter seat. No matter what Kang Jun said, he didn't say anything, and he sent a big text.

[Do you want to use one?]

What are you talking about?]

[I have one person who needs to be re-socialized, so I'm going to train him as a helicopter pilot. You know him well.]

His next words were enough to make Kang Jun hot.

[He's called Jinwoo-seok, but he's pretty good at rolling around in the market.]

“No, this is crazy.... ”

Kang Jun had no choice but to speak out.

Jinwoo-seok was captured by the Constitution Department while fleeing the market. He said he wouldn't ask for the responsibility, but he was going to do a little research on a guy called Jinwoo-seok. Jin Woo-seok said he would cooperate actively.

Jinwoo-seok was originally a man who rolled from society to a downstream hunter, but he had an outstanding tenacity, and he was also staring at the sliding of his eyes. However, the Constitution had a so-called 'class' to enter. He suggests you join the army based on the guard's experience. Not to mention, he's a commoner when it comes to the Constitution.

So, he proposed to him that he be a helicopter pilot, and he was the kind of man who had to put a walnut in his head. A pilot dispatched from the military. He is part of the military, but management is left to the highest standards.

In the end, I was slammed in military terms.

[He's worth it. And you didn't tell me about the pilot, but you're being particularly considerate and you want to train one.]

[…… we'll see, Warden.]

Gangjun shakes his head because he is in trouble. After receiving a report that a helicopter had suddenly appeared, Seong-young heard about Kang Jun in the representative room. All administrative expenses, including property taxes, were to be borne by the military, and because they were rented, the amount borne by Hero Management was 0 won. So Seo-young nodded his head about the matter.

“There's no reason to hesitate about the possibility of national work. ”

It was Seo-young's idea that there was nothing bad about leaving possibilities open. However, Seo-young noticed the other side.

“You said you worked as a market security guard? ”


“Using criminals is a bit... ”

Seo-young stopped talking and stared at Gangjun.

“Why are you looking at me like that? ”

“Maybe not. ”

“I'm getting a little nervous. ”

I don't know how great the market security guard was, but it was Seoyoung's idea that he wasn't as good a criminal as Kang Jun.

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