History's Strongest Manager

[174] What lies beyond doubt (2)

Choi Jung wouldn't have worked like this. It's neatly constructed, but it's on the cement wall. Rather, it's strange.

This is a three-room room in a row in the basement. But if it bothers you, you can tear down the wall and put the vault door up. But this is strange. I applied it smoothly with cement, from front to back and from left to right.

Are you hiding something? In this safe? "

The vault may not be all you see. Nothing is certain yet.

‘After that, I was a little troubled at first because I said I'd follow you. ’

Kang Jun said he would help. It was Iznitas who forced him to follow. In Kangjun's view, if powerful Iznitas helped him, he should have liked the pair.

‘Okay, you're the only one who can get in the way. ’

‘Don't mess with me. Play with support at home. ’

"Oh, oh, okay! Then follow me! ’

However, when Iznitas got bored of clinging to it, Kang Jun was furious. But if there's something hidden in this safe, Iznitas' arrival can be awkward. Then it would explain something.

This is the first time Iznitas has seen the vault properly. Suddenly, when I thought about it, something vague came closer to certainty. This place is weird. It's suspicious.

However, Choi Jun was returning to the warehouse, grabbing all the bullets and squeaking at the frame shoes.

“Hey, why don't you help? ”

“Ah…. All right. ”

Iznitas rises up pretending to be nothing. Iznitas, who synthesized chemicals in his body to produce a sedative component, was amazed. Iznitas flashes up the packed boxes, finishing up soon before returning to the shrine.

That night,

Iznitas went out in the middle of the night.

Iznitas was not the kid who had to ask why he was going out, so Iznitas roughly told him he was coming out to play. Kang Jun did not have any doubts because he was so moody. Iznitas arrives at Xinrim Station and now heads to Kangjun's studio where no one else is.

‘There are still cameras around the house. ’

Rather, it was Iznitas, so I couldn't be caught on camera. If Kang Jun actually noticed the surveillance, then he was either kicked out, in a fight, or both. If nothing happens, it will be a little quarrelsome or offensive, but if Kang Jun is really planning something, we have to fight Kang Jun.

Iznitas has steadily regained his strength, raising his power to the S-rank level. However, I knew that Choi Jun had no choice.

Infiltrate the highest quality studio, avoiding surveillance cameras.

And it wasn't that hard for Iznitas. Iznitas suddenly took off his clothes as he entered an alleyway quite far from Gangjun's studio. After a good change of clothes, Iznitas' body begins to deform.

- Woodpeck! Ridiculous!

The bones were broken and the body reconstructed, and Iznitas was transformed into the most common animal, the Longcat.

“Meow... ”

‘I like your voice. ’

After a gentle spit of tears, Iznitas climbs over the wall and joyfully makes his way down the alley. Cats are the best infiltrators. But Iznitas wasn't careful enough either. Since Kangjun knew all this, he turned into a cat, and Iznitas arrived at a rare sewer a long way from Kangjun's house.

Entering the front is of course captured, and entry to the roof as well as to any direction is monitored. Forced entry is impossible, but if so, we can enter where it leads.

Impossible for humans, but possible for Iznitas.

‘Here... Roughly connected.’

The stained cat's tail falls under the grate of a drainage shaft.

- Su-wook.

And the tentacle extends from the tip of its tail. Iznitas had three eyes in total, from the cat's eye to the other eye on the tentacle tip.

The full autonomous conversion of the body, Iznitas, was the type that maximized the mutant properties that were not constrained by the body. The tentacles coming out of the tail will divide, expand and find the holes in the Gangjun's house sewers.

"Ugh, I feel gross. ’

Iznitas digs through the drains. Obviously, I did not feel good to ask for dirt. However, Iznitas was not a light-minded Union member enough to give up because of that feeling.

After finding it, Iznitas was able to push his tentacles over Gangjun's studio drainage. The tentacles shrunk and became stronger as they entered the keyhole, revealing themselves to the other side. The tentacles of Iznitas could go anywhere if only there was room for one thin thread.

The tentacles left a long journey and eventually arrived at Gangjun's vault door. It was tightly closed and, of course, the vault was completely sealed.

The cat was still controlling the tentacles in front of the drainage duct, sharing its vision with the tip of the tentacle.

‘What to do…. What if I just tried to punch through the wall and I planted an alarm? Well, that's awkward. ’

Gangjun knew the breach, so he also prepared a plan for it. So, the wall, not the vault, was tasty, but could not be carelessly entered.

‘Oh, there it is. ’

The tentacle turns again and enters the drainage. Since the cellar itself was built by blowing up the studio, it is clear that the sewers are also buried in cement.

The tentacles moved again, splitting into dozens of strands, digging everywhere and finding a drainage vent that leads into the vault. Of course, it was clogged with cement. I don't know about the wall, but I didn't expect it to come on a drainage ditch like this.

Though he may have anticipated an intrusion in the basement, Iznitas has decided to play a little prank.

A stream of water rises from the tentacles of Iznitas and smashes the cement that is blocking its stomach. If there is an alarm and it is triggered, it will later be regarded as groundwater reflux.

A stream of water gushed out to fill the drainage vent, and the cement wall covering it was slightly cracked and lifted slightly up as the constant pressure was exerted.

And Iznitas pushes his tentacle through the gap without missing it.

- Su-wook.

A tentacle thinner than a worm reveals itself inside the vault.

‘All right, this should clear the intruder's suspicion. ’

Even if Gangjun checks later, he will think the cement was a little excited because of the backflow.

‘Please do that. ’

Iznitas earnestly prayed and focused his mind on the tentacles.

Soon, the cat's body plunges into the sewers like a soft fade.

- Ugh!

In addition, the tentacles at the level of worms suddenly enlarged while Iznitas appeared inside the vault. I noticed earlier that there is no surveillance equipment inside the vault. Changing the position of the body through the tentacles. It was a yawn for Iznitas.

‘Hmm…. ’

However, Iznitas took advantage of his night vision and looked around. A pile of dust remains in the warehouse. Iznitas hopes that his suspicions are steeped and he's up to something bad, doubting his friend.

Iznitas pulls hundreds of tentacles out of his body and puts them on the vault wall like a wall. Suddenly, all the walls of the vault are covered in red with Iznitas' tentacles.

With this, Iznitas can measure the vibrations felt on the surrounding walls to identify empty spaces, secret spaces, and so on.

- Tak.

Iznitas rolls his feet lightly. A slight tremor, starting from the ground, spreads around the area. Somewhere a little bit stronger, somewhere a little bit weaker. Somewhere I don't get nervous.

The thin walls, the empty space across the street, vibrate a little stronger. Iznitas was able to find an empty space in this vault just by rolling his feet three times.

‘The empty space is above.... You put something on top of it and put cement on it. ’

When buried on the floor, you can sense a suspicious feeling by the sound of the sound as you walk around. Anyone with supersenses like Iznitas, but no one walks on the ceiling. Gangjun created a secret space on the ceiling considering such things.

Luckily, Kang Jun did not create any additional security measures to that secret space. The tentacle of Iznitas drills a hole smaller than the needle hole and breaks into the secret chamber.

Kang Jun also revealed the hidden items in the vault. On the tip of the tentacle, Iznitas could see it there.

Above the cement wall was an empty space that seemed to be thirty centimeters tall and a wide emitter, and on top of that was a pile of boxes the size of a cross bag. Gangjun put those things up.

‘What... This one?

There were a few boxes that didn't seem to be made considering opening in the first place. The silent metal box was sealed and the enclosure itself was composed of cubes. It was not that big. Several boxes the size of small crossbacks. Iznitas was unable to identify it.

A deliberate object designed to never open. And on the outside of each box was a symbol embossed.

What is it?

Somehow Iznitas got cold sweat on his hands.

All the embossed patterns on the sealed box Iznitas found were different. Σ-sigma (Sigma) one, Ψ - Psi the other and Θ - Theta…. Every box had Greek letters embedded in it.

Immediately, from alpha (A) to omega (Ω).

Iznitas found twenty-four small boxes.

What the hell is this? ’

Iznitas had no idea what these things meant.

I was just confused.

After another tentacle, Iznitas finds the clothes he left behind and puts them on. I thought about it for a while. Are you going to report it, or are you going to find out a little more on your own?

From then on, if you report the incident, it will be overwhelming.

‘I'm not sure of anything yet.... ’

Boxes of Greek characters, what does that mean? Iznitas couldn't help it. I wanted to open it as much as I could, but I didn't want to touch it. Moreover, it was made sturdy enough that it required a fairly violent operation to be forced to open.

If you ask Winsorr, who manages the Union database, he might find something, but Iznitas doesn't want to.

If something happens, it has to be after everything is clear. I did not want to sever my relationship with Gangjun because of my doubts.

Iznitas believed that there would be no impurity to Gangjun yet.

I wanted to believe it.

That's why Iznitas had no intention of telling anyone what he had found out. Iznitas searches the operation logs instead of reporting. Something about those things might come up. Those items were acquired by Gangjun when he was active as Union.

Then maybe something will come out of the Union Operation Journal. You may be able to access the Union database, but this will leave a record. Iznitas was going to check it out by hand first.

Maybe we can no longer trust Kang Jun. What Iznitas decided to do slowly was his last consideration and thorough belief in Gangjun.

So, Iznitas' footsteps back home were heavy.

Just as the reason for the construction of Shinsaok was originally due to Kangjun's childish pride, there was a place for the Damascus team next to the Shinsaok site.

Of course, it wasn't a bad building. The four-story building on a fairly large site was designed by the same people who designed the shrine building. Good design and great grounds.

“…… that's the Hero Management Hall? ”

The Damascus team grew weary of seeing the shrine on the other side of the fence.

“Come on, compared to the Alpha-Shad Building, Fiji's a rookie. ”

“Yeah, they're headquarters. We're just lodging. ”

“No, but... I feel dirty.”

Every time the Damascus team returned to the lodge, they saw a fabulous shrine building and felt unexplained discomfort. Of course, I had no complaints about the accommodation. Everything is new and perfect. No team will ever be treated like this again.

Apart from Damascus' complaints, it was Director Long Sung who was most outraged. I thought Hero Management had gone a little crazy since the construction of the new shrine, but after it was completed, it was different from their accommodation.

You put a building like that on the only Hunter team? Even if you helped... ’

This was way beyond favoritism and total support. But it was an order from the chairman, and I couldn't tell him to wrap it up. Longhan had a headache as he watched the managers' teammates struggle.

“Shut up, it's noisy! Take care of the kids, get them to rest, feed them, and then go back to sleep. We have to leave tomorrow. ”


All the managers followed Damascus into the lodge. Just a bunch of managers hanging around. Even if it's the headquarters and Alpha-Shad has a building, it doesn't matter.

It was stressful for Long Sung himself that he should continue to live with that quiet building in front of him.

“But what is that? ”

Gyeonghan glanced at the shrine building and frowned at the rooftop.

“... Isn't that a propeller? Crazy.”

The rooftop was presumably a helicopter.

He had become obsessed with what this was. What came to mind in the head of the Longhan Castle was the past.

‘Haha, we've just entered the Damascus Inn. By the way, Team H-1, the accommodation is... Oh, the studio? Oh, well, it's a sleepover. ’

I heard that Kang Jun is talented, but can't you get a building? ’

Long Han Seong's face turned pale. I deliberately scratched Choi Jun who ignored me. At that, Choi Jun just laughed and made Long Castle angrier.

And misfortune overlaps.

On the other side of the road, Choi Jun was stumbling.

Looking straight at yourself.

Kang Joon, who didn't even give me a chance to avoid his eyes, lifted his hands with a smile as soon as I met him.

“Chief Gil, it's been a long time. ”

Even Gil was only a second lane, so the horse was told enough. There was no night, no passing car. He had to raise his hand slightly to say hello because of that subtle gaze.

Kang Jun did not say anything such as ridicule, deception, and what about Shin Sa Ok. Just like last time.

-Excuse me.

I laughed and lost my temper and went to the shrine.

It was just that.

“…… son of a bitch. ”

And Longhan felt the rage that would burst in the 'ceremony' of the highest standards. He did not know that all the contempt, ridicule and ridicule were mixed together.

The target is an artisan with Taunt. I also know how to piss people off.

But the classes are different.

I heard our lodging is nice, and I can't believe you have a mansion in front of you. Of course, that building wasn't built by Choi Jun. It must be a building made in the connection between Snow Young and Snow June. However, I felt strongly confident that Longhan Castle was the work of Choi Jun.

Choi said with his own eyes, even though he didn't say anything.

Did you see that, asshole? ’

Longhan was sensing boiling anger on a cellular basis.

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