History's Strongest Manager

[189] Spring Shadow (1)

It became March.

The H-1 team was promoted to the B rank team and the overall level of the team was evaluated upwards. As there is a level difference within B rank, the closest H-1 team to A rank was West Aran.

I was close to rank A in one year. I could say it was a monster of growth. Western Aran was the most effective crystallizer on the H-1 team at present.

The River team stayed at the C rank because they were still underperforming, but it was only a matter of time before they were able to rise above the rank with teamwork.

Now the winter was gradually retreating, and the restoration that had continued throughout the winter was gradually finishing. The compensation was completed, and the victims who survived the cold winter were compensated for their tax revenues in Crisis, as well as those borrowed from the principal's visa funds.

He also invested in damages for financiers involved in the smuggling of black market and North Korean weapons. Of course, it was voluntary money for them to see. Of course, Kim Yi-jeong, who did not know the compromise, decided the law on all of them separately from the fact that the investment was truly immense.

Chamberlain, black-market merchant, customer, knowledgeable and respected corporate official, politician, and all those who did not know but cooperated were judged. So many people were sentenced to life imprisonment that they needed to rebuild one prison, and even more people were sentenced to death.

At the Constitution, they were all equal before the law.

Although the reign did not go away, Kim Jing-un severely weakened the reimbursement structure of the companies involved. In the long run, Lee Jung had a vision to get rid of all the money, and he didn't know how it was going to go.

However, the Black Market case was used to climb a flight of stairs, and the matter was over, and the judges were judged.

Korea has had a long winter and is now ready for a new spring. Everyone was vaguely looking forward to the spring of hope.

But in fact, where does the deep and deep root end end? Everything is connected, what touches eventually touches, and there is virtually no closure.

The prosecution ruled that the Constitutional Court's extra-constitutional powers were unjust (because of course, they were caught in a pile), and the majority of the people agreed to do it separately.

Even if we do well now, what happens if the Constitution Department's sword is in the wrong hands? A knife that works too well is not necessary.

The case proved that the Constitution could interfere with all of South Korea's crimes as long as Hunter was able to tie them together properly, as well as related cases. In the beginning, it was a fairly ambiguous provision that the Constitutional Ministry's principle, "crimes involving Hunters."

Hunters have become part of life and energy crystals have become the basis of life.

So, it was people's idea that the Constitution Ministry could interfere with the restraining order on people's food.

A problem with the Constitution Department has been revealed.

Jabline was also secretly related to, or likely related to, the incident.

The United States also purged North Korean high ranking members of the labor party, and filled the party leaders with mothers.

North Korea was still bloodsurfing in underground labs to boost its ability to smuggle weapons as well as overrank.

In the shade of spring that no one could perceive, the plot line was burning.

No one knew when it would reach the bomb.

“Look! It's loose! ”

Iznitas shudders, pointing to the green sprouts of dry grass.

“I see.”

“A child who lacks emotion. Is that all you have to say about the greatness of life? Look, the weather's great. ”

“What do you care if the weather is good or bad while you can beat it in absolute Young Yeongdo? ”

“Look at the horse. You want to die?”

Iznitas grumbled at Kangjun's dry reaction. The weather was getting warmer, and the time was coming to take off the winter coat. Support and Iznitas have been outside for a long time. It was amazing to see Kang Jun running around with the funnel of what was so good.

Iznitas seemed to really like the support.

‘Mutants are only Ruchon and Iznitas after all. ’

“But it's still a little cold. ”

Seo-young shrugged and opened her collar.

“Kang Joon likes summer. Do you like winter? ”

“I hate summer more. ”

I asked him what he liked better, but he answered what he hated more. Gangjun's personality is revealed in that area.

“Winter is better? ”

“No, I don't want winter. ”

After all, I hated both of them, but I hated summer even more there. Seo-young looked at Gangjun like that and narrowed her eyes.

“Why is it so crooked? ”

“Summer is the worst and winter is the worst. ”

People naturally hated all the seasons when they went to a place where the weather was hell that they did not go to. Moreover, Gangjun was not a free superhuman in the weather.

“Then why don't you like summer any more? ”

“Winter just ends with cold, but hot is a bitch of a variety. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“Winter is cold and snowy and ends there, but hot is hot, hot is sticky hot, hot is moist and hot in so many ways that you can't even breathe. ”

Forests and deserts are equally hot, but different kinds of heat. Just as it is not hot because of the sun, the rainforest is hot without the sun. It was not a question of what was more harsh, it was a question of what was more annoying.

“But spring is okay, right? ”

“That's right. ”

The middle spring was a damn difficult season. Sprouts are spreading, the weather is good, and everything feels new.

I did not say that Gangjun hates spring. He stared at the clear sky and murmured a little.

“I want to go on a spring picnic. ”

“Sometimes I think Jules forgets she represents the company. You have to work.”

“Sometimes I think Kang Joon thinks he's the head of the company. What are you gonna do if I play? ”

Seoyoung glanced at Gangjun, but Kangjun was also an iron wall.

“This is what we look like when we run into a spring picnic, even when we don't have enough time to develop. What if it turns into a flower field in my head because it's spring? ”

“But now it blooms cherry blossoms? If cherry blossoms bloom, don't you have to go play with flowers? Take everyone with you, okay? Don't we have a union competition? ”

Seo-young glanced at me with gleaming eyes, but Kang Jun shook his head resolutely.

“I'm going to plant you a cherry blossom tree. Look at that. Stop thinking about playing. ”

“It's really too much.... ”

Even though Seoyoung was crying, Kang Jun said that decisively and then fell into the company. Seo-young sighed and bit her lips as if she had remembered something.

It turned out that I was talking with a completely different position. Seo-young is a temple to play with, and Gangjun is like a representative encouraging him to work.

“Well, then, why are you making me look like I'm running for office? Hey Kang Jun!”

Seoyoung also followed Gangjun into the Hidden House.

“I got you!”

“Hey, no! It hurts when you hold it there! ”

In front of the company all spring, Iznitas and support were on the grass.

Of course, Snow's spring picnic plan fell miserably before Kang Jun's side, and Kang Jun planted a huge cherry tree in the building just the day after. The next day, snowflake saw the giant cherry blossom tree and ripped its head off.

[London Restoration!]

The headlines of media around the world were decorated like that. The successful U.K. takeover operation has now grown considerably longer. They rebuilt more than thirty percent of mainland Britain by building stable lines, progressing gradually, and, following a series of bombardments against the rear, they repaired London, although more than seven were destroyed.

Although Big Ben was destroyed, it was encouraging that most of the landmarks were safe.

With this, the U.K. takeover will build a large wire and then have a short break. The U.K. government wanted a big advance, but the Alliance decided to reinforce their lines and give them time to replenish their weapons and supplies. Jabline, a major coalition force, has also used a considerable amount of supplies, so it needs replenishment.

“Are you sure you don't want it back? ”

Kang Ju was excited to see the news coverage.

“I hope this works. ”

I didn't want too many sacrifices to happen. Contrary to initial concerns, the U.K. recovery operation was underway at no great cost, with union's immense invisible power helping it.

With the unexpected power involved, it was only natural that the mission would work.

“I actually wanted to go there. ”

Yoo Eulan from the River team who was watching TV together sighed. I thought I wanted to become a templar and stand in a fight with such honor and pride. It was actually resonance, but it was exactly what the River team wanted and dreamed of.

“Oh, that doesn't mean I don't like it now. ”

Yoo Sulan struck his hand and Seo Aran said.

“Too bad. I know what it feels like. ”

- Cheers.

Seo Aran reloads the shotgun and secures it. Seo Aran also wanted to become a template. That's why he could see what he was thinking when he saw the London news restoration. It wasn't that I hated hero management, it was just a regret that ended with regret.

“We have to get out. So do we. ”

Seo Aran stood up, and both the lead and Gina stood up. They were all properly equipped.

“Come on! Don't get hurt. ”

Everyone nodded at the alarming words. The River and H-1 teams were doing quite well.

As I went down towards the parking lot, Gangjun started there and waited. When I got in the car, I was going to do another free hunt for a few days.


“Ah, teacher! ”

But today, Gwak Dae-won was also on the passenger seat. Gwak Dae-won handed over the reinforcement case to Choi Jina. Seeing the fan device in the passing case, my hands trembled.

She also heard that the brain-mangulating line is being remodeled for Gina. However, Kwak Dae-won was not a fan of equipment, and it was taking a long time because he was renovating to use it even when the latest level was much higher.

Now, after a few attempts at the last rebirth of the brain-material cord, a few repairs would be completely hers.

That's why in this free hunt, you will follow Kwak Dae-woon and see what the problem is with the practical use.

“Thank you so much…. ”

“I'd love it if you'd write it well for me. ”

“Sir, you don't speak the same way as you speak to me. ”

“Then maybe you were born a young woman. ”

“Teacher, it's a big deal to say these days. ”

“It's a big deal. ”

However, when everyone got in the van, Gangjun left. Gwak Dae-woon began to explain the function of the brain twin lines. It was still a debt divided into two, and although it was too similar to what Jinyuna used to use, it was not doubtful that Kwak Dae-woon had created another one of his works.

It was Kwak Dae-woon's judgment that it was better not to change shape than absurdly.

“There are a lot of experimental features, except they're not very efficient. I'll add the features you need, so don't be alarmed. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Basically, the Awakening device was the main role of amplifying a practitioner's cyonic abilities. It's very expensive, but if you get any stronger, there are thousands of people lined up. Jinyuna was an SS-rank, but her brains were much more powerful than her abilities.

But masterpieces are masterpieces for a reason.

“In addition to basic capability amplification, you can implement mental enhancement while updating the device. Installed the device. It'll probably work. ”

“Salt…. What?”

After not understanding the words, Gwak Dae-won kindly explained.

“If the Awakening remembers how to use abilities programmatically in the device, it is a system in which capabilities are expressed without specific computation or targeting, once the device is remembered and then injected only with cyonic energy later when the capabilities are used. ”

“… I'm sorry. I'm not sure.”

Of course, Gina, who was blind on the device's side, could not understand what she was saying. Eventually, Kang Jun had to leave.

“If you remember the spell on the device, you just have to inject the energy later and the device will do the magic. Think of it as a magic wand. Gina would know. ”

“Well, well! ”

Suddenly, Gina's face lights up red as she reveals dark history. An acacia that whispered as it wielded a magic wand to the arctic flame. At that time, he just mumbled and activated his mind, but this time it's fundamentally different. It really remembers the spell, and when it is triggered, the device can cast its own superpowers.

“You're right. The code that triggers the device is a brainwave, but there's no code that's as sure as the code that comes out of the mouth. ”

Gwak Dae-woon also nodded as if Kang Jun was right.

“Gina's wish came true. ”

To Choi Gina, who was a magical girl, a real wand was grasped.

“Yi, don't say magic wand at this age! ”

However, Choi Hyuk was ashamed and blushed his face and only applied his body trembling.

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