History's Strongest Manager

[199] In the season of hope, the wind of the barbarians blows (4)

While the representative was hospitalized in the intensive care unit, he was in charge of all power. Other people could not go to flower arrangements.

I couldn't do it at this moment when the representative was going to die, especially because I didn't know when or what would happen. It was warm, but everyone was careful as if they were walking on ice. The schedule became more blank because he was refraining from engaging.

North Korea's political situation was not just the night of the storm, but the way the storm landed.

“Hey... Gangjun.”

Iznitas called Gangjun, whose complexion was blue. Kang Jun felt a bad feeling. It was a face that brought some very, very bad news.

“We're in trouble.”


“Jabline has withdrawn from England. ”

“…… What? ”

When Kang Jun heard that, he had no choice but to doubt his ears. And only then could I have known what all this was about.

“Why the hell are those bastards doing that? ”

“Maybe…. He's trying to tie our feet together. ”

The news had so many issues to cover that it could not even release all the necessary broadcasts into the 24-hour news. South Korea was clearly focused on North Korea's issues, and the Jablin Emergency Forces were the most important news story on international news. If Jabline withdraws urgently, more than three of the British forces will escape.

Of course, we will not be able to maintain the front lines, and at this time of year, Union personnel will not be able to leave the battlefield to protect their people, no matter what the British forces do.

Kang Jun quickly organized his thoughts.

North Korea's strongest force, Pilgrim's riots, Jablins' iron army....

Jabline must have known the Union had been deployed to England. Jabline, who thought Union would be rushed to North Korea, enforced the Iron Legion to tie Union's feet.

This is not just an iron army, it's an taunt. This was not just an Iron Army, but a fugitive who chose to become the enemy of Union and the world. There will be numerous casualties in the Jablines' space, which declares hostility to the European powers and the United States.

What's the point of choosing to be an enemy around the world?

“They seem to know Union's a minority. ”

“I think so…. ”

They had already sensed long ago that the moment they held hands with the remnants of Acula, they would be fighting the Union. And when the movement was halted while attempting to kidnap support in Korea, we found out.

Instead of waiting for the invasion of Union to finish the restoration, I tied Union's feet to the best of times. Union caused chaos that they couldn't care less about. Foreigners tell me the Jablins have decided on the Iron Army because of the clashes within the Allied forces, but their Iron Army speed is already at the level that they were prepared for.

“The Allied forces must be watching Jabline Retreat. We're all stuck. ”

Blames poured out from every country that joined the Allied forces, but Jablines, of course, did not respond. Iznitas now suffers massive casualties from the British side due to the monsters' aggression. That's why Union had to be tied up there.

Jabline's actions are tying up Union, which will help keep North Korea running wild. Almost everyone who's gone crazy now knows that the two groups are connected.

Time lags, and Jabline withdraws how to use his vast troops.

Jabline decides to build a huge game rather than collapse under Union attack. Union is a minority. It cannot intervene in all disputes on the entire planet.

In any way, Jabline wants to end it this time. Either they're over, or the whole world is falling apart.

Is there a Jabline behind Pilgrim? ’

Kang Jun sensed that when he thought about it, Jabline never decided on the Iron Army with a light heart.

Pilgrim probably didn't even know where their weapons came from. A Jablin with the largest nest of fish on the British occupation. But Filgrim, an old Englishman, was on the move against his greatest enemy.

Jablines tie up the movements of the United Kingdom's Americans. The army on the mainland is tied up because of Pilgrim. The United States has virtually no control over North Korea's unrest and no unitemperature movement.

“That's a hell of a.... ”

As Jablines interfere, the pattern of the incident changes.

There are no more groups to stop North Korea. North Korea will now drive out the U.S. military.

Withdrawn Jablines will begin other movements before Union retaliation begins.

No one yet knew how the movement would begin.

Due to the emergence of extreme force, North Korean residents have been violent against retreating American troops by pouring into the streets. The American military base was destroyed, and American troops who were retreating couldn't care less. The oppression of North Koreans was actually not as intense as before, but they hated the United States because of their deep hatred of foreign life.

The U.S. military retreated and trampled the crowds blocking the retreat route.

They also boiled as their anger boiled in the preemptive strike that began in North Korea. The ultimate power was the ability to find and defeat American retreat routes in a short time, and whether or not the ultimate power was in retreat routes was a factor in the success of retreat.

Naturally, my relatives in North Korea were also attacked by the crowd. They eventually had to withdraw with the retreating U.S. military, and many North Koreans, as well as members of the clan, were heading for the U.S. military retreat.

U.S. military vessels captured and sabotaged North Korean submarines and military vessels, completely sealed off access to sea lanes and completely blocked the route for maximum force entry into the sea. The only place to escape was to get to the harbor.

The harbors near the East Sea were, of course, the strongest, and they realized it was impossible to make their way to the retreat point.

The garrisoned U.S. military eventually had to make a decision to break through the sealed retreat.

Without national support, the remaining American troops had to find a way to survive.

To do so, we have to draw the most powerless area to the mainland, not the harbor. North Korea's main force, and soon core forces, was impossible to counter. The remaining North Korean military was also in pursuit of the U.S. military.

The armed level of the North's military was of course poor, and the U.S. military was still overwhelming compared to the North's military.

The U.S. military deployed in mainland North Korea to launch a massive attack on the North Korean military and private sector as well.

A civil war broke out between the United States military and North Korean forces against the North's elite. It was a ploy to lure the highest force inland and and out to sea.

Dealing with the enemy is difficult, but if so, figure out a way not to deal with it.

A civil war broke out in North Korea, and soon an enormous massacre began that killed not only the soldiers but also the civilians.

The Americans who lost mainland support killed and killed civilians and soldiers indiscriminately in order to survive, and the North Korean military, of course, waited for the ultimate force to save them after a fierce battle with the U.S. military.

Overrank has overwhelming power to wage war alone, but ultimately the limits of the flesh cannot be exceeded.

Such a slaughter inevitably lowered North Korea's odds of suppression.

Union was also forced to make a choice: the British front collapsed quickly after more than three combat troops had escaped, and a huge army of retreating fielders began to be massacred from the monster plant in northern England.

In the end, Versailles and Liam Bradley had no choice but to evacuate Castle and enter the UK. North Korea's Overrank was no match for a Union or two. Moreover, due to the Guardian's constraints, Liam was unable to kill the beast and not just the beast.

The Allied forces called for a withdrawal, but the British government said the front could not be retracted to the southernmost. The U.K. government was desperate because it could not decide when to start the U.K. takeover operation again, if not now.

People were dying in the middle of a fierce tabletop press conference and flirting.

Union's control tower has been neutralized, and there was only one free member of Iznitas, except Wynshor, who had to remain to maintain Castle. Iznitas insists on going to Jablin with all his might, but Kang Jun nails him. His strength was not fully restored, and his tactical support had to be fully armed and in his best condition.

Going now was like going to die. Kangjun stared at Iznitas with a firm expression.

“Why don't you tell them to do a dimensional bombing. ”

Using a dimensional leap, bombing the Jablins with tactical weapons was able to get rid of them neatly.

“It's no use. I think Versailles has already tried. ”

“It didn't work? ”

“Yes, they're activating their dimensional coordinate disruptors 24 hours a day. ”

“We've already figured it out.... ”

The missile defense system has been built, as well as a disruptor that distorts dimensional coordinates to prevent a tactical weapon from being struck with a dimensional leap. They've blocked a number of ways for Union to attack.

He couldn't have provoked Union without making such preparations, so Kang Jun had to nod.

“We have to get to the body and penetrate it. If you don't mind destroying the coordinate disruptors, Versailles will take care of the rest. ”

“I said no. Are you trying to get yourself killed? ”

“I have to go. I can't just sit here and die. ”

Iznitas was firm, and Gangjun frowned.

“Because you don't know what would happen if you stood up to Trinity? Why are you trying to do the best you can and still can't have tactical support? ”

Finally, Choi Hyeong-jun bursts out, and Iznitas shouts with a twinkle in his eyes.

“It's not the temperature, so don't tell me what to do! I choose where I die! ”

At that, Kang Jun kept his mouth shut. I just stared at Iznitas.

Dozens of hundreds or tens of millions of lives were lost. Jabline was serious, and if we leave him alone now, he'll start a world war.

Before that, I had to defeat the Jablines.

“I'm sorry... That's not what I meant. But... but I have to go. If only we could slow down what they're doing... I have to go.”

Iznitas bows and enters his quarters. Iznitas will die if he goes. That's true. Even if everything is restored, we need Castle's help. Kang Jun was looking at Iznitas' visit with a firm expression.

[Kang Joon, I need to talk to you.]

When Kang Jun saw the message of the abscess, he seemed to know roughly what he wanted to say. That's why I didn't hear anything, but I sent an answer first.

[No. There's something I can't do.]

[Let's talk for a minute. I'm going to give you some information that won't hurt you.]

Kang Jun put his phone in his pocket and thought for a moment.

As expected, there's no harm in meeting him.

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