History's Strongest Manager

[293] Upcoming Endpoints (2)

[You have completed building a pumping balm that has been detoxified.]


[As you ordered, we've developed two types of M-enhancers that highlight the aspects of special enhancers and two types of P-enhancers that enhance the aspects of permanent enhancers.]

The Elves developed a drug that further strengthened the pumping balm. Transient tonic that eliminates hallucinations and addiction. Awakenings, night and mutant were both available drugs. This time, not only could it be made easily, but professional and sensitive drugs could also be used, so the Elves were able to develop ultra-high-level enhancers that were not comparable to traditional pumping balms.

If this were to become public in time, the Crystallization Equipment would no longer be needed, and the average speed of the hunters' rise would be nearly ten times greater.

It was an ultra-high level reinforcement agent that would cause such sensation. Emilia was a genius and capable of many simulations with her genius and cognitive abilities dozens of times faster than others. Gangjun printed out the data and handed it to Jinwoo-seok.

“Send it to the Songhwa Group and get ready to go into the production. ”

“Yes, boss. ”

Jin Woo-seok left the boss's room, and Kang Jun sat still. Pumping nights have enabled hunters to seek short-term and long-term capacity increases. Within this year, GR's ancestors will emerge. An energy cloud will emerge, a portal will emerge, monsters will spill and a great monarch will emerge.

On second thought, Kangjun became dark from what he was going to do there.

We don't know when.

Therefore, it was important to be prepared as soon as possible. In Utah, extraordinary anomalies were continuing to occur intermittently, and people were increasingly beginning to think that this was strange. Exponentially, people were leaving Utah.

[There is a view that Salt Lake, as well as the entire state of Utah, will be ghosted.]

“Is that so... ”

People leave, an entire state ghosts. Utah has less than two million inhabitants. According to simple figures, the population is smaller than that of Seoul. In Utah, where vast deserts and mountain ranges coexist, there is no shortage of fighting.

The federal government, of course, is already aware of the bizarre and frequent anomalies that occur in Utah.

Soon, a commandment will be issued in Utah and the entire population will be evicted from the other states.

[Cooperation Gate has arrived from the Templar.]

“Show me.”

Separation of River's teams was ineffective due to the individual support of Alpha-Shad, but resulted only in proving the strength of River's and Alpha-Shad's teams worldwide. The information was long, but the content was simple.

It is a cautionary fact that many unusual anomalies have occurred in Salt Lake City, Utah. That's why it was important to reassign River's team to a dedicated team in Utah and work with the GAT team on a joint front.

“Hmm…. ”

I'm surprised the GAT team's going with you.]

“Surprisingly, it's obvious. ”

Kang Jun smiled.

“You'll have no witnesses, no evidence, since you're in Ghosttown. ”

It's the last move of a desperate Arslan.

“You're going to kill River Team. ”

If the beast cannot be killed, the beast will be beheaded. The GAT team will pretend to be allies and kill River's team. And reports of death in combat. Ordinary hunters are more likely to encounter special anomalies than can be encountered, so even if River's team dies, they will be packed as such.

A call from Arslan arrives in fear of the arrival of the Cooperative Council.

[Long time no see, President Choi.]

“It hasn't been long since I saw you at the inauguration. ”

[I'd like to have a little chat, is that okay?]

Apart from the Gat and River teams engaging in joint warfare, Arslan had something to see from the best. Gangjun did not know the meaning of the word.

Whatever it is, it's been asking for a frontal battle.

“Very well.”

Gangjun happily responded. Then I called Go-hyun straight away.

I had specific instructions.

Choi Jung didn't even ask me what to do. It means that Arslan knows what he's going to say.

Gangjun was on a plane to New York. Arslan has not yet revealed abrasion, and it is the same with Gangjun. The most important thing was who was going to make the election. Of course, Kang Jun wasn't going alone because he didn't know what was going to happen.

“I think you trust me too much. ”

Seo Aran said, looking at Gangjun with a fat face. Next to Gangjun, there was West Aran as a guard station.

“I'd rather bring Gina to prepare for the situation.... ”

“If you take Acacia, it's too obvious that you're lying to me. ”

Acacia's power is exaggerated to a point less than Ryuzua, and in some areas, autonomy is far superior to Ryuzua. Compared to Ryuzua, who had a full family history, Acacia was capable of using multiple abilities and had no physical constraints.

Soon, it will be interpreted as aggressive intent to take the Strategic Weapon to Templar Headquarters. Aran glances forward with a blunt expression.

“I'm not happy to say I'm taking you with me because you're weak enough. ”

“It looks' weak enough, to be precise. Compared to Acacia.”

“ ……. ”

“I try not to underestimate, or overestimate, anyone. ”

Kang Jun smiled softly, looking at Seo Aran.

“Aran, I'll go with you because you're good enough alone. ”

“… Yes. ”

Hidden in Acacia, H-1 team members were relatively undisclosed. It was better to take West Aran than to take Acacia, which is clearly the largest force. Since I also left Jinwoo-seok, only two people on the plane were Seo Aran and Kang Joon.

Seo Aran raises her head as if she suddenly remembers.

“When are you going to give us a private jet? ”

“Ah…. Well, that's... ”

Kang Jun's complexion turned white because of the nonsense.

“International Management said S-rank Knight will provide a private jet. ”

In fact, Maria was a S-rank knight, and Kristen was happy to arrange a private plane for her. Kang Jun frowned as soon as Seo Aran came back.

“Well, that's... Be ready as soon as possible.... ”

“I'm just kidding.”

Since Kang Jun couldn't find anything to say, Seo Aran shrugged. Seo Aran mutters as she looks out the window at the clouds. She's still a little clumsy, but she's definitely not the same.

“Rather, every time I do this, I think about the old days. ”

It was a voice that seemed to miss me somehow.

“The manager woke us up, drove us to the Hunting Spot…. I remember a time when I would watch us fight, bring us back, ”

The temple was only three, Seoyoung, Gangjun and Song Team Leader. It was the same as then and now that I was lacking at least ten bodies, but it was the days I was in the studio of Shin Lim Dong.

“I was sick of playing and killing time because I had nowhere to fight right now. I thought I needed a place to fight... Even if the manager becomes the boss and asks you to buy a plane like a child... You really can afford it. ”

In the past, there was no place to fight, so I jumped and ran. I was overwhelmed by the tyranny of a large corporation, and I was looking for work that almost killed me because of my fatigue overlapped with the outsider case.

Even though the child begged him to buy an airplane, Choi Joon thought about it for a while and then became enough to say yes. And Seo Aran became worthy of such treatment.

That's strange.

“Do you want to go back? ”

At that point, Aran looked at Kangjun.



“I don't know. ”

Aran bows her head with a mischievous look.

“I wanted to be strong. Like the manager who saved me back then.... ”

“You've gotten stronger, haven't you?”

“Yeah, I think so, too. ”

Seo Aran rises to the ranks of the strongest. Srank Knight, the superhuman of superhumans, and his combat abilities were enormous.

“I wanted to be someone who wasn't afraid of monsters. I'm not afraid of monsters anymore. I know how to deal with anyone I meet. How are we supposed to deal with that? Rather than thinking about it, I started thinking about how we could defeat that monster without damaging the Energy Crystal. ”

Killing is natural, and combat has become easy enough for Ser Aran to think of a way to eliminate his enemies without losing energy. She wanted that position, that power, that attitude. Seo Aran had already fulfilled her original desire and dream of wanting to be strong.

“But I'm not so happy about it. ”

Seo Aran said that with a sad expression. A man dreams of being something. It doesn't matter what it is. But when you do, you change again. Being intoxicated by accomplishment is only temporary.

A person who has already become something cannot rejoice at the fact that it has become something.

However, I look back at the moments I have walked to become something. I look back on those many moments of sadness, pain, suffering, suffering and suffering.

The moment that could have been blinded for a dream was actually more precious.

I know it's a full heart, but I think about it.

The moments when there was no place to fight tomorrow and I had to worry about the company's finances, were the days when I ran and ran without eating the breakfast prepared by Choi Jung Burya.

I miss you so much.

Just as the person who has not fulfilled the dream is sad, so is the person who has fulfilled the dream. All that sadness must be because a man lives now.

No matter how hard you try, everyone is sad because of the absolute fact that you can't go back in time. Sadness is a strange emotion.

I also felt that Kang Jun felt emotion. It's strange to share the same sadness. When grief and grief are combined, it should be greater grief. However, Kang Jun felt strangely comforted when he realized that he was also feeling something.

“I often think the same as Aran. ”


Kang Jun smiled lonelily, facing Aran. Strangely, knowing the same sadness makes people feel a little comforted by the fact that they empathize with each other's sadness.

Aran was surprised that Kang Jun understood his feelings, which he thought sounded full of emotions.

“Aran, though. ”

Sadness is a strange emotion.

Even if it doesn't solve the reason for grief.

“It hasn't changed that we're together. ”

“ ……. ”

It can be comforting.


At Kangjun's words, Seo Aran smiled. Knowing why you're sad, and you can't solve it. In a few words, people are comforted just by sharing their feelings. A lot has changed, but I miss the past.

Just knowing that things haven't changed.

I can overcome grief.

When I arrived at Templar Headquarters, there was no such event as a welcome. It wasn't a secret visit, but it wasn't even a formal visit, so Aran and Gangjun followed the leader like a visitor. Seo Aran had never been to Templar headquarters like this before.

“It looks more like a company than a military facility. ”

“It's not surprising that office work usually happens at HQ. And the UN headquarters. ”

Aran tilts her head. If it was a Western talent, it would have been recognized inside the temples and could have easily climbed to the GM grade temples.

There was a problem that she might have accepted even after seeing the Templar in action, but she was clearly an outstanding talent. But now, there was no interest in a group called the Templars. Arslan is waiting in the Oval Office, while West Aran waits outside.

“Thank you for coming in on such short notice, Chief Executive Officer. ”

“No problem. Ten days for our alliance. ”

During a hypothetical greeting between Arslan and Kangjun, the deputy also left.

“Looks like you only brought one attendant.... ”

“Oh, it's a hassle. ”

Arslan smiles as if it had worked.

“President Choi, I know you don't like eating and eating. ”

“That's right.”

“And I know Edur hates unnecessary rhetoric and rhetoric. ”

“Of course. It's good to have a conversation with the arc templar. ”

“So am I, President…. No.”

Kang Jun smiled, and as soon as Kang Jun said that, he hardened his face like a lie.

“Union's strongest. ”

Kang Jun's face became stiff.

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