History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 96: Capturing mutant zombies

Auction martial arts cheats and medicinal herbs?

Which of the martial arts cheats is like a life, let them take out the cheats, it is better to ask for their lives.

And now there is a group of silly-forced, take it out and sell it? Can this be sold? Can this be sold?

Commander Yan Huang is very puzzled, even if their military can get some cheats from various factions, but the cheats obtained are not the core cheats of those sects.

The cheats of this group of people are very different.

Other forces around the world, smiling, Huaxia’s management of martial arts cheats is too strict, they can learn a broadcast gymnasium at most.

Since the auction is used, the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

As for the Chinese set of traps to wipe them all out, this is a joke, even if they kill them, the Chinese abilities will immediately face the world's siege.

"Where the auction takes the intensive liquid and special blood as the payment currency, the gold is second, and the national banknotes are not collected." In the video, the iron sacred **** Zhu ignored the face and looked as if it was an important decision.

"Do not collect money?" The major forces are somewhat frowning, and they are all a lot of money, but the gold is controlled by the state, and the ordinary forces are not.

As for the intensive liquid and special blood, they are not enough for themselves, how to take it out for trading.

“The Shaolin Temple is small and Dan, one adds three years of skill.”

Listening to the introduction on the video, the major forces have changed slightly. This Shaolin Temple has such a magical drug, how strong is their strength?

This is not a mass production martial arts master.

The Shaolin Temple in the world of corpse brothers is also blindfolded. Is this our Shaolin Temple?

The Shaolin Temple is also a natural one. They can produce a few pieces each year. They are also used as treasures. You are sure that there is still a stupid-forced monk, and will be willing to take out the medicinal herbs.

"The Shaolin Temple is still a Dan, an increase of 20 years of skill." When I heard the introduction of Shaolin Temple Da Dandan, the heads of these big forces could no longer sit still.

Twenty years of skill has been comparable to the middle strength of their forces. In addition to several high-level executives, they have more than a dozen middle-level.

The Shaolin Temple's medicinal herbs directly produced a master with the same strength as the middle-level. If you cultivated a master for decades, swallow one, which does not exceed their high-level strength.

How terrible is this Shaolin Temple?

The Shaolin Temple in the world of corpse brothers couldn’t help but snarl. "Was the Shaolin Temple still Dan? Dan Fang has it, but this medicine has not been known for many years."

"Maoshan Dao, restraining any monsters and monsters, and demonizing the demon."

Demon slayer?

In the European Parliament, the speaker of the parliament looked murderous and even took out the things that restrained their vampires and sold them.

Other countries' powers and martial forces have shown their enthusiasm, learned Maoshan Dao, what vampires, zombies, black knights are encountered in the future, still not hang?

Whether it is hostile to Zhou Yang’s auction, or the eagerness of his heart, at least this moment has a desire in their hearts.

"The owner, I don't know if I can send someone to help the deer find a mother?" Bai Xiaofei got a lot of courage and said to Zhou Yang.

"Yes." Zhou Yang thought for a moment. Now, in H City, there are some survivors in addition to the temporary military base.

In other places, it has been difficult to find a survivor. The iron man Shen Zhu ignores these masters and it is a waste to stay in the temporary military base.

Why not go to the H city, catch some monster-shaped mutant zombies, and save the deer's mother.

Giant mutant zombies have a certain recycling value. After all, giant mutant zombies are a horrible killing machine. Once they can control them, they are the best weapons.

And they can also evolve by phagocytizing different species, and each giant variant zombie has a horrible growth talent.

"set off!"

At the temporary military base, Zhou Yang left only the eighteen bronzes of the Swordsman and the three gods of the world, and the rest of the masters were taken by him. The mighty deer to the deer Home departure.

"Oh! Mom! Those vultures are coming out again, everyone is running." I don’t know which corpse shouted on the street.

The mutant zombies who had seen the heads of the 18 bronzes rushed to the lanes on both sides of the street.

Of course, there are also some low-intelligence variant zombies that rushed to them, but before they reached Zhou Yang, they were headshot by the 18-copper.

At the same time, in some dark places, Zhou Yang can feel some powerful mutant zombies, still staring at their pedestrians, martial arts masters, powers, these powerful humans, too much temptation for mutant zombies.

The more powerful the life, the stronger the promotion of life genes, although it is very scary to know that Zhou Yang is a group of people, but still can not help the incitement of life.

They are waiting for the opportunity, like a beast to prey on prey, lurking in the dark, waiting for Zhou Yang and his party to relax and weak, launch a fatal blow.

Zhou Yang and his party went smoothly to the building of Xiaolu's house and caught two large-shaped mutant zombies along the way.

One is a fierce-shaped mutant zombie caught by the zoo. It is more than five meters long, three meters high, two heads, one monkey, one tiger.

One passed through the river, capturing a monster more than 20 meters long, a shark head, and a python body.

Both monsters were held by Wanyang in Wanjielou.

"Wait a minute."

Just when Zhou Yang and his party planned to enter the building, a handsome man in a security uniform of about 1.6 meters ran from a supermarket to Zhou Yang and his party.

"I have seen the general." The man in the security uniform, excitedly ran to the front of Zhou Yang to respect a standard military ceremony, and then looked at Zhou Yang and his party with adoration in his eyes.

On the Internet, he also watched the battle video, which is the most elite special team in the Yanhuang army.

"What is your name? Are you interested in joining the Yanhuang Army?" Zhou Yang smiled and looked at the young security guard in front of him, naturally recognizing who he was.

For a stranger, he can give up his life. This kind of person Zhou Yang can't do it, but he still respects this kind of person.

A thing that only requires him to do it with a simple opening, he naturally will not refuse.

"General, my name is Chen Lei. Can I participate in the Yanhuang Army?" Chen Lei is full of expectations and concerns. Because of his height, the medical examination is not qualified.

"Blue Ocean, do you think this person is suitable?" Zhou Yang turned to ask the blue sea, a few people in the Yanhuang special team ~www.readwn.com~ dead skin rotten face also followed.

"Appropriate, very suitable." Blue Ocean has not spoken yet, and there is a lot of people on the side of Erdo, and the medicinal herbs that have increased their skill also have a role in their abilities.

Although it is strange to take out the drug auction of Zhou Yang, they can only think that this is a high-level decision. After all, Yan Huang’s high-level officials did not give any notice to them.

He still wants to flatter and let Zhou Yang send him another one.

"Then you want to help Chen Lei join the watcher." Zhou Yang smiled at Erdo.

"Yes!" After a slight glimpse, Erto agreed, and because of his identity, he could still get a fortified liquid.

"Chen Lei, you will follow him in the future." Zhou Yang pointed to Erdo, and said to Chen Lei, who was excited.

Chen Lei was very smart and stood behind Erdo.

"Let's go in." Zhou Yang said, taking the lead in the stairs.

Thousands of mosquito eggs encountered along the way were all collected by Zhou Yang in the system space. As for the double-headed gecko monsters and frog monsters, they were caught by Zhou Yang and his party.

In the underground parking lot, they found the mutated zombies, wandering around the little deer mother, and the iron bile **** Hou Zhu ignored her to catch her, and then handed it to Bai Xiaofei.

For the remaining two days, Zhou Yang and his entourage wandered around the city of H City to capture large mutant monster zombies.

In the two days, more than 30 people were captured, and a group of talents returned to the temporary military base, because the big forces from all over the world have almost arrived.

Seeking a collection! ! ! Seeking recommendations! ! ! 1

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