History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1039: Fighting with everyone?

"If Shen Gongbao has made a big change in the city of Ge, tell me in time, and run away in time if you are in danger."

The Tongtian teacher also ordered a few words from the king. He took a look at the Shengong Leopard and planned to return to the Biyu Palace. For the disciples, he also had some arrangements and layouts.

He is very clear that the Yin Shang has become more powerful, the people are richer, and they cannot resist the arrival of the robbery. He arranged this way purely for the disgusting Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

"It is a lord."

Hearing the sorrow of the lord of the heavens, Shen Gongbao nodded again and again, and he wanted to hold the big backer. He must hold tight.

On the one hand, it is the Tongtian cult leader who enters the Wanjielou. On the one hand, it is the Yuanshitianzun who dislikes him. This multiple-choice question is too good to choose.

"Open the king, smell the teacher and ask for it."

The Master of Heaven has just left, and a palace girl ran to the front of the king in a small step, fighting in the battle.

"Xuan! In addition to inform Wu Chengwang and Wang Shu."


After the degree of humanity, the king felt very guilty about the crimes he had done before. Now he is eager to recruit Wu Chengwang and Huang Feihu to work with Ya, in order to save some wrong decrees.

After the palace girl heard the words, her face trembled and she walked out quickly. The king was in her heart and was still a terrible existence.

After a short period of time, Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, and Bi Gan were gathered in the hall. After a review by the king, Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, and the dry three were all happy.

Before Wang Wang did not enshrine, Wen Hao Wu Lue was a rare heir. Otherwise, with the influence of Wen Zhong and others, Yu Wang could not be enthroned.

When the king reached the throne, he also had the support of Wen Zhong and others.

Now I saw the repentance of the King of the Kings. These ministers who are loyal to the Yin Shang, are all excited and excited.

"We still discuss and discuss how to plant Jade Emperor rice."

There is only one side of the Shen Gongbao, which is not affected, and has no expression.

As long as the king does not faint, plus the powerful team that God B left for him, no one can overthrow the Shang Dynasty without strong external intervention.

He also just hits a soy sauce to prevent sudden events from happening, and can inform the Tiantian leader in time.

When I heard the words of Shen Gongbao, Yu Wang and others were caught in a heated discussion. This Jade Emperor Rice is simply a treasure given by Heaven. With it, Dashang can be invincible, crushing the sea and sweeping the eight wastes.

With the support of Yu Wang, with the help of Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, Bi Gan and others, Yuhuang Rice was quickly planted in the entire Shang Dynasty.


Biyou Palace, Tongtian teaches the main mouth of the mouth with a faint smile, only a few months, the national strength of Yin Shang will undergo earth-shaking changes.

At that time, he would like to take a look at the expressions of Yuan Shi Tian Zun and others. Yuan Shi Tian Zun said how to convince his disciples to kill a prosperous and strong country.


In the Biyu Palace, Duobao Dao, the Madonna of the Golden Spirit, the Madonna of the Immaculate Conception, and the Madonna of Turtles were summoned by the Master of Heaven, and entered the retreat of the Tongtian Master.

The Heavenly Master did not speak, and his eyes glanced at the four people in front of him, and his eyes were full of meaningful eyes.

The Duobao Dao became the later Mahayana Buddhism Buddha, the Madonna of the Golden Spirit and the Madonna of the Turtles. When the Madonna was broken, the Virgin fled.

"Today I am calling you to seal the list of gods. This is the decree issued by the teacher. There may be many disciples on the list, and some of you may be on the list."

"Once you have been on the list, there is no more freedom ever since."

The Tongtian teacher has been indulging for a moment and slowly.

"Teacher, this battle of God should not be so serious?"

Duobaodao people are shocked. They are the four pro-disciples of Tongtian, and even they have the opportunity to be on the list. The scope of this war of God is too great.

He is not proud, except for the saints, within the three realms, he is not weaker than anyone.

"What is the teacher's accident?"

The lady of Jinling frowned slightly.

The tragedy claimed that Wan Xian came to the DPRK. There were thousands of disciples and disciples. There were only a few gods on the list of gods. She thought that she would teach some marginal disciples to enter the list of gods. Now, from the tone of the Heavenly Master, she can hear it. The battle of God is not simple.

It may affect the Three Realms, and it is hard to escape.

"The teacher is relieved that if the disciples are killed, we will not call them better."

The tortoise of the turtle spirit is cold.

The war of the gods was mainly the disciples of the Tongtian teacher, the disciples of the Yuanshi Tianzun and the disciples of the Laozi. The three parties fought, and the disciples of Laozi were only a few.

If there is a big battle, it must be a battle between interception and interpretation.

Explaining the expression of her disciples in the past, she had long wanted to teach a meal.

"I don't have to worry about waiting for the teacher."

See the slightly dignified expression of Duobao Dao and others, Tongtian teaches the Lord to comfort.

He also knows that the education is not good enough ~www.readwn.com~ However, for his four pro-disciples, Tongtian Master is still very satisfied.

Otherwise, he will not choose among the thousands of disciples who have made the pro-disciples.

"There are some treasures, you take them to practice."

The Tongtian teacher waved out some of the origins of the heavens and the body of the Lord God, and gave them to the Duobaodao four people, shouting, "Don't bring these things out of the Biyu Palace."

Biyou Palace was concealed by him, and Yuan Shi Tianzun could not deduct the situation inside. Hongjun may be able to deduct it, but he will be aware of it.

If there is a Biyou Palace, these treasures will be immediately perceived by Hongjun and others, and his plans may be exposed.

"Thank you teacher."

The four people of Duobao Dao also felt the treasures that floated into their light groups, and they were amazing. They quickly thanked them.

"Let's wait, let's practice."

The Tongtian teacher gently nodded, but when the four people of Duobaodao were about to leave, the Tongtian teacher suddenly shouted, "Mr. Jinling, you stay."

The three people of Duobaodao hesitated and slowly retired.

"This nickname is the Six Souls. There are already six names on it. I teach you how to use them."

Tongtian teacher saw Jinling's face with doubts, and took out a glimpse of it. This 幡 was triangular, and there were six squats fluttering gently under the armpit. It was the famous six souls.

The Six Souls can only exert their greatest power by leaving the names of six people on them.

Moreover, after the six souls were merged, the Heavenly Masters were strengthened again. Under the saints, no one could escape the curse of the Six Souls.

"For the teacher to arrange for you to use at the right time, don't tell others."

The Heavenly Masters handed the Six Souls to the horrified Golden Spirit Madonna.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, "···

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