History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 106: Undefeated Eastern Unbeaten

"The owner, the owner..." Zhou Yang is looking at the relish, Gao must go to him and be careful.

One of the pictures, Fan Wei sat behind the old people, but for half an hour, he even looked for a seat, played mahjong, and sprinkled with the old man.

It was only Fan Yu’s language and the language of the technology era that were quite different. Although I listened to it for a while, Fan Wei still said one or two sentences in the excitement.

Let a few old men at the same table with him look over, and say, but they still play classical Chinese, but we have the existence of foreign languages, ‘dogs and cats.’

Fan Wei and these old people think that the combat power is simply weak.

Let a few old people at the same table, full of sense of accomplishment, used to kill no match, chess and opponents.

Unexpectedly, there was a fighting force and the existence of such slag. I suddenly felt excited. Although I lost a lot of money, my face was still ruddy.

"What?" For a moment, Zhou Yang turned and asked.

Now, customers who come to Wanjielou to deal with it, apart from looking at Zhouyang at a glance, dare to look for Zhouyang directly, but very few.

"The owner, someone has 1000 value points, want to see you." Gao must be careful, this thousand value points are earned, otherwise he will not bother the store owner's Yaxing.

"Who?" Zhou Yang wondered, such a local tyrant, a thousand worth points in order to see oneself, I can not think of his own appearance fees so high.

"The East is unbeaten." Gao wants to look a bit strange, this man changed to eunuch, the **** became a demon, the demon became a woman, all the human gender, have been experienced by this powerful human.

"Oh, go." Zhou Yang waved his hand, and the ten pictures in front of him disappeared instantly and walked toward the restroom.

When I walked into the lounge, Zhou Yang saw the undefeated red dress in the east. The black hair was like a waterfall, and the body was full, but her face was pale and her face was full of sorrow.

"What is the Eastern leader looking for me?" Zhou Yang said faintly, although the East is unbeaten in the eyes, although it is a royal sister-type beauty, but when she thinks that she is an eunuch, Zhou Yang always feels a trace of sadness.

"The shopkeeper, is there a good man in this world?" The undefeated eyes of the East are tearful, as if the next moment, the tears rolling in the eyes, will appear like the Yellow River.

"I came to the Wanjie Building with full expectation, and I went to the woman with great thoughts. I am full of joy and return to the sun and the moon. I am not greeted by the joy of the heart, but I don’t want to touch it. Let me go." The East is unsettled and sad, and every move is completely adapted to the woman's style.

"When he saw me, he frowned and looked disgusted, as if he had encountered something disgusting."

Zhou Yang can't help but spit out. It seems that you have completely smashed Yang Lianting. You let a man who has already been bent and bent, and then like a woman, is it possible?

It’s easy to break off like this.

"And he actually went to me and went to hook up with other men." The East was unbeaten and murderous, with a deep shock in his eyes. It is conceivable that he was shocked and snarled at the time. "I am right. The dogs and men are all killed."

After all, it’s a painful thing to have a heartache, tears pouring down, and killing someone you like.

Zhou Yang can't help but feel helpless. Dogs and boys, your brain hole is really big.

However, Zhou Yang's brows are wrinkled. After the undefeated in the East became a woman, his character changed greatly. Before, he was allowed to leave Yang Lianting. Now he is willing to kill him. It seems that there are some degeneration pills in the dream. what.

"I disbanded the Sun and Moon gods." The unbeaten voice of the East twitched.

Zhou Yang nodded, girl, a little temper is normal, with the undefeated strength of the East, the first ruling of the martial arts realm, go back and form a Japanese and Japanese gods, minute minutes.

"I force all the people of the demon to contribute the cheats."

"I also took the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang School's Tibetan Classics and the Book Collection."

In the center of Zhou Yangxin’s darkness, the wayward woman is terrible, especially the woman with particularly strong ability is even more terrible, and everything has been done.

"I was chased by all the people." The East is undefeated and sad, there is nothing in the world that can make her nostalgic, and the world no longer welcomes her.

"I want to go to another world." The East is unbeaten and sobbing.

“Which world do you want to go to?” Zhou Yang asked, and there is nothing to gain from the Shaolin Temple. After all, the Wanjie Building has almost all the martial arts cheats of Shaolin Temple. As for the Wudang faction, there are still some gains.

"I want to go to a world similar to the last time in the world." The East is unbeaten.

"Yes, but you have gone to such a world, you can't kill people, or you can cancel your transaction, and the value is not refundable." Zhou Yang demanded.

In the unbeaten strength of the East, if it is to an ordinary world, in addition to weapons of mass destruction can cause harm to her, otherwise, she is invincible.

"The shopkeeper, I want to convert all these cheats into value points." The East nodded unbeatenly, waved a hand, and a thick cheat appeared in the lounge.

"A total of 3200 value points." Zhou Yang gently glanced at the majority, most of them are Shaolin Temple martial arts. As for the martial arts of the demon religion, most of them are low-level and intermediate martial arts. If it is not some martial arts of the Wudang faction, I am afraid it will be worth a thousand. point.

"A total of 1500 value points are deducted." Zhou Yang said.

The East is unbeaten and some of the lost points nodded.

Zhou Yang’s heart sighed and brought the unbeaten of the East to the world of love apartments.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, come over." Zhou Yang waved his hand at Zeng Xiaoxian, who was dancing in the hall.

"The owner, how come you?" Zeng Xiaoxian surprised.

Last time, the video sent by the owner was dubbed and placed on the Internet. The fan group went up. In less than half a day, the game went up to more than 4,000 fans. His heart was constantly twitching. Can excite him, and fainted directly at the computer.

Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital in time and rescued.

When he ran to Wanjielou and wanted to thank Zhou Yang, he found that Zhou Yang went to the world of brothers~www.readwn.com~ not in Wanjielou, let him be a little disappointed, leaving only his video with his voice. .

"We went to Xiaonanguo." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said.


Zhou Yang grabbed Zeng Xiaoxian with one hand and took a few shots before he felt a lot better. He said, "I want to leave immediately, she will hand it over to you."

Zeng Xiaoxian was slow to understand, why Zhou Yang hit him, but when he saw Zhou Yang, wearing a costume, his face was unbeaten in the East, suddenly his eyes were shining, and his face was solemn. "Reassured, I I will take care of this lady."

"Remember, you are not allowed to kill, what do you like to do, what do you do?" Zhou Yang is really eloquent, and then there is no unbeaten in the East. As for the extent to which Lu Ziqiao will be unbeaten in the East, It is not what he cares about.

Zhou Yang returned to Wanjielou and continued to watch how several wealthy businessmen do business.

Fan Li has begun to gradually enter the stock market. He found that the stock market has the fastest capital flow and tried to buy a lot of stocks.

Wan Sanqian successfully used the pills bought by Wanjielou to save the daughter of a wealthy businessman. With this relationship, he quickly met many wealthy businessmen.

Lv Buwei met the driver of the mayor ‘accidentally’ at a wine table, and after meeting the mayor’s secretary and giving him a piece of jade, he succeeded in getting a chance to meet with the mayor.


"This is a **** business battle film." Zhou Yang sighed, how long it took, less than a day, everyone used to harvest.

Three more! ! !

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