History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1117: Thunder robbery

Zhou Yang’s reaction to everyone is not surprising. The goods in Wanjielou can make a low-level practitioner, or ordinary person, a strong person in the eighth-order realm in a short time, which is already the limit.

Even if someone buys the godhead of the world after the ascension, they need to understand the laws of God and slowly become stronger.

Now it can be a strong man in the ninth-order realm, how to not let them be shocked.

The two bodies of the emperor who were smeared by the spirit of Zhou Yang, their cultivation is still preserved. As long as they have won, they can have the body of a nine-order realm.

The only trouble, whether the person who wins can perfectly control this body, control the powerful power, may take some time to absorb and digest.

“There seems to be restrictions on the alchemists and refiners at Wanjielou.”

Zhou Yang's gaze, looking at the hurriedly walking toward the main hall of the Wanjielou, the plan to cure the Tongtian teacher and others, brows slightly wrinkled.

The medicinal herbs in the Wanjie Building do not have the medicinal herbs corresponding to the nine-order realm.

During the refining period, the monks can use the condensate to speed up the cultivation speed. The monks in the Yuan Ying period can use Yuan Yingdan to speed up the cultivation.

The top alchemy masters of Wanjielou, the refining medicinal herbs, can only meet the strongest of the eighth-order realm.

This is also related to the realm of monks. The higher the realm, the more they are enlightened by the laws of heaven and earth. The medicinal herbs seem to have no effect.

However, it may be difficult to refine the medicinal herbs in the cultivation, but the auxiliary medicinal herbs are few in the Wanjie Building.

The red pill obtained by the world of Fengshen is effective for the strongest of the nine-order realm, but it is a poison.

“After completing the world mission issued by Xiao Chen, you can post a recruitment task and recruit the chief alchemist of Wanjielou.”

“The chief alchemist is not fixed. If you refine the medicinal herbs beyond the chief alchemist, you can replace them. The chief alchemist can have three.”

Zhou Yang is full of confidence.

He believes that the conditions he has set out cannot be rejected by any alchemy teacher.

At the same time, he must once again improve the status of the alchemy division, even every other year, or half a year, hold a meeting of the Tiantian Wanlian Alchemy, the first alchemy master, you can get a reward.

Moreover, the Alchemy Masters Conference is not limited to the alchemists in the Wanjie Building, but in the world connected by the Wanjie Building. A certain degree of alchemy can participate.

"The same can be said for the refiner."

Zhou Yang is immersed in meditation, copying the rudimentary magic weapon is more to meet the low-level realm of Wanjielou, the top customers of Wanjielou, they need a magic weapon of the innate treasure level.

However, in the Wanjie Building, the most powerful refining magic weapon should be Yuan Shi Tian Zun and Lao Tzu, the first day of the reign of the Yuan Shi Tian Zun refining system, and it is only at the level of the spiritual treasure of the day after tomorrow.

Whether it is Yuan Shi Tian Zun or Lao Tzu, they are unable to refine the best of life, or the treasures of the day after tomorrow.

Buddha is the glory of the world, or the glory of the world of the gods, but it is possible to refine this level of magic.

However, Foben is the glory of the world, the embodiment of the avenue, more time to stay in the original world, to suppress the original world.

The glory of the world of the gods of the gods has not yet entered the Wanjielou.

"It will be held after a while."

This time, the harvest of the longevity and the world mission, Wanjielou needs to be digested for a while.

Zhou Yang lightly vomited a vomit, and returned to the Wanjie Building. This time the harvest of the world mission, Wanjielou needs to digest for a while, he also has to digest for a while.

Zhou Yang also felt that his strength needs to be upgraded to the level of the nine-level realm. Even if he can't find a suitable alchemist or refiner, he can work part-time.

The system has the function of directly improving the realm. He can strengthen himself into a nine-stage alchemist and a nine-stage refiner.

"Maybe it's a really good idea."

Zhou Yang’s eyes are slight, and if he can refine the medicinal herbs that help the nine-level realm to cultivate, or the innate treasures, the innate treasures.

For the shortage of high-end goods that often occurs in Wanjielou, he does not need to wait to connect to a more advanced world. He can completely carry out macro-control according to the needs of Wanjielou.

"Improve so many realms, then the only real king of the real world, one can not let go."

Zhou Yang’s eyes are not only needed to improve his cultivation realm, but also to raise the realm of refining and the realm of alchemy.

Especially in the realm of alchemy and the realm of refining, his alchemy realm and refining realm have been strengthened, but it is still in the low-level realm. The alchemist is about the third-order alchemist, and the refiner is not very high. It belongs to the fourth-order refiner. division.

Two auxiliary training systems need to span several levels, and the resources needed are too many.

"It seems that the following war requires me to intervene."

Zhou Yang grinned and smiled, and his white teeth shimmered with a hint of cold.

He is indeed only a strongman in the eighth-order realm. He is playing on the front. He is not an opponent of the imperial powerhouse. However, he can easily open any world channel connecting the world to the world. www.readwn.com~Every world Most of the people who control the most powerful forces are not creatures, but the heavens or avenues of this world.

After the ascension, the world is in a state of nowhere. Control the laws of time, the rules of space, the rules of killing, the law of swords, the law of salvation, and five gods. Other gods are not his enemy.

However, in the face of the balance law of the world after the ascent, there is still no resilience in the situation.

If the situation does not leave the world after the ascent, I don’t know how many copies will be divided by the law of balance.

Buddha is the sage of the world, and it looks like a savage, not dead, but these saints can only be honest in front of the avenue, and dare not violate it.

If he opens a world passage in the only real world, connecting the world after the ascent, let the balance law feel these emperors, the balance method will react.

If he opens a world passage in the only real world, connecting Buddha to the world, let the avenue know that there is a force that has not been in its control, and what will happen to the avenue.

"Ishiguro is the favorite in the process of becoming a wilderness emperor. The cultivation system of these emperors is completely different from the cultivation system of the perfect big world, so that they can also take a bath under the thunder."

Zhou Yang did not choose to connect the world passages of the world after the ascension. The law of balance will only make those emperors weaker and weaker, and the value of the imperials will be lower.

For Foshan is the road to the world, what will be the reaction, Zhou Yang is not clear, is the thunder robbery, or directly crushed, Zhou Yang can not be sure.

The perfect world is full of catastrophe. A little bit, he can break the world passage at any time, especially when the emperors successfully robbed and are ready to enjoy the benefits of the robbery. He suddenly cuts off the world channel.

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