United States, White House.

"This yellow racer is really interesting. He even took the lead in attacking the US stock market." The US president smiled and smiled at the pretty blonde secretary on the side.

The US stock market has lost tens of billions of dollars, and such a huge loss of funds, his US president naturally received news.

The global economy is the United States, and some people dare to move their swords on the United States.

On the sixth day, some economic giants and entrepreneurs in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Asia, who have been waiting to see, also tried to invest some funds to join Fan Wei’s sniper brigade.

At the same time, Fan Wei released news of high-priced purchases of rare herbs and various exotic items, and left the address.

With Fan Wei’s fame, there are many people who want to tie up and make good friends. Many people have responded.

Of course, Fan Wei did not forget the stock market. Only the higher the reputation, the more people responded.

The tens of billions of dollars of funds, under the operation of Fan Wei, continue to roll at an alarming rate.

There is a lot of money from the US stock market, and some people who follow the trend.

The huge amount of money, like snowballing, at noon, this fund successfully broke through hundreds of billions of dollars and became a snowy mountain.

Wall Street is the name of a large street extending from Broadway to the East River in the southern part of Manhattan, New York City. It is only one-third of a mile long and only 11 meters wide. The streets are narrow and short, only seven from Broadway to the East River. Street section.

Such a small piece of street gathers at the helm of the world's major economic empire, and each of their little moves can roll up a hurricane in any corner of the Americas.

The international giant consortiums such as Morgan Fortune, Rockefeller Petroleum King and DuPont Consortium are located again.

The global economy is the United States, and the US economy is Wall Street. Moving the US economic market is like moving their money.

Billions of dollars have poured into the US stock market, and they may not care. This money, entering the economic climate of the United States, can be annihilated by a wave.

Zhou Yang is a complete spectator, quietly watching Fan Wei launch a financial war against the United States, learning and absorbing.

The time is 12:30 pm, half an hour before the stock market opens.

Williams, the representative of Wall Street in the United States, screamed with pride. "The global economy is American, the US economy is Wall Street, and Wall Street will meet any challenge."

This news represents the official start of Wall Street, to quell this stock market crisis.

Wall Street’s intervention has discouraged most of Asia’s financial conglomerates and dared not to join the funds.

It’s just that the funds invested are not so good, but the Chinese grandfather and aunt can’t manage these things, and they’ll start to take out the coffins and put them in.

Wall Street’s speech is still going on, and there is a huge amount of money in the market.

Soon the experts concerned, counting the funds used by Wall Street, invested $10 billion for the first time.

Nie-Ma, 10 billion US dollars, this is the first time to inject funds, do they want to digest this billion dollars?

Wall Street's full support, opened only 5 minutes, the volume has exceeded 2 billion US dollars, the day after the tragic decisive battle, the full day turnover of up to 30 billion US dollars, an average of 200 million US dollars per minute.

The stock market transaction ended on the same day, and the results were shocking.

Originally thought to be a crush without any suspense, who knows that it has become a tie.

For a time, all the major international capitalists who are concerned about this war and the consortiums and wealthy businessmen in Asia are somewhat stunned.

Soon, some discerning people have already seen that the US economy has too many loopholes.

They have not completely escaped from the economic crisis caused by the bursting of the Internet bubble, even if Wall Street wants to block it, it is somewhat difficult.

Asian consortia and big entrepreneurs finally couldn’t help but start to invest a lot of money and want to make a fortune.

This is a fierce and fierce financial war. The strength of Wall Street is too strong. The war lasted for three days and it is still difficult to solve.

This is a financial war with money, wisdom and courage as a weapon.

Both the challenger and the challenger are well aware of their successes and failures, the benefits and risks involved.

No matter, the challenger and the challenger have no chance to withdraw. Once they withdraw early, they will lose their blood. This challenge must be divided.

In these three days, Fan Wei has obtained a large number of rare herbs and exotic items.

At the same time, for the wealth of his invisible control, manipulating is more convenient, which is simply what to vote for.

On the afternoon of the third day, Fan Wei transferred all the funds to the stocks of some special listed companies under the circumstance that ordinary people could not detect them. They all have one thing in common, that is, the controlling stake belongs to Japan.

For a moment, when everyone was dazzled, the money that had expanded to 500 billion US dollars, like a flood, madly poured into Japan, which had just stabilized the economic crisis.

The battlefield shift, this huge fund suddenly turned to the battlefield, Wall Street lost a lot, naturally will not easily let go.

The two huge funds, together with more than one trillion US dollars, fought in the Japanese stock market, constantly sucking gold from Japan, growing, fighting, and getting more and more intense.

“The exchange rate of the yen against the US dollar fell to the lowest point in this century, and the Japanese government had to ask for help from the International Monetary Fund!” The Japanese government looked at some ugly announcements.

The Japanese government is seeking assistance from the International Monetary Fund. It is not seeking assistance from the United States.

In order to stabilize the economic crisis, Japan has already paid too much, and the younger brother has been unable to support it.

The United States also knows that it can no longer be played, and the governments of various countries have begun to intervene.

After all, global economic integration, if Japan loses a lot, the economic crisis will trigger a chain reaction, which will trigger a global financial turmoil.

Slowly, both sides began to try to recover the funds, but found that the collection has not been received.

Every minute has huge funds, pouring into Fan Yi, the madness of the Chinese is unimaginable.

Everyone knows that buying stocks now does not lose money, so I don’t want to sell iron.

Wall Street passive defense, difficult to pull out, began to fall.

On the ninth day, in the morning, the Japanese stock market officially declared a collapse, and the financial turmoil began to spread at an unspeakable speed.

First, in Asia, Singapore, South Korea and other countries, the stock market crashed, and in the afternoon, it has spread to the US stock market.

The global crisis was officially detonated.

At this time, Huaxia seems to have not been affected at all.

A giant businessman named Shen Wansan teaches you to be a minute, and in just five days, he has established a huge economic empire all over China.

Take the Internet as the context, add martial arts schools, pharmacies, schools, and connect the entire economic empire of China.

Huaxia is a very national country, grabbing salt, and buying Mark Six, all in a few days, making the whole of China crazy.

Shen Wansan, relying on a set of Shaolin Changquan and a prescription for active tendons and collaterals, immediately swept the country to prepare for the college entrance examination, the middle school entrance examination family and the day and night overtime party.

The combination of the two, the effect is really good ~ www.readwn.com ~ let people relax.

In other respects, parents may buy something cheap, but once they are concerned with their children, they are all better.

Even some companies and Shen Wansan have the same boxing and prescriptions that are still difficult to sell. They must be shops opened by Shen Wansan and sold.

From the pharmacy and the military school, Shen Wansan naturally gets some exotic items and secret techniques.

Lu Buwei, who has been staying in Donghuai City, has also begun to take action. He has discovered the world from some of the government's files and secret volumes. It is a strange world filled with strange things.

Soon, a certain building in the urban area was assigned to a group boss by Lu Weiwei, and Lu Buwei succeeded in obtaining a lot of strange items from his hands.

Even some of the tomb families, in this Donghuai City senior economic adviser with a lot of police officers visited, Lu Buwei out of high prices, bought a lot of rare items.

At the same time, he took the lead with 1.5 billion to set up the Donghuai City Business Group, and gathered entrepreneurs from Donghuai City to participate in the financial game.

Hey, Hu Xueyan, Rong Desheng and others all used some special items exchanged at Wanjielou to make a big wave in China.

Everyone found that in just less than ten days, Huaxia has risen to a large number of large economic groups, making crazy purchases of some exotic items and quickly spreading to neighboring countries.

Soon it was the afternoon of the tenth day.

Fan Wei, Shen Wansan, Lu Buwei, Wan Sanqian, and others all donated all their wealth to the impoverished mountainous areas of China and disappeared into the world of tomb notes.


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