History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1145: Ring plus grandfather?

"Cough, cough, ········ I will teach you here, I have to take a step in advance."

Zhou Yang couldn't help but cough a few times. The voice was only heard by Murong's death, and then disappeared into the world of Journey to the West under the expression of other people's doubts.

Murong’s death dream is a technology madness. Every sentence is inseparable from the greatness of science and technology. Zhou Yang is reassured that Murong’s dream is to retain the position of the head of the Minerals Administration and has greater influence. Then he must do his best. Try to urge the development of ore excavation work in the three worlds.

As long as the three worlds are able to provide the ore spirits continuously, Zhou Yang will instill whatever thoughts into the dreams of Murong.

"The world of ore mining will be handed over to Murong's dream management. The problem of the medicinal planting base may be to choose the world of nine heavens, the world of heaven, and the world of Buddha."

Wanjielou had a layer of shackles in the void, and Zhou Yang stepped out of it, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but his heart was decided.

There is a lot of high-level world connected by Wanjielou. However, the three worlds he chose, the first strongest person in the world of Jiuzhong Tianda, entered the Wanjie Building, and the Great World entered the Wanjie Building. Foben is the way the world has entered the Wanjie Building.

As long as he orders, the three can use their influence and do a good job of his arrangement in a short time.

“The system sent the information about the medicinal planting base to the three of them.”

Zhou Yang told him that he did not even personally come forward, and that the influence of the three great people in the original world can be easily accomplished.

“Wanjie Building also needs to create a land of creation.”

After Zhou Yang let the system issue a notice, it appeared in the planting area of ​​Wanjielou Tiandi Linggen and Undead.

Although the concentration of scent in the planting area is amazing, it is not lower than the concentration of the world's celestial world. However, Zhou Yang's current strength is enough to create a more advanced cave, which may become the landmark of Wanjielou.


On the left side of the main hall of Wanjielou, Zhou Yang waved to get the Pangu axe in the world of Changsheng, and cut the void around him. The reason why he took the Pangu Axe was to experience the feeling of Pangu.

Under the opening of Zhou Yang, a space of about one million miles was gradually formed, and Zhou Yang continued to integrate Hongmeng Aura into it, increasing the stability of space.

"In the future, it will be called Wanlingyuan."

Zhou Yang thought for a moment.

He intends to plant all kinds of heaven and earth roots and fairy medicines in the Wanlingyuan in the Wanling Garden.

Zhou Yang's heart and soul, the emptiness of space in Dantian, instantly turned into a prototype universe, he entered it, and accelerated the refining of jade-colored jade bottles in an accelerated time of about 10,000 times.

The jade-colored jade bottle is crystal clear, and the bottle has its own space. Their greatest function is to absorb all kinds of energy between the heavens and the earth, and then purify them into the most gentle and pure energy, which is suitable for people of any realm.

Moreover, each cylinder is a magic weapon of the three streams of Hong Meng Ling Bao, Zhou Yang refining a hundred cylinders.


Zhou Yang used the gas cylinder to collect the Hongmeng spirit in the universe. He collected a total of nine bottles, which were set in all directions of Wanlingyuan, forming nine Hongmeng spirits, and sprinkling warm and pure Hongmeng.

"Receive! Receive! Receive!·········"

Zhou Yang's body shape appeared in the world of Fengshen, but Zhou Yang directly entered the chaos, collecting chaotic gas with a cylinder, and the remaining cylinders were used to collect chaos.


Zhou Yang finished the chaos and did not stop in the world of Fengshen, and returned to the Wanling Garden again. He placed the gas cylinders filled with chaos in different directions, or in the void, or underground, or In the middle of the air.

These cylinders will soon transform the chaotic gas into a gentle and pure chaotic aura, and the entire Wanling Garden will have a chaotic aura flow.

"Fairy can also flow in!"

Zhou Yang introduced the fairy tales in the main hall of Wanjielou to the Wanling Garden.

As the fairy rushes into the Wanling Garden, the Wanling Garden seems to have raised a layer of clouds, some hustle and bustle, among which a variety of brilliant colors flashing, as if it is too illusory, dreamy fairy.

"Peach tree, linden tree, ginseng fruit tree, undead true dragon medicine, unicorn ancient medicine ········"

All the top fairy medicines and the heavens and roots of Wanjielou were transplanted into them by Zhouyang, especially the Bodhi ancient trees and some fairy medicines with high intelligence. They directly used energy to transform four legs and spread the scorpion to Wanlingyuan. The center of the rush.

"Maybe you can go into other worlds and put up some special strengths."

Zhou Yang refines a lot of cylinders and uses the system to check the special energy in the world of connected parties.

The glory of the world of the nine heavens and the world, the stars become the spirit of the gods of the world, even the vindictive power of the vast world, the power of the great world, Zhou Yang has collected a little.

"No problem."

Zhou Yang puts a cylinder into the Wanling Garden. The vitality of these cylinders is almost different. There are even a lot of low-level energy, all kinds of energy, mixed together, and Wanling. The clouds rising from the garden are dyed colorful, like the clouds on the sunrise sky, colorful and beautiful.

“Is there any discomfort?”

Zhou Yang went to the Bodhi tree, which was rushing through the colorful energy, and asked.

“The owner, it’s very good, very comfortable.”

This Bodhi ancient tree brought by Zhou Yang from the vast world of the sky, seeing Zhou Yang appear, cheerfully swaying branches and leaves, the voice is full of excitement.

He felt that in the color energy, there is energy that can make him change in essence, and his potential is greatly increased.

Zhou Yang once again asked a few high-minded undead celestial drugs. They felt that there was no discomfort. Zhou Yang was relieved.

These heavenly roots and undead celestial beings are not his ~www.readwn.com~ what energy can be absorbed, and perhaps what energy will be rejected.

In the next few days, Zhou Yang was still in the Wanling Garden. From some worlds, he also found some special spiritual and spiritual springs, such as the soil, the early ancient mines, the life springs, etc. Put it into the Wanling Garden.

“The shopkeeper, there is a teenager who took a ring and appeared in the Wanjielou. The ring is a treasure of the ninth order, and there is a soul in his ring.”

Zhou Yang, who is trying his best to strengthen the Wanling Garden, suddenly received a reminder from Gao.

The emergence of the Tower of Time, Wanjielou now has too many transactions every day. Generally, only the world missions that Wanjielou employees can't solve, or the customers who trade the nine-order merchandise, Zhouyang will appear in the transaction, of course, there are some special The character, Zhou Yang will also appear.

Gao wants to inform Zhou Yang of this boy, and he has met the requirements of Zhou Yang.

A teenager has a nine-level ring treasure, and there is also a grandfather in the ring. This is definitely a protagonist with great potential, and it is worthy of Zhou Yang. ) Download the free reader!!

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