History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1236: Use of RR virus

Many customers in Wanjielou entered the earth that swallowed the big world, which was so eye-catching. Therefore, Zhou Yang hurried out of the experimental base set up in the mainland of Australia and went to arrange.

The earth that swallowed the big world is absorbing the treasures that were exchanged from Wanjielou in three days. He does not want to enter the earth because of everyone in Wanjielou, and let these people think about it and want to step into the universe.

A planet is not guarded by the cosmic powers, and it will only become a prey in the eyes of other planets.

Zhou Yang does not want to wipe the **** on the earth every day. When the earth really has a number of cosmic powers, his contract with Luo Feng is completed. When the earth is alive or dead, it has nothing to do with him.

Before the contract is completed, Zhou Yang naturally hopes that the people on the earth will stay on the earth and not bother.

The location of the earth is very remote. As long as the earth does not die by itself, it will not attract a strong civilization from the outside world. In a year or two, the contractual agreement can be completed.

"The efficacy of the RR virus, you can also see, although the efficacy of the RR virus is special, it will make an ordinary life planet, even the world, change, but the changes brought about by this change are terrible. ”

"If it is an ordinary technology life planet, the RR virus is released, and the hot weapon faces the mutated monster, completely losing its former role. The intelligent race that originally dominated the life planet will fall from the top of the food chain. ”

"Social order will collapse, and the food chain of the entire life planet will reorganize, and may even lead to the destruction of the planet of life."

The world channel opened by Zhou Yang is directly connected to a plain on the mainland of Australia. The mainland of Australia has long been designated as a forbidden zone by the strong people of Hong and Ray. Therefore, many customers of Wanjielou are influxed and not in the earth. lead to uproar.

After scanning a circle of people with excitement, Zhou Yang looked solemn.

Different races are infected with RR virus, and the degree of variation varies. Especially when humans are compared with animals and plants, the degree of variation is like a world apart.

The reason why the earth civilization that swallowed the big world survived was entirely because there were a lot of alien civilizations on the earth.

However, these people standing in front of Zhou Yang, the world they live in, without the world that swallowed the big world, have deep roots and can continuously develop alien civilizations and realize the leap-forward development of science and technology weapons.

If you are engulfing the earth of the big world and there is no alien civilization, I am afraid that the top human powers of the whole earth, except Hong and Raytheon, have hopes of survival. Other human beings may find it difficult to survive, let alone establish five countries. .

If it is in a world like Lu Ding Ji, and the RR virus is put into it, human beings may not have one, let alone occupy a dominant position.

If it is placed in the ordinary technology world like the ravages and Jurassic Park, there is another situation. Human beings are facing the possibility of extinction, detonating a large number of mushroom eggs, blowing up the planet, and dying with the mutant monsters.

If the RR virus is placed in the star of the literary star, it is a disaster. Of course, this kind of disaster is only for the original civilized rule of the literary star.

For the species of the entire literary star ball, it is a life transition, a chance for a big day.

However, Zhou Yang still intends to stabilize the original Wenxing ball. Otherwise, Wanjielou is no longer a store, but a terrorist organization that specifically destroys the original civilized race.

"This time letting you visit this life planet is to let you see the terrible consequences of not controlling the RR virus."

"Then learn to make rational use of the RR virus."

Zhou Yang slowly said.

The quiet crowd below is thinking about Zhou Yang's words. Many people are frowning. Obviously they only thought about how to put more places before. They didn't think that the RR virus would bring impact to the original world.

This is not because they are not thoughtful, but because these are all customers who entered the Wanjie Building ten years ago, and the weakest of them almost reached the third-order realm.

When the third-order realm refers to the first-order second-order monster, of course, there will be no taboos, let alone the fourth-order fifth-order realm.

Now that I hear Zhou Yang’s words, they immediately understand the risks. If the RR virus is randomly placed, it is likely to cause the civilization of one world to collapse.

"Buy the Planet of Life!"

Almost at the same time, everyone’s minds have flashed a thought. They only need to put these life planets in the universe, and they will not infect the planet of life they live in.

Dragon Ball World, Dragon Ball Super World, these two worlds have a king of the world, can make a life planet, Wanjie Building is not lacking a life planet.

It’s just that the previous life planet didn’t make much difference, so few people buy life planets.

Now it is different. Each life planet is a large-scale ranch. They only need to buy some animals such as chicken, duck and fish in the original world, transplant some common plants, and then put the RR virus.

The more life planets you have, the more mutant monsters you can cultivate and you can trade more value points.

If you don’t listen to Zhou Yang’s speech now~www.readwn.com~ they will probably go to Wanjielou and buy the planet of life insanely.

Zhou Yang looked at the people under his eyes and knew what they were thinking.

If they are afraid of destroying the civilized order of the original world, they will directly purchase the planet of life, and there will be no species on the planet of life they purchased, they can transplant from the original world.

In this case, there is no need to worry about destroying the civilized order of the original world.

Of course, if you buy a life planet directly, raise a mutant monster, and mutate the monster, it is far worse than putting a RR virus on a primitive life planet.

Because no matter how you transplant animals and plants, you can't compare with the number of species on a primitive life planet, especially the fish in the sea.

Certainly someone will choose the original planet to release the RR virus, Zhou Yang is mainly to remind these people, let them pay attention to the selected target.

"The price of the RR virus is almost free. Anyone who buys the RR virus will have nothing to put on the original life planet or the world."

"If you buy a life planet to distribute RR virus culture monsters, you must choose the appropriate type on the list of culture monsters announced in Wanjielou."

Zhou Yang reminded.

If these people put all the chickens' mutant monsters on the planet of life, the speed is very fast. In a few days, there will be hundreds of billions of mutated chicken monsters in Wanjielou, even if the Wanjielou strengthens digestion ability. They will be overproduced by them.

Zhou Yang still needs to carry out certain macro-control according to the needs of Wanjielou.

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