History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1250: The owner, what are you doing?

Looking at the powerful sea in the universe, the gods of the arrogant and arrogant, actually took the initiative to soften, the strong people around are secretly shaking their heads, and the heart shouts.

Not only did the first **** of the gods think of the possibility, but other ethnic groups also thought of the terrible things of Zhou Yang.

The other ethnic groups in the universe, they thought that the gods of the eye will help them try the bottom of Zhou Yang, who knows that the gods have not yet played, they are soft.

The third real eyelids slammed a few times, and the heart could not help but rise a trace of luck. He found that the strong people around him even showed a pity, and apparently the gods did not start, so everyone was disappointed.


The third true lord glanced coldly at the people around him, and couldn’t help but scream and anger.

Zhou Yang is different from the previous strong. Other strong people, even the cosmic strong ones, can't beat them. There are two, two, and seven.

However, playing with Zhou Yang, it is very likely that their hometown was removed by Zhou Yang.

All of a sudden they moved their small universe away. Who is not afraid?

Winning Zhou Yang, not necessarily gaining any benefits, lost, their gods will be destroyed.

Although the gods are crazy, they are not stupid.

"It seems that we don't need to shoot."

The founder of the giant axe, who was already eager to move, had a strange color on his face, and the taste in his heart was indescribable.

At that time, the original ancestral universe of the universe, relying on strong strength, Zhou Yanglian did not shoot, it shocked the top forces of the universe, the strongest group in the first cosmic era, the gods of the eye do not even dare to compete with Zhou Yang .

The retreat of the god-eyed family made the other ethnic groups dare not move. Zhou Yang was constantly teleporting in the universe and collecting a small universe that could be repaired.

Other ethnic groups, although not clearly followed by Zhou Yang, but also distributed around Zhou Yang, always look at Zhou Yang's position.

Moreover, as time goes by, more and more people are coming from the universe.

The appearance of Zhou Yang is too deterrent enough to make any cosmic strong person chill.

In the original cosmic sea, the two cosmic strongest fighters do not have to worry about the other party destroying their own small universe. The universe's strongest can't destroy the complete small universe.

Now it is different. Zhou Yang doesn't know what method to use and can move away from the small universe. This is terrible.

If the small universe is removed, this is the way to break the future of the universe.

Everyone knows Zhou Yang’s huge threat, but no one dares to take the first shot. The first shot will bear Zhou Yang’s biggest revenge.

It’s just that they don’t want to leave. The small universe that Zhou Yang took away is not one or two, but thousands of them. So many small universes have gone where they are. This is a place for everyone to wonder.

Ten days, it passed away.

Zhou Yang explored more than 10,000 small universes recorded by the human race, and took away more than 5,000 small universes. As for the incomplete gods, there are countless.

"Cough, cough, and a big axe, a little delay, we continue."

Zhou Yang lightly coughed a few times and appeared in front of the giant axe founder and others, apologizing.

In the recycling of the small universe, all of the founders of the giant axe were left aside.

"The shop owner, this shot, the map of the universe, I am afraid to re-paint."

The founder of the giant axe laughed.

The universe is too big, and the Lord of the universe can reach 10,000 light-years per teleport in the universe. It is so fast to travel on the road, and it often takes several years or even ten years on the road.

Therefore, ten days is really short for them.

However, Zhou Yang took away so many small universes, which made them very headaches. Some small universes are their markers in the universe. Now the small universe is gone. They used to use the map made by the small universe and lost their role.

Not only do the human races need to re-plan the map, but other ethnic groups also need to re-plan the map of the universe.

"Is the mysterious strongman actually related to the human race? He is a human being, not a human race?"

Looking at the Zhou Yang, who laughed and laughed at the founders of the giant axe, the other ethnic groups were slightly frowning. I thought that Zhou Yang was a lone walker, but now it seems to be somewhat uncertain.

"Try not to conflict with the human race during this time."

The third true Lord of the gods, some awkward.

When did their gods receive such a big threat, they only faced the strange and unpredictable Zhou Yang, he did not dare to gamble, and the gods of the eye did not dare to gamble.

"Awesome, is the mysterious person a human race?"

In the virtual universe, the strong people of all ethnic groups in the Hongmeng have found the founder of the giant axe, and they are excited.

Human beings occupy a dominant position in the Hongmeng. If Zhouyang is a human race, they can also seek help from Zhou Yang as an alliance of human races.

No one is willing to fight with Zhou Yang at least until he has not determined that Zhou Yang can move the small universe.

Whether it is the founder of the giant axe, or the chaotic city owner and others, in the face of the inquiry of the various ethnic groups in the Hongmeng, they all gave a mysterious smile, and did not say the specific relationship between the human race and Zhou Yang.

The vague answer from the founders of the giant axe made the Hongmeng clan more curious. At the same time, the relationship between Zhou Yang and the human race was also transmitted from the Hongmeng.

The appearance of Zhou Yang is the face of mankind. The founders of the giant axe and others have avoided answering, and more and more people of the universe have doubts.

"Is this the peak?"

After Zhou Yang took away a large number of small universes, he did not deliberately go to the three great Jedi, because he found that the universe is full of treasures, but, very coincidentally, Zhou Yang collected the last small universe distance from the peak Very close.

The main peak of the peak is about 98.20 million light years, and the maximum value of the cut-off cap is 12.26 million light years. This is the largest mountain that Zhou Yang has ever seen. The size of a stone is in light years.

Let's not say what treasures are in the peaks. www.readwn.com~ This mountain can stand up in the universe. It can be imagined that the stone of the peak is strong.

As long as the material is hard enough, it is no upper material, so a large peak is the precious mountain of precious materials.

“The peak is the most explored area of ​​our human race, and the most familiar area. It is relatively familiar and safe to explore the peak.”

The chaotic city owner introduced the road.

"There is a temple built by our Hongmen."

Chaos City Lord pointed to a piece of rock outside Sanguangnian, about 100 million light-years of rock surface, there is a groove of several million kilometers deep, and a temple built by Hongmeng is in it.

The human race is the leader of Hongmeng, and this temple is naturally the gathering point of human power.

"Do you say that this peak has a master, or is it without the Lord?"

Zhou Yang's gaze gaze in the peak of the peak for a long time, and suddenly said, the voice is slightly low, I don't know if I was asking the founder of the giant axe, etc., or asking myself.

"The peak of the peak is of course the ownerless. The peak of the peak does not know how many eras exist. It has stood here since the existence of the two holy places, and has experienced many times of reincarnation."

The founder of the giant axe could not help but sigh.

Compared with the peak of the front, the time of existence of the human race is too short.

"The shop owner, you ask... what is this?"

The founder of the giant axe and the chaos city owner and others, originally had a sigh of sigh, the next moment, the pupil slammed, the expression was horrified, and the tone trembled.

The peak of the peak in front of you will not be able to move away instantly?

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