History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

: Simply say the process of 1 book!

Simply put, the process of this book.

This time, the level of the peak, the universe, and the heavy mountain are not very high, and the value is not even as good as the Star Tower.

The greatest benefit of these three Jedi is that there are many magic weapons, most of which are treasures of nine classes.

It is also mentioned in the original text that the existence of the symmetrical saint of the mechanical flow is not very useful, and it is almost useless to the king of gods.

Luo Feng, who was once acquired by Luo Feng, is the peak of Wu Guo’s mechanical flow to the treasure. The universe can only be regarded as a relatively high magic weapon of Wu, and the most eternal true **** level.

It is necessary to know that Wu Yuyi is a mechanical relic used by Wu Guo for the eternal God.

In addition, I turned to the topic, and everyone also saw it. Recently, my update speed has increased, because this book is coming to the part of my real brain, and it is also the part that can make me excited.

Of course, this is fast, it may take a few months, (嘿嘿嘿·······)

Now that the book can be said to be in the middle and late stages, it may take some time to uncover the source of the system.

What was the guess of the Wandao Covenant before, we can only say that no one has guessed it (hahaha...).

Let's try to guess what the eleventh and the thirteenth realms are. If you can guess, you will give a gift to the landlord who has a hole in his head.

Finally, it is also the most crucial part, and ask for a monthly vote! (嘎嘎嘎·······)

Dear, click inside, give a good comment, the higher the score, the faster the update, it is said that the new wife who found the perfect score has found a beautiful wife!

Mobile phone station new revision upgrade address:, data and bookmarks synchronized with the computer station, no ads fresh reading!

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