History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1260: Amazing harvest

And the East River reached a deal, Zhou Yang's mood is very good, the East River inheritance is the inheritance of a god-level powerhouse, in addition to the core of the East River, "Broken", "East", "River", The 12002 memory stones in the pond are all the secrets of the ten-level realm.

Although these martial arts secrets are the secrets of the tenth-order primary realm, they can't stand a large amount.

This is the secret of all the exercises that 192 of the East River has accumulated for hundreds of millions of years.

These 192 are the East River, although only three generations of the East River reached the king of the king.

However, in the 192 East China River, the strongest person who is called the holy is the majority. Except for the Dongdong River and the former two East Rivers, the other East Rivers are not lower than the eternal true God.

With so many top powers, constant accumulation, and the secrets of the work that has been accumulated in the Donghe River have reached the level of deafness.

This 12002 ten-step sacred secret is the best proof.

Because of the great value of the complete Donghe inheritance, Zhou Yang will promise to break the Donghe River so many conditions.

"The inheritance obtained this time can only be passed on to others by self-cultivation."

Looking at the Wanjielou people who are screening the secrets of the secrets in the pond and the endless ocean, Zhou Yang reminded.

Since he promised to break the East River, he would naturally do it.

"It is the owner."

The Wanjielou people nodded lightly. Although they did not know what Zhou Yang and Dongdonghe said, they could also guess what agreement Zhou Yang and Dongdonghe had reached.

These inheritances they accepted were probably the commodities of the Wanjielou.

The biggest difference between other people in Wanjielou, they do not need to spend value to buy a certain inheritance of the East River.

If you want to learn more about the Dongdong River heritage, you need to buy it yourself.

However, this time through the test of the East River, each person's face is a faint smile.

Because they can choose a ten-step method or secret technique.

If you buy a ten-step spell or secret technique at Wanjielou, you don't know how many points to spend.

Even if silence and glory have been for a long time, they have chosen one of the memory stones. It is not the low level of memory. On the contrary, they all want it, it is too difficult to decide.

In the end, Hongjun chose an analysis of the framework of the small universe until the limit of the eternal true god.

Silence has chosen a mystery of the gods, and it is also the limit of the eternal true god.

Every customer of Wanjielou chooses a certain stone of memory according to their own needs.

Because of the study of reincarnation, the monk chose a kind of soul secret technique. Yuan Shi Tianzun, who is good at refining, chose the mechanical flow method, and the first taboo of Taikoo chose the sword method. ·····

After telling everyone in the Wanjie Building, Zhou Yang copied all the Chuandong River heritage into the Wanjielou commodity, and his gaze turned to the broken East River again.

"Do you intend to stay in the universe or enter the original universe?"

Zhou Yang asked.

Now the whole force knows the existence of the tomb of the tomb. As long as the East River is willing, it is certain that every time, whether it is the forces of the universe, or the forces of the original universe, they will continue to send the inheritors. .

"Can I enter the original universe?"

Broken Donghe quickly turned back, his eyes jerked brightly, with a trace of doubt.

The creatures born in the small universe are certainly not born in the primitive universe, and have great potential.

Compared with the limited genius, in choosing the right inheritance, the Dongdong River is naturally more willing to enter the original universe and personally screen the appropriate genius.

In this case, he can often test for a long time and choose a genius that meets his requirements.

This genius is not only to inherit the inheritance of the East River, but also to revive the Wu State. Such a heritage of talent is important, and the nature of the heart is also to be tested.

It is only the original will of the original universe, the extreme exclusion, and the entry of any non-primitive universe into the primitive universe will be suppressed by the will of the source.

Not to mention that he also carries the heritage of the Broken East River.

"Nature can."

Zhou Yang gently nodded. He only needed to wrap the tomb of the tomb with an energy cover. The East River could be unimpeded in the original universe and the universe.

"I am willing to enter the original universe."

Broken Donghe did not hesitate.


Zhou Yang's right hand is empty, and a blue light is shot into the virtual will of the East River. The strength of the East River has long surpassed the Lord of the Universe. Now Zhou Yang is still unable to resurrect the real East River.

However, Zhou Yang can transform this virtual will of the East River into an intelligent life.

The blue light is integrated into the body of the East River, and the virtual will in midair is more solid, and it has absolute control over the boat of the tomb.

"The following is the resurrection of the soldiers who died in Wu."

Zhou Yang stepped out and appeared in the tomb of the tomb. After the emptiness of the emptiness, a huge ripple was swayed. The time and space above his head was reversed at the speed of the sky, and soon a huge warship appeared. His sky.

On this huge warship, there are too many strong people, and the tens of millions of the universe are strong. The number of vain gods and eternal gods is also tens of thousands.

Zhou Yang searched for a long time and found that on this huge warship, the strong under the Lord of the universe was less pitiful.

Most of these people are descendants of the powerful players in the universe, or some servants, without any hesitation, Zhou Yang revived them all.

The number is not very large, adding up to hundreds of thousands.

"The giant axe these people are in your small universe, look after them."

The founder of the giant axe is the strongest of the universe, accepting the danger of inheritance and degeneration. As the guardian of the human race, he naturally cannot take such a big danger.

Success through inheritance, harvesting nature is great, if it fails, the human race has lost his blessing, I am afraid there is a danger of extinction.

As the guardian of the human race, he needs to consider security regardless of what he does. Therefore, the giant axe has always been outside the tomb.

"Of course there is no problem."

The founder of the giant axe has been outside the tomb of the tomb. It is natural to see that the huge battleship is the cosmic boat of the universe. Those who are resurrected in the universe are sure to be ancient civilizations.

Taking care of them, the human race can communicate with the ancient civilizations, and certainly can get a lot of benefits from it. More importantly, the boat of the tomb is also from the universe.

He cares for these ancient civilizations, and the man named the East River will certainly be merciful to the inheritors of the human race.

"Most of the resurrected people are the universe sages. These people are placed in the small universe of the giant axe. With your help, it is easy to give birth to a few eternal gods."

"As for the beasts, when the beasts are born, I will inform you that you can come with the inheritors of the broken East River."

Zhou Yang entered the boat of the tomb, and said that the eye was reddish and the East River said.

The Dongdong River can also see everything that happened outside. It is obvious that the East River has seen the old people, and it is inevitable that the heart will be emotionally sad.

“Thank you, the owner.”

The Dongdong River is deeply worshipped by Zhou Yang. This is his gratitude from the heart.

Zhou Yang’s strength is strong and he has broken the Donghe heritage. He has no choice. However, Zhou Yang has complied with the agreement between the two, gave him hope and gave Wu’s hope.

The kindness of this, in the eyes of the Broken East River, is by no means comparable to some inheritance.

"The shopkeeper, my teacher Lin Meng and Shi Bo Hongmeng, want to buy these inheritance, don't know if you can?"

At this time, most people have screened their own inheritance, and Jiang Yan, who has become a world in the stars, hesitated and asked.

For the Wanjielou customers to accept the inheritance of the tenth-order realm, Lin Meng and Hong Meng, whose stars have changed into the world, have also been paying attention.

Especially after knowing the cultivation system that swallowed the big world, the two were even more curious.

The world of stars has become the master of Hongmeng, just like Lin Meng, he broke into the space of Hongmeng, and then opened up a universe, the expansion and evolution of the universe, and so on, everything changes naturally.

The specific formation process of the universe has little to do with him.

To be more precise, when Lin Meng opened up his own universe, he did not understand all the changes in the universe.

The cultivation system that devours the big world is different. If the universe of the universe is strong, the universe's strongest people do not understand the evolution of the small universe.

It is different to devour the king of the world. The universe in their bodies is cultivated step by step. They comprehend the various laws between heaven and earth, comprehend the laws of chaos, and then open up a universe in the body.

All the evolution and expansion of this universe require the king of God to actively promote it. The king's control over the mystery of the universe has reached an incredible degree.

This kind of cultivation process has great reference value for Lin Meng and Hong Meng, which have not changed in countless times.

If they can continue to promote their own universe expansion and evolution, their strength will not further strengthen.

Therefore, the two hesitated a moment, let Jiang Yan ask about Zhou Yang, whether you can buy the practice system that swallowed the big world.


Zhou Yang gently nodded, Lin Meng and Hong Meng know everything that happened here ~www.readwn.com~ He did not feel any strange.

Because Jiang Yan broadcasted everything that happened here to Lin Meng and Hong Meng.

Some key information was actively shielded by Jiang Yan, just like the previous Xihuang Bureau.

The Rhinoceros Bureau can be said to be a kind of entertainment. It can also be said to be a way of cultivation. If the Rhinoceros Bureau is also broadcast live to Lin Meng and Hong Meng, it is a private transaction and violates the rules of Wanjielou.

However, Zhou Yang did not put Lin Meng and Hong Meng into the Wanjie Building. Now the Wanjie Building does not need to be specially drawn to enter the Wanjie Building. Can you enter the Wanjie Building by relying on these people's own opportunities.

If they are captured by the Wanjie Building, they can naturally become customers of Wanjielou, or they have other people in the world to enter Wanjielou. They are recommended to enter Wanjielou.

As for the people who were previously put into the Wanjie Building by Zhou Yang, it is very difficult to appear again.

“Thank you, the owner.”

Jiang Yan’s heart sighed with relief, and he was very aware of Lin Meng’s and Hong Meng’s desire to devour the world’s cultivation system.

Now that he has received the approval of Zhou Yang, he can replace Lin Meng and Hong Meng in the Wanjie Building to purchase the cultivation system that engulfs the big world. He has not lived up to the trust of Lin Meng and Hong Meng.

"Okay, everyone is ready, we are going back."

Zhou Yang opened the road.

This time, there are too many gains in swallowing the big world. He now needs to go back to the Wanjie Building to digest it.

Whether it is to further optimize the service rules of Wanjielou, or to establish a virtual virtual dojo, it is necessary for him to return to Wanjielou to think about it.

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