History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1272: Astronomical papermaking and printing

"That is the appearance of the owner of Wanjielou?"

The moment when Zhou Yang appeared, it attracted the attention of all the regions. Especially after Zhou Yang said his identity, it made the souls of all the regions shocked and quickly recorded the appearance of Zhou Yang.

This is perhaps the strongest they have ever seen!

"The original imprint of the refining universe can be the strongest of the nine-order realm?"

At this moment, except for a small number of living creatures, it is enough to keep calm, and all the creatures in each area are full of horror, and the heart seems to have set off a big wave.

"I seem to be a nine-level junior monk."

After the ascension, the Lord God of the world, after hearing the introduction of 糜竺, gave birth to an indescribable emotion.

The first auction of Wanjielou allows any creature to reach their level, even beyond their level, and what level of practitioners they are in Wanjielou.

“The opening of a universe is just to make all the bidders familiar with the auction process. Is this the handwriting of the Wanjie Building that connects Wanfang?”

The cold front looked sluggish, and he was really scared by the big hand of Wanjielou.

What the strongest of the nine-order realm represents, he may not be able to make it clear, but more than 860,000 galaxies, the number of life planets in trillions, he can know what this represents.

In the world where he lives, the known planet of life is also the earth, and there are no signs of aliens on Earth.

The auction takes out this universe, and the planet of life has trillions of dollars. This represents at least one trillion planets of life more advanced than the earth.

"The strong players in the nine-order realm seem to be immortal, and, with powerful strength, they only need to bid on this universe, and they can instantly embark on the peak of life."

In the auction hall, a loud voice was heard.

Of course, there are also some creatures from the ancient world and the martial arts world. They are reading information insanely and want to know the value of the representative of this universe.

Just the more they understand, the more they are astonished.

The low-level world and the intermediate world connected by Wanjielou, these worlds are almost all a life planet. Now tell them that Wanjielou is familiar with the auction process, which is a universe, equal to the countless low-level world size.

Then what about the finale of the Wanjie Building? So do they still have the opportunity to bid?

"This universe can make anyone a nine-step powerhouse, with endless life, powerful strength, in this universe, what you want to plant what you can plant, what you want to breed can be farmed What, this universe is entirely at your disposal."

"Now everyone starts bidding, the reserve price - 100 yuan."

He glanced at the circle and shouted, "Every time the price increase needs to be an integral multiple of the yuan point, that is, 101 yuan or 110 yuan, and so on."

On the big screen behind him, there was a line of numbers - "100 yuan."

"1000 yuan."

The price is almost soaring.

2100 yuan! 2300 yuan! 3000 yuan! ······

The blink of an eye has become 5,000 yuan!

5010 yuan points ······5050 yuan points··············································

"5500 yuan!"

A sudden appearance of a number makes the auction silent, and no one continues to quote.

The price of 5500 is too horrible, and this is only the first auction item, and there may be more precious ones later. Therefore, some options have given up.

"5500 yuan! Countdown to three seconds! 3,2,1····································································

He shouted loudly, his voice filled with endless temptation.

"5500 yuan?"

Zhou Yang’s heart jerked, and Wanyuan’s price was priced at 3,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan.

Now a dilapidated small universe that has swept away from the world, through his transformation, has become a sky-high universe worth 5,500 yuan.

This auction is too profitable!

The customers of Wanjielou also slammed their minds. They felt that they missed an opportunity. After the auction, they wanted to buy the same small universe. The price might not be lower than 5,000 yuan.

"The world that mainly participates in the bidding, devours the big world, the world of Panlong, the star of the world, the number H42828492833 turned out to be the father of the world's mechanical family."

The mechanical family is one of the four peaks of the primordial universe that devours the world, and controls the most powerful technology of the original universe.

Although Zhou Yang has obtained a lot of advanced technology from the virtual universe, it still has a long way to go compared with the technology controlled by the mechanical family.

As one of the peaks of the original universe, there are too many treasures in the mechanical family.

In contrast, the wealth that some of the peak communities in the world have swallowed far exceeds the wealth that the Buddha is the control of the world's saints.

However, in order to bid for this universe, the mechanical father used almost 80% of the property of the mechanical family.

“Must everyone should be familiar with the auction rules and now officially start the auction.”

He was also scared by the price of the first auction item. He thought it would be auctioned off at a price of 1,000 yuan. Who knows that his breath has risen to more than 5,000 spirit points. After taking a few breaths, he calmed down. Come down.

In reality, the cockroach is plunged into the mysterious ice of the Wannian, freezing the mood of tumbling, letting yourself calm down quickly.

In the secret world of the virtual world, he has secretly practiced many times, so he quickly calmed down.

“Now the first auction of Wanjielou is auctioned: papermaking and printing. With the papermaking and printing civilization, there is a carrier, which can speed up the spread of civilization and start the price of 10 points.”

The sound of Yu Hongliang once again sounded at Wanjielou.

At the same time, behind the huge screen behind the cockroach, there appeared a piece of white paper and a three-inch high-low book.

His voice just fell, the auction hall fell into a deadlock again, this commodity is not too cheap, in the world connected by Wanjielou, almost 90% of the world, control of papermaking and printing.

Will the papermaking and printing now take a shot?

“How do shopkeepers take papermaking and printing auctions? If no one buys it, then it’s shameful, I’ll be yelling for 10 points.”

Lu Ziqiao was full of mistakes.

Papermaking and printing have existed in ancient times. When he didn't remember it, the simple technology is not worth much.

"not necessarily!"

The cold front shook his head~www.readwn.com~ The eyes glanced at the huge screen behind the body, and the pupil slammed and sighed directly.

"10,000 value points!"

Almost in an instant, the price soared a thousand times.

"I bid 100,000 value points."

At this moment, Athena, next to the cold front, shouted to the black magic phone that was given to her, without any hesitation.

"The goddess Athena, calm, calm, this is just a simple technique of papermaking and printing. I know a little."

Lu Ziqiao heard that Athena actually shouted for 100,000 value points, and suddenly looked at the idiot and looked at Athena.

Papermaking and printing are the basic information that can be found on any website. Don't say 100,000 value points, that is, a value point is not worth it.

"Do you dare tell me?"

Athena is indifferent.

"Then you don't want to bid so much...".

Lu Ziqiao's gaze turned to the huge screen behind him. He wanted to remind Athena that the price was too high. As a result, he saw the numbers on the screen, and suddenly his face was dull and his voice became trembling. "More than 200,000 worth of points?"

He really didn't understand that papermaking and printing at the district actually needed such a high price.

"Everyone gives me a big face, I have a million points."

Just before Lu Ziqiao did not respond, the R area projected a figure, a middle-aged man wearing a black robes, with a strong face and a burly figure, slightly clenching his fist.

"Name: Di Xin.

Identity: Sealing the world of the gods, the king.

Realm: fourth order. ”

Lu Ziqiao, "······".

Cold front, "······".

Zhou Yang, "·······".

Seems to have doubled 100,000 times?

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