History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 143: Is it better for the old man to form a team?

With the upgrade of the Wanshang retail system, the world in which Wanjielou can connect is more numerous.

The task transactions received every day, even if Zhou Yang is a non-stop, do not sleep every day to do, may not be completed on time.

This is a problem to be solved in the short term of Wanjielou.

However, there are already ideas in Zhou Yang’s faint ambiguity, but the specific effects have to wait for trials before they can conclude.

"The system will inform the eighteen bronze people of Zhu Wushi and the gods and heroes world." Zhou Yang said, or first dig the things of the owner without the main thing, and then dig into the Wanjie Mall.

"God you with eighteen bronzes, and dig out the nine-headed cypress in the tomb of King Lu, try not to hurt his roots." Zhou Yang ignoring the timid **** Zhu, who was in a hurry. Road.

Although Wanjie Mall can form a living environment suitable for Hydra, it is also the most common environment suitable for the survival of Hydra.

Once the roots are damaged, it is difficult to survive in Wanjie Mall.

The iron sacred **** Hou Zhu nodded with some disappointment, and he has not recovered from the shock of the Wanjie Building.

Then the huge city pool is suspended in the sky, and how powerful it is to maintain this state.

After sending away the iron sacred **** Hou Zhu ignoring a group of people, Zhou Yang also contacted the Heavenly Light and the left in the world.

In the vicinity of Kunlun Mountain, I am afraid that only a group of people can mobilize the Ming and Kunlun factions.

However, no one in Kunlun has entered Wanjielou, and Zhouyang is unable to contact, or choose a more powerful Mingjiao.

After Yang Yang got the notice from Zhou Yang, he did not dare to neglect, with his men and women, and the loyalists who were loyal to him, with some shovel, hoe, and rushing to the place notified by Zhou Yang.

"To eliminate the dominance of the werewolves and vampires in the world, the value of the mission: 5000 value points." After Zhou Yang told the story, he opened the three remaining missions on the mission, each of which was not cumbersome, or was done. Very difficult.

This task of eliminating the dominance of the werewolves and vampires in the world is a government official.

The world of night legends has almost nothing to do with humans in movies.

But some vampires want to **** people's blood, and some werewolves want to eat people. They rely on strong vitality and beyond the power of ordinary people. Although they are in the underground world, they are secretly in control of the human world.

There are two ways to accomplish this trading task. One is to make humans strong, and the other is to make the vampires and the wolves weak.

The first method works too slowly. As for the second method, the fastest way to weaken is naturally to reduce their number.

If you only rely on Zhou Yang to kill, do not know when to kill.

This mission and the world is what Zhou Yang intends to use for experiments.

By encircling the vampires and the werewolves, they form an organization similar to the mercenary union.

Every squad forms a tacit understanding and adapts to different worlds.

Then, after the task is scheduled, you can find a different team to complete.

"System, set the world of night legends into a completely open world." Zhou Yang thought.

“Setting a completely open world requires 2,000 value points. Is it confirmed?”


"Setting was successful."

"The system issued an announcement, Wanjielou issued a large-scale mission to hunt vampires and werewolves, while recovering the blood of the vampire blood and the werewolf family, limiting the use of large-scale harmful weapons such as viruses and nuclear bombs, limited to only wearing them. The membership card, with a red light, has the right to kill." Zhou Yang thought.

The blood of the vampire and the blood of the werewolf family, through system optimization, can become the blood that can be absorbed by other races, the blood of the vampire, the blood of the werewolf, and once the person is strengthened, they will have the same ability as the vampire and the werewolf.

As for the red light of the membership card, it is the limit set by Zhou Yang.

Just like people, vampires and werewolves are not necessarily evil.

Only in the case of vampires and werewolves who have too many kills, the membership card will emit red light that only the Wanjielou customers can see. The deeper the redness, the more killing.


Swordsman world.

After listening to Zhou Yang’s instructions, Yue Buqun quietly sneaked into Meizhuang, and relaxed the four-friends of Jiangnan with ease.

Anyone who was released was arrogant, overbearing and arrogant. To kill Yue Buqun, the result was vomiting blood by Yue Buqun’s three palms.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yang's instructions, Yue Buqun would kill me.

After all, the former demon teaches the head of the lord, but can enhance his high prestige.

The Japanese and Japanese gods were dissolved, the Huashan faction rose, and the rivers and lakes were quiet, but there was a turbulent undercurrent in the dark.

Yue Buqun certainly hopes that he can control this undercurrent at will, helping the rise of the Huashan School.

"Large team task? Werewolf family? Vampire family" Yue Buqun listened to the voice in his mind, some lost his way.

Such a huge task, turned into a huge werewolf, a blood-sucking vampire, and life expectancy is beyond imagination, some hundreds of years, and some even thousands of years.

Yue Buqun is somewhat lost, so fierce, he alone can't stand it.

"Go back to the division and uncle team." Yue Buqun did not pay attention to it, and looked at the lost soul, and hurriedly found a horse in Meizhuang, rushing to Huashan.


Tianlong Babu World, Shaolin Temple.

"Abbot, did you receive the news?" The first master of the Dharma Institute and several other first blocks, rushed to the Daxiong Hall.

"Several younger brothers came." Xuanci's abbot was stunned in front of the Buddha statue in the Daxiong Hall. Nima, the matter was finally exposed.

Indiscriminate killing of innocent people, having a woman, giving birth to a child, some time ago, secretly sneaked into the country.

An abbot of Shaolin Temple made all the commandments of Shaolin Temple all over again.

Because of the Tianlong Babu world, the change of the fate of some characters, some of the ugly things of the abbot of Shaolin Temple, I don’t know why, there are some rumors in the faint of the rivers and lakes.

Others don't know the truth, he is clear, relying on his years of prestige, no one believes above the rivers and lakes, but things are all true, one day will be exposed.

"Brother, that's a small thing, have you not listened to other worlds?"

"There was an ancient Buddha in ancient times, happy Buddha. You can believe him. We are now studying and studying this team." The first master of the commandment hall, the spirit master, said that it was not you who went to Korea.

"Yeah, if you really want to go down, you can quit your abbot and concentrate on the things related to Wanjielou." Luo Hantang’s first master Xuankong also advised him.

"Amitabha, sin, sin, and ask a few younger brothers to re-select an abbot." Xuanci abbot secluded.

He also doesn't want to die. Otherwise, when he killed the Xiaofeng family, he committed suicide. When he and Ye Erniang gave birth to a child, he could also return to the vulgar.

In the original book, when Xiao Yuanshan smashed the squad of Yanmenguan, the Xuanci abbot had no reason not to know these things~www.readwn.com~ there is no reason not to know the reasons for these things.

However, he did not stand up and told Xiao Feng that he was the leading brother. He did not let Xiao Feng come to revenge himself, but let his own life and death be killed by Xiao Yuanshan.

Everything he did, although maintaining the reputation of Shaolin, but also the reason for not wanting to die, who wants to die in the world?

"Brothers, we know, how do we team up with the four?" asked the first master of the Dharma Institute.

Entering the world of night legends, each time you need to pay 100 value points, like ordinary masters, it does not have much effect, but also waste value points.

"Then we brought some dry food, arranged the Shaolin Temple, and set off immediately." Xuanci abbot slammed the sound.

Several other first seats, nodded and agreed to get up and leave.

However, when they were about to step out of the door of the Daxiong Hall, there was an invisible gas force that blocked their way.

Xuanci abbot and several first-seat faces changed greatly. They naturally went to Wanjielou to know that the master who reached this level is probably the master of a realm under congenital conditions.

When did Shaolin Temple break into such a powerful master?

"Amitabha, the old man is also good to form a team together?" Outside the main hall of Daxiong, there was a thin and thin man wearing a green robe, holding a broom and sweeping the floor. This is a lot of old people, sparsely sparse. The long beard is already white, and it looks like a slap in the air.

However, some of his slightly disturbed breathing broke this calm state of mind.

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