History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1476: Strange world end

"The end of this world should be similar to chaos?"

The Hongtian Entrepreneur Unlimited Group Tongtian teacher couldn't help but guess, and then cast his eyes on his teacher.

Buddha is the world of the world, the world is a chaos, chaos is eternal, no heaven and earth, no life, no cause and effect, no beginning and no end, for perfection.

The stars they enter now become bigger, the end of the world, and perhaps the existence of chaos.

"I think there should be nothing wrong with it."

Hongjun’s entrepreneurial group’s Hongjun heard the words and nodded slightly. As the incarnation of the avenue, he naturally knew that there was no difference between chaos and chaos. There was no beginning and no end before there was no chaos.

Chaos is eternal and exists from beginning to end.

After entering the Wanjielou, he knew that everything was possible. Therefore, he did not directly make a conclusion and gave a point of preference to the 'chaos theory'.

"But the space of the world has disappeared!"

Yuanrantianzun, the founder of the Hongyao Entrepreneurship Group, had doubts and was puzzled. He said the doubts in his heart.

Hongmeng space is very similar to chaos. The first living spirit is created in Hongmeng space. Hongmeng created a universe. Another universe is born in this universe. Therefore, the stars become bigger and the world has one more universe. .

According to this situation, the universe will become more and more large in the world, reaching an incredible degree.

However, trace back to the source, the beginning of the star to become a big world, should be the Hongmeng space.

However, even the space of the Hongmeng disappeared, and the world became nothing, as if nothing existed.

This is not in line with the 'chaos theory'. Hongmeng space is not eternal, nor is it without beginning, endless, and complete.

"Maybe all the beginnings of the original world are this void space."

Hongmeng, who has become a big star in the world, hesitated and said his own point of view.

The current star has become bigger and bigger than his own.

Before the disappearance of Hongmeng Space, he and Hongjun’s entrepreneurial group, Hongjun’s point of view, are almost the same. Hongmeng space is eternal, with no beginning and no end, in line with the ‘chaos theory’.

However, now that the Hongmeng space has disappeared, the original world has become a void space. Does it mean that there may be an unknown and farther space before the void space.

“Is it normal with the reincarnation of my world?”

The silence was solemn and whispered, and it was also added to the discussion.

Reincarnation is like a circle, you can walk at will, you can also come to your hand, no beginning and no end.

But what if you jump out of this circle?


Every ten-level realm of Wanjielou has its own understanding and its own suspicion. Can't it be clear what the ultimate end of the world is?

If there is an ultimate end, is there a existence before the ultimate end?

Once there is a concept of succession, then ‘chaos theory’ has a self-contradictory.

The tenth-order realm of Wanjielou can't understand all the roots of the end of the world, so don't say the customers of other realms in Wanjielou.

Because of incomprehension and suspicion, the eyes of the people in Wanjielou were nervously expecting, through the purple mask on the chaotic space battleship, concentrating on the empty space, waiting for the stop of the chaotic spaceship.

The chaotic space warship was slowly driving, and the battleship was quiet. The people in Wanjielou were quiet, and they kept their eyes on the surroundings, for fear that they would miss the most crucial scene.


The light suddenly bursts, and it comes too suddenly. The whole empty space seems to be filled with a special kind of light, some glare, some soft, and some cold. This is a special kind of light that cannot be described by words and cannot be described by feelings.

It can be said that there is no color, it can be said to be white, it can be said to be black, it can be said to be blue, he embraces all colors, and does not seem to belong to any kind of color.


At this time, the ordinary customers of Wanjielou suddenly found that the customers of the ten-order realm and some of the top-level realm customers, some people explored the energy to grasp the special light, and some people controlled their own instruments to suppress a piece. The light, even someone directly transformed into a avatar and rushed into a special light.

Special rays appear fast and disappear quickly.

The strongest of the nine-order top realm from the perception to the special light, after discovering the special light, can only rely on the instinct to shoot, before the light disappears, the treasures after the special light are looted.

The ten-order realm from the perception to the special light, but also a little thought about what method to use, to grab more treasures in the light.

As for the Wanjielou customers below the top nine realm, they just feel that the void space seems to have changed. It is too late to define what changed the void space, and then the special light disappeared.

Just like a needle suddenly stuck in the hands of ordinary people, the pain appears, and under the influence of nerves, the hand instinctively recovers.

In this process, this ordinary person has no time to think at all, and his mind is still unable to issue instructions for the eyes to observe what caused the pain.

When the ordinary person’s mind issued an instruction to observe what caused the pain, the needle disappeared without a trace.

These Wanjielou customers who did not find anything in the special light can only look to the Wanjielou customers who have all the actions, and want to see what they have got from the special light.

The stars become bigger in the world, Hong Meng, Lin Meng, Panlong World Hongmeng and Fengtian World Luotian, the ten-order intermediate level powerhouses on the four bright faces, cast the most curious eyes.

"They seem to be treasures in their hands?"

The stars became bigger and the world Qin Yu was so suspicious that his eyes were full of incredible colors. He found that in the hands of Hongmeng, Lin Meng and Jiang Yan who were standing beside them, they took more or less treasures.

These treasures have nine colorful flying knives, exquisite pagodas, chaotic ancient urns, and even some creatures without the slightest consciousness...······

In addition to these treasures, he even saw the magic weapon in the hands of Jiang Yan, the same as the Dingyuanzhu of the sorcerer's car, and saw a golden list in the hands of the world's stars, and saw it in the hands of Happy Tianzun. A treasure similar to the meteor tears he got...······

“Are the endless treasures after the light?”

The stars become bigger and the world Qin Yu can't help but guess.

The source of the world is a piece of light. After the light is an infinite magic weapon?

This is totally inconsistent with the general ‘black hole wheel’, ‘singularity theory’, ‘chaos theory’, etc., and can’t even find any kind of speculation and the scene in front of it.

"what happened?"

"Is these treasures something after the light?"

"What is behind the light? What is the light?"


Hongmeng, Luotian, Tongtianjiao, Fang Yun, the top customers around the Wanjie Building, surrounded by some Wanjielou customers who are close to them, could not help but ask.

The chaotic space warships have stopped their movements, indicating that they have reached the end of the world of stars, but at the end of one world, how can it be a flash of light, and there are endless treasures after special light?

"Hongmeng seniors, what did you see?"

Stars become bigger in the world Qin Yu and Panlong big world lei look forward to the face.

Their realm of strength is too weak, only feeling that the void space has changed, and the reaction is a special light, and the light has long since disappeared.

The star became bigger and the world Hongmeng did not immediately return to Qin Yu and Lin Lei's questioning. His face turned to his eyes, and his eyes turned to the stars, Lin Meng, Panlong, the world, and the stars, the world, Jiang Yan, and the artisan car. And happy people and other people.

Although the realm of Jiang Yan, the gods and the gods of the car, is far worse than them, they also saw the rear of the special light.

The whole void space is too big, the stars become bigger, the world's vision of Hongmeng can't be seen at all, but compared with other people, he sees a larger corner of the void space.

This corner may be the core of the void space, or it may be the outer land.

Although the realm of Jiang Yan and the artisan car Hou Hou is low, perhaps the corner they see is the core of the special light.

"I saw the golden light ~www.readwn.com~ There are a lot of treasures underneath. Some of the magic weapons are weird. It seems that they are discarded when they are refining half, and some are broken into pieces."

Happy Tianzun looks respectfully.

"I saw the light of the chaotic color. Below is the world where one side is in the beginning and the destruction. These worlds seem to have just been opened up, as if they were just destroyed."

Jiang Yan replied.

"I saw the blue light. There are unconscious creatures inside. These creatures have a particularly breathful atmosphere, and some are particularly weak."

The artisan car Hou Hou looked nervous.


"I seem to have seen a folded black curtain that is so vast that the black curtain folds up from the middle, at ninety degrees."

After the members of the nine-order top realm and the half-step ten-order realm of Jiang Yan and the artisan car Hou Hou, the star of the world became a wrinkle with a smile and a smile.

His gaze passed through a treasure of chaos, and he saw the deeper after the special light.

"I really want to see a person, a person who can't see clearly. The figure seems to be crowded with the sky. It can only be vaguely determined to be a humanoid creature."

Panlong big world Hongmeng helpless, sighed.

He seems to have seen a figure across the endless space and time, doing something focused on something.

"I saw a pair of hands, each finger is as thick as a mountain, comparable to a giant pillar, with both hands flying, the speed is very different, sometimes slow, sometimes I can only see some afterimages ""

Hongmeng, whose star has become a big world, also said what he saw, and his look was embarrassing. He did not think that this would be the result.

Surprising, beyond imagination!

Qin Yu, Lin Lei and others, "·······".

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