History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1499: Can you still be over 1 point?

There are the physical qualities of first-class warriors, and even beyond the consciousness of the gods. Such a dozens of Wanjielou customers are killing the first-class warriors like mowing, and it is not a problem to kill the innate warriors.

The light work they performed, the martial arts they exerted, and the combat experience were all in the realm of ecstasy, and even reached a perfect state.

Panlongda World Hongmeng, Hongyao Entrepreneurship Unlimited Group Tongtian Master, these ten-order realm powers, the light work of the exhibition, each step is simplified and simple, almost in the realm of the Tao.

If you are less successful than the innate martial arts, unless you are particularly good at the inferior martial arts who are good at light work, they can compare with them. Perhaps only the sects who are good at light martial arts have the confidence to compare them with them.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they have only a phantom of full-speed action, like ghosts. Even if they give a Japanese gun, they can’t aim, the body can’t keep up with the nerve speed, they can’t see clearly, don’t aim at it. .

"I feel that they have to successfully pass the customs!"

On the square of Wanjie Mall, everyone in Wanjielou looked stunned and looked helpless and sighed. The tone was full of envy and envy.

They are also customers of Wanjielou. They are too aware of the terrible fighting power of Cold Front and others. They can already be called Little Superman.

After they killed everyone in the headquarters of a Japanese military brigade, they were far away from the hundreds of meters before the horrified Japanese found that the command was sneaked.

Not to mention a few hundred meters, it is the cold front. They are found to be useless when they are attacking. They can’t catch up, let alone a few hundred meters away.

A few hundred meters away, ordinary people can not see the figure of cold front and so on.

"The gap is too big. Jingwu Chen Zhenshi is an ordinary world. The army has never encountered a sneak attack by a mighty warrior. I don't know how to deal with it."

"This is only the beginning. Waiting for the headquarters of most Japanese military brigades and divisions to be cleaned by the cold fronts, the Japanese troops are not far from the overall defeat."

"If the army is in chaos, they can even go directly into the position and arbitrarily smash the Japanese army."

On the Wanjie Mall Square, the wolf world dragon Xiaoyun eyes staring tightly at the cold front of the screen, while calmly explaining.

If it is a modern army, there may be some reaction measures in the face of such a situation.

In order to prevent the sneak attack by special forces, the modern army has some emergency response measures. During the Second World War, the germination of special forces has just emerged. Only a few established military powers have established special forces, which have not caused much concern in the international arena.

In this situation, unless the Japanese military command mobilizes the heavy defensive headquarters, it will not take long for the Japanese military command system on the battlefield in Shanghai to collapse.

Hundreds of thousands of troops lost their command, and it is conceivable that they will become like a mess.

In addition to the strong sneak attack of the cold front team, there are nearly 10,000 people in the Wanjie Building, other customers are also sneak into the Japanese military.

The number of customers who can survive in the end can not be determined, but the Japanese army on the battlefield in Shanghai is probably a foregone conclusion.

"This is the headquarters of the Ninth Division!"

The speed of the cold front and others was too fast. After the two brigades and the five wing headquarters of the ninth division were attacked, the command of the ninth division still did not receive the news.


After many times of cooperation, the cold front, the Tongtian teacher and other people have reached the level of impeccable, more than a dozen people directly rounded, surrounded the headquarters of the entire division.


The Japanese soldiers of a division command only felt a black shadow flashing. They just wanted to make a sound. The voice had not been shouted out. They saw a headless body lying on the ground, looking like a body, and then I lost consciousness.

Although there are many dark whistle in the command of the division, but under the induction of the physical qualities of the first-class military people in Wanjielou, these dark whistle have not been played and they have been killed.

"There are enemies ·······"

Zhang Sanfeng had encountered some Japanese female soldiers in the command post, and he was hesitant to start. There was a female screaming scream of the female female soldier, which immediately alerted the Japanese army of the entire division command.

"Zhang Daochang, if you can't adapt, you can follow the team behind...······"

The figure of the cold front flashed past, the four heads flew past, the blood flew, among the dozens of Wanjielou customers, he was the most murderous.

He does not care about men and women. There are no men and women on the battlefield, especially on the battlefield between China and Japan. The knife in his hand does not hesitate to fall.

The reason why they only choose the Wanjielou customers who have the physical fitness of the first-class warriors is to speed up, but the Japanese army can't react, and kill as many Japanese military headquarters as possible.


Zhang Sanfeng looked at the figure that the cold front left, and sighed helplessly and joined the killing team again.

He knows that when he shouldn't be soft, his heart is soft!


Because of Zhang Sanfeng’s hesitation, the Japanese army responded, and gunshots and intensive machine guns rang in the command of the Ninth Division.

Fortunately, Panlongda World Hongmeng, Tongtianjiao these people adapted to the battlefield, although the Japanese army reacted, but with their cooperation, the command of the ninth division was slaughtered.

However, this time, after the success of the attack, the cold front and others rushed away, because the Japanese troops around the command of the ninth division, surrounded by madness, almost rounded them up.



"Damn Chinese army!"

Looking at the division headquarters of the corpse, all the Japanese soldiers were red-eyed, looking pale and shouting loudly.

Under the heavy protection of the ninth division command, they were attacked by the enemy forces and all killed. This is the shame of their entire division and will become a joke of the Japanese military and even international jokes.

"Notify the heads of the brigades, take over the command ~www.readwn.com~ also inform the front line general command and dispatch a new division head."

A staff member of the Japanese army was shocked and cried.

It took more than a month for the battle in Shanghai to be killed, and the division of a division of an elite division was killed, which was enough to cause turmoil in the country.

"There were two brigades that could not be reached. Five soldiers of the United States had reported that the headquarters had been sneaked and suffered heavy losses."

The division’s staff members who went to the surrounding inspections temporarily became the backbone of the soldiers near the ninth division. They were pale soldiers and panicked.

"What? The headquarters of the Ninth Division was attacked and killed, and even the headquarters of the two brigade and the five wings were also killed?"

The generals of the Japanese frontline general commander received the news, and they were uneasy, and some could not believe the news.

The Japanese Army Division and the Brigade Department were all heavily protected, and it was called the iron wall. Unless it was a Heavenly Soldier, how could it kill so many command posts without a sound.

"The 11th Brigade Command of the Ninth Division and the headquarters of a Brigade have just lost contact."

The general commander of the Japanese front line did not respond, and there was another squad that was frightened and ran into it.

Generals of the Japanese Frontline General Command, "·······".

The battles of hundreds of thousands of troops, even the headquarters of a brigade in the district have been attacked, can you not be too much?

"Reporting Committee Chairman, the 9th Division of the Japanese Army has been defeated by our army. From the head of the ninth division to the captain of the squadron, almost all of them were killed. Our army successfully tore up the Japanese defense line and occupied all the defense lines of the Ninth Division. ·······”

At the headquarters of the National Army, a commander’s face turned red, and he cried and laughed. He panicked and ran in, excited.

Chairman Jiang, "·······".

Nima, is this my army?

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