History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1503: Unknown enemy ship

"What do you think?"

The entangled eyes of Tongtianjiao stayed in the steel giant ship with a few hundred meters tall, and cast a look at the eyes of Panlongda World Hongmeng, Zhang Sanfeng and others.

If it was before he was sealed, the steel giant ship would be 10,000 times larger and harder than 10,000 times. He could easily crush it into pieces.

He is now just an ordinary person with the physical fitness of a first-class peak warrior. If he is hit by some bullets, he will also die.

If it is just a piece of steel, he has the confidence to destroy it, but this is a thicker and harder warship than the steel plate. The volume of the two is incomparable, and it is too difficult to destroy the human.

The harvest may be big, but the risk is even greater.

Fortunately, before the cold front made it clear, everyone on the coastline could choose again. It was a sneak attack on the warships at sea, or they would return to the Japanese army again. Otherwise, they would not be in a team.

However, because of the massive retreat of the Japanese, even if they return to kill a Japanese position, I am afraid that there will not be much gain.

As a result, their choices have become single, either to attack a sea warship or to wait for the end of this copy.

"Do you have any way to destroy the warship?"

Panlong big world Hongmeng thought about it.

If the cold front said that they used their brute force to destroy the warship, he turned his head and left. Even if the Japanese did not resist, they used their fists to squat for a day, and they could not completely damage one of his warships.

Others have turned their attention to the cold front. Among these people, although Teng Qingshan was a killer and had contact with special weapons, he did not touch the authentic warships, let alone the warships of World War II.

Among them, only the cold front is the most familiar and familiar with this kind of warship.

"The method is very simple. I use the medicinal herbs on the warships to detonate each warship. I will do some simple timers."

The cold front did not hide, said directly.

It is even more dangerous to attack a warship than to attack a Japanese command.

They were found in the Japanese military headquarters, and they were free to find the location of the evasion. On the Japanese warships, if they were known by other Japanese warships to attack the warships, they might directly shell the warships.

The mighty power of the warships, if they fall on them, there is no possibility of survival.

“How long can I wait?”

Teng Qingshan nodded slightly and asked.

As a killer, he also knows how to deal with some 'time bombs'. In general, they use a cigarette or incense material that needs slow burning as a timer.

It’s just that the time is too long. I am afraid that it will be discovered by other Japanese troops on the warship. If the time is too short, it is very likely that they will be injured.

"Prepare early!"

The cold front eyes squinted, and the corner of his mouth outlined a sneer, taking out a white plastic band from his arms, wrapped in a few packets of cigarettes and a few boxes of matches.

Obviously, the cold front is not only prepared, but also prepared very well.

"The degree of cigarettes can be adjusted. One minute is enough for us to jump into the sea, and the Japanese have no time to find out."

"But once a warship detonates, other warships will probably escape."

Zhang Sanfeng licked his beard and hesitated.

If the Japanese knew that they had the ability to attack the sea fleet, they would definitely sail into the deep sea.

If the Japanese fleet wants to escape, they have no way to stop it.

"I am also prepared for this."

Cold front looked at the channel, took a piece of paper from his arms, and a pen, quickly sketched the position of the power system of the Japanese warship. "You see, this is a key part of a warship, we It only needs to destroy the circuit system here, and the Japanese warships will be paralyzed."

"At present, the Navy is fully receiving the defeat. Even if one or two warships find that the power system is damaged, it will not cause too much vigilance."

"At our speed, it takes up to half an hour to destroy all the fleet power systems in this sea area."

"As long as we destroy the power system, they want to escape and can't escape. At that time, we can only let us kill."

Cold front calmly explained.

Those Japanese troops who fled back to the land will certainly be wiped out by the national army. It is a dead end.

If you are guarded by the ship, you may still be able to wait for reinforcements.

As long as they squat down and find out which warship has changed, which ship will be sunk, maybe it can be delayed by one or two, and then wait until the international mediation.

After listening to the description of the cold front, everyone in Wanjielou was in silence. Thinking about gains and losses, the plan of the cold front is only a rough plan, and there may be many accidents.

"This plan requires multiple people to act at the same time. It is best to have one person and one warship, so that they can be chaotic and cannot find a specific target."

After the cold front was finished, he took a deep breath and waited for the answers from everyone.

If no one is acting with him, then he can only attack the aircraft carrier first and try to cause more damage to the Japanese.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the physical fitness of the resurrection of this copy may be brought to the next copy."

Teng Qingshan on the side whispered.

The sound is light, but everyone can hear it clearly.

"Let's do it!"

Tongtian teaches the master to bite his teeth, his eyes flashed a firm, and said.

If he really died in the process of attacking a warship, he would be unlucky.

If it is successful, maybe it can really bring the physical quality of this upgrade to the next copy, naturally the stronger the advantage is.

"It seems that there is still a title of ‘Supreme Glory’. You must try it. If something goes wrong, you can jump into the sea.”

Others indulged and agreed.

"Well, I will teach you how to destroy the power circuit and make a time bomb."

The cold front sees this as a smile, and then gives the two most critical technologies to everyone.

"No problem? Then we will destroy the power system from the outside to the outside."

The cold front only drilled once and announced the battle plan.

Everyone in Wanjielou is a god-like existence, and has long since reached an unforgettable realm~www.readwn.com~ Start action! ”

Seeing no one raised an objection, the cold front took the lead in performing light work and quickly lurking into the sea. Others also dispersed and sneaked into the sea.

Attacking the battleship in the sea, this whimsical thing has become possible in the cold front, the heavenly master and so on.

Even the elite special forces want to sneak into the warships from the sea and need to pass the tools, and the cold front and others only need to jump a few times against the warships, and they can jump on the warships.

Destroying the warship power system is much smoother than they expected, because at this time the defense of any country's navy on the warships can be ineffective.

Moreover, the Navy is fully helping the Army to retreat, and has long given up its vigilance against the warship itself.

"Boom~" "Boom~" "Boom~"······

A total of 13 warships exploded at the same time, like the thunder of the thunder, the black smoke on the battleship, and even a few began to sink.


The navy, which is organizing the retreat of the Japanese army, was shocked by this sudden movement. One by one stunned and standing in the same place, one face was unbelievable and screamed, and many people were scared to stumble.

This time, there were only a total of more than 30 naval fleets participating in the Battle of Shanghai, and the balance created by the employees of Wanjielou was not even more than one hundred.

There were more than a dozen warships exploding here, and the subconsciously thought that there were large-scale warships.

The flustered navy and the Japanese army ran rampant on the warships. A large number of soldiers fell into the sea. The entire warship was chaotic, but it took nearly twice as much time as usual, and the entire warship finally entered a state of defense.

"Where is the enemy?"

When all the Japanese fleets entered the alert state, whether it was the radar or the gaze, there was no enemy movement, only the white coastline.

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