History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1532: Destroy the world?

[Title name: The history of the strongest owner of the first thousand five hundred and thirty-two chapters to destroy the world? Author: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Da Song Xiao Lang Zhongda dominates the holy sect snow eagle lord a eternal dragon king legend Taikoo **** Wang Wulian peak five elements Tian Xuanjie door selection Tianji Yongyue Wang Wangrulai Buddha three times a time to take care of the body's injury, escape the body shape Slightly stagnant, and a little sluggish, they even wondered if they had an illusion because of a sword injury.

Before the moment, everyone in Wanjielou not only suppressed most of the monsters on the way to the West, but also almost destroyed the Great Leiyin Temple. Just after the two sides killed and killed, the Wanjielou side occupied an absolute advantage and suddenly told them to promise. After the Western Heavens, everything will end here.

This is not a child who is in the house, it is the battle of life and death on both sides, and it is not dead. How can it be so playful?

If the three Buddhas have already made plans, they will flee separately, lurk down, wait for the opportunity, and revive the Great Leiyin Temple again.

The strength of the performance of everyone in Wanjielou is too strong, especially the red-hot sword is the first magic weapon in the three worlds.

There must be a wound between the two tigers. When the Taoism and the Wanjielou people fight, it is the time for the rise of the Great Leiyin Temple, and it is also an excellent opportunity for them to unite Taoism to destroy everyone in the Wanjielou.

"what happened?"

Yuan Shi Tian Zun and Ling Bao Tian Zun also cast their doubts on Taishang Laojun, and the attitude of everyone in Wanjielou changed too fast.

When everyone in the Wanjielou sacrificed the sword, they planned to rescue the three Buddhas.

They allowed everyone in the Wanjielou to fight with the three Buddhas. Even if they lost both of them, they would not manage it, but they did not allow one party to fall completely and break the balance between heaven and earth.

One side of Wanjielou actually did not choose to win the pursuit of victory when he sacrificed the absolute advantage of the sword. Instead, he chose to continue to learn from the West, and this attitude changed too fast.

“Is it because of the general trend of heaven?”

Yuan Shi Tianzun hesitated, said.

If everyone in the Wanjielou scruples about the general trend of the heavens, why should they clean up the monsters on the way to the West, and why should they hit the Great Leiyin Temple?

Is this not contradictory?

"The legend is not true? These people are all human?"

Lingbao Tianzun's brows are wrinkled, and some are uncertain.

Don't say other people, that is, he himself has some difficulty in believing that the human race is in control of such a powerful force.

The life span of the Terran is only a few decades. It is too difficult to become a Buddha in such a short period of time.

An ordinary person wants to cultivate into a fairy. Without tens of thousands of years, there may not be at all.

Not everyone is a Monkey King, and a few years of hard work can be a fairy.

Although there are some Terran cultivation forces in the Three Realms, these martial arts are weak and weak, and it is difficult for the entire Three Realms to find a Terran, especially not to mention so many powerful people.

"I am not sure as well."

Taishang Laojun shook his head and he did not believe it.

He is very aware of the situation of the Terran, has a terrible ability to multiply, and the wisdom race and the ability to multiply in the Three Realms are not comparable to the Terran.

The powerful ability to multiply is not without cost. The human race is weak and the cultivation talent cannot be compared with the innate gods. It has always been the food of the devil and the ghost.

If there is such a powerful force among the Terran, he can't be without any awareness.

"How do the two sides fight and continue to learn from the West?"

The giants took the sword and faintly said.

They are not the creatures of the Journey to the West, and this is another copy, grabbing more sites, building a huge strength, and no use at all.

For everyone in Wanjielou, it is the first priority to get through the copy of ‘West Heaven’s Path.’


For example, the three Buddhas looked at each other and faintly said.

Although they feel extremely humiliating, they have no way.

The three men fled separately, and the hope of surviving was great. Similarly, it was also possible to be found by everyone in Wanjielou.

If they were found by the Wanjielou after they were separated, I am afraid there would be no living roads. Therefore, they agreed to the conditions for peace talks in Wanjielou.

This time the fiasco was that they did not know the strength of the people in Wanjielou, and they did not find a good helper. They were caught off guard and were defeated by Wanjielou.

If there is a temporary truce, they will have time to lay down and seek help from other forces in the Three Realms. By the way, they will find the flaws in the Wanjie Building.

Moreover, if there is an opportunity, they can even find an opportunity to directly attack everyone in Wanjielou.

Everyone in Wanjielou cooperates closely, and it takes a certain amount of time to combine the formation methods. They can completely play this time difference and wash the people in Wanjielou.

After the two sides determined that the armistice, the Wanjielou people immediately disbanded the formation. However, each person left only an incarnation to walk outside. The true body of all people is hidden in one of the incarnations, ready to be combined again. Into a new array.

Moreover, these incarnations have also been separated into several shares, and they do not give the opportunity to come to the Buddha and others.

Looking at the cautious Wanjielou people, if the Buddha's brows couldn't help but pick up, there was some convulsion in the heart. Wanjielou was so cautious and cut off the possibility of killing all the incarnations in a short time.

Before they kill all the incarnations, everyone in the Wanjielou may be combined into a new formation again. When the Wanjielou people will stop fighting.

Because of the truce between the two sides, the heavens and the earth were quiet.

In addition to the collapse of Lingshan, the scene of the worship of the Buddha in the Great Leiyin Temple disappeared, leaving only the three Buddhas, and there was no loss for other forces.

Looking at the two sides of the armistice preparations for peace talks, the forces of the three circles have all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although some people do not understand why everyone in Wanjielou suddenly said something, they want peace more.

This time, the forces of the three circles have understood the value of peace.

I used to feel that the Three Realms are faint, without any twists and turns, and it feels very boring. Now they miss the boring days of the past.

Although there are not too many twists and turns, but do not need to be scared, every day has peace of mind.

"Then let us let Tang Yi and the disciples continue to learn from the West!"

The avatar of Bodhi's ancestors smiled.

In the current state, they are really likely to cross the copy of ‘West Heaven and the Way,’ and enter the third copy of Supreme Glory.

When I think of entering the third copy, or even more copies, the accumulated value of a large number of attributes, even with his heart, can not help but be a little excited.

For example, the Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp looked at each other and nodded lightly.

In the distance, the three people of Taishang Laojun also flew over and looked pale, and everyone in the Wanjielou, Buddha and other people flew toward the country.

They did not urge the people in Wanjielou to immediately hand over the Zhoutian Starburst and the Twelve Heavenly Gods. Even if everyone in the Wanjielou took out the Xianjian sword, they also had the confidence to let everyone in the Wanjielou fulfill their promises.

"Master doesn't want to be sad. It's all cause and effect. Guanyin Bodhisattva may enter the world of bliss and enjoy endless."

In the country of Biqiu, in a station, the pigs are comforting Tang Yan.

As the reincarnation of the golden scorpion, the Buddha and Bodhisattva of the Great Leiyin Temple were all degraded, and there was some inexplicable sadness in his heart.

However, compared to Tang Yan’s sadness, there is a deep smile in the eyes of the Pig Ba Jie.

The Great Leiyin Temple was robbed, and the Western Heavens must be cancelled. He can return to Gao Lao Zhuang and continue his leisure life.

This time, he did not need to take the initiative to open his mouth. If he came to the Buddha, he would probably disband the team that Xitian had learned.

"The Three Realms have been settled and you can continue to learn."

At this moment, the Bodhi ancestors entered the room where the four men of Tang Yin and the disciples were located, and announced that everyone else was overlooking it all at high altitude.

Hearing the words of Bodhi's founder, the pig's face was instantly stunned, as if he had eaten it, and Tang Yan became a spirit, and his eyes brightened instantly.

Sun Wukong is also staring at the Bodhi ancestor, the battle of Lingshan, but he saw it in the distance.

Except for a few people from the Buddha, all others have fallen.

Seeing that the Great Leiyin Temple was unlucky, and that his master Bodhi was involved, Sun Wukong felt refreshed.

It would be better if the Buddha could die.


Just as the Tang dynasty and the four men packed up their salutes and planned to continue their journey to the West, when they were above the sky, the Buddha suddenly looked at him and raised his right hand. A golden light shot from his hand and fell directly on Tang’s head. on.

He couldn't figure out why everyone in Wanjielou still insisted on learning from the West. Why didn't they chase and kill them with victory? Is there any other special purpose hidden?

Therefore, he intends to kill Tang Yan, look at the attitude of everyone in Wanjielou, and at the same time fight for more time.

Anyway, Tang Yan can reincarnate and reincarnate, just waiting for twenty or thirty years.

One day in the sky, one day, if they wait in heaven, the time will be even shorter.

If the Buddha’s shot is too sudden, and the strength of the Buddha itself is stronger than that of the Wanjielou people, there is no accident. Jin Guang directly penetrated Tang’s head and killed Tang.

"There are no disasters on the road. We need to re-establish a new disaster. Tang Yan is just a mortal. It can't be too long. It is better to wait for Tang Yan to reincarnate. We will start learning again in the West."

If Buddha said that he would cast a look at the enquiries of the people in the Wanjielou, he was secretly looking at the changes in the minds of the Wanjielou people. See if the four monks and Tang dynasty had other meanings for the Wanjielou people.

However, when Buddha came to look at the people in Wanjielou~www.readwn.com~, his face changed dramatically, and his heart rose a very bad feeling.

The eyes of everyone in Wanjielou were full of Mori’s murderous eyes, and they voted for him without any disguise. One of them couldn’t wait to see him.

"Dear friends, you can rest assured that Tang Yin is the reincarnation of the golden scorpion, and it is sure to be reincarnation. We just reinvented the reincarnation of the golden scorpion and re-arranged the catastrophe on the way to the West."

If the Buddha swallowed his throat, he subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and he felt that he was locked by a cold air.

"Is there any other mission in the Tang dynasty and the four men, not just the Western Heaven?"

When the Buddha saw the great reaction of everyone in Wanjielou, he was somewhat suspicious.

However, why are they not sensing at all?

"Dome friends, don't worry, the Jade Emperor intends to hold a banquet party in Tianting, and wait for the end of the banquet. The reincarnation of Jinzizi may be able to set foot on the Western Heaven."

"In the beginning, Guanyin Bodhisattva spent hundreds of years in preparation for the disaster on the way to the West."

Taishang Laojun is also on the side and muddy, the road.

However, his words stopped when he said half of it, because he found that in the distance, the starry sky and the twelve gods and the gods were once again raised and shrouded them.

Moreover, unlike in Lingshan, everyone in Wanjielou has red eyes and red blood. The body is filled with blood. The breath suddenly increases a lot. It is obvious that the special secret method is used. The cost is very large. It is very likely that the secret surgery will end. .

what happened?

Looking at the people who started desperately in Wanjielou, such as Buddha, Taishang Laojun and others, they all looked blank and looked suspicious. They felt that everyone in Wanjielou seemed crazy, and the array was full of murder and destruction.

They seem to destroy this world! 2k novel reading network

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