History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1547: Sorrowful laughter


On the square of Wanjie Mall, although Luo Tian’s body was sealed for ordinary people, he could not perceive any power. However, Luo Tian’s face was very excited, and his heart was extremely happy and happy.

In his heart, he has already prepared for the fall of the body. He thought that he would only return to the Wanjielou by the seal of Luocheng.

"Luo Feng, I will make you regret it!"

Thinking of the actions of the Lord Luo, the face of Luo Tian instantly became gloomy, and his eyes were filled with deep hatred and a trace of fear.

He did not think that the two new customers who entered the Wanjie Building were so powerful. Although the black snake was killed by the Luocheng master, it was because of the more horrible Luocheng master, not the strength of the black snake.

If Luocheng does not take the shot, I am afraid that no one in the Wanjielou can suppress the black snake.

Before the black snake was hiding in his body, he almost sneaked into the world of the 10th-order high-level world.

If the black snake sneaked successfully, Panlong’s world, Hongmeng, would suffer even if it was not killed on the spot.

He teamed up with the black snake and had great hope to kill the black snake in the world of the gods.

The black snake of such strength is definitely one of the top strengths in Wanjielou.

"Or take the blood and the gods hidden in the secret room first."

Luo Tian's face was standing in the same place, and after a long time, he walked facelessly to the headquarters of Star Business Group and buried his hatred deeply in his heart.

The strength of Luocheng’s master is too strong, not the one he can now compete with.

He still solved the seal on his body, restored the strength of the ten-order high-level realm, and slowly plotted to find opportunities to rise again.

I don't know what seal the Luocheng owner used, and sealed him too thoroughly. Now he can't feel the space magic weapon in the body, and can't take out the treasures in these space magic weapons.

Now he can only retrieve a drop of blood and a trace of the gods in the secret room, use the undeclared **** to take out the treasure, and see if any of these treasures can be used to solve the treasure of the body seal.

Even if these treasures can't be unsealed, he can go to Wanjielou to ask how to solve the seal on his body, and then see if he can directly use the value points on his body to unblock the seal.

Luo Tian appeared in the square of Wanjie Mall, and it was only a few kilometers away from the Star Business Group. It usually only takes a few minutes to walk back.

This time, I went all the way and spent ten minutes before I went to the headquarters of Star Business Group.


Luo weathered, panting, holding the wall in one hand, standing in front of the commercial headquarters of the Starry Sky, sweating all over, pale in color, and the fear of Luo Chengzhu in the eyes deepened a bit.

He did not think that Luo Tianfeng's seal was so thorough. Now he is no different from an ordinary human being.

With his sore and sore legs, Luo Tian bit his teeth and looked calmly toward his room.

Nowadays, it is only suffering from the flesh and blood. It takes a long time to endure. It is better than the fact that the body has been killed by the Luocheng master.

The Lord Luocheng said that it is a seal, not an elimination. That is to say, his own realm of strength is still there. As long as he releases his seal, he can immediately restore the strength of the tenth-order high-level realm.


At the moment when Luo Tianyi stepped into the headquarters of the Star Business Group, the power of the seal that was originally suppressed by the Wanjie Building spread instantly. The shadow of Luo Tian, ​​who was waiting anxiously in the secret room, disappeared instantly, and that drop The blood also converges and becomes ordinary. There is no difference between the surface and the blood of the mortal.

If you look closely, you will find that this blood is constantly disappearing and reappearing, constantly changing back and forth.

For the changes in the secret room, the Luotian body that has been sealed is completely ignorant, and is opening the door of the secret room.

However, when Luo Tian pushed the door of the Chamber of Secrets and looked at Guanghua's restrained, without any reaction to the blood, he stood alone on the spot, his face changed dramatically, and became pale and full of fear.

He couldn't help but reach out to the blood in the eternal breath, but his hand only reached into it, and he was instantly eroded by the eternal life, and could not touch the drop of blood in the eternal life.

The severe pain continued to impact Luo Tian's nerves, but he did not seem to be aware of it, because this scene in front of him made him more fearful and trembled.

Luo Tian’s seal seems to have not only sealed his body, but even a drop of blood and the gods hidden in his secret room have been sealed.

Without any hesitation, Luo Tian was pale and lost his soul and went to the main hall of Wanjielou.

He can only hope that he can afford the value of the contact seal. If the value of his body can't pay for the seal, Luo Tian can't imagine the next thing.


Wanshang Building front desk trading office, Luo Tian no bloody, hurriedly breathing, the voice is a little hoarse, intermittent, said.

This road ran for a few kilometers, Luo Tian seems to have exhausted the strength of the whole body, the body is somewhat collapsed, can not wait to lie on a bed, rest for ten days and ten nights.

Just thinking that one hundred chaotic eras are likely to maintain the state of this ordinary person, Luo Tian feels whirlwind, the soul is shocked, and his mind is blank.

Gao wants to look at the weird look of Luo Tian, ​​a slight glimpse, can not help open their own authority, query about the seal of Luo Tian.

What happened in the world of Fengshen’s Romance has touched the two commercial tyrants of Wanjielou, the Star Business Group and the Hongyao Entrepreneurship Group, and the strongest of the tenth-order realm of Wanjielou. Gaoyao naturally also paid attention to it. This sensational event of the Wanjie Building.

High-level knowledge is also known about the subversive changes that have taken place in the world of the gods.

Although knowing to release Luo Tian's seal, it is definitely beyond his authority, but Gao Yao still has a due diligence to check his authority.

"Luotian predecessors, your seal is beyond my authority, I will submit your transaction application to the owner, waiting for the owner's reply."

Gao has to hesitate, but still maintain the basic respect for Luo Tian.

Luo Tian said that it is also the tenth-order high-level realm, living endless years, even if it may not be able to return to its peak state for a lifetime, but at least Luo Tian once had a peak of glory in Wanjielou.

"That is faster!"

Luo Tian was eager to say that his heart was pounding. He could even hear his violent heartbeat, as if he had to jump out of his chest, and his breathing was somewhat suppressed, as if he could not breathe.

Now he wants to know if his own net worth is enough to pay for the value of the main seal of Luocheng.

If enough, then everything is just a nightmare.

If it is not enough, Luo Tian himself can't imagine the next scene.

"The seal on your body is an endless seal. Every fine particle in the body has a seal. The whole body is a large seal covered with a small seal. The oversized seal is covered with a large seal. ······ The perfect whole formed by numerous seals········

Gao wants to appease Luo Tian and let Luo Tian go back to wait for the notice of Wanjielou. He heard the voice of the owner in the ear and could not help but introduce Luo Tian.

"To release this seal, you need to pay three top ten products."

Gao wants to sink a little, gentle.

This price was not set by him, but the owner told him that he only relayed it.

In the face of such high prices, he can already predict the tragic future of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian, ​​"·······".


Luo Tian’s body was awkward, and his whole body seemed to be evacuated. His eyes were hollow and he sat down on the ground.

"Teacher (President), how are you here, we see you hurt, so worry about you."

At this time, Meng Hao, the Heavenly Buddha, the Evil Emperor, Fliesa and others were scowling and worried, and slowly came from the corner of the side, concerned.

"Mr. Gao Yao, how much value does it take to lift the seal on my teacher?"

Meng Hao looked sad and walked to the front of Gao Yao, concerned that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Flissa, Heavenly Buddha, the Emperor and other people are also engrossed, listening to the ears, want to know the specific situation of Luo Tian.

Although I saw Luo Tian’s miserable expression, I already knew the ending, but I was afraid of any mistakes. Meng Hao planned to ask for it personally.

"This is the personal privacy of Luo Tian's predecessors."

Gao wants to shake his head slightly and refuses.

This is the regulation of Wanjielou, and it is not allowed to inform other people about the private information of customers.

"Mr. Gao Yao, I am intimate with the teacher. Now the teacher is suffering. Can you ignore it as a disciple?"

"These people are members of the Star Business Group, the teacher's confidant, not an outsider!"

Meng Hao heard the words, his expression was painful, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he said.

"I will definitely get the value points to help the teacher unblock."

“This...·····Requires three top ten products.”

Gao wants to hesitate, said.

Meng Hao and Luo Tian are masters and apprentices. The Heavenly Buddha, Fliesa and others are also the hands of Luo Tian, ​​telling Meng Hao that they also meet the requirements of the Wanjie Building.

"Ha ha ha ··································································

Gao Gao’s voice just fell, Meng Hao’s face turned cloudy and clear, and even laughed.

The Heavenly Buddha and Fliesa are also excited, and they stepped forward. The two directly pinched Luo Tian, ​​who fell to the ground, and planned to return to the Star Business Group to have a good conversation with Luo Tian.

"This is a very sad smile, yes, this is a very sad smile, Mr. Gao Yao, we are leaving."

Meng Hao looked at the eccentric face, explaining it again and again.

Then waved to let the Heavenly Buddha and Fliesa take away Luo Tian.

The members of the Star Business Group were smiling, and Luo Tian quickly disappeared into the high vision.

High, "·······".

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