History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1563: This is a very popular leopard!

[title: the strongest owner in history, the first thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters, this is very popular! Author: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the martial arts world through the snow eagle lord a eternal dragon king legend Taikoo **** Wang Wulian peak five elements Tian Xuanjie door selection Tianji Yong night king against the scales dominated "I still hurriedly slipped!"

Shen Gongbao's face is pleasing, with a faint smile on his face, as if he is also very excited about the upcoming victory of the one-eyed giant creature, but his heart is figuring out how to get rid of this huge vortex.

Before knowing that Wang Lin and Su Ming were not the customers who entered Wanjielou before, Shen Gongbao knew that a layout for the one-eyed giant creature had been formed.

Will this layout successfully suppress the one-eyed giant creature? He is not clear, but it will definitely make the dragon turtle creature angry.

Even with the protection of the Unlimited Entrepreneurship Group, he is hard to bear the anger of a ten-order high-level realm.

Shen Gongbao is also following the one-eyed giant creature and dragon turtle creatures. His eyes are occasionally swaying to the side of the snow eagle lord, the world's life, 'rock'. This huge creature that has been competing with three extreme lives is obviously also limited. The battle is very interesting.

Or he also wants to take a look at the painful expression of Meng Hao and his entourage when they are blinded by a huge creature. They regret that they don't trust themselves. They also know their opponents, the giant eye creatures and the dragon turtle creatures.

The one-eyed giant creature walked quickly and went to the Fujian-Taiwan area in less than ten minutes because of the eagerness of a snowy shame.

In fact, they did not have to go to the Huantai District in person, and the time for the limited time for the Taitung War between the two parties was reached. Wanjielou will transfer the participants to the Fujian-Taiwan area.

"Sure enough, no one!"

Looking at the Yantai District where a few figures were scattered, Shen Gongbao couldn't help but sigh.

Today's Huantai District is more like a place where customers exchange ideas between Wanjielou. Both sides are free to play, so far.

Because it is just a point, it is better to enter the virtual world for virtual battles. Therefore, there are only a few people.

The one-eyed giant creature and the dragon tortoise creature saw the shadow of the Huantai area, and the face was a bit ugly. They were a shame, and the more naturally the customers of Wanjielou were onlookers, the more they could promote their prestige.

There are almost no audiences now. Even if they kill Meng Hao and his entourage, no one knows that they can’t achieve the goal of being shameless.

"The two predecessors, it is better to go to the main hall of Wanjielou to apply for a notice, so that everyone in Wanjielou will come to see the time-limited battle."

Shen Gongbao quickly realized that this was an opportunity, a chance to get him out of the vortex, but on the surface still kept a pair of dog legs, a look of smirk.

Although this announcement can be done with a magic phone, Shen Gongbao obviously does not plan to use a magic phone.

When he is away from the Fujian-Taiwan area, if the one-eyed giant creature wins, he will come to a little bit to celebrate and see if he can earn some benefits.

If the one-eyed giant creature is defeated, he will disappear for a while and cannot be found by the dragon turtle creature.

He remembers that he did not seem to tell his own name of the one-eyed giant creature and the dragon turtle creature.

"Go, go~"

The one-eyed giant creature had a slight squint, revealing a stern sigh, nodding slightly.

He can't wait for everyone in Wanjielou. Wanxianglou, the connected souls of all the worlds, knows to watch the limited time battle, how can he refuse the proposal of Shen Gongbao.

After receiving the approval of the one-eyed giant creature, Shen Gongbao quickly ran to the main hall of Wanjielou.

The announcement he promised is still to be broadcast. As for when to come back, it is necessary to take a look at the circumstances of the time limit.

"Buy a notice to announce one-eyed and Wang Lin and Su Ming's limited time battle."

After Shen Gongbao entered the main hall of Wanjielou, he did not go to the front-office trading office where he was responsible. Instead, he went to the front desk trading office where the intelligent robot was responsible, whispered.

The more rough the Wanjielou is divided into the realm of the future, it is possible that a ten-order high-level realm will contain multiple realms of one big world.

Although the one-eyed giant creature said that he is a ten-order high-level realm, it is still unclear what the realm is.

The gods, ghosts, demons and other people he encountered before are not like surpassing the tenth-order high-level existence. Otherwise, they do not need to set so many conditions that limit the strength of the one-eyed creature.

In case the one-eyed giant creature breaks the layout of Meng Hao and his entourage with his powerful strength, then he may offend Meng Hao and his party by sending this notice. The less naturally, the better.

"Notice: Ten-level high-level powerhouse ‘one-eyed’ is about to fight with Wang Lin, Su Ming, and Bai Xiaochun. The two sides have agreed to show the battle of the Taiwanese. The time is three minutes, and the game time is expected to officially start after twenty minutes.”

After Shen Gongbao quietly ordered a notice, he entered the fourth floor of Wanjie Building and hid it. At the same time, he used the magic mobile phone to pay attention to the changes in the situation of limited time.

After hearing the announcement of Wanjielou, the one-eyed giant creatures and dragon turtles in the Fujian-Taiwan area were all with a faint smile on their faces, and there was a deep enthusiasm and a murderous murder in the eyes.

They are going to kill Meng Hao and his entourage in front of everyone in Wanjielou.


In a secret room in Tianfu, Bai Xiaochun, who was in the alchemy, listened to the Wanjielou notice that he suddenly remembered. He was so scared that Danfire lost control and directly frowned.

However, Bai Xiaochun has no intention to pay attention to the precious herbs of this fryer, and is completely stupid by the notice of Wanjielou.

He, Wang Lin and Su Ming fight against the tenth-order high-level realm?

"The teacher saved me!"

Bai Xiaochun quickly ran out of the Chamber of Secrets and went to Tianfu Xiaoyu. The voice of screaming sounded at Tianfu headquarters.

He feels that he is absolutely pitted. How can he challenge the strong tenth-order high-level realm? The practitioners who challenge the first-order advanced realm are almost the same.

"You are in Tianfu!"

Tianfu Xiaoyu also walked out from his own room. He wanted to see if Bai Xiaochun participated in the limited time challenge and found the panic white Xiao Chun from the room. Tianfu Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

For this extraordinary apprentice of alchemy talent, Tianfu Xiaoyu is still very concerned, knowing that Bai Xiaochun is an absolute fear of death.

Now that Bai Xiaochun is still in the room, I know that Bai Xiaochun, who participated in the limited time battle in the notice, should not be his apprentice.

"Let's go and see, maybe you came to the Wanjie Building in another world."

Tianfu Xiao Yu smiled.

If he only mentioned Bai Xiaochun, he may not be sure.

However, Wang Lin and Su Ming who participated in the limited time on the stage were not unknown in the Wanjielou, so Bai Xiaochun is likely to correspond to his wonderful apprentice.

What's more, he is also very curious about the limited time battles of the tenth-order advanced realm.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

Senior villa area ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Lin and Su Ming, who are drinking Enlighten Tea, the cup in their hands was also slammed by the notice of Wanjielou and dropped to the ground.

However, compared to Bai Xiaochun’s panic, Wang Lin and Su Ming quickly settled down, and their faces were a little bit blank. They knew who Wang Lin and Su Ming were in the time limit.

If there is no guess, it should be the god, ghost, and demon that Meng Hao received from the original world.

However, they did not think that the three gods, ghosts, and demons entered the Wanjielou and caused such a big sensation. They directly competed against the tenth-order high-level realm.

Wang Lin, Yu Mo, Su Ming, Han Li, Chu Yang and others also rushed to the Yongtai District to dare to go.

"Shen Gongbao, is this something you did?"

The headquarters of the Hongyao Entrepreneur Unlimited Group, Tongtian Master, Laozi, Zhundidao and others are looking at the convulsions. The Tongtian teacher uses the magic mobile phone to contact Shen Gongbao, and the voice is a bit dry.

How long has the emperor's affairs been done, Shen Gongbao has involved the tenth-order high-level realm, and this growth has been too fast. They have not been able to suppress the tenth-order high-level realm.

"Master, you can rest assured that the one-eyed one must not live. Wang Lin, Bai Xiaochun, and Su Ming are not the customers who entered the Wanjie Building before. They are all customers who have just entered Wanjielou."

Shen Gongbao himself could not determine the outcome of the limited time battle, but in the face of the inquiry of the Tongtian leader, he did not hesitate to express his unparalleled confidence.

Regardless of the outcome, he is inseparable from the support of the Unlimited Entrepreneurship Group.

Hongren Entrepreneur Unlimited Group, "".

Is this the Shen Gongbao?

After the three tenth-order high-level realm encounters Shen Gongbao, the main hall of Wanjielou died, and the time-limited battle seems to be smashed again. How long can the remaining one last? 2k novel reading network

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