[Title: owner of the world's strongest in the history of the 1560th trisomy six chapters: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the mythical version of the Three Kingdoms Wulian peak five elements Tian Xuanjie's door to choose the day to remember the night king of the king of the scales of the sacred sacred snow lord lord a eternal dragon king legend Luo Feng slightly stunned, faceless expression looked at the ground The snow eagle lord of the world, the source of life, 'rock', did not say anything, turned and left directly.

The snow eagle lord big world 浑源 life 'rock' worship is Luocheng master, not him, and, the snow eagle lord big world 浑源 life 'rock' character is also mad, tyrannical, he is too lazy to explain, let the snow eagle lord The world's Wuyuan life 'rock' is a random guess.

"what happened?"

Everyone in Wanjielou looked at the snow eagle lord who suddenly fell to the ground, the life of the ‘源, 岩, a look of suspicious color, the heart is very puzzled.

The snow eagle lord big world 浑源 life ‘rock’ is the strongest of the tenth-order high-level realm, how can you suddenly bow to Luo Feng?

"He is bowing to the Lord of Luocheng?"

Someone soon responded, and his face changed dramatically, and his heart was even more alarmed.

A strong man in the tenth-order high-level realm saw that the ‘Luocheng Lord’ had directly ignored the face of the strong.

How can this situation not shock everyone in Wanjielou, and the mystery of Luocheng’s master has risen one level in the hearts of everyone.

"Loh. Lord, I am willing to see you only, I will listen to you."

Seeing Luo Feng who did not hesitate to turn away, Snow Eagle Lord, the world's 浑源 life ‘rock’ was completely panicked, and quickly climbed up to chase Luo Feng, thinking that Luocheng did not intend to let him go.

He was confident before, because he was faced with a strong world. He wanted to suppress him very limited. Just be careful, he is absolutely safe.

The Lord of Luocheng is different, and he is the same world. There are too many opportunities to kill him unless he does not return to the original world in the future.

Otherwise, even if he recommends that many ancestral ancestral ancestors enter the Wanjielou and seek their shelter, it may be difficult for Luocheng to kill the ancestral ancestral life, but it is not difficult to kill him.

Looking at the mean kneeling and behind Luo Feng, the charming snow eagle lord of the world, the world of life, ‘rock’, Wan Wan Lou people only feel that the world is unpredictable.

At the same time, Wanjielou entered the four tenth-order high-level realm of the strong, two successively degraded, one lost and lost, and one who was clamoring for others, did not show a glory, and fell to the curtain.

"There are three ten-order advanced bodies."

In Wanwanlou Lounge, Zhou Yang intends to arrange some Wanjielou customers to enter the world of the wilderness or the world of Snow Eagle Lord to hunt some Supreme Life or Wuyuan life, but the plan is not to change.

He personally suppressed the red scales, and the gods, ghosts, and demons suppressed the one-eyed giant creature. In addition to the black snake that was previously suppressed by Luocheng, there were three kinds of high-grade flesh and blood products in Wanjielou. Entering other big worlds to hunt high-end goods.

The entry of the Lord Luocheng, the entry of the gods, ghosts, and demons, also greatly supplemented the types of the secrets of the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building, and solved the single situation of the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building.

Especially the Luocheng Lord, he contributed a lot of ten-level advanced exercises and secret techniques.

“The shop owner, there is a customer from high-tech civilization. The technology system in his world is very special. It may be very advanced. Do you send some fleets to collect high-tech?”

At this moment, Zhou Yang’s ear sounded the system’s prompt tone, which was a high-sent question.

Because Zhou Yang had nothing to do for a while, he was directly involved in the front desk trading office of Wanjielou.

At first glance, he saw an old man standing in front of Gao Yao. He had long white hair and white beard, wearing a white gown and holding a cane. His eyes were bright and bright, revealing a hint of excitement.

"Name: Luo Ji.

Identity: Black Technology World, Terran. ”

Looking at the short information provided by the system, Zhou Yang slightly glimpsed, the information is a bit too broad.

Whether it is the black technology world or the name of Luo, it is very vague.

Zhou Yang couldn't help but switch to the details of Luo Ji, and wanted to see what special this person had.

"The Tsinghua University's Professor of Sociology's Facial Wall Project's Fourth Face is the Spiritual Leader of the First Generation of the Swordsman Earth Resistance Organization"

Zhou Yang quickly read the detailed information about Luo Ji, and soon learned the origins of Luo Ji.

Luo Ji is a key figure in the three-body world and the protagonist of a period. The black technology world is just like the previous game world. This is a vast world with countless black technology worlds. The three-body world is just one of them. world.

“The owner, Luo Ji, released a task to protect the earth. The result shows that Luo Ji can't pay the value point. Moreover, this world mission is no longer within my authority. I asked him some information about the technology weapon 'water drop', 'Small note', 'light grain', etc. These are high-tech weapons, and his world should be a very high-tech world."

Gao wants to look respectfully.

After Luo Ji issued the world mission, he found that he did not have the authority to solve it, which made Gao want to be a bit worried.

Luo Ji is an ordinary human being, perhaps older.

Such a world of ordinary human beings, he did not have the authority to complete, how to not let him curious?

Therefore, he couldn't help but ask Luo Ji about the situation of the ball in Luo's location. When he heard that there is a kind of technological weapon that can lower the world dimension, Gao will realize that this is a very terrible technological weapon. The world of such weapons can be imagined, the height of its technological civilization.

Otherwise, he will not ask Zhou Yang for the first time.

Although the world task released by Luo Ji is over-limit, but Luo can not afford the value, he does not need to inform Zhou Yang.

Gao Yao did not specifically explain what kind of technology weapon ‘water drops’, ‘small papers’, ‘light grain’, etc.~www.readwn.com~because he knows what role the store owners have in these technological weapons.

“‘water drop’, ‘two-way foil’, ‘light grain’”

When the high-sounding voice just fell, the system displayed detailed information about the technical weapons such as ‘water droplets’ and ‘small paper strips’ ‘light particles’ in front of him.

‘Water Drop’ is a cosmic detector, because its shape is similar to water droplets, and it is made into water droplets by humans.

Another technology weapon called 'small note' is a dimension-lowering weapon 'two-way foil', which is 8.5 cm long and 5.2 cm wide. It is slightly larger than a credit card, very thin. Without any thickness, the surface is pure white and looks like a piece of paper.

‘Light Grain’ is also a weapon for the high-level civilization in the universe to clean up low-level civilizations.

"The next period of time in Wanwanjie is the black technology that fully recovers the black technology world."

Zhou Yang sank a bit, changed the development direction of the next stage of the pre-determined Wanjie Building, and turned to focus on the development of recycling black technology world.

Because, among the products of Wanjielou, technology-based commodities have always been a weak link.

Now connected to a highly civilized world like the Black Technology World, Zhou Yang naturally needs to complement the technology products of Wanjielou.

"Black technology in the black technology world should be separated from the limits of the world?"

Zhou Yang couldn't help but think of the previous world of dreams, the world of ecstasy, the world of bears, the world of bears, etc. There are also many black technologies in these worlds, but these black technologies are too restrictive and can only exert the greatest power in the original world. There is no other value in other worlds.

If the black technology of the black technology world has no restrictions, then the cultivation system of Wanjielou may be seriously impacted, subverting the concept of many Wanjielou customers. 2k novel reading network

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