History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1568: Real black technology

[Title: Worst owner 1560th eight chapters of a true black technology: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Long Fuwu refines the peak of the five elements of the Tian Xuanjie, the choice of the heavens, the night, the king, the counter-scale, the sacred sacred snow lord, the lord of the eternal dragon king, "open the maximum protection, open the maximum attack mode, the property is adjusted to the power of the curse and The power of destiny."

Zhou Yang once again told the intelligence of the Daewoo class warship.

The three-body world is a physical world. Zhou Yang still knows about cultivation. He knows little about science and technology.

In order to prevent any particularly strange black technology, he adjusted the Daewoo class to the strongest state and prevented any attacks that might occur.

He will not be self-respecting. In case of a move, the wolverine will flee back to the Wanjie Building.

He did not do scientific and technological confrontation, directly let the Daewoo class warships mobilize the core power 'the source of the big thousand', and adjust the properties of the naval gun to the most bizarre two forces in the rule of the three thousand avenues, the power of destiny and the power of curse .

He did not believe that these people who studied physics also understood the great destiny and the curse of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Perhaps some high-latitude life can freely shuttle past the future world and parallel world, and even see their infinite past and future, and enter into it to change, to some extent control their own destiny, but the energy of the Daewoo class warship is overriding The energy of the source in the three-body plane.

If he wants to, he can explode the three-body plane.

As long as you have the power of cursing, even if you escape to the past, the curse of your body will not disappear because of the change of time. The same is true of the power of destiny.

After receiving Zhou Yang’s order, the Daewoo class warship began sending a special wave to the entire three-body plane to inform itself of its location.

In addition to the Earth people who fled to Pluto, the singer's civilized spacecraft outside the Milky Way received the first wave of waves from the Daewoo class.

"What happened to the elders?"

After the singer received the radio wave from the Daewoo class warship, after determining the location of the radio wave, if the electric shock was shocked, the face was full of horror and the heart was full of uneasiness.

According to the destructive power of the two-way foil, the solar system should be almost two-dimensional. Why is the source of the radio wave still in the coordinates of the solar system?

Is the civilization of the solar system enough to prevent the trend of two-dimensionality, or is there a two-dimensional life in the solar system?

In either case, no matter which case, it is absolutely insecure for the singer civilization.

If it is the first type, the civilization in the solar system is too horrible, and it can crack the two-way foil.

If it is the latter, then his spacecraft position may be exposed.


The elders in the spaceship, the voice is cold, screaming.

Compared to the ignorance of the singer, he calmed down a lot.

The waves emitted by the solar system are not directional, but are randomly transmitted and spread to the entire universe.

In this case, it is very likely that the civilization in the solar system, facing revenge for destruction, wants to inform other civilizations in the universe. Once there was a civilization passing by the solar system and pulling them to bury.

However, the things that worried the elders, the radio waves not only received their computers, but they even received them, as if there was a voice in their ears.

This strange wave of electric waves, he has never heard of, far beyond the singer's civilization of radio wave technology.

Such developed radio wave technology not only represents the method of radio wave technology, just like the development of computers, he represents the development of technology in all aspects of electronic technology.

However, why the solar system civilization with such advanced radio technology only announced the location of their civilization, and did not tell other information.

For example, what kind of attack has occurred, such as where the attack occurred, such as a curse or curse

"Do we still have to attack?"

The singer asked cautiously.

For the first time, he encountered such a strange thing. The civilization he had discovered before, under his attack, instantly vanished.

The solar system civilization has such developed technology, and some people may escape the solar system.

They have already fought against the fringe world. If they were found by the solar system civilization, would they not have to fight a civilization again?

"Of course you need to attack, you must dispose of the solar system civilization."

According to the Dark Forest Rules, any civilization that exposes its own civilization will be dealt with.

They have already dealt with the solar system civilization, and they have not dealt with it for the first time, and they have exposed their position accordingly.

Whether it is to comply with the laws of the Dark Forest or for their own safety, they must deal with the solar system civilization.

"But we can wait first."

The elders took a breath and sighed.

The solar system civilization dares to expose its own coordinates, which is simply a dead end.

All the cosmic civilizations that receive the coordinates will probably clean up the solar system civilization.

He does not believe that the solar system civilization can continue to survive under the numerous civilizations hidden in the dark.

If you shoot at this time, it is very likely that you will be exposed to their position.

Unless there are no other civilizations to shoot, they will attack the solar system civilization.

"After detecting seven 'light grain' attacks, three civilizations invested in 'two-way foil', one civilization launched a 'black hole', two civilizations launched a 'time atom', and six civilizations directly dispatched the fleet ”

Among the Daewoo-class warships, intelligence constantly reports to the surrounding civilization attacks from different directions.

These attacks can only be reached in a few days, which completely makes Zhou Yang lose interest.

The attacks of these civilizations are either higher than the singer's civilization, or lower than the singer's civilization, and are not the true top civilization among the three-body plane.


Just then, a special wave of volatility came from above.

Then, the space in which Zhou Yang was located had a gravity beyond the air, which was comparable to the gravity of the earth thousands of times.

These gravityes have no effect on the Daewoo class warships or the three snakes in the universe.

However, if this gravity, which covers an astronomical unit centered on a Daewoo class warship, falls on the earth, the result can be imagined.

All the creatures on earth will be crushed in an instant.

There should be no gravity in the universe, and now there are thousands of times the gravity of the earth. It is conceivable that the civilization behind this can already formulate and change the laws of physics.

For Wanjielou, only the weapons that are created and changed by the laws of physics can be regarded as black technology.

Unlike the three-body civilization and the singer civilization, they are still in the low-level civilization that uses the laws of physics.

"The earth is still not to be destroyed."

Zhou Yang suddenly brows and wrinkles, and instantly appears on the earth. The power of purple law instantly envelopes the earth, forming a time domain centered on itself. www.readwn.com~ Reversed the time and the earth, let the earth Return to the original.

Pluto and Mars, which were not yet two-dimensional in the solar system, entered a period of decline between moments. The core became a black hole, and began to devour the entire planet, almost collapsed in an instant.

It is also a higher civilization that can formulate and change the laws of physics.

“The shopkeeper, part of the higher civilization of this universe, opened up a different time and space channel and fled to another universe.”

At this time, the intelligence of the Daewoo-class warships that attacked the civilization was always located, and a key piece of intelligence was quickly sent to Zhou Yang’s hands.

The top three civilizations of the three-body plane are escaping to the space-time universe.


Zhou Yang stepped out, and the next moment, it appeared in the sky above the different time and space channels. The black technology world is different from the game world. The different worlds here seem to be able to connect.

He would like to see where these different time and space channels are connected.

Zhou Yang separated his mind into these different time and space channels and found that these different time and space channels seemed to be connected to the same universe.

It should be the first civilization to control the way into the alien universe. The relationship between the two universes is much tighter. After other civilizations develop into the technology of the alien universe, they naturally enter the same universe.

"Grey Wolf, this time the enemy seems to be more powerful, can we cope?"

On the other side of the different time-space channel, on a blue planet, small black holes in the seven squares appear, obscuring the sun in the sky, and letting the green grassland fall into the darkness.

The Qingqing grassland immediately fell into a first-level alert. All the animals gathered in the sheep village. The gray wolf and the slow goat were once again recommended as the commanders of the invaders. It is obvious that the green grassland was not the first time to be invaded by the alien universe.

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