() "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"·······

Almost immediately, the Daewoo class warships made a total of hundreds of shots, all on the silver building.

The chaotic-colored shells are like a storm, falling on the silver building, attacking each other in the same position, and wanting to directly hit the silver battleship into two paragraphs.


The silver building did not collapse for the first time. After dozens of shells were successively bombarded, a crack appeared in the center of the attack, and a crack like glass was emitted.

The sturdiness of this building is absolutely comparable to that of the tenth order. If it is not under the raid of the Daewoo class warship, it is too late to start the defense program.


Almost at the moment when the Daewoo class warship launched an attack, the silver building surface glowed with silver, and then the silver building, which was about a hundred feet high, became only one atom in size.

Moreover, the void around the silver building seems to have turned into a mist of water, swaying a faint shackle, looking into the distance, although you can see the silver building, but the perception of the silver building is blurred, there is a kind of jumping out Outside the Three Realms, not in the five elements.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”·······

Breaking into the high-dimensional space, ensuring that the Silver Building is invincible, the high-intelligence life in the Silver Building quickly determines the counter-attack plan.

A black warship, like a flock of wild geese, flew out of the silver building, densely covered, covering the sky.

In order to eliminate the enemies more quickly, the position of the headquarters of the Space and Time Administration will not be leaked. The high-level intelligent life of the Regulation Time and Space Administration has not even mobilized the 'scavenger' cannon fodder of the 0002 universe, directly allowing all the standby in the silver building. The elite commandos were all dispatched.

"You do it!"

Zhou Yang looked at the silver light from the sky, and frowned slightly. If the silver light of this sky hit the Daewoo class warship, it would definitely bring some harm, and he could not help but tell.

The technology controlled by the headquarters of the Space and Time Administration is very powerful. The silver light emitted by these black warships is not a kind of laser, nor a kind of laser gun, but an attack composed of 'channel particles'.

The collection of the laws of heaven and earth is called Heaven, which is composed of the origins of heaven and earth, while the origin of heaven and earth is composed of 'dao particles'.

It is conceivable that the special light formed by this special "channel particle" is so horrible that it can penetrate a large universe.

However, for the time and space administration headquarters to have such scientific and technological strength, Zhou Yang did not have any accidents. A transcendental force above the multi-party universe, if not certain strength, has long been extinguished by other cosmic powers or higher civilizations. If it is lost, how can it be possible to judge the power of the universe and clear the civilization of the universe.

Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and everyone in Wanjielou flew out of the Daewoo class warship, intercepting the silver light in the sky.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”······

There are no twists and turns, and for a moment, the black battleships in the sky are like fireworks, exploding in the void.

These black warships are only the attack power to reach the tenth-order combat power. Faced with the customers of the Wanjie Building, which is at least the ten-order intermediate level, they are simply unable to withstand a battle and have no room to fight back.

"Out of the special team!"

The high-level intelligent life in the silver building did not cause any panic. Even the senior officials of the Space and Time Administration in the Silver Building did not intervene in the high-level intelligent life, letting them continue to attack the Wanjielou people in accordance with the plan of time and space regulations.

Compared with the elite commando in the black warships, the special team is the backbone of the Space and Time Administration.

"Hong Meng?"

Among the silver buildings, a team wearing a pale gold robes flew a team of ten squads, each of which was exactly ten people. However, the appearance of these figures made the people of Wanjielou very suspicious.

These figures wearing pale gold robes are exactly the same in appearance, wearing, and stunned. Moreover, there is no difference between the appearance and the Panlong World in the Wanjie Building.

"Clone people Hongmeng?"

Among the Daewoo-class warships, Zhou Yang has a slight glimpse. This cloned man's technology is still on the Wanjie Building.

Dr. Dragon Ball World Groh in the Wanjie Building, the man-made man invented and manufactured, is now only reaching the top nine realm.

As for the cloning technology of Wanjielou, it only reaches the ninth level.

Of course, this is also related to the needs of Wanjielou. Wanjielou has almost no high-level cloning technology. Therefore, he does not have the resources to study this technology.

The clones in front of the eyes are made by black technology similar to cloning technology.

"From the star metamorphosis?"

Zhou Yang checked the source of the Hongmeng clone ~www.readwn.com~ a slight glimpse, the star metamorphosis also belongs to the black technology world?

However, when thinking of the stars becoming bigger, the magical practice of Qin Yu's cultivation is created by Lei Wei, and Lei Wei comes from a low-level plane in the world universe, and the Milky Way Earth is a technological planet.

Soon Zhou Yang stopped thinking about this problem, and his mind shifted to the cloning technology mastered by the Space and Time Administration.

He wants to get this cloning technology, not to help Wanjielou customers to clone themselves, but to cloning some powerful beasts, such as the supreme life of the world, or the source of the snow eagle world. life.

If possible, clone some high-quality medicinal herbs or celestial roots.

If the cloned black technology is used for these conveniences, even if there is some existence of the silver ball of the game world like the game world, deliberately disturbing the market of Wanjielou, he can easily regulate the market balance.


The stars became bigger and the world, Hongmeng and Wanjielou Hongmeng took the lead and stepped out. The look was cold and the eyes flashed a little cold. I don’t know how the black technology world is going, but they can be sure that they will not be safe.

In the most likely case, the black technology world Hongmeng was arrested by the Space and Time Administration and became an experimental body.

After entering the Wanjie Building for so long, they are too aware of the pain of the experimental body, slicing, injecting various drugs, changing various living environments and so on.

"Is there me?"

Luo Cheng’s main footsteps were late, and I couldn’t help but guess.

When he was weak, the human race in the primitive universe had the technology behind the mechanical family.

If the world is divided according to the stars, his world is likely to be divided into the black technology world.

If the Space and Time Administration dispatched a team of his clones, wouldn’t they be completely annihilated?

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