History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1590: Sad reminder of Zhou Qing

[Title: Worst first owner Thousand five hundred ninety sad reminder of the Green Week: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: God-level fairy doctor in the city of the Dragon King legend Taikoo God Wang Wulian peak five elements Tian Xuanjie door selection Tianji Yongye King against the scales dominated the holy snow eagle lord the entire black technology world under the control of the black technology empire, special After the taboo incident of the Doraemon and the Resident Evil plane, the Imperial Time Administration and the Imperial Intelligence Bureau's two black technology empire giants fully operated.

The black technology world Zhou Qing just entered the Wanjie Building, the time management bureau found the universe where the demon agent headquarters is located, and there was a time taboo.

Without any hesitation, the head of the time bureau dispatched two deputy directors of the time bureau to personally sit in the universe where the demon agent is located.

The strength of the Time Administration is far from being comparable to that of the Time and Space Administration. As one of the black technology empire giants, the time authority has the power to suppress any party in the black technology.

Zhou Qing can escape under the Space and Time Administration, but under the full chase of the Time Administration, there is no room for any resistance.

"Yes, yes, finally let us catch a key person!"

After the head of the time bureau got two obscenities, the mind appeared, and it appeared at another time node from a time node, directly to the front of Zhou Qing, with a smile.

This time, the information on the relevant aspects of the Wanjie Building was investigated. The Imperial Intelligence Agency is the main one, and the Time Administration is supplemented. Now they have seized a person related to the Wanjie Building, but the Imperial Intelligence Bureau has nothing to gain. Explain that the time bureau is more efficient.

In particular, the lord of the demon agent in front of him is a person who was personally investigated by the head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau. He did not investigate the connection between the demon agent and the Wanjielou.

The head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau turned and left, and the demon agent Lord entered the Wanjielou. If the empire’s top management knew that a hat with incompetence would be buckled on his head.

Moreover, because of the affairs of the Wanjielou, the Imperial Intelligence Agency was instigated by the top officials of the Empire. Under the supervision of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, there was actually a force that could escape their surveillance, and all showed the imperial intelligence bureau’s dereliction of duty.

If the head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency was not in charge of the Imperial Intelligence Agency for many years, the forces were deeply ingrained, and the top of the empire might have removed him.

However, the person in charge of the time bureau did not intend to report the matter directly to the top, but notified the person in charge of the Imperial Intelligence Agency. "The demon agent you just investigated, after entering the Wanjie Building, was caught by us. It is."

Even if the top of the empire is replaced by a new head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, who is the head of the new Imperial Intelligence Agency is completely uncertain.

Is his political enemy? Still his friend? It is completely undetermined.

It is better to sell personal feelings to the head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency to deepen cooperation and trust between the two sides.

After receiving the notice from the person in charge of the time bureau, the head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau changed his face instantly, his forehead sweated slightly, his breath vomited, his face recovered and calmed, and he immediately smashed the time and space in front of Zhou Qing.

In the black, the head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, who looked cold, looked at Zhou Qing over and over again, and his face became more and more ugly, and there was a trace of luck in his heart.

The news of the person in charge of the time bureau was not wrong. He saw Zhou Qing’s mind at a glance and read the information in Zhou Qing’s mind.

The power of the black technology empire is not the strength of the individual, but the black technology of terror.

Whether it is to see through the heart of Zhou Qing, or to read the memory of Zhou Qing’s mind, all of them are taboo black technology that uses the black technology empire.

"This is a 'truth agent', I need to torture."

The head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency cast a good-hearted look at the head of the time bureau, and then took out a purple potion from the body and intended to inject into the body of Zhou Qing.

‘True Pharmacy’ is the highest contraindication drug controlled by the Imperial Intelligence Agency. In general, it is only a low-level truth pill, an intermediate truth pill, a high-level real-life pill, and a special-purpose pill.

If it is normal, the existence of such strength as Zhou Qing is generally only the use of special truth pills, if not critical information, perhaps only use advanced truth pills.

Although they can read the mind and even read the memory deep in their minds, some powerful forces and civilizations may establish some virtual information bases, placed in the minds of key people, even if they need to read For a long time.

The matter about Wanjielou has long caused dissatisfaction among all the top empire of the empire. Now, with a little delay, his status is more likely to be shaken.

Even if his power is deep-rooted, if it is only an incompetent director of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau, even the imperial high-level empire will replace him.

The person in charge of the time bureau smiled and nodded lightly. His credit has been confirmed, not to mention the interrogation of the prisoner is also the specialty of the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

The main work of the Time Administration is to monitor some of the strong civilizations and individual smuggling time, as well as clearing and repairing some time tributaries.

Since it has been interrupted to sell some people to the Imperial Intelligence Agency, it is better to sell the situation to the end.

"Tell any information, any opinions, any secrets that you know about Wanjielou."

After the head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency injected the ‘truth agent’ into the body of Zhou Qing, he said with no expression.

Although I read a lot of information about Wanjielou, the information is superficial and there is no substantive information.

“Wanjielou is a terrible place to connect with thousands of worlds. Our world is just one of the worlds connected by Wanjielou”

Zhou Qing's complexion, body, and soul are all purple, obviously the side effect of 'truth remedy'~www.readwn.com~ Talk, a look of admiration, looks like a normal person, no struggle and resistance .

The Imperial Intelligence Agency used the 'truth agent' to interrogate some of the ten-order top realms, and it was easy to interrogate the tenth-order intermediate level.

However, Zhou Qing’s words were only half said. Both the head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau and the person in charge of the time bureau were all changed. The pupils slammed and looked at each other with an unbelievable color.

Then the head of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau did not continue to interrogate. The group moved the time and space and appeared in the capital of the black technology empire, the city of science and technology.

They have just arrived in the city of technology. The high-level empire, whether it is the real body or the virtual image, all received the notice of the joint name of the Imperial Intelligence Bureau and the head of the time bureau, appearing in the palace hall of the city of science and technology.

At this moment, the top level of the empire is a little shocked. For a long time, there has not been such an urgent matter. The last time such a big move, they are to suppress a strong taboo, the strong want to replace the black technology world with their own way. The road is terrible.

In order to erase it, they mobilized all the power and almost destroyed an era.

"Our worldview seems to have been broken. Outside of the world we are in, there are likely to be other worlds. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the Transit Authority has said it."

The head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency looked serious and secluded.

Unless the 'truth agent' fails, Zhou Qing deceives them. Otherwise, the pattern of the black technology empire will undergo earth-shaking changes.

“Wanjielou Business Co., Ltd. can be traded, everything can be traded, the secret of magic, the magic weapon of science and technology, the road of Dan Medicine”

Quietly in the entire hall, only Zhou Qing, who looked slightly purple, was slowly speaking.

Black technology empire high-level, "". 2k novel reading network

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