History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1608: Bear child

[Title: Worst owner of six hundred thousand and eight chapters bear children of Hao Shi: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

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The headquarters of Hongran Entrepreneur Unlimited Group, Laozi looks strange and said.

Almost in an instant, their company's magic mobile phone number received more than 120 messages, all of which were business lists. They couldn't receive so many orders in a month.

Moreover, these lists have almost one feature, all related to Shen Gongbao.

Some orders are to invite Shen Gongbao to help them entertain a hostile Wanjielou customer. Some orders are to hire Shengongbao as a special tour guide. When some of the hostile creatures in their world enter the Wanjielou, let Shengong Leopard help them. Reception.

Wanjielou people believe that Shengong Leopard is a moldy god, or suspect that Shengong Leopard is a moldy god, but they only know one, and the customers of Wanjielou, which is guided by Shengongbao, are often unlucky and even fallen.

If they are used well, they can cut off their opponents in the Wanjie Building or their future rivals and kill them invisible.

"Hong Kong Entrepreneurship Unlimited Group Tongtian Master and others,".

"System, this Shen Gong Leopard will not really have any bad luck?"

Wanjielou Lounge, even Zhouyang has some doubts whether Shengong Leopard really ignores the suppression of Wanjielou, which can bring bad luck to people. If you don’t know that all this is a coincidence, he will probably not help Shen Gongbao grabbed it and studied it.

Even so, Zhou Yang feels a little weird, and it is a coincidence. However, it is no coincidence that many Wanjielou customers and Shen Gongbao have coincided together.

Countless coincidences are not simply described as coincidences.

"This is mainly related to the character of Shen Gongbao. Shen Gongbao may not be aware of himself. Every time he talks with the customers of Wanjielou, he can't help but manipulate the right and wrong. The subconscious has a provocative behavior."

"The host can read the pictures of Shen Gongbao and other customers. He often unconsciously misleads some customers and explains some of the information in Wanjielou. It sounds plausible, and even deliberately makes people understand the other side."

The sound of the system's icy machine sounded in Zhou Yang's ear.

Shen Gongbao can especially talk about the meeting. It can be said that it is a natural vertical and horizontal family. In addition, he disguised the words of right and wrong. As long as the character is defective, when he is with Shen Gongbao, Shen Gongbao will subconsciously lead to the wrong direction.

The most obvious special case is Emperor Zun, who is completely misled by Shen Gongbao.

As for the three extreme life of the dragon tortoise, the reason why their three supreme life is unlucky, although there is also a little guidance of Shen Gongbao, but more is caused by the character defects of the three supreme life itself.

The reason why I was unlucky at the beginning was more because I was too careful at first, and I lacked the belief that I was invincible.

Whether it was a long time ago, the Great Emperor, Wu Shidai, and others who entered the Wanjie Building, or the Luocheng Lord, Pangu and the Wild Emperor who entered the Wanjie Building not long ago, they all entered the Wanjie Building directly.

In their minds, no matter what traps or conspiracy in the Wanjielou, it is enough to kill them by their strength.

In the beginning, letting his avatar enter the Wanjielou is equivalent to creating another self for a while. What character was at the beginning? In the last era, he was enslaved by the Emperor of the Black Emperor for too long. Even if he became a chaos master, he still has power. The morbid craving is suspicious.

In fact, he did not know that he was already the strongest invincible in the original world.

However, this is the case. In the beginning, everything has been reclusively behind the scenes. It is clear that I support Iyer's invasion of other chaotic universes, but I have always pretended to have nothing to do with myself.

The avatar he created is naturally a avatar full of doubts and change.

"Don't care about this, you send a message to Luocheng and the Emperor of Heaven, and ask them who are willing to take over the world missions that were sent out at the beginning."

Zhou Yang shook his head slightly and said.

The matter of Shen Gongbao is irrelevant. Those who died in the supreme life are also looking for a dead end. As for other unlucky customers, they have a lot to do with their own control.

The most important thing now is to deal with the world missions that were released at the beginning.

"The shop owner has no problem, I will go to the meeting place right away!"

When I arrived at the realm of Luocheng, when I was retreating, I could also separate my mind from the outside world. From the secrets of the early trading, he found the secret way to enhance the soul.

Although Luo Chengzhu is the lord-level 浑 source life, but he only reached the ultimate level of the body, and broke the law to become the lord-level 浑 source life, his soul has not reached the ultimate level.

After receiving the news from Wanjielou, Luocheng thought and agreed without it.

At the beginning of the day, he was a practitioner in the same realm. Luo Chengzhu also gave a glimpse of the development of things on the virtual platform of Wanjie. It is natural to know that the ontology of the beginning was expelled from Wanjielou~www.readwn.com~ The avatar released the world mission to let Wanjielou help to regain control of the chaotic universe.

Even if he entered the world of the ruins, if it fell, it would have fallen. This excitement and awkward feeling seemed to have not appeared for a long time, giving him some feeling of blood.

"You are so arrogant, you must bring me!"

On the first floor of Wanjie Building, at the front desk trading office, after Shiyan heard the news from Gao, he quickly rushed to the front desk of the Wanjie Building, and looked at the imperial concubine who had to talk to Gao. He went straight. Innocent smile, shouted.

Compared with the imperial concubine, Shi Jie’s life is a lot of happiness. In addition to the tragic childhood, other experience of Shi Jie did not encounter any bumps. In the Wanjie Building, there are Liushen and Fengyun’s cover, and Wanjielou. Several employees have a good relationship, and no one dares to provoke him.

As for the original world, the foreign land was completely hoisted by the nine days and ten places. With the perfect academy support established by the Wanjie Building, the strong people of the nine days and ten places spring up like mushrooms, and Liu Shen did not even have a hand. As for the universe, the sea is completely As a place for trials in Wanjielou, the Emperor Xiandi was scared to return to the perfect world.

It can be imagined that it was originally a bear child's sarcophagus, and often mixed with Duan De, the skin has long been without boundaries.

Ishigaki is very clear that this future self has definitely reached a very horrible level, and it can kill the tenth-order top realm. The strength can definitely rank in the top three in Wanjielou, and may even be the most in Wanjielou. Strong presence.

If you can worship as a teacher, or worship the boss, you can definitely fly a wave!

The Emperor of Heaven, "".

Is Gao Yao’s presbyopia, the existence of this unconcerned, what is it like him? 2k novel reading network

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