History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1618: The main **** light ball is a bargain

[Title: Worst first owner Thousand six hundred eighteen master of the SG ball is a bargain: the Antarctic sun]

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As the master of the game world, where is the dignity of the strong?

With the strength of the city of Biro, how to take the heroine of the city, the self-esteem of the strong?

Not only was the main god's light ball stunned, but the Luocheng Lord and others were also full of mistakes and an unbelievable color.

After knowing that the game's light ball in front of the game is the master of the game world, Luo Chengzhu, Luo Feng, and the mountain passengers will know the terrible strength of the game's light ball.

However, the words of the game's light ball completely let them stunned. How can the game light ball say such a flattering address?

What specializes in the life of Luocheng’s master as a copy of the game, what makes the descendants of Luocheng’s masters learn from Luocheng’s master?

Is this a discourse that the multiverse masters should say?

"you you you!"

The main god's light ball is violently shivering, and even its own silver light is a little flickering.

This is a bad competition, the game light ball is definitely a bad competition.

The game system itself is easier to cultivate than the main **** system. Now the game light ball is not a face, how does he compete with the game light ball?

Do you also lower your stance and sell yourself to Wanjielou customers?

He is the origin of all the lightballs of the Lord God, the existence of the highest to the most expensive, how can you bow to the Wanjielou customers whose realm is far lower than him?

Just because he is not willing to bow his head, the main god's light ball is increasingly despising the game's light ball, and he can't wait to transform the game world into the world of the main **** space, or send the reincarnation into the game world to vandalize.

"How do you feel about Luocheng Lord?"

The game light ball pursued, directly blaming the Lord God's light ball, chose to ignore.

The strength of the strong? The self-esteem of the strong? The majesty of the strong? What are these?

Before being connected by the Wanjie Building, he had these things. However, since he was almost sucked up by Zhou Yang, he was scared every day. He was afraid that Zhou Yang would be suppressed by the next moment. He had long been unaware of the strength of the strong and the self-esteem of the strong. What is the majesty of the strong, and so on.

Because his rhythm has been scared, let alone other?

"I need to ask the owner."

Luo Chengzhu hesitated a moment and did not choose to refuse immediately.

He is not afraid of the game's light ball, but because he does feel the benefits of the game plane. If it is not the game light ball is too warm, worry about the existence of conspiracy, he agreed.

If the confirmation from the Wanjielou, the game light ball is not malicious, he promised.

"No problem, no problem"

The game light ball is connected to the channel.

However, the next moment, the game light ball was a little trembling, and he and Luo Chengzhu discussed the cultivation of the game system, he seems to have not yet told the Wanjie Building.

If he is suspected of having two hearts by the Wanjie Building, is he not going to be directly suppressed?

If he is suppressed, is this wonderful future a dream, a flash in the pan?

"Luocheng Lord, wait a minute, I am going to ask the owner."

The game light ball said, and flew to the main hall of Wanjielou, for fear of going one step later, Zhou Yang shot him again.

"Mr. Gao Yao, the owner told me to prepare ten ten-level top players npc, I have already prepared almost, do not know the store owner's specific requirements for these ten-order top npc?"

After entering the main hall of Wanjielou, the game light ball floated directly to the front desk trading office of Wanjielou. After seeing the high-profile figure, the tone was respectful.

Although knowing that the strength of the person in front of him is much weaker than him, the game light ball does not dare to show any disrespect.

Gao is the owner of the shop, representing the face of the owner, his strength may be stronger, but he is wearing a sin, and may be suppressed at any time.

"You wait!"

Gao wants to calmly glance at the game light ball, faint.

After doing this for a long time, Wanjielou staff, he has long been familiar with all kinds of Wanjielou customers, ordinary dragons, rare yin and yang, thousand thousand tails, even stools. He has seen the stool, not to mention a silver ball of light.

Therefore, for the appearance of the game light ball, the high is very calm.

After he sent a message to Zhou Yang, he quietly waited for Zhou Yang's reply.


Originally because there were not enough strong players in the top ten realm of Wanjielou, some of them were difficult to complete the world missions released by Pangu. Zhouyang let the game lightball prepare the tenpcs of the ten top-level realms as the reserve team.

However, now it has entered the light of the Heavenly Emperor and the Lord God, and the power of the Black Technology Empire is enough to complete the world mission of Pangu.

Zhou Yang thought about it and did not withdraw the request for the game's light ball. He said, "Ten npcs must be good at defense."

He definitely let the game light ball provide ten npcs that are good at defense in the ten-order top realm, as a meat shield to prevent the dangers that may be encountered in the 'redemption'.

"No, I must choose the npc that is best at defense."

After hearing the high-definition announcement, the game light ball quickly guaranteed, said.

With the instructions of the owner, Wanjielou should not suppress him.

"Don't be so nervous!"

Gao wants to smile slightly, but his heart is extremely shocked.

He did not think that this silver light ball has such a strong strength, can send ten ten-level top realm of the strong ~www.readwn.com~ can even choose the aspect of this strong.

According to what he knows, there are only three people in the ten-order top realm among the Wanjielou, one is the beginning, and the other two are the Emperor and the Luocheng.

In front of this silver ball of light, you can provide ten top-level powerhouses with special strengths. How can you not be shocked?

"I am not nervous, not nervous."

The game light ball quickly explained.

If he is nervous, does it mean that he is worried that Wanjielou will suppress him and he does not believe in Wanjielou?

"This time I am going to ask about the permissions and restrictions on moving the plane I control to other worlds."

The game light ball quickly transferred the topic, the road.

"Three pieces of magic that reflect the world class."

With the precedent of the light of the Lord God, Gao did not hesitate.

There is no difference between the trading of the game's light ball and the trading of the main god's light ball. The charges are naturally the same.

"That's good, that's good."

The main **** of light can accept this price, the game light ball is naturally acceptable, and, this price is much lower than the price expected in the game's light ball.

"Mr. Gao Yao, you will send me a notice, I plan to promote a product."

The game light ball suddenly thought of something, and the body exudes a sense of gloating.

“Wanjielou big bargains, now at the request of the commodity provider, Wanjielou is now offering a big sale price for the product “God of the Gods”, and the top 100 customers who purchase the main god’s ball of light will receive a 50% discount.

A mechanically icy notice was heard in Wanfanglou.

The main **** light ball, "".

I became a discounted product?

At the beginning, "".

The market of the Lord God has fallen so fast? Already free to buy and sell, and even discount promotions, was he deceived by the Lord God? 2k novel reading network

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