History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1621: Big star Zhang Wei’s ambition

[Title: Worst owner 1621st chapter big star Zhang Ye ambitions of: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the small peasant of the peak, the eternal dragon king legend, the ancient king of the king, the reign of the king, the five elements of the heavens, the gate of the heavens, the choice of the heavens, the night, the king, the counter-scale, the master of the sacred market, "I have never seen such a brazen man!"

The whole body of the light ball trembled fiercely, emitting a similar sound like human rushing to breathe '噗嗤', the whole ball became distorted, and the round body became elliptical.

He is low?

The game light ball actually said that he is low-level, what is the game light ball, and is qualified to say that he is low-level?

Obviously, the game's light ball is jealous of his strength. He dare not fight with him. He even blinks his eyes and scorns him in a down-to-face manner. He lied that he said that he is more like a prostitute in the eyes of a game. The value is mentioned.

"I am only talking about the facts. If it is not for you and I belong to a similar life, I will not say a word to you at all."

The game light ball smiled and laughed.

Anyone can hear the jokes and pride in his words.

As long as he does not play against the light of the Lord God, even if the Wanjielou customer later sees the realm of the light of the Lord God, he will subconsciously think that he is stronger.

After all, he entered the Wanjielou, and he suppressed the powerful existence of the lightball of the Lord God.

"Don't tell you, I have to complete the task that the owner told me to practice, I believe that one day, you can reach my level."

The game light ball sighs, a predecessor educates the younger generation's tone, and at the same time does not forget to mention Zhou Yang's mission to him, and once again raise the gap between the light and the main god.

The goods that Wanjielou is promoting are the main gods, and he is hosting the store. The gap between the two is just like a world apart.

Perhaps when the power of the Lord God's lightball broke out, his position in the hearts of customers of Wanjielou was even more unpredictable.

After that, the main god's light ball fluttered to the main hall of the Wanjielou.

The main **** light ball, "".

A shameful shame, a shameful shame!

When was he so humiliated?

The game of light ball seems to be a lesson for a lesser-minded younger generation. It is really a big deal to teach him.

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

He may not be sure who is more powerful with the game's lightball, but the game's light ball is definitely not qualified to be his predecessor.

Just when the game light ball just touched the Wanjie Building, he dared to become the owner of the store and swayed into the Wanjielou, knowing how stupid he was.

At this moment, the main light ball suspected that the game light ball can survive the violation of the rules of the Wanjielou, and may be directly in front of the owner, mourning for mercy, and then survived.

It was such a shameless existence that he was riding on his head now. When was he so humiliated?

"I want to dispatch the reincarnation to destroy you."

The Lord God light ball roars.

At this time, the main god's light ball was completely irritated by the game's light ball, completely lost his reason.

He is the natural master of the master. In the original world, his strength is far above other creatures, and he has not communicated with too many people.

The mentality of the main god's light ball may be very detached. However, under the constant contempt of the game's light ball, his thoroughness cannot be calmed down.

If it wasn't in Wanjielou, he had already shot the game's light ball.

"I am waiting for you~"

The game light ball does not care.

Unless the Lord God's light ball can reach the strength of Zhou Yang, any threat will have no effect on him.

As for the Lord God's light ball to send the reincarnation to suppress him, just give him more energy.

"Ah, ah"

When I saw the game's light ball, there was no fear, and I swayed out of the main hall of Wanjielou. The lightball of the Lord God exploded completely. The smell of the eruption was like a hot magma erupting, filled with ruin.

However, he still does not dare to use any technique, only to watch the game light ball flying freely.

Around the Wanjielou people face each other, the 'shoulder' of the main **** light ball in front of the game ball without the game, is simply vulnerable, many customers are secretly determined, can not follow the light of the Lord God, for the so-called strong majesty After talking and looking forward, it is too wrong.

The main **** of light can not stand the eyes of everyone in Wanjielou, but also flew away from the main hall of Wanjielou.

The departure of the game light ball and the light of the Lord God did not affect the enthusiasm of the Wanjielou customers to purchase the light ball of the Lord God, because the light ball of the Lord God may involve a taboo level.

"Does the Lord God light ball?"

Among the crowds, Zhang Hao of the big star world looked at the way the main god's light ball went away, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and his heart was secretly screaming.

Others may not know, he has certain speculations about the strength of the main god's light ball.

Before the big star world was modified by his system, since the system of the main **** space was proposed in the infinite horror novels, other novels with the main **** space system emerged like mushrooms.

The weak main **** space creates the world of martial arts as a reincarnation world. The powerful main **** space takes the wild world as the reincarnation world, and even some original world of the main gods, the reincarnation of the detached avenue, the eternal and immortal reincarnation.

The light of the Lord God, which is constantly being suppressed by the game's light ball, is probably one of the top system of the main god.

"Zhang Wei, do you know the main **** light ball and the game light ball?"

The Dongbo Snow Eagle on the side found Zhang Wei’s weird expression, and he couldn’t help but ask.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was invited by Zhang Wei to join the know-how established by Zhang Wei, and they formed a small group.

"The strength of this main god's light ball is probably not as strong as it is. As for the game, the light ball is also terrible."

Zhang Hao sighed and said.

At first, he thought that the Wanjie Building was connected to some novels, movies and animation worlds. Who knows that it is becoming more and more complicated now.

The previous system reborn world and the emergence of the world of Xiu Xian's main **** space ~www.readwn.com~ can be said to be an accident.

With the advent of the game world and the world of the Lord God, if you use accidents to describe it, you can’t say it.

The world connected by Wanjielou is becoming more and more complicated. With his knowledge, it is impossible to guess the possible origins and purposes of Wanjielou.

"I don't know what kind of existence is Wanjie Building?"

Zhang Yu’s heart secretly guessed, but he did not say anything to Dongbo Snow Eagle.

Dongbo Snow Eagle is stronger than him, and his talent is higher than him. However, the two people understand the particularity of Wanjielou. Dongbo Snow Eagle is less than one percent of him.

"The feelings of the two of them are completely different from any of the practitioners I have ever seen."

Dongbo Snow Eagle did not have any accidents. According to his guess, the main **** light ball and the game light ball are also taboos. They are very curious about the origins and cultivation system of the two people. I don’t know if it is true and Wanjielou customers. Guess the general, touch the realm of the owner.

"I am going to make a list of the Wanshang Building Powerhouse and the Wanjielou Rich List. How do you feel?"

Zhang Wei slightly shook his head and did not answer. He couldn't answer this question. His eyes suddenly burst into a glimmer of light, and he cast a look at the eyes of Dongbo Xueying.

This is the idea that he has been hesitating in his mind after entering the Wanjielou.

In some of the worlds connected by Wanjielou, some of the intelligence organizations like the ones he established, such as Tianji Pavilion, Vientiane Building, etc., will establish a strong list and establish their own prestige.

Unlike the general world, in the Wanjie Building, in addition to the importance of strength, wealth is also important, he will plan to build a wealth list.

As long as these two lists have been recognized by many customers in Wanjielou, then his position in the Wanjie Building is no longer a force to replace.

Dongbo Snow Eagle, "". 2k novel reading network

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