History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1629: Horror ‘the wasteland’

[Title: Worst owner 1620th nine chapters terror 'prehistoric' Author: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the campus of the rebirth of the special forces, the martial arts, the peak of the five elements of the Tian Xuanjie, the choice of the heavens, the night of the king, the king of the anti-scale, the sacred sacred snow lord, the lord of the eternal dragon, "all the customers who participate in the recruitment of ten-level top-level temporary employees, please Meet in front of the main hall of the Wan Wan Building."

A mechanically icy voice sounded slowly in the Wanjie Building.

The Pangu injury is much faster than he expected to recover. On the one hand, the time in the tower of time is accelerating, on the other hand, the blood of the ten-order top realm among the Wanjielou.

Pangu is a chaotic demon in the top ten realm of the tenth order. It can refine the body of the tenth-order top realm and restore the injury.

He recovered his injury and came out from the tower of time and found himself among the top ten customers in the Wanjie Building. The strength can only be counted as general.

Others did not say that the game light ball, the main **** light ball, the ridicule emperor and the Luocheng master four people stabilized and stabilized him, and the black technology weapon controlled by the black technology empire was enough to threaten him.

Moreover, many customers in Wanjielou began to accelerate their cultivation in time, and they did not know how many strong people would emerge.

Although he can choose one of the top worlds to speed up the cultivation of time, but his life is to create a testimony to open up the world, even if you enter a world to accelerate the cultivation of time, there will not be much improvement.

Because his heart, his way, are in the wild.

After the announcement of Wanjielou, the members of the Wild Emperor, Luocheng, and Taichu, including members of the Black Technology Empire, all gathered in the main hall of Wanjielou.

These people are all registered customers, and other customers in Wanjielou are also very curious about the world missions that require at least ten top-level customers to participate.

In addition to the customers who participated in the world mission, the eyes of other customers of Wanjielou also turned to the front of the Wanjielou.

These Wanjielou customers who did not participate in the world mission, their eyes are not on the familiar figure, but to find some strange figure from the crowd.

These strange voices may be the strong ones hidden in the Wanjielou.

Because the 10,000-storey building on the bright side is not terrible, they know which are the strongmen of the Wanjie Building and will not provoke them. However, those who are hidden in the Wanjie Building are too dangerous.

If these hidden powers are like the former Luocheng masters, they have a detached mindset and disdain to promote their own strength everywhere, then it is okay, there is no threat, but if those who are hidden in the dark deliberately design conspiracy to pit them, They are unlucky.

This time, it is the world mission issued by Wanjielou. From the requirements of temporary employees, at least the top ten-level combat power is needed, which is enough to show that the level of this world mission is very high.

Moreover, the world in which this world mission is located is also very high.

If this world mission goal is only a ten-level top realm, there is no need to directly recruit temporary employees in Wanjielou, and there is no limit to the number of employees.

All these requirements, all the world in which this mission is carried out, can at least carry the top ten elites, and there is more than one, not two or three simple, I am afraid they are unimaginable figures.

Everyone in the Wanjielou glanced at the crowd in front of the main hall of the Wanjie Building and found that there was no strange figure.

However, they did not relax like this. The examples of Luo Chengzhu and Luo Feng let them understand that maybe a familiar figure in their eyes is actually a hidden Wanjielou strongman.

The Wanjielou customers who participated in the world mission also looked around in a circle, and briefly talked a few words to prevent any leaks, and found no hidden Wanjielou strong.

"set off!"

When everyone gathered, Zhou Yang's figure also appeared in front of the main hall of Wanjielou. His body was suspended in six silver shields, and his eyes glanced around the crowd, slowly.

This time the lineup is enough to help Pangu suppress the 'redemption'.


Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and there was a time and space passage in front of everyone. After Zhou Yang entered, the customers of Wanjielou who participated in the world mission also entered the space-time passage.

All the customers who participated in the mission of the world have some expectations and nervousness. Until now, they still don't know what the content of the world mission is.

"This time, we are helping Pangu to suppress the 'redemption'."

Zhou Yang seems to know what these Wanjielou customers are thinking, and a gentle voice sounds in everyone's ears.

“The ‘the wilderness’ is different from the flooded world that was connected before the Wanjielou. This time, the ‘flooding’ accommodates the world of infinite floods. It is a multiverse of one side. In a strict sense, it is a vast world composed of countless wild worlds.”

Zhou Yang explained very carefully. Although the lineup of Wanjielou is very powerful this time, the world tasks they need to complete are not simple.

According to Zhou Yang’s speculation, the ultimate goal of 'Hongyao' should be to cultivate a peak Pangu, which is enough to open up a super-world that carries the eleventh-order realm. www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, he has this ten-order top Pangu in the realm has already opened up the world, and it still needs to wait until now.

"In such a world, the top ten elites should go everywhere. Your goal is to suppress the chaotic demon of the top ten realm. Others will be handed over to me."

Zhou Yang is a long way.

In addition to the game world, ‘the hunger’ will probably become the most comprehensive multi-cosm of his recovery.

‘Hongshan’, the chaos of the ancient real estate in Wanjie.

The emptiness trembled, and about a dozen figures walked out of a black and secluded space-time passage.

In addition to Zhouyang and Pangu, everyone in Wanjielou is still digesting Zhou Yang’s information.

The multi-cosm composed of the endless world of wasteland, one of the chaos can be born into the chaos demon of this level of ancient real estate, then other chaos may also be able to create a chaotic demon that is comparable to the ancient real estate, even beyond the ancient real estate The Chaos Devil is also uncertain.

According to their conservative estimates, there are no tens of thousands of chaotic devils in the top ten realm of ‘the wilderness, and there are at least eight thousand.

How many dozens of people have solved so many chaotic devils in the top ten realm? If they are not with Zhou Yang, they may have retired.

"You can rest assured that we will weaken and strengthen first. First solve the chaos of only one or two top ten realm chaos devils, and then solve the strongest chaos."

"The next few chaos may be a little troublesome. The strongest chaos is almost the chaotic demon of more than a thousand top ten realms. However, you don't have to worry, I will also shoot."

Zhou Yang calmly said.

At the crucial moment, you can also mobilize the reincarnation army and the game npc army, he can completely control the situation.

The Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of Luocheng, etc., "". 2k novel reading network

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