History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1631: 108 products chaotic purple lotus

[Title: Worst owner 1631st chapter one hundred and eight Purple Lotus product of chaos: the Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the peak of the small peasant, the eternal dragon king legend, the ancient king of the king, the refining of the peak, the five elements of the heavens, the door of the heavens, the choice of the heavenly king, the night, the king, the counter-scale, the sacred sacred sacred candle, the nine yin, just broke through to become the tenth-order top realm level, about also In the case of one or two Hongyuan eras, facing the customers of Wanjielou, which are almost all the top ten realms of the old brand, they were still besieged. Without any accident, the ancestors and the sorrows were killed in the wild world.

There was only one doubt in his mind before he died. Is he not a passer? Not the protagonist? How can it fall? Moreover, I don’t know why it’s fallen for those reasons. Why do those people kill him?

He came to the ruined era without knowing it, and he did not know how to fall.

It is only the beginning to suppress the chaotic world where the ancient real estate is located. Zhou Yang, with the Emperor of Heaven and the like, began to move to the chaotic world of one side, constantly suppressing the chaotic demon of the top ten realm.

Among these chaotic and chaotic worlds, there are ‘crossing’ to the era of the wilderness, becoming a chaotic world with a sacred spirit, a chaotic world with three thousand chaotic devils coexisting, a chaotic world with chaotic chaos, and so on.

From one side of the chaotic world, there is only one chaotic demon in the top ten realm of the tenth order, and then one chaotic world has two or three chaotic devils in the top ten realm of the top ten. In today's chaos, there are five chaotic devils in the ten-order top realm.

In today's situation, everyone in Wanjielou still has an absolute advantage.

Because, in the chaotic world of each side, the ten-order top realm chaos demon is almost opposite, and everyone in the Wanjielou can attack and attack. In this case, there are no casualties, and no customer has been hit hard. .

The Heavenly Emperor and others are suppressing the chaotic world of one side, and Zhou Yang is not idle. Before the hands of the Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor, he will use the Chaos Yuanling Fairy Pot to search all the treasures in the chaotic world.

When the Heavenly Emperor and others started, Zhou Yang was doing alchemy.

This time, I recovered so many top-level souls of the chaotic demon gods, plus the ten-order top realm of the game of the game light ball and the main **** light ball, these are raw materials, he needs to be processed.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Yang is using these ten-order top realm to refine the medicinal herbs.

For example, the 10th-order top realm chaos demon in the recycling of the multi-universe is the best material for his refining.

Chaos kills the devil and refines it into a chaotic killing avenue. The chaotic five elements of the demon are refined into a chaotic five-line avenue, and the chaotic space demon is refined into a chaotic space avenue and so on.

These categories of chaotic rules, Avenue Dan, the role is to allow the user to enter the state of enlightenment for a moment, and to understand the avenue rules of the Chaos Demon God's enlightenment corresponding to the refinement of the chaos.

If you take the chaotic space avenue Dan, and refine the chaotic space avenue corresponding to the chaotic space demon, the chaotic space avenue itself is the tenth-order mid-level level, when the refining chaotic space avenue Dan, there will be a moment, Peek into the chaotic space avenue of the tenth-order mid-level.

If there is enough space for chaos, it may be possible for an ordinary person to comprehend the spatial rules of the tenth-order mid-level in a short period of time to reach the level of the corresponding chaotic space demon.

"One hundred and eight products chaotic purple lotus?"

After once again suppressing one of the chaotic worlds, Zhou Yang and his entourage appeared on a huge purple lotus platform. Zhou Yang saw twelve pieces of black lotus, twelve merits, and so on. Chaos Qinglian, for the first time, saw a lotus stand that looked like a flower.

Although it is like a purple-gold flower, but one hundred and eight products chaotic Zijinlian is like the size of the world tree, huge and vast, every purple gold lotus on the top may have a world size.

In the center of the top of the chaotic purple lotus, there is a huge figure lying on the plate. This figure seems to be sleeping, and it seems to be practicing.

Moreover, this huge figure and the ancient buildings around Wanyang are not different in appearance, but the size of the two is different.

Perhaps it should be said that when the real estate of the Wanshang Building is restored to its true size, the two may be described in exactly the same way, whether it is appearance or size.

"Is it still gestating?"

Zhou Yang’s gaze moved away from the hundred and eight-piece Zijinlian, overlooking the entire chaotic world, and found that in addition to the huge purple lotus platform in front of him, there are twenty-ninety-nine huge chaotic color energy clusters, and countless Small chaotic color energy group on the 1st.

This side of the chaos is still in the gestation period, whether it is three thousand chaotic devils, or chaotic beasts, still growing.

"How to do?"

Zhou Yang's brow is slightly wrinkled, and some are difficult.

These chaotic devils and chaotic beasts are immersed in the sound of the avenue. Although they have long been self-conscious, they have never left their place of birth.

If you just suppress them all, it seems that some can't be said.


At this moment, the huge sound of the one hundred and eighty chaotic Zijinlian stage suddenly stood up, and the sky was screaming, and the thundering sound of the sky seemed to spread the whole chaos.

Pangu’s loud noise is like a signal. In the chaos, a chaotic color energy group breaks open, and the ones are huge, and the body shape is just a little chaotic demon **** slightly smaller than Pangu. One after another, a huge roar is heard. sound.

These chaotic devils shouted in the sky, and there was a hint of joy and endless murder in the voice.

Every chaotic demon **** is noble, even those chaotic beasts that are inferior and inferior are noble. They are all born under the gestation of Chaos Avenue, listening to the sound of the avenue.

Each of the three thousand chaotic demon gods corresponds to a complete chaotic avenue rule, from beginning to end ~www.readwn.com~ is just listening to a complete chaotic avenue.

The chaotic avenue rules corresponding to the chaotic beasts are somewhat complicated. Although they hear a lot of avenues, they are intermittent and chaotic. There are hundreds of chaotic avenue rules, and even one or two thousand chaotic avenues. rule. .

However, whether it is Chaos Demon and Chaos and Beast, they are all born out of Chaos Avenue, and they are born with great elegance.

Just because every birth is noble, in addition to them, there are other chaotic devils or chaotic beasts. Their first thought is to kill other chaotic devils or chaotic beasts and become the only noble in the chaotic world. presence.

At the end of the sound of the avenue, it seems as if the chaotic world has started robbery, some nearby chaotic beasts and chaotic beasts are killed, some nearby chaos demon and chaotic demon gods are killed, some nearby chaotic beasts and chaotic demon gods are killed, everywhere It’s all killing.

“It’s better to move them all into the game world?”

Zhou Yang thought for a moment.

In the future game world, it will become a world dedicated to speeding up the task of speeding up cultivation.

Wanjielou customers enter the absorption of energy, which will cause the game world to be weak, just to move some chaotic demon gods that are not good to kill in the top ten realm of the world to the game world.

After the decision, under the command of Zhou Yang, the desolation and other people began to shoot.

These newly awakened chaos devils, among which the strongest five chaotic devils have just entered the top ten realm of the tenth, are not opponents of the desolation and other people, not forced into the game world, or forced into the game world.

"Have I not been abandoned?"

The game light ball suspended in Zhouyang’s side, and the words stopped, and finally did not say anything.

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