History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1633: The crowded Wanjie Building

Wanjielou customers also clearly remember that at the beginning of Wanjielou, the owner was interested in the Korean ginseng. Many customers collected a large number of Korean ginseng transactions to Wanjielou, and they all got good returns.

On another occasion, the shop owner had expressed a certain resentment against the Xiongnu. The army of the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty directly destroyed the Xiongnu family. Now the three countries of the late Han Dynasty have been under the protection of the Wanjielou.

These things are not secret and secret, and they are not open to the public. As long as there are certain people who buy Wanjielou customers, they know one or two.

Nowadays, Wanjielou suddenly has more and more of Pangu, which has become a commodity. To a certain extent, it is very likely that the shopkeeper is carrying the ten-order top realm customers of Wanjielou in the blood of the Pangu.

"Do we have Pangu in the world?"

The Eight-Power Allied Forces Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen and others looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes. If there was a Pangu existence, they decided to suppress Pangu.

Wanjielou continues to develop and progress. Their Eight-Power Allied Forces have a certain reputation among the low-end customers and high-end customers of Wanjielou.

However, among the top customers of the Wanjie Building, the Eight-Power Allied Forces are unknown. Perhaps many top forces have gradually forgotten their existence.

The eight-nation coalition army Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao, Song Huizong Zhao Wei and others, will be willing?

The opportunity that is now in front of you may increase their position in the minds of shopkeepers. As long as the Wanjie Building supports the Eight-Power Allied Forces a little, it will be a breeze to become the top strength of the Wanjie Building.

"We may not have a Pangu existence in our world, but we can enter other worlds to hunt Pangu."

Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi looked cold and secluded.

Their forces of the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered the bottleneck period, and they must rely on certain external forces. In the Wanjie Building, is there a stronger external force than the owner?

The other members of the Eight-Power Allied Forces are also looking fiercely. They scan around the Wanjielou customers and want to search for some Wanjielou customers who have a Pangu existence in the world and reach a certain cooperation with them.

"To count the world in which the Shaolin Temple Buddhism has the Pangu world, let us take a look at the situation. If someone takes a shot at Pangu, we will immediately take the shot and completely suppress all the Pangu in these worlds."

Shaolin Temple Buddhism sweeps the floor with no expression, said.

Similar to the thoughts of the eight-nation coalition army Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen and others, the old forces of Wanjielou felt a great sense of crisis.

They not only fell out of the status of the first-class forces in the Wanjie Building, but even had the feeling of being forgotten by the Wanjie Building, as if there was a dispensable passerby in the Wanjie Building.

Although they can also accelerate their cultivation through time, their own talents are very limited. They have been practicing in the higher world for 10,000 years, or one million years. There is not much difference.

In order to improve their talents, they must purchase the top products of the Wanjie Building. The top products of the Wanjie Building are mostly traded with barter.

Where do they come up with the top 9 products and even the tenth order?

This discovery may be the opportunity for the rise of Buddhism in Shaolin Temple. As long as the Wanjie Building slightly tilts some resources to their Shaolin Temple Buddhism, or assigns them some specific tasks, the rise of Shaolin Temple Buddhism is just around the corner.

"The Pangu Building connected to the world is dangerous."

The Hongyao Entrepreneur Unlimited Group’s prospective Taoist, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and other people looked calm, and there was also a glimmer of doubt in their eyes. Did they join the ranks of hunting Pangu?

Moreover, there was a Pangu in the world where they lived, but Pangu fell when he opened the sky.

Did they resurrect Pangu and then kill him?

For a time, among the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building, countless customers have emerged with a hint of killing.

Although the top customers and shopkeepers of Wanjielou do not know which side to enter the world to perform the world mission, there are still a large number of ten-order realm customers in Wanjielou.

After many times of acceleration time missions, some of the realms of Wanjielou have been stagnant in the top 9 realm of the realm. Most of them have broken through into the top ten realm, which has raised the number of tenth-order realm customers in Wanjielou. .

The Pangu they have to deal with are all connected to the world of Wanjielou. Even if there is Pangu, the strength is at most about the tenth level, and they are fully capable of suppressing.

"I remember that the world task that the owner went to perform seems to be the ancient release of the Wanxiang real estate."

At this moment, among the people on the sixth floor of Wanjielou, suddenly a customer was a little surprised.

Although his voice is somewhat low, most of the Wanjielou customers still heard it.

Wanye Real Estate has released a mission to kill the original Pangu? Then caused the situation of Wanjielou?

The customers of Wanjielou, who had been surging on the Pangu murder, have become sober in their minds and thought of a more reasonable possibility~www.readwn.com~ If the owner is disgusted with Pangu, how can he accept the world task released by Pangu, and also bring Pangu together to perform the world mission?

Thinking of this possibility, many customers in Wanjielou were somewhat disappointed. Wanxiang real estate aversion to other Pangu, and the owner's dislike of Pangu is completely different concepts.

Not to mention the ancient real estate is the top ten realm of the tenth, that is, the real estate in the world is the eleventh realm, even if it shows the feelings of disgusting other world Pangu, they will not take care of it.

However, there are some customers who speculate that the shopkeeper may not be guilty of Pangu, but they are not going to admit that they are still planning to suppress the original world of Pangu, or enter other worlds to suppress several Pangu, and sell them to Wanjielou.

In this wrong way, express their loyalty to Wanjielou.

However, the customers in the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building soon became more and more embarrassed and stunned.

They found that Pangu, among the crystal counters on the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building, was even more mad with a horrible number.

More than 300 Pangu more than 500 Pangu more than a thousand Pangu

The people in Wanjielou have become empty. There is only one idea. What kind of world did the shopkeepers enter? Why are there so many Pangu exist? Why are there so many top ten realms?

There are more than a thousand Pangu in the top ten realm, and thousands of other top chaos devils are even more.

The area of ​​the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building has expanded at least twice as fast as the speed of the naked eye, in the madness of expansion, and the blink of an eye.

"What are the shopkeepers doing?"

Everyone in Wanjielou is full of eyes, and everyone is filled with incomparable curiosity.

Is it in the crazy acceleration of the chaotic world, and then the shopkeepers in the crazy slaughter of chaos in the world of Pangu and three thousand chaos demon?

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