History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1643: The golden finger system is the strongest

[Title: Worst owner 1640th strongest chapters of Goldfinger System: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

Strongly recommended: Struggle in the red building Wulian peak five elements Tian Xuanjie's door to choose the day to remember the night king of the king against the scales of the sacred sacred snow lord lord eternal dragon king legend "you are the game master and the main **** control?"

The golden light ball was silent and plain.

Although there is endless anger in the heart, the golden light ball still keeps his voice as calm as possible.

He can't create super-grade gold fingers, he can't trade super-degrade goods, but the game light ball and the main **** light ball hand have super-degrade goods.

Whether they traded or created by themselves, it is a fact that the game light ball and the main **** light ball have super-degrade goods.

As the living body of this level, it is too clear that the super-level life is precious.

The main **** light ball and the game light ball have super-depletion treasures, and he has no super-level treasure, he has fallen behind.

Moreover, this is not a small step, but a step of a divide.

If he can't get the super-depletion treasure, he can't trade from Wanjielou to the ultra-degraded goods. The main **** light ball and the game light ball with super-level treasures are likely to take the next step and reach the next realm.

"You are the golden finger? What about your golden finger?"

The game's light ball smiled and apparently knew that it was wrong.

The words of the golden finger, the protagonist, the villain, etc., are not strange words in the Wanjielou.

As long as there is a certain communication with the customers of Wanjielou, you will know the meaning of these words.

"Are you going to surpass me? Give you a chance."

The main **** of light is also sneer at the side.

"The super-destructive chaos demon **** next to you is what I killed. You will surpass me now."

The Wanjielou strong list is based on the record of the record. He can kill the super-destructive chaos demon. Even if the golden light ball kills 10,000 ten-order top realms, the record of golden light ball can't surpass him. .

As long as the golden ball can't suppress the super-level life, or suppress the higher life, otherwise his record will always be under him.

Even the record is far lower than him, how can he surpass him in wealth?

The super-de-supplied treasure and the ten-order top treasure are completely two kinds of treasures that cannot be compared, just like the difference between heaven and earth.

"The smell of gunpowder is very strong!"

Everyone in Wanjielou heard the conversation between the golden light ball, the game light ball and the main **** light ball. Although the sound was very dull, it was still able to hear the deep contempt and sarcasm.

If it is not in Wanjielou, maybe three of them will fight.

"The main god's light ball is really powerful, and it can kill the super-level life body, but it is higher in the top ten top realm."

Someone couldn't help but admire.

The main **** light ball ranks second on the Wanjielou strong list. Everyone in Wanjielou knows that he is very strong. Now the main **** light ball kills the super-destructive chaos demon god, which completely shows one thing, the strength of the main **** light ball. Become a new ladder.

If the game's light ball can't come up with the corresponding record, then the main god's light ball will become the first in the list of the strongest people in the Wanjie Building.

Moreover, the realm of the game light ball, the wild Emperor, the Luocheng Lord and others will also lower the level of the light of the Lord God, rather than the previous ambiguity.

"It seems that the Chaos Demon who suddenly appeared in the Wanjielou should be killed by the former **** of light and other people who performed the world mission before."

On the sixth floor of the Wanjie Building, everyone's eyes continually patrol the main light ball, the game light ball and the golden light ball. They are curious and the only thing that disappoints them, whether it is the game light ball, the main **** light ball, or the gold. The light balls, they are all spheres, have no facial expressions, and can't see the inner thoughts of the three people from the facial changes of the game light ball, the main **** light ball and the golden light ball.

"The super-destructive chaos demon in your hands is the reward for this world mission?"

The golden ball was not angry, but asked urgently.

He found a key message from the words spoken by customers around the Wanjielou.

Before the Lord God's light ball did not kill the record of the super-dead life body, as the existence of the multi-space master, the main **** light ball could not succumb to the game light ball in order to hide its own strength.

That is to say, the reason why the main **** light ball and the game light ball have the super-destructive chaos demon is likely to be the reward of their world mission.

If he can participate in the corresponding world mission, he will also be able to get paid for the super-degraded treasure.

Compared with the super-degraded treasures, it is the real brain damage to continue the battle with the main **** light ball and the game light ball.


The game's light ball was slightly stunned and the heart was a little disappointed.

The golden light ball is much calmer than the main god's light ball, and the verbal confrontation cannot make him lose his mind.

Under the circumstance of being ridiculed by the lightball of the Lord and the Lord, he was able to maintain his senses and focus his attention on the most critical places.

The game's light ball is not concealed. He knows very well that this matter is very good to inquire. Just ask any customer of Wanjielou, and then according to the changes of Wanjielou, you can guess that he and the main **** can not be before the lightball. Create super-degrade items.

Since it is impossible to conceal how long the news, it is better to tell the golden light ball to show his generosity and broad mind.

"How can we participate in the world mission?"

Although the golden light has a guess in the heart, but after hearing the affirmative answer of the game light ball ~www.readwn.com~ still incomparably excited, directly flew to the side of the game light ball, the voice trembled.

He can't wait in his heart and wants to participate in the world mission.

"Why should I tell you?"

The game light ball sneered.

This level of world mission can be met without a single person.

What's more, the release and notification of the world's missions is not something he can do. Wanjielou does not regularly publish different levels of world missions. Except for the owner, no one knows when there will be a world mission.

Even if he wants to tell the golden ball, there is no way.

The golden mist on the golden light ball rushed out, gradually becoming stable, slowly rising, and opening the way. "How about a bet?"

"What bet?"

The game light ball is curious.

To know that he has now got the body of the super-destructive chaos demon, and what kind of changes will be caused by putting the super-destructive chaos demon body in the original world. He is still unclear, and the golden light ball is probably unclear.

In this extremely unclear situation, the golden light ball even dared to gamble with him, it was really timid.

"We are all multiverse masters, want to reflect more of the world, not as good as we make a bet, choose the same world, choose different hosts, and prove who's system is stronger."

"In one day, whoever chooses a stronger host will prove who has a strong cultivation system."

"The bet is one of my origins, and your body is a super-dead chaotic devil."

A golden mysterious energy of the size of a fist floats on the golden ball, and the tone is filled with incomparable confidence.

The heavens and the world, the strongest cultivation system is the golden finger system. Even if there are some changes, the game light ball does not want to surpass him. 2k novel reading network

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