History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1679: You are the weak

[Title: Worst owner 1670th IX of you is weak: Antarctic sun]

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From the words of the birds and the kings, the Wanjielou people got a key message, suppressing the unknown existence of the four real souls of the game lightball, not a force, but a person?

Xiao Jingang alone can hold the four true spiritual life of the game light ball, what is the taboo level of his own realm?

"Little King Kong? Is there still King Kong? Big King Kong?"

"Is Xiaojingang a 12th-order realm? Otherwise, how can there be such a terrible strength?"

"I don't think the power of the multi-universe where the bird is not pulling the king is so strong? I don't know what the realm of the bird is not pulling the king?"

"I don't know that the four true spirits of the game's lightballs have been suppressed by Xiaojinang. Is it the conspiracy of the birds and the little King Kong? Or Xiaojingang himself realizes that the four true spirits of the game lightball have entered the multiverse of his life. Only to suppress it?"

The Wanjielou people whispered in a whisper, and there was a trace of awe in their eyes.

The game's light ball four real spirits in the Wanjielou can be said to be the strongest few people, is the eleventh-order realm of the high above, and now is actually being held by a person, and, there is no resilience.

To know that the bird does not pull the king from entering the bug multiverse, then return to the Wanjielou, just a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, the bird did not pull the king to see the four true spirits of the game light ball being suppressed. In the face of the terrible strength of Xiao Jingang, the four true spirits of the game light ball are simply vulnerable.

Not to mention the war between the eleventh-order realms, that is, the battle between the practitioners of the nine-order realm. It is also normal for a war to last for a long time. The battle between the eleventh realms is a few chaotic eras. It won't be surprising.

The battle between the four real souls of the game and the little Jingang is only a few minutes, and it is also stunned by Xiao Jingang. The gap in power is not at one level.

The game's light ball four real spirits heard the whispering voice of the customers around Wanjielou, and the mood became gloomy.

The Wanjielou people simply did not doubt whether the bird was not lying, whether it was lying, skipping the stage of doubt and starting to guess the realm of Xiaojinang.

This situation, all of which indicates one thing, everyone in Wanjielou has fully believed that their four real life bodies have been suppressed by Xiaojinang.

Perhaps there is still a guess in the hearts of everyone in Wanjielou that they did not say it. How did they escape from Xiaojingang’s hands?

According to the words of the birds not pulling the king, Xiao King Kong has the absolute suppression of their strength, they naturally can not sneak away.

Then there is only one possibility. They have a certain kind of 'agreement' with Xiao Jingang.

Perhaps Xiao Jingang knows the origins of the four true spiritual lifes of the game light ball. In order to prevent the shots of the Wanjielou, it is helpless to put the four true spirits of the game light ball.

Or, as the bird does not pull the king, the four true spirits of the game light ball do not know what the price paid, and saved a life in Xiaojinang.

It may be the agreement of the humiliation of the four real souls of the game light ball, Xiao Jin just put them.

Everyone in Wanjielou is still very awake. Discussing the strength of Xiaojinang, the four true spirits of the game lightball are disgusting in their hearts, but they can't say anything, and they will not vent their anger to everyone in Wanjielou.

However, if you directly uncover the pains of the four real life bodies of the game light ball, maybe the other party is angry and angry, the consequences are not what they can control.

"The birds don't pull, you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense."

‘仙’ looks dull as water, and can’t help but swear.

Whether it is him or the real life body such as the game light ball, to carry out your own cultivation system, you need to maintain your own mystery and invincibility.

If they are labeled with ‘failure’, ‘repressed’, ‘incompetent’, etc., it will seriously affect the implementation of their cultivation system.

To know that they themselves represent the pinnacle of a cultivation system. If it is an illusion to the customers of Wanjielou, even if the cultivation of the immortal system reaches the real life of the spirit, it is only a very weak existence of the same realm, and everyone in Wanjielou will choose to practice. Is his cultivation system?

"Small King Kong is only lucky enough to have eleventh-order combat power, but it is flawed everywhere. If the method is right, a ninth-order realm practitioner can kill him."

The golden light ball is also an explanation.

If the words of the birds do not pull the king are settled, the level of strength of their four real spirits will be weakened in the invisible.

In the unlikely event that Xiaojingang entered the Wanjielou, and was suppressed by the tenth-order realm customers of Wanjielou, and even the nine-order realm customers, how do they get away from themselves?

Strong outside? Paper tiger? What is the table?

"The multiverse that you are in, special is not its own beings, but the highest rules. Even if some strengths are weak, they will be given the ability of some of the highest rules by the multiverse."

The main **** light ball is also standing out ~www.readwn.com~ to argue.

In the position that they have not been suppressed by Xiao Jingang, their positions of the four real spirits are the same.

The reincarnation he controls can be defeated, but he himself cannot be defeated. As long as he is undefeated, the system of the main **** is one of the strongest cultivation systems.

Once he is defeated, the Lord God system will instantly become a second-rate cultivation system.

"You defeated Xiaojinang? So the corpse of Xiaojinang? Take it out and let us see and see."

The bird does not pull the king to hear the words, a slight glimpse, the face is disdainful, apparently does not believe the words of the four true spiritual life of the game light ball.

After he entered the Wanjie Building, he had not tested his own strength and did not want to test his strength. He did not know what strength he was in.

In his mind, he is invincible. Only a few people can be his opponents. One is the owner of the Wanjielou, and the other is Xiaojinang who once defeated him. No one else is worried.

Xiao Jingang can defeat him in his ‘weakness’ state. How can such a strong strength be defeated in the hands of the game’s light ball?

Moreover, from the performance of the four true spirits of the game light ball into the Wanjielou, they know that they have nothing to gain.

If you really suppress Xiaojinang, the first time they enter the Wanjie Building, I am afraid that they will throw out Xiaojinang to show their strong strength.

However, the four true spirits of the game light ball did not do this, but explained in a weak language with a pale language.

In this case, the meaning is self-evident.

Only the weak will try to convince the opponent with the language, and the strong speak with the facts.

The game light ball four real life bodies, "".

What enemies do we have, what grievances?

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