[Title: Worst first owner Thousand six hundred eighty-seven fairy Author: Antarctic sun]

The latest chapter in the history of the strongest shopkeeper 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" full pinyin, very good to remember! Good-looking novel

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Whether it is the Yaozu or the Wanjielou people, the look is a little weird, and there is deep doubt in the heart.

In addition to letting the demon who joined the demon court register the information, the demon emperor revealed the side, and then entered the demon court, and never came out.

Moreover, the environment in the demon court far exceeds the expectations of everyone in Wanjielou.

Among the demon courts, it is a small world, and all the demon people in the Wanjie Building have no problem. Even if the number of demon people in the Wanjie Building is ten times larger, the inner space world in the demon court can be easily Hosted.

For the space world in the demon court, there is no accident in the Wanjielou people. The value of this mustard space type is very general. The general eighth and ninth levels can be easily purchased, not to mention the demon king. Jun.

What really shocks them is the environment in the demon court.

In the demon's court, every distance of about one kilometer, you can see a spring spring eye, spit aura, almost every ten miles there is a fairy mountain, scent of scent, aura of fog, there are many Essence, magic and spiritual ore.

This kind of small world like a fairyland, even in the vast world connected by the Wanjie Building, is also a top hole in the heavens.

Moreover, as the more and more demon, the richer the scent, the elixir can be seen everywhere, the fairy gold, the chaotic stone are looming, and even there are many heaven and earth roots, even in the top world of the wild world, I am afraid it is very It is difficult to find such a top fairy environment.

However, the deeper the space world within the enchanting court, the greater the pressure, the deepest space world of the enchanting court, and even the strong ten-level realm can not set foot.

Any demon who joins the demon court can live in the demon court, and as long as they can refine the elixir medicine into the elixir, the spirit material ore can be used as a magic weapon, which can be used by itself, almost white. Send the Yaozu alchemy materials and refining materials. .

Everyone in Wanjielou only saw the power of enjoyment in the information published by the demon court. However, there is no requirement. If you want to enjoy any conditions in the demon court, you must join the demon court. Among them.

In addition, the Wanjielou people really can't think of any other requirements.

“Is it really only to support the Yaozu?”

Everyone in Wanjielou looks strange and said.

They can see that the information released by the demon court is entirely for the sake of the Yaozu. In order to cultivate their ability to refine the medicinal herbs and refine the magic weapon, it is more in the long run to cultivate the learning ability and creativity of the Yaozu.

If the Yaozu is in the demon's court, facing the temptation of free treasures such as elixir, fairy medicine, and spiritual minerals, even if you are stupid and lazy, you will not be able to learn the technique of alchemy.

In this environment, from the beginning of passive learning and creation, habits, learning and creation will become their instinct.

"This is really amazing."

Some customers who thought that the Emperor Emperor Jun had any intrigues and tricks were slightly embarrassed, and the voice was a little dry.

They thought that the demon emperor was very thoughtful, who knows that the demon emperor seems to be really unselfish to the demon, this kind of mistake of the gentleman's belly, so that their conscience has been condemned so much.

"If the Yaozu is supported by the Emperor Emperor, isn't it possible to rise soon?"

Some customers frowned, and their eyes sparkled with different eyes.

The industry occupied by the Yaozu has always been the industry at the lowest end of the Wanjie Building. The blood of the beasts, the collection of heaven and earth elixir, mounts, etc., are often involved in the industry with very little profit.

However, under the cultivation of the demon emperor, the Yaozu will soon explode the vitality of the human race, quickly occupy the mid-end market of Wanjielou, and even the high-end market can occupy a part.

Even if the Yaozu rises now, it can't compete with the Terran. Since it is not against the Terran, then the share of the Yaozu is the market share of the Wanshang Building owned by other races.

Especially after the Emperor Emperor Jun proposed the concept of the Yaozu, the Yaozu naturally had a slight isolation from other races. If there is cooperation, it will certainly tend to cooperate with the same people.

At this time, the talents of Wanjielou found that the appearance of the Emperor Emperor Jun is a golden opportunity for the Yaozu, but for other races in Wanjielou, it is a very bad news.

Although everyone in Wanjielou did not say it clearly, everyone knows very well that the status of the Yaozu in the Wanjie Building has been at the bottom.

Wanjielou refining medicinal herbs often use demon blood or demon, and everyone in Wanjielou chooses to mount, and the subconscious will choose the beast, the meat of the food street of Wanjielou, and the monster meat eats almost 80%.

However, as soon as I think of the realm of the demon emperor's ultra-departure, the hostility generated by some customers in Wanjielou is dissipated in an instant, and there is only endless helplessness.

In addition to the real life of Wanjielou, only the ridiculous Tiandi Emperor has the strength to fight with the Emperor Junjun. However, who knows when the Emperor of Heaven will succeed in the robbery?

The true life of the game light ball is the top market of the Wanjie Building. There is no conflict of interest with the Yaozu and the Emperor Emperor. They have no reason to suppress the Emperor.

As the Yaozu was immersed in the splendid beauty of the demon court, the other ethnic groups in the Wanjielou complexed to go outside the demon court.

Some customers reveal their envious eyes, and some customers reveal their fearful eyes. www.readwn.com~ Some customers reveal the cold eyes and cold eyes, etc. Customers have different emotions for the appearance of the demon court.

However, the most emotional customers are those who belong to the lowest end of the Wanjie Building, the barbarian, the beasts, the goblin, the Bimen and so on.

In the past, the demon family who sold blood and walked the barren mountain ridge to find the treasure of the elixir, even because a big demon entered the Wanjie Building, completely turned over and brought them too much shock.

Although it can't be said that the Yaozu has the help of the Emperor Emperor Jun, each Yaozu can become the top powerhouse. However, the cultivation resources they enjoy have reached the middle level of the Wanjie Building in a moment, even close to the higher level. You don't need to sell demon blood, sell scales, sell fur, etc., skip the most original transaction, and maybe become a technology demon in the future.

This kind of original classmate is just an ordinary ordinary student. In a blink of an eye, it has become a rich second generation. There are cars and houses, huge gaps, and they have endless complex emotions in their hearts. They are embarrassed, unwilling, envious.

"You can't join the demon court. This is the conspiracy of the demon emperor. As long as you join the demon court, you are the enemy of me. I am the real life of the eleventh realm. I am the enemy. You should know the consequences, as long as you You are now announcing the withdrawal of the demon court, I am not guilty!"

At this moment, a strange shape, beautiful colors, look of anxious and horrified figure, directly into the demon court, the voice of cold ice, roaring.

This grotesque figure looks like a glamorous fox at first glance, looks like a sly snake in the second, and looks like a rough pig in the third. Every time it looks like it looks different. However, when you stare at it, it seems to have seen the most perfect fairy in the world. 2k novel reading network

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