History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1711: Terran VS All Saints

"Go out~"

Inside the shrine, the gods "Wang Lin", the devil 'Su Ming' and the ghost 'Bai Xiaochun' looked at each other and looked at each other with a smile and walked toward the magic hall.

They are different from the Lord of Luocheng. From the very beginning, the Luocheng masters were the powerful people who were tied with the Emperor of the Wild, and had sufficient prestige in the influence of the Terran parties. Especially when the Luocheng Lord once killed the black snake, it benefited the Wanjie Building. Less forces are highly respected by the Terran parties.

The three of them are different. They have just broken through to the top ten realm. No matter the prestige and appeal, they can't compare with Luocheng.

The center of this storm is the magic hall. If they stand up and lead the Terran rebellion, there may be only a handful of human forces in response to the call.

Therefore, the three of them intend to wait for the 'magic' to take the shot, the real life of the real body is also the means, the most effective means of revenge, in a short time to promote the customers of their same world to the top ten realm, and then suppress and They have people who are related, lead them back to the original world, and suppress them in the original world.

Wang Lin, Su Ming and Bai Xiaochun also had such a plan. The three did not even have any words and exchanges. Without eye contact, they understood their thoughts. They carried the heads of those who were strengthened and stepped on the 'magic. 'Upper position, then called on the forces of the various ethnic groups to unite and counter the forces of all parties.

The quickest way to increase prestige is to suppress strong enemies. They even hope that 'magic' can demonize the top ten demons of about 10 people, then they carry the heads of these devils, fan the face of the 'magic', ascend One call, who wins and who is negative, is still unknown.

However, the Luocheng main station comes out differently. With the prestige of the Luocheng Lord as long as it stands out, at least half of the Terran forces will support the Luocheng Lord.

"I really hope that I can't control myself. I really hope that the world will be broken."

The world of the tomb of the gods, the alliance of the heavens, the battle of Chen, Chen Nan, the solitude of the gods, the devil and so on are also walking quickly toward the magic hall. The devil is white and snowy, and his face is cold and arrogant, and his eyes are full of thick The war, I can’t wait to fight now, kill him and turn it upside down.

The strength of the Lord has reached the tenth-order high peak. He feels that he only needs to kill a ten-order top creature. Breaking through the top ten realm is a matter of course.

"It’s been a long time since it’s so hot!"

Chen battles a red-red armor, like a burning flame, thick black hair, no wind and self-improvement, dragons and tigers, with a hint of excitement in the tone.

Although the time of penance can be completed in time, but there is no real strongman to fight.

This time against the many forces of the Wanjie Building, there must be a lot of top ten elites waiting for him to harvest.

"The races are too arrogant. They don't know the roots of the Terran. This time, we are going to fight and they are shaking."

The singer and the singer of the singer, the British rushing, like the Holy Emperor walking on earth, he and the devil, Chen war in general, I am looking forward to this war.

Even if other forces avoid it, they must take the initiative to attack.

"This time is a grand event for the Terran. You have been friendly for a long time."

Hongmeng Group, Lin Meng walked in front, looked calm, smiled, and greeted the people around him.

Hongmeng, who usually dominates everything, usually retired to Lin Meng and was silent.

However, his attitude is very obvious, he supports Lin Meng.

"I was a little bit excited by these people."

Daqian World Group, Yan Di Xiao Yan and Wu Zulin are fascinating, and there are talks and laughter. Yan Di Xiao Yan’s eyes glanced around in a circle, and the people of all ethnic groups gathered constantly to the magic hall.

"Some races don't see the situation. This time, let them take a good look. The Terran is not what they can provoke."

Wu Zulin's moving face is disdainful.

The strength of the Terran is too scattered. Although the forces of the Wanjielou all know that the human race is strong, there is no clear conceptual understanding. Therefore, the taboos of the Terran are limited.


Taking the magic hall as the center, the forces of the various ethnic groups come together from all directions, as if the rivers and rivers are gathering in the sea. After a while, the masses of people gather around the temple, and there are hundreds of people in the forefront, at least hundreds of people. They are all ten-order realms.

"6666666, this is the big battle of the weeping ghosts. Although it hasn't been played yet, I have already felt the **** hurricane and saw the blood of the corpse."

Customers who did not participate in the suppression of the Terran were excited and said.

This is probably the biggest battle since the birth of Heaven and Earth.

Unlike the wars of the various worlds in the past, he is not worth mentioning, even though he is a unit of billions of creatures and even billions of people. However, compared with the current war that will break out.

This is a war that will affect the world of thousands of times and the dimensions of hundreds of millions of time and space. The souls of the war can no longer be counted in numbers, but in the world, thousands of worlds, and at the same time.

"Does this ··································

Some of the forces involved in suppressing the Terran, swallowing differently, pale, and bloodless, they feel a little soft.

They only know that the human race is strong, but how can it be strong enough?

The Alliance of Heaven, Chen Zhan, Chen Nan, Mozhu, Duo, and Ghosts, five strong people with ten-level top-level power.

Hongmeng Group, Lin Meng, two Hongmeng, three strong top ten fighters.

Daqian World Group, Yan Emperor Xiao Yan, Wu Zulin, two top ten people with strong top-level power.

Temple, Ghost Hall and Magic Hall, God ‘Wang Lin’, Ghost ‘White Xiaochun’, and Magic ‘Su Ming’, three top ten people in the top realm.


Only the customers of Wanjielou, which has ten top-level combat power, account for more than half of the people.

Terrible, it is terrible.

In addition to the game light ball, the main light ball, the golden light ball, the golden light wave, the 'sin', the 'demon' and the 'magic' seven true spiritual life, the Lich and the two have only three super-departed life bodies, the Black Technology Group can The production of the super-de-level mechanical family is the ten-order top realm.

If the Wanjielou strong list is ranked in the top 100, and the Terran can be on the list, at least 50 or more, what is the concept?

"The number is better than the top ten. I want you to take a look. The gap between you and me is how big."

The faint black gaze of the faint, sparkling with strange cold light, almost for a moment, more than forty members of the Mozu surrounding him, all of whom were applied for permission, and turned into a top ten realm of the demon.

There was excitement in his heart. After this battle, he suppressed all the top powerhouses in the Wanjielou, and then demonized them and allowed them to implement the magical Taoism system. If everything goes well, it will be difficult for him to come to benefit. imagination.

"The ‘devil’ is iron and the human race is dead.”

The forces of the Wanjielou saw the ‘Devil’ suddenly demonized more than forty top ten top Mozus, and they couldn’t help but twitch.

The real life body of the real spirit strengthens the ten-order top realm, and it will definitely pay a great price. Otherwise, the Wanshang Building customers in the Wanshang Building, the main **** system and the system system, have long been everywhere.

The ‘magic’ has paid such a large price, and it has been unable to stop it. Otherwise, it will only be bloodless. He can only defeat the Terran and plunder enough value from the Terran to compensate for this loss.

"I have seen ‘Magic’ adults, and my Chaos Yuanlong represents the dragons to listen to your assignment.”

"I have seen the ‘Magic’ adults, and my Chaos Yuanfeng represents Feng Zu to listen to your assignment.”

"We are both super-departed."

The strong determination of ‘magic’ has obviously affected some of the strong people hidden in the darkness of the Wanshang Building.

The Chaos Yuanlong and the Chaos Yuanfeng are both from the 'Hongyao' and belong to one chaotic world.

When Wanjielou executed the task of suppressing the 'Hongran', the chaotic world where Chaos Yuanlong and Chaoyuan Yuanfeng were located got the news in advance, and they were very lucky. They were suppressed in the game of light **** and the main gods of light. At the time of the chaotic world, the two of them were invited by the Wanjielou.

After they entered the Wanjie Building, they carefully inquired about the content of the smashing of the ‘Hungry’ mission. They soon knew the general content. Pangu released the world mission, and Wanjielou would crack down on all the creatures above the 10,000-level realm.

As the strongest in the ultra-departure, they dare not go back to the original world, and even have been hiding, and dare not let Pangu know.

'Hongyao' was cleaned up, Pangu became the best open-minded person of 'Hongyao' and became the only candidate. It was ended by the chaotic world of the heavens. The forces leaped forward and unknowingly reached the detachment and the strength was completely Beyond them, they are even less willing to return to the original world.

Can not get resources from the original world, then you can only choose Wanjielou, the best opportunity in front of you ~ www.readwn.com ~ grab enough market share from the Terran, instantly integrated the Dragon and Phoenix family, for their use.

"I also joined, I have long been unable to get used to the Terran."

"The Terran is too overbearing. It is simply a locust in the heavens and the world. Everyone has it."

"Multiple lines of injustice will be self-defeating, and the Terran will go against it, and there will be disasters today. I will preside over justice."


The two ultra-departure strongmen who suddenly emerged joined the camp of the 'magic', and the forces of the parties that had been scared by the human race were stunned, and they immediately recovered their enthusiasm. They only felt the darkness, and the current situation, 'magic 'One side has an absolute advantage in terms of top power.

The eleventh-order realm plus two super-departures, the top ten-level combat power of the Terran side, is not worth mentioning.

This war, the Terran may be able to stick to it in the early stage, but no one can resist the 'magic' of the eleventh realm. No one can block the chaotic Yuanlong and Chaoyuan Yuanfeng. The top ten realm of the Terran is strong. Under their suppression, they will soon be lost.

"I just broke through to the demise, and one of them is just right."

The main color of Luocheng is unchanged and calm.

This time is not the time to hide the strength. The war between the two sides has already begun. Now it is a powerful war. Once a certain party wins, it is the moment when the two sides fight at the same time in the world.

"‘魔魔, you apologize now, I can still be unscrupulous, if you are obsessed with it, from now on, you will be unable to do anything in the world.”

Luo Chengzhuo turned and yelled, and did not care about the terrible strength of the ‘Devil’ eleventh level.

Everyone in Wanjielou, "·······".

What is going on in this situation?

Both sides are full of momentum and full of enthusiasm, who can win?

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