History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 1714: Luocheng Lord's ultimate card

Su Ming looked very carefully. When the ‘magic’ demonized the Mozu, it was only a silence. At most, it purchased the magical authority to Wanjielou. There was no communication with the Demon Lord.

Even if there was any exchange before, the 'magic' mentality that just entered the Wanjielou was probably not changed. I thought that I had absolute strength. Even if they strengthened these demons, they would honestly listen to themselves and certainly did not expect to sign specific. Agreement.

Su Ming took this point in mind and came up with this solution.

So early from the magic hall he built, turned to the 'magic' side of the demon, the absolute wall grass, this kind of forgotten Mozu, how they might be able to clamp their 'magic' house Forgetting to die?

After listening to Su Ming’s words, I originally intended to return to the original world’s Mozu, and the footsteps subconsciously stopped.

The benefits have already been taken, why bother to fight for the ‘magic’?

They are now in the top ten realm of the tenth, even if the combat power is far less than the customers of the Wanjielou who have cultivated themselves to the top ten realm, but they are much stronger than they used to, and they have reached the realm they could not imagine before.

Those who depend on the 'magic', some of the three or four levels of realm, the strongest is the sixth-order realm, suddenly became the top ten realm of the top, their mentality instantly inflated, feeling that they are also a character How do you still have to listen to the 'magic' to make irresponsible remarks.

In particular, the last sentence of Su Ming, fallen, nothing.

They are now the top ten realm of the tenth order. With such a strong strength, they can make a fortune in the original world and become a hegemon in the Wanjie Building.

"I can make you and destroy you."

The eyes of the ‘Magic’ black hole reveal an incomparably deep cold light, and his eyes stare at Su Ming, and he does not look at the demons who have been demonized by him.

The first time he entered the Wanjie Building, he investigated the information about Su Ming and naturally met Su Ming.

Su Mingcai is truly despising him. When he knows that the establishment of the demon court will cause certain harm to the 'demon', he even dared to establish the magic hall. From the perspective of Su Ming’s actions, he did not put him in the eye. Even despising him.

The demonized demons saw the ‘magic’ and did not look at them, and they threatened them. This made some of the inflated demonized demons more dissatisfied, but they did not dare to rebut the ‘devil’.

They are the top ten realms that have been demonized. If you fight with the ‘magic, I’m afraid that ‘magic’ will kill them in an instant.

If they openly betray the ‘devil’, the next years, I am afraid that they will only be hiding in the Wanjielou, unless the ‘magic’ is killed.

However, it is impossible for ‘magic’ to let them fight with the Terran. Without certain compensation, they do not intend to fight the Terran, and they do not intend to offend the Terran.

They have already received enough benefits, and the realm of strength has improved by at least four or five major steps, saving them thousands of years.

If there is no ‘magic’, they have no confidence at all to reach the top ten realm. However, they are not grateful for the ‘magic’, only feel that they have made a big bargain.


The Luocheng master could not help but sneer.

Su Ming’s words completely destroyed the morale of more than forty demons under the ‘devil’.

These demonized demons will not die for the ‘devil’ and the human race, nor will they sin and die for the ‘devil’.

Originally, the Lord Luocheng also planned to come up with his own killer. Now Su Ming’s method temporarily suppresses the means of the 'magic,' and he naturally does not hurry to come up with his own cards.

In the momentum of the battle, which side of the card is all exposed first, which side of the momentum will lose one, he would like to see if the 'magic' can not command the demon of the demon, what other means to suppress the human race?

Unless the 'magic' continues to demonize the demon, but the 'magic' has demonized more than forty devils, if you continue to demonize, do not know how much can be magic?

"It is okay to turn all the creatures in your world into demons. Remuneration is a ten-order magic weapon."

The ‘magic’ looks indifferent, turning to the body and calling for more than forty devils to be ordered.

On the one hand, the magic of more than forty devils has already caused him to lose a lot of vitality. If he continues to be demonized, it is likely to cause him to fall asleep.

On the other hand, even if he continues to demonize some of the Mozu, but with the previous comparison, the Mozu who signed the agreement with him will certainly be dissatisfied, and I am afraid that he will be very perfunctory about his orders.

"Ten-order magic weapon?"

Many magical demonizations gave a glance at each other, and they all saw a strong intention from the other's eyes.

Although these demonized demons are the top ten realms, their previous personalities are equivalent to being penniless for them.

Now, as long as you are demonized in the world, you can get such great benefits. These demonized demons are naturally very moving. When they meet the strong people, they can completely escape to Wanjielou.

"Ashura, Bailu, Bie, Chen Tao, Devil Shadow, Black and White, ················································································

Just after the Demon Lord reached an agreement, I planned to return to the original world, and a figure slowly walked out of the crowd and walked.

The figure of the demonized demons seems to have been settled by this, but it just stopped for a moment, and these demonized demons did not hesitate, "We are willing."

More than forty demonized demons face respectfully, and quickly walked to the front of Yue Buqun, holding hands with their hands, and taking the information jade in the hands of Yue Buqun.

Then, these demonized demons disappeared without looking at the ‘magic’.

What **** ‘magic’, following the Wanjie Building is the most correct policy~www.readwn.com~魔', “······”.

Looking at the disappearing, disappearing, demonized demons, and looking at the plain-looking Yue Buqun, the 'magic' body could not help but tremble slightly. The anger in his heart is like the volcano that is about to erupt, but it is impossible. vent.

Wanjielou employees actually intervened.

"Easy to everyone, Wanjielou maintains absolute neutrality and never intervenes in the battle of Wanjielou. Today I am responsible for distributing the world mission. I just feel that the demonized demons are powerful and active, and I chose them to implement those three. World missions."

Yue Buqun has a look of righteousness, a smile, righteous words, loud voice, and Tao.

It is entirely within his authority to hand over certain world tasks to the appropriate customers. Whether or not the customer he chooses accepts the world mission is entirely personal. Wanjielou absolutely does not force anyone to take any world mission. .

“If anyone has an opinion, you can complain to the owner.”

Yue Buqun mixed with a smile of gaze, looked around the square, looked at the figure of a singular chicken, calm.

This is an agreement reached between the people of the Wanjielou and the Luocheng Master after they received the notice from the Luocheng Master. As long as they do not violate the rules of the Wanjielou, they fully cooperate with the actions of Luocheng.

This is also the strongest card of Luocheng! It is also the rogue means that Luocheng Lord does not want to use most.

As long as Luocheng’s master told him, Yue Buqun’s employees of the Wanjielou family could continue to recommend the Devil’s world mission for ten years without violating the rules of the Wanjielou.

Since it can be assigned to the 'magic', it can be assigned to other customers of the Wanjielou, and it is easy to disintegrate the anti-human camp and then break through.


Terran camp, "·······".

The forces of all parties in Wanjielou, "······".

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