History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 186: what do you have

?big sale!

For many customers in the Wanjie Building, I have never heard of this vocabulary before, let alone understand the meaning of this word.

Most of them are not the emperor who is in charge of the world, and the official who holds the authority, is the master of the martial arts school, the ghost of the mountain forest.

What is the big price reduction? This is a vulgar question. They are all small people who care about the inquiries.

However, now that I hear the price reduction of Wanjielou, these people are very excited to be themselves.

Deer Ding remembers the world.

"The abbot is hurrying, what if the goods are bought out?" The first master of the ruthless hall, Xuan Cheng, was impatient and urged the abbot of Cong Cong.

Although I don’t think that these kinds of price reductions in Wanjielou will sell out, but I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it.

If the Shaolin Temple Da Dan Dan is sold out, how can they buy it back to make a treasure in the town?

"Xuancheng's younger brother is not in a hurry, let the brothers calculate again, how many value points can we take at Shaolin Temple?" Auntie Cong has not got a sorghum look, holding an abacus, kneeling on a small bench, putting hands in the hands The abacus was screaming.

"The daily incense can get 3,000 silver, 10,000 or so copper, 12 or so gold, 12 silver can be exchanged for one or two gold. ··································· Take out the biggest limit of Shaolin Temple, and buy enough Shaolin Temple Dadan and some martial arts cheats lost in Shaolin Temple.

The **** sword world.

"The state treasury has a silver one million two, and the gold is 80,000 yuan. Silver can't move, it is eight hundred value points. The households of the households have three million silver and two gold, two hundred and twenty thousand two.... "Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen sat on the dragon chair, holding a white jade abacus, and chanting in his mouth.

"The army that builds a 300-strong intensive liquid medicine needs about 100,000 worth of points. It is not enough. Then a hundred-person pro-military guard, that is, more than 30,000 value points, should be possible." Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen The brow will be wrinkled for a while, and it will be loose for a while.

"Your Majesty, a quarter of an hour has arrived." Wang Chengen, the great **** on the side, was careful.

"Do you want to buy a little medicinal supplement?" Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youqi held the white jade abacus and stood up, his face contemplative. Disappeared in the palace.

Ghost Story World.

"Last month, the old man gave a hundred years of ginseng. On the cliff the day before, he picked a 300-year-old ganoderma lucidum. The old man said that he bought me a bottle of God's liquid. Then I only need to buy qi dan and Washing the marrow can be...······” The little pig demon in the cave, open his own treasure house, one piece of the number.

"Five hundred years of ginseng three strains, one millennium Ganoderma lucidum, the owner hired once, got 1000 value points."

"Buy a bottle of God's liquid for your wife, buy a bottle of God's liquid for your son, and buy a bottle of your own."

"Cultivating and refining the spirits, one family needs three qi dan every day, one pig per week for a pig." In the place where the pig demon is less than a hundred feet, there is a bigger cave.

The pig demon king pig cloud and a pig demon who looks like a small circle, squatting in the cave, also counted their own treasure house.


Wanjie Building!

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! ······

"Now the temple stores gold 500,000 yuan, cancels the Golden Buddha creation plan, the medicine collected by Shaolin disciples in the mountains, about 500 value points, and the legendary world of the night..." Tianlong Babu World Xuanci Abbot And many abbots of Shaolin Temple, sing together and whisper.

A man is lying in the corner, too eye-catching.

Especially those in power, once they find what they say, then it is not good.

Can only choose to be with a lot of abbots, no one bald, those people are embarrassed, close to this range.

This will not hear their voices, it is much safer.

"The inner bank of the cockroach, about 1.5 million gold left."

"There are about 3 million gold in the inner bank."

"The inner bank of the cockroach, there are about 1 million two or so gold."


The emperors naturally stayed together, but their voices were much louder than those of the monks. The emperor was generally a bit high and cold.

However, when I got here, I found that there were too many similar kinds, and there were a lot of words and exchanges. In the past, there was no comparison psychology, and it suddenly flourished.

"One hundred milliliters of demon blood, you can sell ten value points, draw three thousand milliliters to dizzy, sell three thousand milliliters can get ..." in the other corner, a cat demon staring at the cat's head, full of bitterness Tao, "unfortunately you can't sell yourself."

"Selling demon blood can get 200 value points. The price of dog-whip seems to be very expensive?" A pure black dog demon, looked down at his majesty, there were many people, asked about its price, "still forget it. This thing can't be sold, otherwise it won't be happy."

"A fruit sells fifty value points, a total of thirty-six fruits, a bottle of fortified liquid 350 value points, the god's liquid 700 value points, ·········" a peach tree demon, touched A few small fruits on the head, some tangled.

After three years or so of these fruits, there will be a year of sorrow, and a transformation can be made.

Even if he absorbs himself, he can grow a lot. In the end, do you buy intensive liquid or God's liquid?

Wanjie Mall!

"The price of a big jump is only a human treatment. You can give away a bottle of fortified liquid. You can take it away for free." A leopard, full of colorful flowers, shines on the fur brush, and can smell a scent of flowers on it, shouting loudly. ,.

The last auction was because the smell on his body was too heavy. Many of the powerful characters, although somewhat impressed with his mighty appearance, were far away from the smell.

This leopard demon was especially in the process of washing, took three baths, rolled a few times in the flowers, and found that the body was lighter by two points. Is it because there was no bath for thirty years?

"Clean up the big deal! Bodyguard! Hitler! Bring your own equipment! Just a bottle of intensive liquid!" A one-foot-high, dark-skinned, eye-like copper bell, a majestic bear demon ~ www.readwn.com~ waving With about a hundred kilograms of a mace in his hand, he continued to yell.

"Agriculture, post-doctoral degree, suitable for any ancient life, one polished, no family, low treatment requirements, a bottle of intensive liquid medicine, monthly health care, can guide national agricultural cultivation free of charge every year." One with eyes The young man holding an exquisite diploma asked around.

"Beginner of the Platinum in the next starting point, good at ancient novels, proficient in any outfit - forced plot, handy, harem treatment plan, family loaded skills, waste firewood, retreat flow, genius flow, all good."

"Do you want to soak the glamorous princess, when you are a Hummer? Do you want to surpass the poetry Li Bai and become a new generation of poetry? Can you be compared to the **** of wealth and wealth, become a new generation of God of Wealth? One hundred thousand words a day, according to this book to protect you To the peak of life, just 100 value points."

“There is only 350 value points for four jumps.” A middle-aged man with dark circles in his face holds a stack of books in his hands and sells them in front of a rich family.



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